Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 206: purge action


Jiangzhou, Qionglong Mountain.

After the Spring Festival, the climate in the south of the Yangtze River is half humid and half warm, which is extremely uncomfortable. Today is a rare sunny day, people in Jiangzhou City took advantage of the warm sunshine, and sometimes a family went out for an outing.

The mountain is next to the city, which has this advantage, and the tourist group is very fixed.

At dusk, in Shangzhen Temple on the mountainside, two Taoist priests were chatting boredly. They also have a holiday for the Spring Festival, and they have just started work not long ago, and there is no business yet.

"Papa papa!"

The horse-faced Taoist patted the merit box in the hall, then glanced at the big lock on the eye box, and said with contempt: "I don't have much money a day, and I still use the lock. It's really stuffed in the asshole, and I'm stingy!"

"People will come later, it's almost dark." A young Taoist priest said.

"You are so punctual, you must come!"

They are talking about accountants. Accountants belong to the company. They come over every night, open the merit box, and count the money on the spot. For temples with great influence, companies can still give some dividends. Small places like this can't even drink soup.

Ma Lian circled around the box, and said again: "Hey, I'm due in the middle of the year, I will definitely leave."

"Do you have a next home?" the young man asked.

"Of course there is. There is a big temple in the South of the Five Ridges. The relationship is very strong, so I will do things for the local tyrants. Just go down and run a hole, and it will cost hundreds of thousands."

"Brother, why don't you take me with you?" The young man was also jealous.

"You can't, you've only been in the industry for a few years, and you don't even know how to read scriptures, what should you do if you reveal your secrets?"

The two chatted and waited for a while.

The horse's face was a little strange, it's been this time, why hasn't the accountant shown up yet? He was about to make a phone call, when he suddenly heard a shout from outside:

"Hurry up, hurry up, you go inside, you go there, don't miss the place! You guys, come with me!"

"Who is yelling? Do you know where?"

The young man was upset, so he wanted to go out to take a look, but as soon as he walked to the door, he heard "Bang!"

The door was knocked open, and a few people broke in, ignoring the guy who fell on the ground, and said directly: "After verification by the department, you are pretending to be Taoists and operating religious places illegally. According to relevant regulations, you will be seized and detained first. This is a seizure." make!"


As soon as the red-headed document was lit up, the horse's face was stunned, and then he bravely shouted: "Do you know whose mountain this is? I want to call, I want to call President Qin!"

"President Qin?"

As soon as the captain heard it, he knew it was Qin Yunfeng from the Jiangzhou Taoist Association, and he couldn't help sneering: "He's in danger, take him away!"

The two swindlers, no matter what their opponents were, were subdued within minutes. At the same time, a group of people went in to search, such as the Sanmao Hall, the God of Wealth Hall, the Wenchang Hall, etc., and all the fake Taoist priests inside were driven out.

There is only one exception, and that is the Heavenly Master Hall. This group of people patrolled carefully and meticulously, and left a special person to be responsible for cleaning up in the future.



As soon as the gate of Sanqing Pavilion was closed, and a seal with black letters on a white background was pasted, this three-story building that had just been built was thrown into the street in a blink of an eye.

"Um... I want to make a call!"

The horse-faced Taoist came out of the mountain gate, still struggling desperately, and shouted: "I want to talk to President Wang, I want to talk to President Wang!"


The captain snorted coldly, pushed hard, and stuffed it directly into the car.

They are not the police, not the court, but members of the Special Bureau. As soon as the new "Taoism Management Measures" came out, all localities took immediate action and organized a group to crack down on counterfeiting.

They are all connected, with fake Taoists relying on fake temples, and then relying on local officials and big bosses.

This management method alone cannot convict others, but it can be investigated elsewhere. This group of officials and local tyrants checked and found out that no one's butt was clean. After the trial, the property would naturally be confiscated.

The confiscation of property is a logical transition to Taoism, which is called combined punishment for several crimes. And these temples are temporarily idle, and we will see the movement of Qiyun Taoist Temple later, and then we will allocate them in detail.

