Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 147: Activity


At night, the camp is brightly lit.

A group of people took a flight for half a day and walked a short mountain road. Their physical strength was exhausted, but their desire to discover and research new things was enough to maintain their excitement.

In the laboratory on the South Bank, many scientific researchers sat around together, and an expert was holding a notebook and announcing the test results during the day. Gu Yu was in it and listened carefully:

"Those strange fish are indeed a variant of snakehead. We took 20 samples and got some data. The body length of these fish is about 20 cm to 50 cm, and the head accounts for nearly half of the whole body. The teeth are thick, long and sharp. According to preliminary estimates, the bite force can be equivalent to the strongest black piranha in the world, which is about 30 times its own body weight. The living habits have basically remained the same, the feeding habits are relatively mixed, and the temperament is extremely ferocious. When excessively hungry, They even gnaw on the same kind. In terms of reproduction, the gonads mature very slowly, indicating that the reproductive cycle is also extremely long. We just caught a female fish with about 7,000 eggs, which is far lower than other fish species. We should be thankful for this Otherwise, this kind of fish would have already broken through the river boundary and swam to the water source outside the mountain, which would have a devastating impact on the ecology... As for the fish meat, uh, we can only judge that it is not poisonous, and we need Mr. Gu's help."

He talked a lot of blah blah blah, then suddenly changed the subject and pointed at someone.


Gu Yu was taken aback, and saw that the only female researcher brought a tray with a piece of sashimi and a boiled fish soup, which was obviously an extra meal for him.

"Xiao Gu, before you eat, you must first grasp a concept, which is the activity of spiritual energy."

Qiu Lun lifted his glasses and said, "The concentration is the value of the spiritual energy itself, and the activity is the value produced after the spiritual energy acts on the substance. You can simply understand how much active spiritual energy is contained in it."

"Okay, clear."

Gu Yu didn't care, chewed a piece of raw fish under the eyes of everyone, and felt smooth and tender, refreshing and cool, and couldn't help but praise: "It tastes good!"

Ya ate another slice.

"Don't worry about eating, can you be more serious?" The girl couldn't help reminding.


As he spoke, he chewed the third and fourth tablets. There is indeed a faint spiritual fluctuation in this fish, which has no effect on him, but ordinary people, especially those who are not healthy, may not be able to bear it.

"I'll take this as the basic value, the activity level is 1."

He put down his chopsticks, took a sip of the fish soup instead, and said, "It's weakened a little, but there's almost no difference, it can be 1."

"You'd better be more precise, it doesn't matter to the decimal point." An expert said.

"Uh, that should be 0.7, or 0.8." Gu Yu thought for a while.

Qiu Lun glanced to the side, and seeing that the assistant had finished recording, he signaled to continue.

"The prototype of this should be the star anise, a weed that is very common in the south. Its basal leaves are 9-13 cm long and 11-22 cm wide. But this plant grows to 20 and 30, which is ridiculously large. Moreover, the shape of the basal leaves has also changed slightly, forming a circle of rosettes. In traditional medicine, it can clear away heat and detoxify, treat bruises, etc. Now it has undergone alienation, and its efficacy needs further research.”

After the buddy finished speaking, he handed the star aniseed bird to Gu Yu. He felt it for a while, and said after consideration: "It should be about 0.5."

Two things pass by, and the third thing is the branches and leaves on the tree, which is also 0.5. The fourth is a lump of mud at the bottom of the river, which is 1.

This is nothing, because the things brought up are getting more and more weird, and even in the end, he directly brought a live chicken over and asked him to be accurate to the decimal point.

Gu Yu is in pain, and the scientists are even more in pain!

But there is no way! Modern science and technology cannot detect aura, and can only conduct side experiments on some agents, such as physical properties, chemical properties, and biological properties. And the real value is what effect it has on monks, and only this guy knows it.

There are more than 20 kinds of substances, let him test them one by one, and record them in detail there. After tossing for a long time, the final sample was brought up—the stone cut in the hole.

Of course it's only a part, about the size of a fist. This thing is very strange, somehow formed, even the cross-section is very smooth and flat.

