Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 188: Flame Mountain


Frontier, Fire Island.

Huozhou originally had a name with ethnic minority characteristics, which means a land of abundance and abundance. However, it is located in a basin, surrounded by high mountains, with long sunshine and hot weather all year round, as if it was on fire. Over time, the real name was erased, but the nickname remained.

It's October now, and autumn is cool elsewhere, but the summer here lasts 153 days, and the temperature is still very high. Moreover, it is hot during the day and cold at night, and the temperature difference between day and night is quite large.

Gu Yu arrived at Huozhou in the afternoon. It was already night, and he was lying in a hotel, holding a map to study.

Since ancient times, this place has been an important hub connecting the Central Plains and the Western Regions, with mixed religions and diverse cultures. He first drew a circle on the Flame Mountain, and then connected to the ancient city of Gaochang-Thousand Buddha Caves-the ancient tombs of Astana.

These four places are close in distance and can be used as a line.

Originally, I only wanted to go to Huoyan Mountain, but my girlfriend is very nice (ba) to the Buddhist family now (gua), so I just took a look. Gaochang City was once an important place in the Western Regions, and Buddhist affairs flourished. It is known as "the whole city has 30,000 people and 3,000 monks".

The Yuan Dynasty was completely deserted, leaving a pile of ruins, and the nearby Thousand Buddha Cave was the royal temple of the Gaochang royal family.

After drawing up this line, he paused, planed out natural landscapes such as Grape Valley and Aiding Lake, and drew a circle on the Old City of Jiaohe.

Jiaohe is similar to Gaochang in that it used to be an important transportation point, but now it is an abandoned deserted city. The former is to the east of Huozhou, while the latter is to the west, so it is inconvenient to visit within a day.

He made a simple plan, threw the map away, looked at the big room, and suddenly felt a little deserted. It has always been in pairs, and I am not used to being alone.

Xiaozhai wanted to go to Songshan first, and he wanted to go to Xizhen first, but the two had disagreements, so they were busy in their own ways. Her journey was relatively short, and she had already arrived, but there was no movement at all.

"well… "

Gu Yu sighed, had no choice but to pick up the phone and dial it. A few seconds later, Xiao Zhai's voice came from over there: "Hello? Are you here?"

"Well, what are you doing?"

"I'm recharging my energy and preparing to go up the mountain tomorrow."

"Do you have a plan?"

"No, just go directly."

"Don't mess around, there are too many people in that place, please be careful." He sweated wildly.

"Ha, don't worry, I am a merciful female Bodhisattva..."

Xiao Zhai laughed twice, and asked again: "By the way, is there anyone following you?"

"Yes, let's say less than six or seven."

"It's about the same for me. I decided to open it up. Everyone can form a tour group, and the food and lodging will be shared equally. Seeing that they are all tired..."

There is no other way, just one hair will move the whole body, and when Phoenix Mountain moves, all the forces will start to chatter.

The two of them would not be so naive as to think that the government didn't know about it, and that Bai Bo brought a stone to find him must have been allowed by the family. If the family allows it, it means the big boss above agrees.

It can be said that all behaviors of the people are related to the attitude of the upper class.

After chatting for a while, Gu Yu hung up the phone. He took off his shirt and was about to go into the bathroom when he heard a soft sound coming from outside the door.


It seemed that someone passed by outside, and then a card was slipped in from under the door.

Hey, there is a big health care in this place

He leaned over, picked it up, and found that it was not the phone number of the beautiful young lady, but a sentence: Please go to the restaurant next door.


He sneered, talking about your size! A guy who doesn't even dare to show his face when he is sneaky, how can he have such confidence

Gu Yu threw the card away, and went to take a bath by himself.

"Flame Mountain, 20 people! 20 people!"

"There's only one left, just get in the car and leave!"

The next day, in the central square, next to the bus line leading to the Flame Mountain, several black cars parked swaggeringly, and several drivers were shouting loudly.

From time to time, there are single, couples, or small groups of small individual tourists who are attracted to the past, bargain for a while, and then get in the car and leave.

When the square was temporarily quiet, another tall and thin young man came over, and the remaining driver hurriedly asked, "Go to Flame Mountain?"

"How about a day package?"

"Four hundred, wait for as long as you play."


Yo! The driver was instantly happy. The most enjoyable thing is to meet this kind of tourists, who are generous and not inked.

The Flame Mountain is tens of kilometers away, just beside the road. As the car was driving on the road, Gu Yu watched the desolation outside the window, silently feeling the changes in the aura.

The concentration of Huozhou is 1, and there is no abnormality 20 kilometers away from the city. But after twenty kilometers, although the value has not changed, the peace has been greatly weakened.

There is obviously a strange heat in the aura, messy, dissociated, and very unstable. It's like putting your face next to a candle, that fluttering burning sensation.

"Master, stop the car and I'll take a picture."

Gu Yu felt it for a while, and suddenly came a cry.

"Hurry up, no parking!"

The driver didn't care, and slowly pulled over to the side of the road. There were too many such inexplicable literary youths.

As soon as Gu Yu got down, he ran in front of a bush, first touched the wilted branches and leaves, then looked at the roots, inserted his fingers down, and dug out a small piece of soil.

Generally speaking, the soil of the root system of vegetation is shady and cool with moisture. But this piece of soil seemed to be broken into small particles one by one, without stickiness or humidity.


He frowned suddenly, the situation was more serious than he imagined. This is not an ordinary lack of water, but the plants themselves, including the essence in the soil, are all evaporated out of control.

Gu Yu stood up and looked around. It was full of shriveled trees and vegetation, scattered scattered in the wilderness, as if desperately struggling for the last bit of vitality.

This kind of scene made people sigh and feel helpless for no reason.

"Dude, are you done filming? We have to go!"

At this moment, the driver shouted from behind.

"Oh, right now!"

He put the dirt in a bag, put it next to his body, and wiped it on the car.

About half an hour later, we arrived at the Huoyanshan area. Through the window, one can already see a low red-brown mountain standing bare by the side of the road.

The car turned further in and entered the scenic spot.

Gu Yu bought a ticket, stood in the square at the foot of the mountain, and looked up.

The mountain is thick and tortuous, and the hillside is full of gullies. There is no grass on the mountain, and the birds are invisible. Large areas of bedrock are exposed and covered with a layer of weathered sand.

It was the red sun in the sky, and the mountain was shining brightly under the scorching sun. The fiery air billows and rises, with crimson smoke steaming around, like raging flames, and the tongue of fire touches the sky.

"It really is the Flame Mountain, it's so hot!"

"It's more than ten degrees in the north, so it must be more than thirty degrees."

"Hey, no, no, I have to take off my coat, it's all through."

The tourists around are noisy and excited, and they are all amazed at the wonder of this nature. Of course they couldn't see that the aura in the body of a certain guy standing in the crowd suddenly moved, stirring the air around him.

The aura in this place was already chaotic, but after being shaken by this, invisible fluctuations formed, which quickly spread to the top of the mountain. The red smoke cloud on the top of the mountain swooped down suddenly, like a red snake dancing wildly, wrapping around someone's side, as if trying to swallow him up.

The red snake was unconscious and unconscious, but it was naturally aggressive. It tried to erode into its body again and again, but it was agitated by the fresh energy in his body and dissipated in an instant.

In just ten or so seconds, Gu Yu only felt that the spiritual energy was consumed rapidly, and it took most of it out. Only then did he restrain his breath, and the situation calmed down instantly. The red snake lost its target and slowly retreated to the top of the mountain.