Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 18: Mr. Lee


"The plan has finally been changed, and I will show it to the boss tomorrow."

"Is the boss a man or a woman?"

"Of course it's Miss Sister. Hey, doesn't this word sound very gentle and beautiful?"

"That's right, removing one word will have no effect. For example, Miss is from Zhan Street, Sanlitun."

"Ha! The little brother is so considerate and has a good temperament. The little brother is just a delivery guy."

"The little sister is so cute and well-behaved. The little sister is a pedicure."

"There's nothing wrong... Hey, is that little brother a magic horse?"

Penis is a genital! Of course, Gu Yu didn't dare to say it. He sweated for two seconds and felt powerless to resist the filthy demon king, so he had to change the subject: "You are so busy every day, no wonder your energy is low. No matter how bad you are, you must sleep well."

"Sleeping is a luxury for me. By the way, I just lit a refreshing incense, and the buffs are full. It's just a hang-up."

"Oh, that's great, it can help you."

"The smoke is also very beautiful, but unfortunately I forgot to take a picture. I'll take a picture of the incense ash for you later, it's super textured."

"Well, I haven't seen it myself."

After chatting here, there was no movement over there. I guess there are still things to be busy. Jiang Xiaozhai is really a standard urban girl, fashionable, cheerful, fast-paced, with a positive aura fluctuating from head to toe.

Gu Yu is much more ordinary, except that Mensao is right, other aspects are almost the opposite. It's really surprising that the two of them can chat well, but it also shows that there must be something in harmony in the deep-seated personality.

He put down his phone and sat there for a while... Oh, it was really boring.

The TV does not have a set-top box, and it can receive three or five local stations, and the rest is a large snowflake screen. Occasional coughing and footsteps could be heard in the corridor, probably from other residents. It was pitch black outside the window, and I couldn't see anything clearly, only the dim light and the reflection of the figure.

Wudaohe, just like the name, is remote and deserted.

After staying for a few minutes, he really had nothing to do, so he simply adjusted his mind and assumed a standard sitting posture. He was calm and thoughtful, with a bright mind. As soon as Fang Fang fell into tranquility, he felt that the aura around him was chaotic and irritable, like restless notes beating wildly.


The aura of Phoenix Mountain was relatively soothing, so it was so ferocious, Gu Yu was at a loss for a while, and almost lost the realm of emptiness. Fortunately, his mind was stable and he calmed down slowly.

And he felt it carefully for a while, and suddenly felt a little different: it seemed that there was a very strange voice mixed with these restlessness.

"Wow, boom!"


It is far away yet seems very near, sometimes weak, sometimes clear, just like the waves of the tide.

"Well… "

Gu Yu finally felt a bit of confusion, Kong Ming suddenly lost, and suddenly opened his eyes. Annoyed, helpless, wanting to scratch the wall: Can anyone tell me what the hell is going on

There is aura in the world, OK, I accept it. But the aura is restless, what's the matter with the ferocious creatures? Is it going to take the path of mutating the end of the world, upgrading the green hat, collecting RBQ to enclose the land, and finally proving that Dao Ze Yuezhi

Please, I don't have enough kidney water!

He scratched his head, gave up complaining, and glanced at his phone again, there was no message from Xiao Zhai yet.

It was only after nine o'clock, not too late. After a short period of egg pain, he finally decided to go down for something to eat - he bought some bread and drinks before getting into the car, which was not enough to fill his stomach.

If you say you are hungry, you have to act, Gu Yu quickly went down to the first floor, the woman was still watching TV, and asked casually, "Why are you going?"

"Dinner, what time do you close?"

"I don't close the door here." The woman replied.

Not closing the door means that there are people there 24 hours a day. It is estimated that she sleeps on this wooden bed every night, which is really hard. Gu Yu went outside with an umbrella, identified the direction, and ran to the brightest place.

There was a lot of water in the street, and there were small puddles everywhere. He jumped around and found a restaurant, and there was a guest in it, and it was the old man Li who was keeping bees.

It is also a great fate to meet three times a day.

"Here, what do you want to eat?"

The shop owner is a middle-aged couple who got up and greeted them. He looked at the menu and said, "Let me have a rice bowl with shredded pork and green peppers."

"Green peppers are gone."

"Then have an eggplant rice bowl."

"There's no eggplant either."

He was speechless, raised his eyes and asked, "What else do you have here?"

"There are only fried pancakes left."

"Then have one."


Soon, the pans and spoons in the kitchen were clanging, accompanied by the whirring of the fire. Within a few minutes, a plate of fragrant meat fried cakes was served on the table.

He ordered another cup of hot water, and looked at the old man while eating.

He doesn't seem to be very old, but his face is old, with wrinkles all over his face, his skin is dark, his clothes are very old, and he wears a pair of khaki rubber shoes. There is nothing on the table, just a cup of loose white, a plate of peanuts, and a plate of dried tofu.

The old man was very familiar with the owner and his wife, and after entertaining Gu Yu, the three of them continued their chat.

"I just said this is evil. No matter how strong the bee is, how can it sting people every day? If you poke the beehive, it's fine, it deserves it! The bee is also going to sting on the main road in the Marle Gobi ,Grass!"

The old man was obviously unhappy, he cursed and babbled, and took another big sip of wine.

The boss persuaded: "Don't get angry, don't experts say, this year there is a lot of rain and cloudy days..."

"What kind of expert, he knows me?"

"Tsk, look, your temper has come up again."


Gu Yu listened beside him, feeling more and more curious. It's obvious! The creatures on Phoenix Mountain are getting more and more weird, and the same is true in Wudaohe, 70 kilometers away, and the situation is even more serious.

He wanted to go and have a look, but he had to find a reason, so he interjected, "Master, are you a beekeeper?"


The old man was depressed, and was taken aback when he heard this.

"Where do you have any honey? I want to buy some raw honey."

"Are you from the local area? I don't think I've seen you before," said the old man.

"I'm from Baicheng, I'm here to do something."

"Oh... Where do I have a few catties, you have to buy it sincerely, and it will count as thirty for you."

"Uh, shall I take a look first?"

"You people in the city are troublesome, but mine is pure honey. They take it every day, and I take it every seven days. It's not vague at all!"

The old man yelled, but he didn't refuse, saying: "I can't watch it today, let's do it tomorrow. I eat breakfast here every day, so we will meet up here."

"That's fine, I'm sorry to trouble you!" Gu Yu said with a smile.

After sitting for a long time without knowing it, the fried pancakes had already been eaten. He made a plan, and was about to get up to leave, the old man also stood up at the same time, muttering: "Okay, stop drinking, if you drink again, you won't be able to go back."

Looking at his appearance, he was already a little drunk, and his body was shaking.

The two settled the bill, with the old man in front and Gu Yu in the back, and they left together. When he opened the door, his legs and feet were probably unsteady, so he couldn't help but staggered, Gu Yu hurriedly supported him, and said, "Master, are you alright?"

"It's okay, it's okay, people can't drink enough when they are old."

The old man waved his hand and pushed the door open.

The light was on at the entrance of the hotel, dispelling a small piece of dark rainy night. He happened to be in this place where light and darkness meet. The light and darkness blended and enveloped his rough face, forming a strange facial makeup.

At this moment, he suddenly twisted his neck backwards, as if breaking a bone, forcibly twisting a lump of muscle. Then, the corners of the old man's mouth cracked, revealing a strange and eerie smile:

"Young man, the road is slippery in rainy days, you have to walk slowly!"