Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 197: Fire Needle


Ebony, first snow.

As a city in a remote province, grandma has always been the one who doesn't care about grandma and doesn't love grandma. Ebony has not held a high-level meeting for a long time. The so-called high standard refers to the composition of the participants. The higher the official rank, the more important the meeting will be.

And today, probably the biggest day since Wumu City was established, one-third of the urban area is closed. Police, special police, and plainclothes lined up the streets, and they were all ready to fight.

The weather is cold, and the first snow in winter is fine and fine, covering the road and the shoulder cap with a layer of light white.

The meeting room of the government building is as warm as spring. Not too many people attended the meeting. There were thirty-seven chair seats and twenty-four vice seats, which seemed very empty.

Most of them are already in place, and just looking at the nameplates can scare people to death. The thirty-six provinces of Xia Kingdom, all the leading figures in each province are here, not to mention, there are many representatives of the military.


Everyone endured their doubts and inquiries, and tried their best to talk in a low voice, and there was a very strange tension and panic in the room.


Not long after, there was a sound of footsteps outside, strong and hurried. Immediately afterwards, a person entered the conference room. He was in his sixties, wearing black-rimmed glasses, and looked solemn.

In an instant, the room was silent.

This person sat in the first place, glanced around, and said: "Everyone is here, let's start."

He didn't have the protracted, slow, parallel sentences and weird particle words that ordinary leaders speak. He came up and said: "You all know the general situation of Huozhou. The changes are related to the seasons. Winter falls, spring recurs, and summer and autumn are the most prosperous. Today is November 20. According to the earliest cycle, we have more than 4 months to prepare until April next year. It is a blessing in misfortune. Below, Announcing several central decisions... Don't forget, you listen first at the meeting, and I will talk about it alone after the meeting... "

He pressed his hands down to stop the restlessness of the crowd, and continued:

"The first item, from now on, is to set up a Huozhou vision change supervision team, which will be fully responsible for the monitoring, research, coordination, and resolution of the Flame Mountain. I myself will serve as the deputy team leader.

The second item is to set up twelve observation stations within a radius of 50 kilometers of the Flame Mountain. Within a radius of 130 kilometers of Huozhou, there are 24 observation stations. Monitor and analyze the climate and environmental changes within the scope every day. We share this data with the highest level of confidentiality.

The third item, we are not sure about the scope of the spread, so prepare for the most pessimistic. For immigration work, we have already worked out a relatively complete plan, which is quite long, so I won’t talk about it this time, and we will hold a meeting later.

Let me talk about the general direction. First of all, Huozhou City has entered a state of emergency. According to the unified arrangement, the resettlement work will be carried out immediately. The other cities in the Western Frontier Province should also make preparations and evacuate immediately with an order.

The four provinces near the western frontier, except Qingning and Tangut provinces, Longxi province and Mobei province must do a good job in receiving immigrants. Don't be careless about the cities in the hinterland of the Central Plains, you are the main force and ready to receive them at any time.

The fourth item, from now on, each province will establish a special environmental observation team, which is under the management of the Special Bureau. Responsible for observation and early warning of mountains and rivers in various places, especially those with special landforms, such as deserts, caves, crypts, glaciers, sinkholes, etc.

Visions have already appeared in Phoenix Mountain and Tianshan Mountain, as well as Emei Mountain and Tianzhu Mountain, which are the most important.

The fifth item, in terms of public opinion, should do a good job in guiding the work, and the propaganda departments of each province should set up special public opinion groups. Especially on the Internet, we must beware of a small number of people using the Internet to spread rumors, deliberately spread terrorist speech, and even disrupt social order.

The sixth item, from now on, the security work in the western frontier must be upgraded to prevent criminals from taking the opportunity to instigate and cause trouble. Once there are signs, they must be extinguished immediately... "

After the man finished reading, he suddenly took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes, which seemed to be in pain.

The two closest to him took a look, and saw that the eyeballs were bloodshot, and their expressions were extremely tired, they hadn't slept for several nights. Five seconds later, he raised his head again, still with a serious face, and said:

"Everyone, the situation is critical. I won't talk nonsense. I just ask for one thing. The orders are clear and the execution is orderly. If I find out that anyone is playing tricks and hiding selfish intentions, I will punish them severely. There is no joke in the army!"


When he finished speaking, he slammed the table hard, causing the room to reverberate.


Silence, the silence of the room.

Shocked, horrified, at a loss, pondering... But nothing, I don't think so.

The vision of Huoyanshan came too big and too powerful. Unlike the previous Caohekou, which was a small town with a population of tens of thousands, the radiation area was extremely small. Huozhou is a city with a population of over 700,000!

In terms of statistics alone, it is not worth mentioning for a behemoth like Xia Guo. But you have been in politics for many years, so you naturally know the complexity and depth behind this number.

At the same time, they became more and more frightened. It has been less than a year since the end of the Tianshan incident, but the surroundings are getting more and more out of the original cognition.

No one wants to wake up the next day, and the familiar city is instantly strange.

After the meeting, everyone dispersed.

However, the top leader of the Western Frontier Province stayed on. He had worked with that person before, so he had some friendship. In front of his old friend, the man also restrained his aura a lot, looking exhausted.

"Let's take a rest first, don't rush for a while."

"There's no rush..."

The man waved his hand and sighed: "You may think that what I said just now is serious, but in fact it is more serious than this. You are the front line, the first position, and there is no room for loss. You have to worry about the immigration work."

