Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 168: Going up is a fairy


This man is really different.

If it were you, you lived begging for nothing for twenty years, and then you were told that there are gods in this world. How would your reaction be

The initial process is roughly the same, from absurdity, surprise, half-belief, to complete belief. And after that, you can see their respective personalities and qualities, or they are out of the top two, or they are rigorously planned, or they are still fat nerds...

As for Jiang Xiaojin, after listening to what Gu Yu said, her first reaction was: Damn it! Can't I walk sideways in the future? My sister and brother-in-law are cultivators!


Gu Yu was taken aback for a moment, this was far from what he had imagined, so he asked, "Did you understand what I just said?"

"Understood! Isn't it just to compete with others? I'm good at this, you should come to me!" Xiao Jin vowed and was extremely proud.


He slapped his forehead, almost speechless.

"Hahaha! I understand, I understand, the world is about to change, everyone goes back to each family and finds his own mother, and gathers his strength to prepare for a fight."

She resumed her unflattering virtue, and said vigorously: "But I just want to ask, it should be quite difficult to cultivate an immortal, why are you sure I can do it?"

"Because you have this root."

With a squeak, Xiao Zhai pushed the door open and entered, saying: "Although your xinxing is not stable, your xinxing can be cultivated, but your roots are born. This is the first, and the second..."

She strode in, sat next to Xiao Jin, and said, "You are my younger sister."

"Well… "

Xiao Jin panicked for a moment, her eyes dodged, and she didn't dare to look at the other party.

She is three years younger than her elder sister, and she has never seen her before junior high school. She only knows that she has an elder sister who lives with her grandfather in her hometown. After Xiaozhai arrived in Shengtian, she began the long and terrifying years of being crushed and dominated.

Comparisons between children are usually about personality, appearance, talent, academic performance, etc. This is also the biggest topic of discussion for parents.

But they are different. My sister never seemed to care about the above, but she did a great job.

She always felt that her sister had a very mysterious and elusive feeling, like a mountain pressing on her head. Fear, adoration, awe, rebellion, and longing for the other person's approval.

And at this moment, she finally figured out where this feeling came from...

"This seems to be a big secret, but given the current situation, it may not be a secret soon. You are someone close to me, and I need your help."

Xiao Zhai looked at her and asked straightforwardly: "So, what are you thinking now?"

"It's such a fun thing, I must join the group! Hey, what do you know?" The bear child was extremely excited.

"Ah… "

Gu Yu smiled, and said first: "I have the method of eating the six qi, quenching myself, concentrating the consciousness, reborn, good fortune can reach the immortal. Xiaoqiu can also be regarded as my apprentice."

"I have Lei Fa." Xiao Zhai only had four words.

"No more?"

Xiao Jinte was dissatisfied, and shouted: "Sister, please be more serious, you know that you are competing for jobs?"

"Kill the power first!" Xiao Zhai spit out four more words.

whispering sound!

Gu Yu curled his lips, refusing to admit that he was a little envious of his girlfriend. If it wasn't for the Qi method being incompatible, he would have wanted to learn the Thunder method.

Immediately, the two explained the advantages and disadvantages of the two exercises, and Gu Yu asked: "You decide for yourself, what do you want to learn?"

"Uh, I..."

Xiao Jin bit her lip, quickly hesitated for a moment, and then became very sure: "I want to learn Lei Fa."


The two of them were very surprised. They thought she would choose the Qi breathing method with a higher starting point, faster upgrade, and easier, but they didn't guess right.

"Are you sure?" Xiao Zhai also asked.

"Sure!" Xiao Jin nodded solemnly.

"Oh, that's good."

Xiao Zhai stood up, rubbed her hair, and said with a smile, "We'll start at night."

"All changes are still fixed, the spirit is happy and calm, the dust and dirt are not stained, and the vulgar is not stained. The void is peaceful, nothing is mixed, nothing is born with each other, and difficulty and ease complement each other... Crack!"

In the quiet room, Xiao Zhai took a bamboo ruler, slapped it on his sister's hand, and shouted, "I'm distracted!"

"I'm not distracted, I'm in a state of tranquility... ouch!"

Xiao Jin was defending herself when she was knocked again, only to hear her sister say: "Jing Jing! Your eyes are out of focus, start over!"


