Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 205: decree


A few days later, the monastery.

In the huge hall, thirty-five people gathered here. This is not a modern-style conference room, and there is no long table, it is a bit like the ancient Juyi Hall. The Quanzhen Nineteen is on the left side and forms two rows; the Zheng Sixteen is on the right side and is also in two rows.

The first place in the middle is a big chair.

Today's meeting was called in the name of the government, but when I saw it, I had a guess in my heart: This is someone who is going to show his power!

The faces of Zhang Shouyang and the others were extremely ugly. They might face some difficulties, but they could not leave yet. Once they left, it would mean that they would withdraw from the Taoist system and would be even more ostracized.

After waiting for a few minutes, I finally saw a person bypassing the screen at the back of the hall, Shi Shiran, and unquestionably sat on the main seat—it was Lu Yuanqing.

He was still wearing a blue sermon robe, not showing any color at all. He glanced around first, and said, "Before, the official statement was made that the monastery should be formally established and the presiding conditions should be formally established. Everyone has listened to it. I'll do it later." , I was lucky to get a glimpse of the innate, and I can be the first host. The construction of the Taoist temple is all decided by us, and there will be support there, but we will never participate. So there are two things today. One is to discuss with everyone how to build it. The second is to make a rough outline of the personnel charter."

"Hmph! It's not up to you to decide, what are you doing with this time?" the descendant of Zhengyi Baotian Sect scoffed.

"If I use my teacher's heart for my own use, I don't need to hold this meeting."

Lu Yuanqing smiled and said: "Since ancient times, there have been eight deacons in the jungle, and three capitals, five masters and eighteen heads. Although Qi Yun is in the upper court, but there are too few staff, it is inconvenient to set up so many positions. I have a draft for everyone Discuss. Under the auspices, set up a supervisor. This is the public program. It must be dignified. Brother Zhang Shouyang is in charge."


As soon as this statement came out, everyone was surprised. Especially Zhang Shouyang, frowning and staring at each other, wondering what the hell he was doing.

Lu Yuanqing pretended not to see it, and continued: "Brother Zhang knows the cause and effect of sin and blessing, and has all merits and deeds. He is really the best candidate. I hope everyone can refer to it.

Under the Supervisory Court, there are eight more deacons.

There is a prime minister, and senior brother Mo Haofeng of the Lianhua School is in charge of welcoming the guests.

One of the inspectors, in charge of picket affairs, and promoted by the senior brother Huang Zhihe from Laoshan.

One treasurer, the main warehouse reserve, and the comprador of access and exit, are in charge of Gao Fengdao Zhu Chan's junior brother.

One Dian Zao will be dispatched by the main kitchen to handle the delicacies, and his younger brother Wang Yuanji from the Zhengyi School will be in charge.

One person in charge of the hall, responsible for sweeping the halls, careful incense lamps, and pious offering vessels, is in charge of Senior Brother Tan Chongdai of the Qionglong Mountain School.

There are two Gao Gong masters, who are responsible for the scripture recitation and handouts. Senior brother Shi Yunlai of the Longmen School and Chao Kongtu Junior Brother of the Maoshan School are in charge.

There is another financial person, none of us are professionals, and we need to be raised from the temple.

The above is the basic structure of the Taoist temple. From now on, all official personnel will be evacuated, and each faction will send out two or three disciples to be responsible for daily inspections and cleaning... "

After he finished speaking, no matter Quanzhen or Zhengyi, there was an undercurrent surging.

The so-called eight major deacons and three capitals, five masters and eighteen heads seem to be subdivided, but in fact they have overlapping functions and are very cumbersome. Lu Yuanqing erased most of them, streamlined and refined, a total of nine managers.

Overall, it is divided into four parts: supervision, logistics, outreach and scripture hall.

That's all, what's even more amazing is the candidate. Because everyone felt that Lu Yuanqing would definitely suppress Zhengyi, win over Quanzhen, and even cultivate cronies. But as soon as the result came out, ho! It's really knowing people and making good use of them, regardless of factions.

Everyone was confused, but after thinking about it, it was appropriate and appropriate.

For example, for the position of prime minister, one must be familiar with the classics, understand various sects, and have a smooth personality and be immersed in worldly sophistication. Mo Laodao is a real shrewd person, so he has to do outreach work.

And Zhu Chan, although young, is upright and responsible, and everyone feels at ease when he is placed in the position of treasurer.


Zhang Shouyang was the one with the biggest fluctuations, so unexpected! He suddenly realized that he had never seen this person clearly, so that in the following discussion, he paddled the whole time and didn't listen at all.

Unknowingly, everyone discussed for a long time, and finally came up with a big frame, including the laws and regulations, the layout of the facilities, the arrangement of each hall, the number of people and so on.

