Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 193: The baby is sad


Flame Mountain, Grape Valley.

Grape Valley is the largest canyon at the foot of the mountain. It is narrow and gentle, with cliffs on both sides facing each other. The valley is surrounded by streams and shaded by greenery. The resident population here is about 9,000 people, and it got its name because of its abundant grapes.

This will be the off-season, because the grapes are already ripe for picking, and the farmhouses next to each other are also deserted.

Gu Yu arrived here early in the morning. Two miles east of Mizoguchi is the foot of the Flame Mountain. The terrain there is flat and the best choice for hiking up the mountain—thanks again to the outdoor group!

He carried a bag, and besides the basic tools, was a lot of drinking water. As I said earlier, there were six or seven guys following him, and I don't know where they are.

He didn't care, he picked someone at random, and after making a request, it was ready within 40 minutes, and he didn't ask for anything in return. To use the catchphrase in the elite circle of the capital, this is called: forming a good relationship.

Before Gu Yu set off, he carefully turned around in the ditch, and the signs of erosion by the fire aura were more obvious here. The vitality of the grape racks all over the canyon and the surrounding poplar forests has weakened.

The red cloud in the sky is still entangled, just waiting for it to accumulate and accumulate to a certain extent, it will pounce down in minutes. At that time, I don't know what the peach blossom garden under the Flame Mountain will look like.

Gu Yu felt that it was a pity. Apart from abnormalities, people always had a kind of tolerance and kindness towards the disappearance of beauty.



Gu Yu jumped up, stepped on the mountain walls on both sides in a row, walked through the air for several meters, and finally lifted his breath, jumped over the sharp stone and broken road, and landed steadily.


He let out a breath, balancing the water and energy in his body so as not to evaporate too quickly.

Huoyan Mountain is 100 kilometers long, and he only walked 10 kilometers, and he felt very uncomfortable. It feels good outside, but once you enter the mountains, it is different instantly. The presence of the sun has never been so strong, as if there is only one round of red sun left in the world, emitting heat frantically.

What's more serious is that the fire aura is getting thicker and more aggressive, and he has to slow down the operation of the aura to avoid provoking and suffering.

Zhang Wei's gang asked Gu Yu for help for only one reason, that is, what they were looking for could only be found by feeling the aura. They may have a road map in their hands, but Gu Yu is running around without a head, and of course he doesn't have much hope.

After walking for more than half an hour, he entered a passage.

The passage twists and turns, like a wartime trench, wide enough to walk on horseback, with mottled and ruined walls on both sides, leading directly to the hinterland of the mountain.

But after walking for a long time, the low mountain wall suddenly became like an ax and a knife, facing each other straight. The passage became narrower and narrower, and finally only one person could pass through.

Gu Yu looked around, except for the ray of sky above his head, the surroundings were all ocher red mountains, like being in a burnt brick kiln, everything he looked at was full of fire.

"Huchi... Huchi..."

With his physical strength, he was also a little panting. He paused for a while, drank a large bottle of water, and estimated the distance back and forth.

Find another hour, if it fails, return immediately!

Continuing on in this way, the road becomes more and more difficult, and the gaps in the mountains are no longer allowed to pass through. In the narrowest place, you can only take off the backpack and squeeze it sideways.

After walking for a few miles, Gu Yu suddenly paused, and found that there was a large shadow under his feet, which was no longer the dull reddish-brown sandstone. He looked up, but there was a huge boulder hanging between the two walls. The sunlight penetrated through the gap and cast the shadow of the boulder on the bottom of the valley, which looked a little weird.


Gu Yu blinked, a little surprised, not because of the boulder, but because he felt a little cool just now. He regained his energy in an instant. There is no grass growing on this mountain, no birds and beasts, and the dry heat is like death. Where does the coolness come from

Immediately, he looked around, and finally found a half-meter-high gap under the mountain wall on the left, in a place shrouded in shadow.

It was pitch black inside, with a certain smell. After hesitating for a moment, he leaned over and crawled in with the backpack in one hand.


Countless gravels creaked under his body, causing pain in his abdomen. Gu Yu crawled for a while, the space seemed to be a little higher, and he changed to half-kneeling again. Then it turned into a cat waist, and finally stood upright, but it was in an open cave.

