Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 198: academic analysis


"Population migration is a very important social change, which has been the case since ancient times. In ancient societies, the factors of migration were mostly natural disasters, wars and immigration.

Putting aside the Qin and Han Dynasties, let’s first talk about the period of the Southern and Northern Dynasties. During the turmoil that lasted for a century or two, the population of the north and the south reached more than one million, accounting for 1/7 of the original household registration in the north. Transfer lays the groundwork.

Then there was the Anshi Rebellion. The so-called well-dressed people in the world avoided Soochow, and Yongjia moved south, but they did not flourish here. This tide of southward migration continued until the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, causing the population of the south to reach the point where it was evenly divided with the north for the first time.

The third time was in the early Ming Dynasty, when the Central Plains was vast and sparsely populated. In order to alleviate this situation, coupled with the need to expand frontiers and defend borders, the Ming Dynasty began to organize large-scale population migration. Nine sides were set up along the Great Wall, starting from Liaozuo in the east, Xuanda in the north, Longxi in the west, Yunnan and Shu in the south, and Jiaozhi in the south, and the north and south of the Dahe River in the middle, so as to finally balance the population.

The fourth time is immigration outside the customs. The lower reaches of the Yellow River were hit by disasters year after year, and tens of thousands of farmers flowed into the customs. In more than 100 years, until the eve of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the population outside the customs reached 60 million. In the entire migration history of the Xia Kingdom, it was the most intense one. "

It is said that Wumu City has been holding meetings continuously for the past few days.

Today is also the case, a very special lecture is being held. There were dozens of people present, all of whom were senior officials from various provinces, and the old man wearing glasses was among them.

On the stage, there is a gray-haired professor explaining to the huge display screen:

"After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the influence of natural conditions and wars has become less and less, and policy and economic factors have continued to increase. Everyone should be very clear about this, so I won't go into details. One is from the countryside to the city; the other is from the interior to the coast Cities and industrial and mining areas; the third is the development of the western region. What do I mean by these? To some extent, population migration is the decisive factor for changes in politics, economy, and the natural environment. With repeated migrations, we have Today's developed urban agglomerations, economic centers and backward areas... ”

After talking for a long time, the professor stopped to take a sip of water, and said in a hoarse voice:

"Now, we seem to have returned to the past, back to the era when natural disasters determined human migration. Let's say that the entire Western Frontier Province has a total population of 24.67 million, and the Fire Island accounts for about 3%. It doesn't seem like much, but let's analyze it in detail. Among them, 370,000 are men, 350,000 are women, 190,000 are under 18 years old, 170,000 are 18-35 years old, 240,000 are 35-60 years old, and the rest are over 60 years old.

Among these people, less than 10% have an annual disposable income of more than 100,000 yuan.

The burden of minors and the elderly is quite heavy. They are all vulnerable groups who cannot work, cannot generate value, and need welfare resource protection. As for the middle-aged group, which accounts for the largest proportion, their life, work, and thoughts are very stable, allowing them to leave their homes and start anew in a new environment. I personally think that quite a few people will not adapt, and it is this group of people who are potential safety hazards.

Therefore, there are only 170,000 young adults who can really produce value.

And these people move to various places, education, employment, pension, medical care, housing, etc., will break the inherent system of the original city, and even cause a burden.

What we are considering now is how to distribute the 700,000 people so as to keep it as stable as possible.

Qingning Province has a population of 6 million; Tangut Province has a population of 4 million; Longxi and Mobei both have a population of more than 20 million. The former two have vast land and sparse population, but they also have few job opportunities, and the security system is even more imperfect. And don't forget, these two provinces are primitive landforms, plateau glaciers, harsh environment, and there is a Kunlun Mountain in the territory! "


As soon as these three words came out, everyone was shocked.

The current law is that mountains, rivers and rivers are prone to abnormalities. Since provincial-level scenic spots like Phoenix Mountain can become nodes, no one can guarantee what will happen to Kunlun, the ancestor of Wanshan.

"The terrain in Longxi and Mobei is slightly slower, but there are also Qilian Mountains and Yinshan Mountains. The industries in these two provinces are lacking, and a large number of people influx in an instant. I think the ability to accept it is limited. That's why we decided that Qingning and Tangut would not consider it. A small number of Longxi and Mobei can be relocated, but most of them still have to be relocated to the hinterland of the Central Plains."


There was no sound in the house. Even though they were aware of the ramifications and impact of the incident, their sense of grief multiplied several times in an instant after hearing the expert's analysis.

This is not over yet, the old professor is also very emotional, saying:

"I made a rough estimate. If Huozhou becomes a dead place, how much will we lose? First, 20.361 billion tons of coal, 270 million tons of iron, 220,000 tons of potassium saltpeter, 2657.52 jin of gold, and 180 million tons of sodium saltpeter, 76 million tons of magnesite, 20.40436 million tons of thenardite... and 100,000 mu of arable land, 350,000 mu of cotton, 500,000 mu of grapes, 50,000 tons of meat, and 30,000 tons of milk Products…”

He reported 17 kinds of mineral resources and 12 kinds of agricultural product resources in a series, and continued: "There is more! If the so-called fire aura spreads to Shaer Lake, Aiding Lake, and Qiketai, these areas contain a lot of The shallow coalfields. It’s not just a matter of destruction, once the coalfields burn, I, I really can’t imagine that kind of scenario.”


In the silence, his voice suddenly became a little dry, and his tone sank, and he said slowly:

"I have been studying the proposition of "New Environmental Changes and New Social Relations" since the beginning of the year. Taking Tianzhu Mountain as an example, Tianmen Town has a population of 80,000, and most of them rely on scenic spots for their livelihood. But after the closure of the mountain, the population has dropped significantly. Today, there are only 50,000 permanent residents, and there are not many young and strong. In the past, they had to provide services for millions of tourists, but now they have dropped to 1,000. Tianmen Town has grown from a local township with comprehensive industrial services, Down to a small village that can only provide basic living security... "

The old professor is highly respected and has been interviewed by the head of state many times. He is not afraid to speak, and said directly: "Take this opportunity, I implore the government to pay attention to it. This is definitely a new discipline worthy of development and promotion. Talent training is urgent. Finally, I personally propose A little suggestion: the government should establish a reasonable and effective rescue and immigration mechanism that can be complied with for a long time, and be prepared for continuous large-scale population migration activities. This general direction should be towards urban agglomeration and plain areas Concentrate, try to stay away from special landform areas. Especially the northwest and southwest borders, the middle NS area, and the population in the northern mountainous areas may be seriously lost!"


After the old professor finished speaking, he glanced at the crowd, packed up the materials, and was about to end.

The leader got up immediately, held the other person's hand to greet him personally, and asked him to sit down. Afterwards, he didn't even go on stage, so he turned to face everyone and said:

"Professor Li's suggestion is extremely valuable, and we will concentrate on research. I would like to add that these current problems are all operable. If we can't operate it, we need some so-called monks to solve it, and it will be done in large quantities. Brothers, we will definitely be stretched. Therefore, after you go back, in addition to immigration work, you must also pay close attention to and support the local temples, and carry out more activities to recruit disciples. Tianzhu Mountain is the first batch, and we will train now It's the second batch, the third batch, and even keep doing it! Well, the meeting is over!"