Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 20: Discover


"Wow, boom!"

The heavy rain outside the window did not abate in the slightest, as if it had washed away an illusion.

Gu Yu's mood has calmed down, but his body is still in a slight convulsion caused by excessive tension. After a while, the convulsions were slowly suppressed.

He picked up his mobile phone and clicked on the chat box. This time there was content, and it was the picture sent by Xiaozhai: a copper plate in the shape of a plum blossom was filled with finely sprinkled silver incense ash, which seemed to be covered with thin snow , It's really beautiful.

The time for the information was nine twenty, and now it is nine thirty. In other words, he experienced so many weird things, and the reality is that only ten minutes have passed.

It seems that the word is very vulgar, but it is also very real.

Gu Yu was not in the mood to chat, so he replied casually, then sat on the bed and sorted out everything just now.

Judging from the time point, it should be from the time when I fell into tranquility, or when I heard the sound of the tide, I was dragged into a world similar to a fantasy. At almost the same time, Xiaozhai also sent a message, which created a loophole.

After that, including feeling hungry, going downstairs to eat, meeting Old Li, turning into a monster, escaping crazily, etc...all are vain.

It wasn't until I discovered something strange, that is, the message reminded me, that the fear gradually disappeared and the illusion was broken.


He smacked his lips, after thinking about it, this thing seems very low! A mere piece of information can invade its world and make the person concerned notice it—except for scaring the little friends, it seems that it has nothing to do.

Well, Ya just narrowly escaped death, and couldn't hold back her excitement. In fact, he knew in his heart that if he didn't find out the abnormality in time and was finally killed by that lump of rotten meat, he might really die.

As for the reason for the illusion, it is more obvious, it must be related to the restlessness of the aura and the bee hurting people. So, I still have to find Old Li...


Thinking of the old man, he immediately shivered, and his body became a little stiff.

No way, it's so disgusting!

It is said that since Gu Yu met the big squirrel, the way of thinking about problems has become more and more unscientific. He has been guessing all this time, not to mention, it's really close.

The guy sat for a while, and Fang felt that his clothes were soaked, so he went out with the toiletries. The lights in the corridor are very dim, the walls are worn out, and the sound of TV and conversations from other rooms can be heard from time to time.

The water room and toilet are at the end, he went to the toilet first, then turned into the water room. There was another person inside, shirtless and wearing a pair of big underpants, who was shaving his beard.

Ya looked at Gu Yu's sweat, then at her own attire, and couldn't help but ask, "Dude, are you hot?"

"Well, it's raining a bit stuffy."

"It's so cool to be shirtless!"

The guy patted his chest, wiped his face casually, and hummed a song to get away. Immediately afterwards, a woman's complaint came from a certain room: "It took you so long to shave, are you dead inside?"

"Don't you have to shave it clean, or you'll feel like pricking... come on!"

"Oops, lock the door!"

"Ah… "

Gu Yu smiled, and for the first time felt that this human flavor was very kind and gave him a sense of security. After he finished washing, he hung up his vest to dry, and Pia tossed and turned on the bed, unable to fall asleep, so he had to touch his phone and type a few words:

"are you asleep?"

"working hard now."

"Oh, it's nothing, just to say thank you."

"Didn't you thank me during the day?"

"It's different this time, thank you anyway."

"Hey, did you know that boys with little secrets are especially GAY."

"Well… "

He choked to death with one sentence, and was speechless again.

The next day, morning.

Today's weather is very good, the sun is warm, soaked in the freshness after the rain. The ground was dirty and muddy, but it couldn't stop the enthusiasm for catching up. In the only vegetable market in the east of the town, it was already crowded with people.

Feeling this vitality, Gu Yu was also in a happy mood. He wanted to find a place to eat, but after searching around, there was no special breakfast shop, so he had to find a stall in the market and sit in the open air.

Four deep-fried dough sticks, a large bowl of tofu nao, and more spicy peppers. The food is Belba bouncing around, just like the salty party has killed all the heretics, and the whole world celebrates.

After finishing breakfast, he returned to the hotel, the woman also took a bowl on the bar and asked casually, "Are you checking out today?"