"This may be a mutation of muscovite granite."

The buddy was also not sure, and said: "We can't analyze its structural components, so we can only do some basic tests. Its density is 2790~3070kg/m^3, its compressive strength is 1000-3000kg/cm^2, and it absorbs water. The rate is 0.13%, and the hardness is: HS70. Generally speaking, this stone has high hardness, corrosion resistance, wear resistance, low water absorption, and is a kind of... "

With a complex expression on his face, with a little disappointment, puzzlement and irritability, he said: "A good building material."


Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. Within a few kilometers of the cave, those stone walls were the most eye-catching. Everyone had high hopes, but what the hell did you say, this is a building material

Qiu Lun didn't fluctuate much, he just looked at Gu Yu.

Gu Yu was also very curious, and reached out to take the stone, secretly feeling the aura in it. At this moment, his expression changed suddenly, and he stood up abruptly: "Professor Qiu, we have to talk alone!"

Immediately, the meeting was terminated.

Everyone was baffled and watched the two leave the laboratory and ran to Gu Yu's own room. Qiu Lun was also very puzzled, and asked, "Xiao Gu, what do you want to talk about?"

He didn't respond, but asked instead: "Professor Qiu, how do you plan to develop this place?"

"Nature is fully developed."

"This is too general, what do you collect those data for?"

"It's very simple. When any new thing emerges, we must understand its rules before we can use it. Therefore, we need to establish a basic database to obtain the average value."

Qiu Lun paused, and continued: "It stands to reason that our current science and technology are very advanced, and we can fully develop a new resource effectively. But the aura you mentioned is different, it is something from another system. We All the technologies are tied up, and the advantages cannot be brought into play, so we can only make some general frameworks.”

"Can you tell me in detail?"

"You said before that a small amount of orderly spiritual energy is beneficial to the human body and can even prolong life. Then we have to calculate this value. For example, if the activity of fish is 1, the standard suitable for ordinary people to eat is above 1, or Below 1? How much is the interval? We can’t make any mistakes, we must be more precise. After calculating the average value, the next step is to extend the use and continue to filter.”

"Filtration?" Gu Yu didn't understand.

"You asked me how I plan to develop it, so let me ask you, what do you think resources include?" Qiu Lun laughed.

"Land, rivers, minerals, forests, air, everything on this mountain should be counted as resources."

"Hehe, that's right. What we have to do is to transform it to bring us benefits. For example, the soil you just looked at has an activity of 1.3. Then think about it, if we planted on the soil and harvested rice What is the activity of grains? Is it suitable for human consumption? If not, we will use this batch of seeds to replant and harvest again, and its activity will definitely gradually weaken and reach the standard we want. During this process, It's called filtering."


Gu Yu was stunned, he really hadn't thought about such problems.

It's not that he is stupid, but that the level of knowledge and the amount of information that individuals have are different, and the depth of viewing things is also different. Qiu Lun and his group of experts focus on the entire social ecology.

Qiu Lun didn't hide it either. Although the other party was a minority shareholder, he possessed the most critical core technology. A sincere and good attitude is the basis of cooperation.

He continued: "This is about food, and there are other things. For example, that stone is just ordinary granite, but do you know how many kinds of minerals there are?"

There are more than 4,000 kinds that have been discovered so far, and they are still being updated every year!

If it were iron ore, what would it turn into

What will become of the silver mine

What will become of the gold mine

What will different types of rocks become

And those creatures, the strange fish in the river, can they be artificially bred, and keep their aura alive, and provide them to us continuously? Can those trees, those fruit trees, be transformed into a popular fruit through cultivation and grafting for everyone to eat

Qiu Lun looked at each other and sighed: "Xiao Gu, we are not developing, we are building a new world!"


Gu Yu was silent for a long time, Fang smiled and said: "Professor Qiu, I agree with most of your points, but there are two points that I want to remind. First, you hope that everyone can eat rice, but the people above you, You don’t necessarily think so. Second, this rock is by no means ordinary granite, it will become the most important basic resource for monks!”