Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 176: Qiyun Taoist Temple


Tianzhu Mountain, Tianmen Town.

This town has a population of tens of thousands. Thanks to the prosperity of the tourism industry, the service industry is also very prosperous. Tens of thousands of people have relied on this mountain for 30 years, and the rich dare not talk about it, but the small and stable are enough.

It's a pity that such good days are over. Since the beginning of the year, the government has announced the closure of the mountain, prohibiting idlers from entering, and even the monks in the temple have been kicked out.

The income of the townspeople suddenly became tight, and the first to bear the brunt were hotels and restaurants. The common people couldn't bear it, and elected representatives to go to the town government to petition. The town government is also worried, the order directly issued by the top, can a mayor manage a piece of wool

Fortunately, the boss replied that a scientific research base will be built in the future, nearly a thousand people will be stationed all year round, and all food and clothing will be purchased from the town. It sounds good, but how much does it cost for a thousand people? Can it be compared with more than one million tourists every year

But there is no way, wherever the red-headed document is photographed, it has to be followed. As a result, the townspeople shifted their targets one after another, trying to find ways to obtain business qualifications.

Lao Liu is a lucky man, and he worked hard to get a channel - responsible for delivering food to the mountains. One delivery every three days, once a month, and it has been delivered for a month.

Today was another day of delivering vegetables, and he drove that small truck from the town to Nanshan Gate with a load of vegetables.

The mountain gate has long been changed, guarded by a whole team of soldiers, and the roadblocks are as blocked as a city wall. When the truck came close, it stopped obediently. The soldiers first checked the vehicle and pass, and then checked the personnel.

Old Liu didn't dare to talk to him, so he walked up the Panshan Road, and then turned north. After driving for more than 20 minutes, I didn't stop the car until I couldn't see the main road.

There were a few people waiting in front of them, and they greeted, "Here we are, it's a bit late today."

"Don't I have to collect food too, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Lao Liu quickly apologized, handed him another cigarette, and said with a smile, "We don't make a living by farming. If we need such a large amount of vegetables at once, I have to go to the countryside to collect them."

"Well, just be careful..."

Those few people were noncommittal and pushed back the cigarettes at will, but they were confiscated.

There are mostly vegetables in this cart, radishes, cabbage, potatoes, spinach, etc. There are also two plates of freshly made tofu, and some meat, but very little.

They were busy unloading trucks and carrying them, picking baskets up the mountain. Going up from here, there are bluestone steps one after another, with dense forests on the heights, hiding a building complex.

Lao Liu is a local, so he naturally knows: this place is called Zhuling, and there is a Qiyun Taoist temple on the mountain. This Taoist temple was built in the Ming Dynasty, once the incense was prosperous, but later the Taoism declined, and it was used by monks. After several changes, Qiyun Taoist Temple became a temple integrating Buddhism and Taoism, offering deities and Bodhisattvas such as the Jade Emperor, Tathagata, and Guanyin.

There used to be a gang of fake monks operating here, but I heard that they were all kicked out, and whoever lives here is unknown.

Old Liu is very curious, but his greatest advantage is that he knows what to ask and what not to ask. Immediately, after handing over to the other party, he drove back in the truck.

Those few people carried vegetables and meat up the mountain and entered the Taoist temple.

Stepping into the gate, looking up is the main hall, and there are side halls on the left and right. There are doors and corridors at the back of the hall, connecting dozens of huts, all of which are of brick and wood structure, forming small courtyards.

This place is quite quiet, and there are guys in Taoist robes walking back and forth from time to time, all of them are transcendent and unconventional, talking softly, talking about Taoism, it seems like a fairyland outside the world.

And they went straight to the kitchen, started washing vegetables and cutting meat, lighting a fire and cooking.

The dishes are light and vegetarian, and of course they are cooked extremely well. There is a small amount of meat, mainly chicken, supplemented by pigs and sheep.

In addition, there is the big pot of porridge and rice, which is half-thick but not thick, and it is steaming. This porridge and rice seemed to be very precious, there were actually two people who took care of it specially, and before it was served, there was a magical fragrance wafting out.

In a short while, the meal is ready.

The leader looked at it and ordered: "Ring the bell!"


One person went away in response, and after a while, he heard the sound of the bell, and the white clouds were beyond the sky.



In a quiet room, Tan Chongdai was arguing with Wang Ruoxu about talismans when he suddenly heard a bell outside. Tan Chongdai paused, then said: "Pause for a while, come back and argue."

"Hmph, I'm afraid you won't succeed?" Wang Ruoxu didn't show any weakness.

These two are both branches of Shenxiao, and they are considered natural alliances in the Taoist temple with complicated relationships. Of course Tan Laodao didn't know the identity of the other party, he was still an undercover agent of the Special Bureau.

The two went out, there were houses on the left and right, there was no movement on the left, the door on the right opened, and another person came out. This person is in his forties, dark skinned, tall, with a fierce look. He is the abbot of the Linshui Palace in southern Fujian and Huang Huiguang, the descendant of the Lushan School.

"Senior brother!" He was slightly lower in seniority, but when he saw Tan Chongdai, he gave him a salute.

"Hehe, there's no need to be too polite. I haven't seen you for a few days, younger brother. Have you learned anything recently?" Tan Laodao asked.

"I don't dare to take it seriously, but I used to live in southern Fujian and my eyesight was short-sighted. Coming here is really an eye-opener."

After chatting a few words, the three went to the dining hall together.

Along the way, I met more and more Taoist priests, including Gan (male) and Kun (female), old and young. These people came out from all over the place, and they were divided into two groups. It was obvious that one group was true, and the other group was authentic.

It is said that not long ago, each faction selected outstanding disciples and sent them to the capital together. They first took classes to have a detailed understanding of the current environment, and then came to Tianzhu Mountain and stayed here.

According to the last statistics, there are 62 sects of Taoism in the world, and only 47 sects still exist today.

Basically, a school can have one disciple, and some have two; if there are no disciples, the suzerain will come in person. However, many of them fished in troubled waters and were eliminated in the capital.

In the end, there were 36 people left, of which Quanzhen accounted for 20 and Zhengyi accounted for 16.

You know, the two Dao factions have been fighting for more than a thousand years, and they have long been immortal. And under such a special situation, everyone is not used to eating and living together for the first time.

This group of people are all elites of various factions, no one is convinced, some officials are suppressing and dare not make big moves, but there are constant small frictions behind the scenes.

Just like eating, Quanzhen has strict precepts and does not eat meat or meat. Just one is different, they don’t eat beef, mullet, swan goose and dog meat, other meat like pork, mutton, chicken and duck can be eaten on non-fasting days.

This point is very despised by Quan Zhen.

It was the same today, when the food came to the table, Quanzhen's side was full of green onions, while Zhengyi had meat, which was much richer. When everyone was seated, they were about to start dinner, when they suddenly heard a sentence from outside:

"All things are born with me, monks should practice self-discipline. You eat blood and meat, pile up filth, and kill without reason. It's ridiculous."

Following this sentence, a person came in from outside the door. He was in his twenties, born with a jade and gold appearance, and looked very handsome.

He is not very old, but everyone in Quanzhen pays attention to him, seeming quite respectful. Without him, this person is Lu Yuanqing, the disciple of Li Qingzhi, the master of Baiyun Temple.

The repair here is the first.