The cave is gloomy and cold, with no light to be seen. He took out the flashlight and flicked it casually. It was about the size of a basketball court and was sealed off on all sides, all of which were mountain walls.

Looking up again, as far as the eye can see, it seems that something is shaking.

Gu Yu nailed the light in one place, took a closer look, hiss! Ya suddenly grinned, and saw heavy puppet-like objects hanging from the dark cave roof, which were suspended by iron chains and still swaying slightly.

The light happened to shine on the front of a puppet, revealing a baby grimace with red pupils and a bloody mouth.


Gu Yu mentally moved, only to hear a "chi". A blue light flashed across the top of the cave, cutting the iron chain with a clatter. He caught the fallen puppet and carefully placed it on the ground.

The weight of this thing is quite light, and it is completely made according to the body size of an ordinary baby. I don't know what material, after thousands of years, it is relatively intact.

There are many strange lines engraved on the surface, similar to the imprint on the woman's chest, and there is a gap on the side, which seems to be openable.

"Well… "

Gu Yute struggled, not because he was afraid, but because he was a little disgusted, who knows what's in it!



At this moment, there was a sudden slight noise from the darkness, as if it was in one place, and it seemed to come from all directions.

Gu Yu listened carefully, then raised his head suddenly, and saw strange insects continuously crawling down from the broken iron chain. Each is half the size of a fist, covered with a dark carapace, with eight long serrated teeth, lotus-shaped mouthparts, and secretes mucus.

These bugs seemed to come from the abyss of the netherworld, they fell to the ground with crackling noises, and in a blink of an eye they piled up and rushed towards Gu Yu.


Gu Yu stepped on the ground, his aura swirled wildly, and let it go out suddenly.


The first few beetles felt a powerful coercion rushing towards them, and suddenly paused. But immediately, the hunger and thirst for blood food and nature broke through the suppression in an instant, and became even more crazy.

Good guy!

Gu Yu Beier didn't even hit him, he dropped the puppet, turned around and ran away.

There were more and more worms, chasing after them fiercely, and strange worms crawled onto the puppet, gnawed on it, and gnawed it to pieces in a blink of an eye.


A strange baby's corpse rolled out, with black juice as thick as ink.

The baby was about two years old, his hands and feet were all broken, and there were obvious burn marks all over his body. Unlike a rotting corpse, unlike a mummy, it has been preserved for an unknown number of years. The flesh and blood are mixed with a strange oil, and it seems that the expression of the dying is frozen, clearly visible, but extremely hideous.

Of course Gu Yu couldn't see it, but ran towards the entrance, cursing inwardly:

damn hole!

No way, first cat waist, then half-kneel, and finally bend over and crawl. He didn't keep it anymore, and the two blue lights pierced through the chasing beetles one after another.



Immediately afterwards, it was drowned out by the sounds of chewing and crawling, as if they were gnawing on the flesh and blood of the same kind.

Gu Yu's spine was chilled, and he crawled forward, and finally saw a light in front of him, and immediately accelerated, jumped forward with his hands, and then rolled on the ground.


As soon as he got out of the cave, there was a strange "cracking" sound in his ears.

Standing up and turning around, the few insects that came out were turned into pus immediately by the scorching sun, and the stench was suffocating. And the beetle behind was rustling with its tentacles, as if knowing that it couldn't move forward.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, he finally retreated slowly unwillingly, and there was darkness and silence again.

Evil door ah!

Gu Yu was afraid of all kinds, what the hell is this place? What the hell are those beetles

It is said that since he practiced, he has almost no opponents, but in the few days in Huozhou, he was attacked repeatedly, although they were all beaten by gangs. For a while, the baby was still a little bit wronged, the baby was sad, and the baby dared to stand in pain.

What is certain about this escape is that Zhang Wei must be related to the mysterious place in the cave, and it may be passed down to future generations. What they are looking for is also the relics of their ancestors.


Gu Yu looked ahead, he saw that there was still a vast red mountain, and he couldn't see the end at a glance. He has an intuition that this is not the final destination, but just a place in the middle, and the real secret is still deep in the mountains.

However, he didn't dare to act rashly.