Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 187: go down again


"Is this the fire ore?"

In the quiet room, Xiao Zhai tossed the stone up and down, caught it again with a snap, and said with a smile: "You said that the spiritual energy has been revived for four or five years, and this year is even more blowout. I am still surprised that the world is so big. , Why is there an abnormality in the mouth of Caohe River? Ha, it really doesn’t stop!”

"Hey, don't act like you are afraid that the world will not be chaotic."

Gu Yu stretched out his hand and was about to take back the stone, but his girlfriend suddenly withdrew, leaving him empty. He suddenly changed his move and grabbed the opponent's wrist with his backhand. She spread her left hand, crackling lightning arcs, and touched her boyfriend's face.

Gu Yu didn't dodge or dodge, and stretched out his other hand, grabbing at the stone.

"Zi la la!"

Seeing that Lei Hu was about to press his face, it disappeared in a flash.

"You've made progress! You're sure I can't touch you?" Xiao Zhai wondered.

"Who would give up such a handsome face?"

Don't want to be Bilian, who is so frightened. Seeing her girlfriend raised her eyebrows, she wanted to continue to yell, and hurriedly said: "Okay, let's get down to business... The Huoyan Mountain is not far from Tianshan Mountain. It's okay if it's really a vision. As soon as it’s mineral veins, it’s disgusting. I can’t think of any use for this thing, hey, does the Taoist sect have fire-related exercises?”

"There doesn't seem to be any exercises, but Zhengyi has a lot of fire spells and talismans, I'm not sure..." Xiao Zhai shook his head.

"Isn't there some true samadhi fire?"

"Fart Samadhi!"

She sneered and explained: "Samadhi is a Buddhist thing. How can Taoism have Samadhi? At that time, Lu Dongbin wrote "Zhixuan Pian" for the first time. He proposed the real fire of Samadhi, saying that the heart is the king's fire, called Shangmei; the kidney is the minister's fire, called Middle ignorance; the sea of qi is the fire of the people, called the lower ignorance. The ascending and descending cycles, and there is the way of the sky...Huh?"

As she talked, she also felt miraculous, and said: "Lv Dongbin was in the period of transformation in the Tang Dynasty. This "Zhixuan Pian" is an exploration of inner alchemy, but why did he introduce Buddhist theory?"

She suddenly encountered a doubtful point, frowned and meditated, and murmured: "Wang Chongyang himself said that the ancestor of Quanzhen Taoism was Wang Xuanfu of the Han Dynasty. But Wang Xuanfu's historical materials have never been seen, there are only a few legends, and it is not clear whether there is such a person... And Buddhism came to the East in the Han Dynasty, and Quanzhen advocated the unity of the three religions... "

"Xiao Zhai?"

Seeing his girlfriend talking to herself with a strange expression, Gu Yu couldn't help pushing her.

Xiao Zhai froze, slapped his thigh suddenly, and said, "Old Gu, we have overlooked a problem!"

"You mean Buddhism?" He took her hand away.

"That's right! As early as in the Qin Dynasty, there were sporadic records, saying that eighteen sages of Shamen came to transform the scriptures. Lao Ying didn't hang himself at all, and was directly put in prison. Then in the middle of the night, Zhang Liu King Kong came to break the prison But according to the current statement, Buddhism was introduced to China in the Han Dynasty, just when the ancient immortals discovered that their aura was exhausted. Those great powers began to seek solutions, and they were divided into corpses, outer pills, sword immortals, and talismans. Various factions. However, only Wei Boyang proposed the inner alchemy, Wang Xuanfu did not mention it, Zhongliquan carried forward the inner alchemy method, and then continued to improve it in Lu Dongbin. In Wang Chongyang's period, it was a natural combination of the three religions."

She shook her head and said: "I just can't figure it out, other sects can stick to the Daoist sect, so why should Mao Quanzhen introduce the theory of foreign teachers?"