"Brothers and brothers, once you enter the Taoist monastery, there is no distinction between sects. In the future, if you encounter difficulties and obstacles, you should work together as one, remember to remember!"

Lu Yuanqing said one last sentence and announced the adjournment of the meeting.

After everyone left one by one, Zhang Shouyang stayed in the hall, took two steps forward, and said in a low voice, "What exactly are you going to do?"

"Didn't all the brothers see it? I am building a Taoist monastery."

"You set up two high-level meritorious deeds. You say it is chanting scriptures, but it is actually imparting meritorious deeds. Shi Yunlai and Junior Brother Chao are both heads of the Taoist academy. You don't set restrictions. You want to break the thousand-year-old orthodox tradition, let Quanzhen learn talismans, let Zheng Zheng Go learn Neidan?"

Zhang Shouyang's eyes widened, and he took another step forward.

"You misunderstood me. I was talking about chanting the scriptures. I didn't say a word about teaching the exercises. Of course, if there are brothers and sisters who can't stand it and ask them for advice in private, I can't stop them."

Lu Yuanqing stood up slowly and was about to go out.


Zhang Shouyang moved his feet, and just about to catch up, he saw him stamping his feet and wiping his body, but instead stared at him, his voice suddenly raised: "Now that the spiritual energy has recovered, the opportunity has come, brother thinks, how should I deal with my Taoist sect?"

Zhang Shouyang was startled, and said in a shy voice: "Above, there is pressure from the officials, and below, there is the bondage of the teacher, so what can we do?"


In an instant, he recalled the memory, and looked at the other party with a trace of awe and shock: "You want to..."

"Oh, I didn't think about anything."

Lu Yuanqing waved his sleeves, brushed past him, and strode out.


Zhang Shouyang stood where he was, his back was tired, and he remained silent for a long time.

Lu Yuanqing's promotion to Xiantian can be said to affect the whole body.

Just after the Spring Festival this year, the government quietly promulgated a new regulation, oh no, it should be said to be a revised version. It was jointly drafted by the authority and the Daoist Association, and a document was sent to temples all over the country.

Article 6 of the "Taoism Management Measures (New Edition)" stipulates that temples must meet the following conditions when selecting disciples:

I voluntarily;

free from communicable diseases;

If you want to become a monk, in addition to voluntary, you must also get the consent of your parents;

No criminal record;

No bad habits such as drug abuse, gambling, or alcohol abuse;

Have true religious beliefs;

Originally, there were ten conditions, the second being "at least eighteen years of age", but in the new version, this has been erased. Not only that, but the following items have also changed:

"After three years of inspection, with the consent of the temple management organization, it is decided whether to formally accept apprentices. Those who pass the test will be given crowns and scarves, passed on, and allowed to live permanently. During the inspection, those who violate the precepts and refuse to change after repeated admonitions will be expelled."

"During the inspection period, the local Taoist Association will issue subsidies, and the subsidy standard will not be lower than the local minimum wage level. Once qualified, enjoy various preferential treatment and welfare allowances for Taoists, and respect the teachings and traditions of various sects."

A discerning person will know what the abacus is at a glance.

There is no age limit, which means that anyone can learn from a teacher at any age. Paying salaries during the internship period and emphasizing preferential treatment can attract more young people with active minds. Respect the traditions of various factions, and make it clear that Zhengyi can eat meat and marry a wife, which also lowers the psychological defense line.

There is a naked meaning throughout the whole article: Come on, come on!

Similarly, Article 9 is also a new regulation:

"The temple should strengthen the cultivation and education of Taoists, especially young Taoists. Taoists must abide by temple rules, be diligent in their duties, adhere to morning and evening homework practice and traditional rituals, pure Taoism, Taoism and customs are different."

"All temples must strictly abide by the national household registration management regulations, and are not allowed to take in unknown Taoist priests and other personnel. Taoist priests from other temples must have a letter of certification that meets the regulations when they come to visit the temple."

"It is not allowed to set up commercial and service outlets, hold exhibitions and exhibitions in the temples. All tourist attractions are not allowed to set up temples without authorization, and enterprises are not allowed to contract. Jungle hosts and managers must have a profound knowledge of Taoism. The association will be held from time to time. Inspections, violators will be closed down and dealt with according to law."

That's great, especially the last one.

How many Taoist temples are there in the whole country, how many real Taoist priests and how many false Taoist priests are there? Does the ownership of this view belong to the enterprise, the scenic spot, or someone else

In fact, the door is clear.

A company contracts a mountain, builds a Taoist temple, and randomly finds a person for short-term training, and the contract is signed. You live in it, and I will pay you a monthly salary, and the incense money belongs to us.

This has happened a lot.

As soon as this order came out, all the participants realized that the cleansing of the Taoist sect was about to begin.