Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 145: I also beg for longevity and I beg you


It was dark in the room.

Gu Yu pushed the door open and entered, but the light suddenly turned on, illuminating the pale white rush mat. The inside is very monotonous, empty on all sides, only a wooden table with a burner of incense placed on it.

This house is a quiet room and bedroom, so there are two rooms inside and outside. Xiao Zhai changed into his nightgown and walked out from the room with a calm expression: "Are you burning with lust again?"

"Don't mess with me, okay?"

With a bitter expression on his face, Gu Yu stammered, "I'm here to apologize."

"Oh? How to say?"

Xiao Zhai sat cross-legged opposite him, with his hands on his cheeks, his thighs were still so white.

"I didn't expect Peach Blossom Miasma to be so toxic that it could break through the aura defense."

He had no restlessness before, and said seriously: "I didn't expect it to directly give birth to desire. After all, my cultivation level is not enough. The action just now was very reckless, and I didn't consider your feelings, sorry."

What he said was very objective and sincere, that is, he told the truth without deliberately trying to excuse himself.

Xiao Zhai's eyebrows were light, he nodded and said, "Well, I accept it, is there anything else?"

"Uh, you're not angry, are you?" he asked cautiously.

"Of course not. You apologized. Why am I still angry? Is there anything else? I'm going to sleep without it."

have to!

Gu Yu will be broken as soon as he hears it, this is a must-kill for girls: You must listen to the series in reverse. I am not angry! The calmer she is, the more you have to coax her, and if you really want to leave, then congratulations, you can buy a Merlot doll for the rest of your life.

For a moment, Gu Yu's mind turned sharply, trying to find a topic, and suddenly said: "There is something! I have figured out how to use that peach blossom miasma, and it can be made into incense."

"Make incense? Are you sure?" She became a little interested.

"I still have certainty. Peach Blossom Miasma has three main characteristics. It is highly corrosive, interferes with the mind, and stimulates lust. I can prepare some special incense pills according to the properties of the medicine. Or aphrodisiac... hey, right!"

He was startled suddenly, as if he had thought of something important, and excitedly said: "Danfang! That Danfang can also work! Yes, why didn't I think of it earlier? We don't have an alchemy furnace, and we don't have a hundred-year-old elixir, but we can reduce the potency accordingly." We now have several kinds of herbs in the Dan Fang. Although they are four or five years old, we don’t use the Dan Furnace, so we can test whether they can be melted into the incense.”

He was originally in a lively atmosphere, but he was really excited while talking, and he said vigorously: "The Qi Gathering Pill can only be taken if you have a congenital or higher level, and the effect is strong, so we will make a low-profile version, even if there is one-fifth, no, It is also good to have one-tenth of the effect!"


Xiao Zhai rested his cheek and listened to Balabala without saying a word, that little interest has long since dissipated. After finally waiting for him to shut up, he said, "That's a good idea, but let's talk about it later, I'm going to bed."

She showed a very tired look, and she stood up and was about to get out of the way.


Gu Yu recalled it now, and quickly called out: "Xiao Zhai..."

"What's the matter?" She leaned against the door of the compartment and asked back.

"me… "

He looked into her eyes and was silent for a moment.

It is said that there must be a link full of rituals when getting along between men and women.

It does not refer to such a grand event or how much money was spent, but something that both parties agree on, such as a short sentence:

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Shall we be together?"

"I love you!" "I love you too!"

No matter how close your heart is, you also need this kind of ritual sense of certification. If you don't have it, then you are definitely not a couple, you can only be regarded as friends (pao).

"I really don't know how to say it, but I suddenly want to say it..."

After a while, he slowly opened his mouth: "My parents died early, and I was brought up by my grandfather since I was a child. I thought that my life would be ordinary, but I accidentally cultivated Taoism. I can't quite explain how I feel now. I feel that I am getting farther and farther away from my previous life. Whether it is friends or enemies, it seems to be becoming less and less important. Especially when I come back this time, this feeling is even stronger. I don’t like this feeling. I always say that saints are ruthless , the heaven and the earth are not benevolent. The purpose of cultivating the Tao is longevity. Maybe when we cultivate to the gods and the earth, we will no longer have human feelings. We regard all living beings as ants, and we only pursue the eternal way for a hundred years. But now, I still A mortal, and some, some things that cannot be suppressed at all, are as important as cultivating the Tao, and are worth cherishing forever. Although I have suffered from peach blossom miasma today, in my heart, in my heart... "

His voice faded and there was a pause.