"Do your best for the country, why worry about it!" the leader immediately expressed his opinion.

"Heh, I'm still relieved that you're doing something."

The man laughed twice, and said again: "The only thing to be thankful about this disaster is that we can do some observations, so we won't be unable to start."

This is true. Although they couldn't find the fire aura, they could infer it indirectly from the shape of the surrounding vegetation and soil, and even the simplest temperature change.

With these data, we are quite prepared for the time when the vision erupts.

As the man said, he took off his glasses, rubbed them, and asked, "By the way, that Mr. Gu hasn't left yet?"

"Didn't leave, he stayed in Grape Valley. He also went to Tianshan Mountain and disappeared for several days. He might go to that node to get something. Shall we..."

"Oh, forget it."

The man shook his head and said, "In the Tianzhu Mountain agreement, we were indeed negligent on purpose, not to mention that they took the initiative to notify us, so it should be regarded as some compensation."

"That's what you said. Hey, I heard that the other one didn't stop, making all the monasteries go crazy."

The leader smiled and said, "Although I haven't seen them, I have a good impression of them from what I've heard."

"Hehe, these two young people are indeed a wonderful couple."

That one also laughed, and said: "I just hope that in the future, there won't be swords at each other."

The Tianshan Mountain that Gu Yu went to earlier.

After he discovered that it was feasible to refine sapphire needles with fire aura, he acted quickly, took a car directly to Tianshan Mountain, and then touched the small valley.

It was completely different from the first time I went there. The aura is majestic and restless, completely unabsorbable, making the sky gray, like a dead end.

The valley is still covered with white snow, and Sima Che's tomb is in a lonely corner. There was snow on the original mountain ridge, and he couldn't tell the direction. Fortunately, he was able to find the lake with the guidance of the water.

It is amazing that the lake water is still there, instead of freezing into ice, it has turned into a small spring, gushing out. The water went down the hillside and formed a clearing again. If the aura is stable and the climate warms up, this place will be a green valley again.

The original sapphire stones were all buried, and it took him a lot of effort to chisel out a piece with tools. Not being greedy, I took the amount needed by a family of three, and even if it was too big, I couldn't take it away.

He now found that the attributes of each node are actually very obvious.

Like Phoenix Mountain, the core of the node is an old tree, which belongs to wood and soil, so it is suitable for farming. Mount Emei is also a deep valley with tall trees, so it should be similar to Mount Phoenix. And Tianzhu Mountain is a cave, which belongs to metal water, so there are mines and fish. Tianshan is similar, but I don't know if there are other things besides the sapphire mine.

Gu Yu took the ore, and returned to Huozhou graciously, regardless of the group of people trailing behind. Then I took out a part and had someone polish it into seventy sapphire needles, still about five centimeters in length, slightly thicker, with sharp ends.

He supervised the whole process and took away all the scraps, which made people very confused.

So far, he has seventy-two sapphire needles. have to! There is no need to do anything else, just refine the weapon and play. Every time he refines, he can refine five at the same time, you count, how long

Grape Valley, evening.

From Grape Valley to the east is the Flame Mountain; to the west is the urban area; to the south is another canyon. Only the north side is desolate and uninhabited.

The setting sun was shining, the weeds were yellowing, and there was an open space, except for an old tree with a crooked neck obliquely in front of it, poking it obliquely on the wasteland. Not far away, there is a russet mountain, and the red clouds gather, like a giant snake hibernating and taking a nap, only waiting to wake up in the coming year.

Gu Yu stood on the field, quietly looking at the old tree, about a hundred paces away.

He adjusted his breath a little, and when his mind and spirit were in full swing, he immediately moved his mind.


With the small popping sound, two brilliant and bright spots appeared out of thin air, as if floating spots of red light—the two sapphire needles that had been refined first.

As soon as the needle appeared, the surrounding air fluctuated suddenly, and it was slightly distorted by the burning.

Immediately afterwards, his divine sense moved again, and the red glow suddenly flashed and turned into a stream of light, flying towards the old tree as if dragging a long fiery red tail.


This momentum is very gratifying! It's really like the brilliance of a meteor breaking through the atmosphere, burning and falling.

In an instant, two puffs were heard, and the red light pierced through the old tree without hindrance, and then flew into the air again. And the old tree stood firmly on the ground, as if nothing had changed.


Gu Yu frowned slightly, just as he had doubts, he heard again, Boom!

Two crimson flames erupted vigorously inside the trunk, and within a second, they filled the entire tree. Together with the branches, leaves, roots, and even a small circle of weeds under the tree, they all burned.

The old tree seemed to be dismembered, and its limbs fell off, leaving only a pile of black charcoal.


Gu Yu blinked his eyes, he was taken aback, should he be so aggressive

Not to mention the slight increase in speed and penetration, the burning attribute alone is too much! Think about it, when confronting the enemy in the future, Mr. Gu will fly needles all over the sky with a wave of his hand, burning with desire...

Surprised or not? Is it surprising? How often

In short, he is very, very satisfied with the upgraded effect of the sapphire needle.


As soon as Gu Yu beckoned, two red lights flew back and landed lightly on the palm of his hand. A slight burning sensation rubbed against the skin, neither hot nor painful, but a little close. This is the feeling of mind-to-heart connection after refining the magic weapon.

"It's not appropriate to call it a sapphire needle..."

He looked at the palm, thought for a moment, and said with a smile: "From now on, it will be called Huoyun Needle."