With a bitter face, she crossed her calves, sat cross-legged, and closed her eyes slightly.

Xiao Zhai began to chant again: "Stay close to each other, breath and mind act, heart and breath are united, and heart and breath are one. Until the end of the world is silent, not a single thought arises, human and law are both empty... I am distracted again!"

"Ouch! Sis, take it easy!"

Xiao Jin rubbed the back of her red hand, tears streaming down her face, feeling extremely wronged.

No way, the more active the mind is, the easier it is for people to be distracted, and the less able they are to concentrate on doing one thing. What kind of temperament is Xiao Jin? That's the master who can serve as a whistle by pulling out the hairs of his eyes. Let her be honest for a long time, and it would be better to kill her with one knife.

But cultivating the Tao is more difficult than climbing to the sky, how can it be so easy? Just the precondition of practice, meditation, can kill more than half of the people.

So, training Xiao Jin is a systematic project, and he has to be upright in the early stage, at least calm down first.

Xiao Zhai really didn't hold back, and when he saw her distracted, he stepped down with a foot. After knocking seven or eight times in this way, the girl cried directly: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."


She wiped her tears half-truthfully and half-falsely, and never said such angry words as "I won't practice anymore".

"Okay, okay, let's come here today, come!"

Xiao Zhai didn't put any pressure either, he took his sister's hand and held it in his palm, moistening it with spiritual energy, and said: "It's really difficult for you, but since you want to learn, you have to pass this threshold. This is called heart breath. According to the law, it is a superior meditation method, you should practice it first, and then I will teach you some tricks. There is no rush for this kind of thing, it will be great if you can lay a solid foundation before graduation."

"Then Xiaoqiu is also a rookie, has she also played hands?" She is still concerned about this matter.

"He is amazing! Do you think everyone is as clueless as you?"

After a few words of training, Xiao Zhai felt that the heat in those little hands disappeared and became cool and cool, he brought it to his mouth and took a deep breath, and said with a smile: "Okay, the swelling will subside in a while, tomorrow will be a beautiful girl One."

Xiao Jin rubbed the back of her hand, and sure enough the redness and swelling faded away, she suddenly paused, and called out, "Sister..."


"Does uncle know?" she asked.


Xiao Zhai was startled, and replied, "They probably know."

"Then what will you do in the future, how will you face them?"

"I haven't thought about it yet..."

Xiao Zhai was silent for a moment, and said again: "But after hearing your mention, I really have to go home. If I don't face it, I will become a demon sooner or later."

"I don't quite understand." Xiao Jin shook her head.

"Oh, you don't need to understand now."

Xiao Zhai pulled her up and said with a smile, "Let's go outside to get some fresh air."

When the two of them left the quiet room, the light in front of them turned around, and they walked out from under the bright lamp, as if the brightness had been lowered by a level, and it was a little dark.

The lights in each house are flickering, and there are big red lanterns at the door. Red, white, and dim yellow, the three colors mixed with the night form a quiet and delicate light field.

This area of light extends all the way to the river, and beyond the river is the old tree. The old tree also carried red lanterns, and another outdoor lamp illuminated it.

There is a table under the tree, there are chairs beside the table, and there are people on the chairs. Gu Yu and Xiao Qiu sat under the tree, apparently playing chess.


Xiao Jin was stretching her neck to watch, when she suddenly felt her body lighten, she was picked up by her sister, and flew across the river lightly.

The two of them got together at the table, just after finishing a game, Long Qiu counted the boards and couldn't help feeling annoyed: "I lost three pieces again."

"You've made rapid progress." Gu Yu said with a smile.

"It's you who asked me... Sister, do you play?" She was a little bit shocked.


Saying that, Xiao Zhai changed Long Qiu's position. The Green Snake gathered the chess pieces together like a dog, and started another game in a blink of an eye, killing inextricably close.


Xiao Jin leaned against her sister. She usually doesn't like Go, but she is also watching the game with great interest at the moment. And above her head, a fat doll with a red bellyband was sitting on a branch, with two short legs drooping, laughing but making no sound.

Not far from it, there is another fat squirrel squatting, holding a nut and nibbling fiercely. The nut skin fell down rustlingly, and the green snake looked up from time to time and glared, hissing and spitting out the letter...