Xiao Zhai's eyes were frighteningly bright, and he asked with a smile, "What do you want to say?"

"I want to say..."

He looked at the other party, with her shadow reflected in his dark eyes, and said, "I beg for longevity, and I beg you too."


The room suddenly became quiet, and even the time flowed very slowly. After an unknown amount of time, there was only a "puchi".

"Gu Yu, I've known you for so long, I give you full marks for your performance today."

Xiao Zhai finally laughed.

The man in front of me, who has experienced life and death with me, knows each other with one heart, so there is no need to say more. Although he is usually timid, his confession just now really lifted his G-spot, ready to move.

"Oh, it's a pity that it's almost dawn..."

She looked out the window and saw a thin morning light on the top of Dongshan Mountain, she was quite sorry. She turned her head, stretched out her hand suddenly, and grabbed the other party's collar, then moved to her arms, and bit his lip.

Gu Yu hadn't reacted yet, he just felt that the fruit filling just out of the cage was still warm and tender on his lips. Immediately afterwards, a silky strand of hair caressed her cheek, and her ears became hot and humid, with a little itchiness:

"At night, wash up and wait for me."

The so-called strong wind sweeps the fallen leaves, and the rain smashes the plantains.

After clapping their hands happily, the two officially became a couple, oh no, they should be Taoist couples. But they haven't changed much, they still get along with each other in the past, at least Long Qiu, a little virgin, can't tell.

Time is tight, personal issues resolved, and of course business.

There are still about ten days before departure to Tianzhu Mountain. Gu Yu prepared some spices first, and made the incense formally after returning from Tianzhu Mountain. At the same time, he also contacted the Yuan family to dig an additional incense cellar under Daolu.

During this period, he made a special trip to Caohe Estuary, and found that the peach blossom miasma had spread around again, accounting for one-tenth of the entire island. At this rate, within a month, the island will be full of miasma.

Zhang Hongru was so busy that he, together with the police, civil affairs, housing construction and other departments, was fully responsible for the evacuation of the townspeople.

Although Caohekou is a small town, it has a population of tens of thousands. These are not cold statistics, but real people. They want to leave their hometown where they have lived for many years, lose their livelihood, and their prospects are at a loss... Who the hell wants to move

"I won't go! Why do you want us to move? I won't go!"

Outside a residence on the island, a fat lady in her forties yelled at the people who came to persuade her: "What's wrong with the government? The government can't find a reason, so let us move!"

"I've lived here for seventy years, and half of my body has been buried in the ground. In the end, I can't even bury my hometown. Is there anyone like you?"

An old man in his seventies blushed, sat down on the ground, and shouted hoarsely, "I'm going to sit here today, kill me if I can!"

"Wow, grandpa..."

Next to her was a little granddaughter who was in an unknown situation. Seeing the frightening scene, she tugged at her grandpa's clothes and cried loudly.

"I have no house, no job, how do I live in the city? How do I live?"

"The compensation is only a small amount. You don't know how much the house price is in the city now? Let's go, and we can't even afford a toilet. Do you want to go to the street in a group to beg for food?"

"I still have an acre of land, how do I count this land? You are also demolished, so you have to give some?"

Men, women, young and old, noisy and varied, all gathered on this small island. There are even more excited ones, who have already been torn up with each other, and want to do it with the guy.

The government officials were so overwhelmed that they didn't dare to use violence, so they could only persuade them over and over again.

Seeing that he was about to lose control, a guy suddenly jumped onto the high platform and started making noise with a loudspeaker. The voice was so sharp that everyone covered their ears and fell silent for a moment.

"Everyone be quiet, listen to me..."

This person was one of the persons in charge, and shouted with his neck: "I know, everyone is unwilling to leave their homes and move to other places. But there is no way to do this. The government is thinking about your safety. The people in the forest A piece of fog, that is a poisonous miasma, highly corrosive. You have all seen what Lao Jin's dog has become. But please rest assured that this evacuation is only temporary, and we have studied many options …”

"If it's poisonous, let's deal with it!"

"Yes, why don't you solve it? Isn't this what you should do?"

"That is, why let us bear it?"

Before he finished speaking, everyone started arguing. This guy wiped off his sweat and tried to explain: "We will definitely solve it, but it will take time. Letting you evacuate is for safety. I hope everyone will cooperate..."

"How long will it take? I've seen a lot of people with such empty teeth!"