"You mean, you want to go out for a walk?"

Gu Yu listened to her nagging, grasped the main point directly, and said: "But I think the government is such a thug, it will definitely not forget Buddhism. Since they didn't act, it means there is nothing unusual."

"They are them, the key is that I'm very curious!" Xiao Zhai is like a child who discovers a new toy, his eyes are shining brightly.

"But I still plan to go to the Flame Mountain to have a look! There may be a vision there, and if I go one day later, I may not be able to keep up with the changes." He said worriedly.

"It's simple! You go to yours, I go to mine, without interfering with each other." Xiao Zhai split his hands.

If other girls say this kind of thing, it must be an endless loop of "you are angry, I am not angry, then what is wrong with you, you can't even tell that I am angry".

But when she said no interference, it really meant no interference.

But Gu Yu thought for a while, there was nothing to argue about, and there was no need for the couple to get tired of being together all day long, so he said, "Okay then, let Xiaoqiu look after the house."

Come on!

Poor Xiaoqiu has no right to fight, so she can only shrink up on the mountain and pretend to be a dog.

The first trade fair is over, and the next one is scheduled for three months later. During this period, Yuan, Lei, Zeng's family and the Baicheng government had to do a lot of construction and construction.

Gu Yu didn't ask at all on the mountain. After he got the century-old ginseng, he stored it carefully. Dried ginseng like this is gone after use, so that every time you use it, you will feel a sense of guilt.

Why is Mao not alive? He always felt sorry.

It is said that ginseng is generally divided into four types, wild ginseng, wild ginseng, wild ginseng and garden ginseng.

The least wild ginseng refers to the original ecological ginseng that spreads naturally and grows in deep mountains and dense forests. Wild ginseng is artificially sown, and then let it grow longer than the ginseng in the deep mountains, and its quality is inferior to the former.

Yishan ginseng is ginseng grown by transplanting ginseng seedlings in the mountains, while garden ginseng is purely artificially cultivated.

There is a saying about wild ginseng that it is extremely overbearing in absorbing soil nutrients. Wherever ginseng grows, no grass will grow within 20 years, and it cannot be sown again within 50 years.

Ginseng is the main medicine for refining Qi Juxiang, and it is the most planted. The ginseng planted by Gu Yu belongs to the combination of the latter three. With the aura level of the Phoenix Mountain soil and the effect on plants, he really wants to see if he can break the 50-year law.

So far, the large farms of the landlords and their wives, in terms of quantity alone, have three main outputs: spiritual rice, medicinal materials and rice bran.

The two of them have already made a plan to clear a large area of the dense forest on the south bank and plant all rice in the coming year. The north bank is next to the black thorn forest, so it is inconvenient to expand, so it can only be cleared a little.

The estimated field area will reach 6-7 mu.

I don't think about it outside the valley for the time being. There are not many suitable flat lands. The two just stepped on it a few times and sowed a lot of medicinal seeds.

Like someone who is so-and-so's golden fairy, when he falls in love with a piece of land, with a wave of his hand, it will be full of exotic flowers and plants, birds and beasts. They can't compare, so they have to accumulate energy and energy honestly, farming and eating fast.

There are also bags of rice bran, this thing is tasteless, and finally came up with a purpose that is not a purpose: wine making. In the process of brewing wine, the aura will definitely be lost, the key depends on how much is lost and the quality of the wine.

I plan to try it out first, and if it works, I will add another product.

In addition, the growth of those peach trees is also very good, and the cuttings have taken root, reaching about one meter. I just don't know if there will be peach blossom miasma when they bloom in the next spring.

As for the outer mountain, it is still a tourist area, and even the Ziyang Temple on the mountain has not been moved. That Guanzhu is a branch of the Quanzhen branch, an idiot, without knowing it, but living a happy life.

After a few days like this, the two of them finished their preparations, and after more than half a year, they finally went out again.