Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 167: It's really secluded to lie down deep


The second day after Jiang Xiaojin came home, she ran to Baicheng.

She still remembers the scene where Gu Yu rubbed his chopsticks with his hands to pretend to be aggressive that night, and then lost ten yuan. In fact, she was very curious, because what her brother-in-law said was: We have something to tell you.

Listen, it's us.

The meaning expressed by this plural pronoun has no other ideas other than the emergence of two white goblins digging holes.

Well, well, she admitted that she was more curious about their shared life...

"Hello? Sister, I just entered the city, where can I find you?"

"Oh, well, hurry up!"

Jiang Xiaojin hung up the phone, drove her little red car, and headed towards Phoenix Collection in a hurry. She has two cars, one in Jiangzhou and one in Shengtian.

Don't look at his young age, he dared to drive his father's car wildly at the age of fourteen, and after getting his driver's license, he was even more unscrupulous, traveling thousands of miles off-road.

Compared with driving age, this is the only thing she can despise her sister.


When the car turned into Hongmei Street, the speed suddenly slowed down. Looking at the group of people in front of her, Xiao Jin impatiently honked the horn, but unfortunately it was useless.

She was stuck in the traffic jam for a few minutes, but there was no traffic, so she simply got out of the car and watched. Crowded in front were two groups of people, both men, women and children, who were arguing:

"How many times have I told you, don't pour water on my side, don't you understand people's words?"

"Our sewer is blocked, if it doesn't go to you, where will it go?"

"Find someone to fix it if you're stuck, don't bully me! People from the paralyzed countryside just have no quality."

"Who the hell are you saying has no quality?"

"Just talk about you!"


The atmosphere was suddenly tense, and the noise became louder and louder, and there was a tendency to do something. Xiao Jin also noticed that one group seemed to be foreigners, and the other seemed to be locals, and disputes arose over trivial matters.

If it's a normal young woman, she might take a detour, hey, she won't!

"Hello? 110? That's right, there are two groups of people fighting in groups. Oh, you're so overbearing! Listen to this, I can't even pass by my car..."

She picked up the phone and called the police, and Barabara said: "Hurry up and come, there may be a fight... I didn't call the false police, I just took precautions... I'm just a caring citizen, a weak girl, Seeing injustice on the road, draw a knife and call the police..."


With her aggressiveness, the group of people stopped talking and turned their heads to stare at her.

"Where are you from?" a certain rough man shouted.

"Can you control where I am? Do you know if it's in the way, your family drives on the main road?"

Jiang Xiaojin was not afraid at all, and yelled at each other in various ways: "A group of people are big and big, is it interesting to bluff? Either do it, or give way, I'll go!"


Those people got angry in an instant, why do they deserve such a beating

But if you are angry, you can't do anything to her, let alone the police are coming soon. Ever since, the two groups fought for a few more words, and the cheerleaders retreated.

whispering sound!

Xiao Jin curled her lips, clattered back into the car, and swaggered through Hongmei Street.

She also thought it was amazing, the last time I came to Baicheng, it wasn't so chaotic, why did so many folks and folks pop up all of a sudden, and those earthquake relief houses

Ya couldn't figure it out, so she continued to drive, and soon arrived at Fenghuangji. Then when he looked up, he saw a big devil poking at the intersection, it was Xiao Zhai.

"Sister, how long have you been waiting? I'm stuck in traffic." Little Jinte flew over like a dog.

"It didn't take long, the time was just right."

"Hey, let's go then. Is brother-in-law in the house? Why doesn't he come out... Hey!" Just as she was about to take a step, she felt her body turn and was dragged back by her sister.

"Not over there, let's go up the mountain." Xiao Zhai said.


She was taken aback, and blurted out, "Have you bought a villa?"

"That's right, it's several hundred square meters. It's a detached house with a river view, a hardcover existing house, and a garden." Xiaozhai said seriously.

"Wow, you guys are rich, and the two of you live in such a big house?"

"Not two, Xiaoqiu is also here."

"Reverse 3P?"

Xiao Jin's eyes widened as if she was terrified, and then she covered her head, "Ouch!"

"Go north!" Xiao Zhai pointed in a direction, too lazy to teach her.