"Nothing else is useless. I have three tile-roofed houses here. How much space can I get in the city?"

People on the stage shouted on the stage, and those off the stage made noises off the stage. At this moment, a sharp child's voice was suddenly heard, breaking the noise of the crowd:

"Xiao Mi, don't run away!"

Everyone turned their heads in unison, but it was the granddaughter of the old man who suddenly left her grandfather behind and chased after a cat of her own. The cat ran in the direction of Peach Blossom Miasma.

"Xiaohe, come back quickly! Come back!"

The old man collapsed on the ground, his face was about to twitch. The crowd was also terrified, calling out one after another.

Seeing this, two policemen didn't think much about it, so Sa Yazi started chasing her. But they started too slowly, the little girl had already run a long way, and the thick powdery fog was ahead.

It's over!

The person in charge felt cold, the child was about to have an accident, and under the anger of the crowd, there might be some conflicts. Immediately, he signaled to the police team that they were ready to act at any time.

"Xiao Mi, don't run! Don't run!"

The little girl chased after desperately, the cat was extremely fast, getting closer and closer to the miasma, four meters, three meters, two meters... it was about to touch the edge.


A blue light that is almost invisible to the naked eye suddenly appeared, flashed in the air, and disappeared in an instant.


A stone lying in the middle of the road exploded inexplicably as if it had been pierced by something. The gravel fell to the ground with a loud crackling sound.


The flower cat was startled, jumped back up high, and then poked the ground to make a hairy appearance.

"Xiao Mi! What are you running around, are you okay?"

The little girl chased after her, picked her up, cried and complained.

"It's dangerous here, hurry up!"

Immediately afterwards, two policemen also arrived, and dragged him away from the place with arms and hands.


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and a heart fell back into their stomachs.

And then, as if nothing had happened, the grandfather hugged his granddaughter to comfort himself, and the gang continued to argue.

On the hillside not far away, peach blossoms are in full bloom.

Gu Yu took back the magic weapon, looked at the crowd below, and frowned slightly: "How did you plan your resettlement work?"

"Thank you for your action, otherwise, when the crowd gets excited, there will definitely be a big mess."

Zhang Hongru poked at the back obliquely, also trembling with fear. First he thanked him sincerely, and then introduced: "Probably this is the arrangement. Each of the surrounding villages takes in a part, with about 4,000 people. Baicheng is close, and it is There is space for about 30,000 people in the city. The remaining tens of thousands of people will be sent to Shengtian."

"Thirty thousand? The population of Baicheng is only a few hundred thousand. Are there so many residences?" He wondered.

"Of course not. We can only find some old warehouses and old schools and turn them into temporary dormitories, or build some simple houses."

Zhang Hongru sighed, and said sadly: "In fact, the residence is still a small matter, mainly because of the employment problem. So many people have no jobs, and after a long time, it will definitely disturb the law and order, and the chain reaction it will bring is unimaginable. We can't do anything about it. All of a sudden, I just hope to survive this period and improve it gradually in the future.”

"oh… "

Gu Yu also secretly sighed, this peach blossom miasma is considered a natural disaster, and in the face of natural disasters, people suffer only suffering.

"By the way, will they believe the reason you said?" He asked again.

"If you don't believe it, you have to believe it. The toxicity can be seen. Instead of covering it up, it's better to be straightforward. It's just that they can't think of the truth." Zhang Hongru said.

After Gu Yu listened, he was silent for a moment, and suddenly said: "I take the liberty to ask, are you going to make it public? I mean the recovery of spiritual energy."

"this… "

Zhang Hongru was startled, very hesitant, not knowing how to answer.

"Then let me ask this question differently. Let me take you as an example. Do you want the government to make it public?" Gu Yu was not embarrassed.

"Uh, let's make it public with restrictions. It's impossible for everyone to understand." The other party thought about it.

Gu Yu nodded, noncommittal, and said: "I still need some information related to the formation. If you have it, we will exchange it first."

"Okay, I will contact the above."

Zhang Hongru nodded immediately. He knew that this was a cooperation between the two parties with a sense of initiative. Because peach blossom miasma is a hidden danger, but also a good thing, they all want to keep it for their own use. So one side provides the theory, and the other is responsible for the implementation.

Of course, the specific exchange conditions need to be discussed in detail.


The two were speechless for a while, looking at the struggling crowd below, their thoughts were inexplicable, and they both felt panic and anticipation like the pages of a book were turning and the curtain was opening.