"Leave in a while."

Gu Yu stopped and asked, "Sister, what time does the bus to Baicheng come?"

"There is one at half past ten, one at two o'clock, and one at night."

"oh… "

He pursed his lips and wanted to go upstairs, but his feet were stubbornly stuck in place, and he seemed to be struggling.

Seeing him not moving, the woman wondered, "Is there anything else?"

"Well… "

He struggled for a moment, and finally asked: "Do you know a beekeeper, Old Li, I want to buy some raw honey."

"I know. Go west from here and there is a small house at the end. That's his house."

"Oh, thank you."

Gu Yu asked for the address before going upstairs.

He wasn't trying to die, but after experiencing the weirdness of last night, he suddenly had a feeling: practice is to go against the current, seek opportunities, and fight for fate. Many things are in one thought, especially life and death.

Judging from my own experience in Phoenix Mountain, the spiritual energy will never be restless for no reason, and there is likely to be something interfering. And this trip to Wudaohe may be my chance.

Twenty minutes later.

Gu Yu went downstairs with his bag on his back, checked out of the room first, and then went straight to the west. This road is rather sideways, and at first you can see a few shops, but it turns into a field as you walk.

There are only some old brick factories and tile factories on both sides, surrounded by railings, quiet and deserted, I don't know if there is anyone.

After walking for another distance, the terrain in front of us is getting higher and higher, showing a small piece of woods, which looks sparse. There is also a small courtyard beside the road, and it is Old Li who is playing with beehives in the courtyard.

Seeing this scene, Gu Yu became more determined in his heart. The illusion is using this place to distort and exaggerate it to achieve the effect of intimidating people.

But thinking about it this way, it seems that it deliberately led itself to go this way.

For a while, he felt that God's will was unpredictable, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses, and shouted: "Master!"


When the old man raised his face, there was no candle, no rotten meat, just an ordinary face, and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"I heard that your honey here is good. I want to buy some honey."

"How much do you want to buy?"

"Can I see it?"

"come in!"

After speaking, Gu Yu entered the yard. The old man seemed to be in a low mood, and slowly led him to the back room, pointing to a jar of amber honey and said: "That's all that's left, this jar can weigh two catties."

He pretended to pick it up, looked at it and said: "Master, your business is good, so many bees are not enough to sell."

"What's not enough to sell? I collected two catties in a week, and I can't live anymore." The old man complained.

"No way, why do I see so many bees?" He said routinely.

"It's useless. They fly out to sting people all day long, or they just wander around in the woods... To tell you the truth, I have been raising bees for twenty years, and this is the first time I have encountered such a strange thing."


Gu Yu keenly caught the key words and asked, "Why go to the woods if you have nothing to do?"

"I'm wondering too. I went up to look at it a few days ago, and there was nothing... Sigh, if this goes on like this, the bees will be unbearable!"

The old man was also very bored, and complained bitterly whenever he caught someone.

He looked pitiful and didn't want to buy it at first, so he immediately took out a can and said a few words of comfort. Not long after, he left the small courtyard, bypassed the old man's sight, and quietly entered the woods from the other side.

As soon as I got in, I heard a sound of "咻" exploding, like a sharp and fierce arrow, trying to shoot the brain right through.


Gu Yu quickly steadied himself, keeping his mind focused, and tried his best to resist the intrusion of the voice. Fortunately, it didn't take long before the sharpness gradually weakened and turned into a rushing sound, which was exactly the sound of the tide heard last night.

It was clearer and stronger than before, as if it was right beside me. This time there was no phantom, he tried his best to feel the direction, and vaguely discerned that it was in the northeast corner.

The forest was not big, and it was almost visible at a glance. He slid around twice like plowing, but still found nothing. When I checked for the third time, my eyes finally lit up.

He hurried forward, squatted down, and pulled out some weeds and gravel, revealing a fishbone-shaped white crystal.

"Ah… "

Gu Yu held it in his hand without hindrance, looked at it carefully, and couldn't help laughing: "Are you playing tricks?"