"oh… "

She pouted, and had no choice but to drive honestly. I thought it would not be far away, but it turned out to be farther and farther away, with green hills on one side and a large field on the other, with no houses at all.

The girl became more and more puzzled, and walked for another ten minutes, and finally a courtyard appeared in the front right.


The car slowly stopped in front of the door, and the two of them got out of the car. Xiao Zhai took the key and threw it to a steward who greeted him, saying: "Maybe I will stay for a few days, please forgive me."

"Don't dare to do it, we must take care of it." The steward bowed slightly, appearing extremely respectful.


Seeing this, Xiao Jin rarely said a word. Although she is bearish, she is not stupid. This incident is full of weirdness inside and out, which makes her feel a little panicked.

Knowing her sister's temperament, she didn't dare to ask more questions, but just followed her up the mountain.

This is a naturally formed wild path, with lush grass and a thick layer of rotten leaves, it is very soft and weird to step on. The surrounding forests are also very dense, quiet and deep.


As Jiang Xiaojin walked, her facial muscles gradually wrinkled into a ball, imagining some terrible scene in her mind. After seeing it, Xiao Zhai took his sister's hand, and the ten white and delicate fingers were entangled like orchids, winding their way forward.

After about half an hour, the two stopped.

"Where is this?"

Xiao Jin looked around, and saw a dark forest in front of her, opaque, and there seemed to be mountain ghosts flickering. The right side is the way, the left side is the dense forest, and not far behind, there is a large piece of flat land with a seemingly newly built signal tower.

Seeing this tower, she was inexplicably relieved. This modern thing brought a sense of security.

"It's inside...Xiaoqiu!" Xiao Zhai shouted.


As soon as the words fell, Long Qiu ran out from the black thorn forest, looking very happy, and said with a smile: "Jinjin, you are finally here! Long time no see, how are you?"

"Hehe, I'm still as beautiful as a flower."

Xiao Jin glanced at the fat squirrel on her shoulder, then at the looming blood mist behind her, felt that her voice was trembling, but she was very firm and still talking poorly.

"I'll go see Taomu, you take her in first."

Xiao Zhai gave some instructions, and then said to his sister: "Don't be afraid, I won't eat you."

"Well… "

Xiao Jin wanted to cry instantly, watched her sister leave, and was dragged into the black forest by Long Qiu reluctantly.

Her nerves were already strained at this moment, thanks to Long Qiu's considerateness in letting the blood mosquito retreat, she didn't irritate him further. After leaving the black thorn forest, the eyes suddenly open up, white rivers and green valleys, old trees and fields, and another cottage is located on the opposite bank.

"Is this where you live?"

Xiao Jin is a little confused, it's not an altar of witchcraft, but a livestock ranch in the world, what kind of scenery is this school of Taoyuan? There is no way, there is a black thorn forest, and the painting style inside and outside is too different.

"Yeah, didn't my brother and sister tell you?"

Long Qiu pulled her to the river, said with a smile, "Come on, I'll take you there."

As she spoke, she waved her hand, and the golden silkworm flew out.


Xiao Jin suddenly screamed, and felt her body lighten, as if being supported by something, and floated up in the air.

"Ah, put me down!"

She didn't have the kind of arrogance anymore, she waved her hands and feet wildly but didn't dare to move too much, so she flew across the river slowly, her body sank again, and her feet landed on the ground.

"Hoo... hoo..."

Her small face was pale, and she felt that after twenty years of struggle, she was not as awesome as she is today. But when she turned her head again, Long Qiu didn't follow her. She went to work in the field and shouted, "Brother is inside, go in!"

Mom sells batches!

Xiao Jin couldn't help but cursed, there was nothing she could do, and walked into the hut. There are six or seven rooms in this hut, she took a few steps and pushed open a door, the inside was empty.

Then he took a few steps and pushed open another door.


As the door opened, a cloud of gas rushed out, traveling in thousands of ways in the air, following the wind without a trace. Immediately afterwards, the cloud swelled and dispersed again, as if being sucked back, piercing the clear light for thousands of miles.

Then, a person walked out from the house and said with a smile: "You are here..."