But they said that the Special Bureau pressed them down the mountain, and many citizens who were about to go home after the game saw it and expressed surprise.

"what happened?"

"It's a crime, maybe the backing has fallen, and these little soldiers can't keep it."

"Ha, it should have been caught a long time ago, a bunch of scammers!"

Nanzhong, Changchun Temple.

Changchun Temple is the largest temple in the province, you can tell from the name, and it inherits the Quanzhen Taoism. The main building is five entrances: Fenlingguan Hall, Ershen Hall, Taiqing Hall, etc. On the right side are Shifang Hall, Sutra Hall, Grand Guest Hall, Gongde Temple, etc.; on the left side are Zhai Hall, Liao Hall, Qiuzu Hall, Abbot Hall, Shipu Hall, etc.

At this moment, in a quiet room in the scripture hall, Wu Dachun, the master of the Temple of Fortune, sat cross-legged, sweating profusely.

Fuxing Temple is located in a county under its jurisdiction. It belongs to a branch and a branch. It can't be called a sect at all.

He is quick-witted and has a good life, but he was suddenly called here two days ago, and miraculously took the exam with another group of temple masters.

The first is the written test, which is all about some theoretical knowledge of Taoist classics.

Wu Dachun is a true Taoist priest, and he also learned Taoism when he was young, but after he became a temple master, he forgot all about that and spent his days thinking about making money.

As soon as the written test results came out, he was naturally extremely poor, so he was called to the scripture hall for another round of tests. The examiner is the one in front of him, the master of Changchun Temple.

The old man drooped his eyelids, his face was expressionless, and he asked, "The alchemy scriptures say that the love of dragons is lingering, and the nature of tigers is ferocious. What's the explanation for this?"

"Uh, the dragon is the heart, and the tiger is the mind. It means that the mood is restless."

He thought for a while, and stammered back.

The old Taoist asked again: "The tiger is ruthless, but the dragon has intentions, so why?"

"This, this means that if the mind is thought through, it will become a wonderful method."

Damn it! Where did he remember going? Can only rely on vague impressions, trying to muddle through.

"In "Zhou Yi Can Tong Qi", there is a formula for the three treasures of the eyes, eyes and mouth, do you know?"

have to!

Now that he couldn't even be fooled, Wu Dachun became more and more anxious, and said in a low voice: "I don't know."

The old Taoist frowned, and asked again: "You should know that the source of the medicine is only in the southwest of the hometown. Where does this sentence come from?"

"No, I don't know."

Wu Dachun's head was almost buried in his crotch.

"well… "

The old Taoist sighed, and said: "The dragon has its heart, and the tiger has its breath. It is not intentional. The tiger is ruthless, but the dragon has intentions. It means that it is legal to take the initiative to cooperate with the breath with an intentional heart." "San Tong Qi" There are verses, the three treasures of the ears, the eyes, the mouth, and the three treasures of the ears, eyes, and mouth. Don’t let it go through. The real person sinks into the abyss, floats and abides by the rules. As for the last sentence, it comes from Zhang Boduan’s "Enlightenment". These are simple sentences in the Taoist scriptures. Years, one or two years of hard work, you will know. If you can’t answer, it can be seen that you will slack in your homework sooner or later, and you will be negligent in reciting the scriptures to clarify the meaning, and you will fail.”

"Old cultivator, give me another chance, I will definitely do well in the exam!" Wu Dachun was anxious.

"You have to study in Benguan, when you pass the test, when you go back, go out!" The old man didn't bother to talk to him.

"Old practice, old practice..."

He still wanted to call out, but was dragged out by two Taoist priests.


The old Taoist rubbed his temples, feeling tired and powerless, he said, "Next."

The purging of the Taoist sect in the spring is of far-reaching significance.

First of all, the attributes of temples must be pure, and officials and enterprises should stay away. Furthermore, the quality of Taoist priests must be improved. Unqualified training, if the training is not enough, will deprive the qualifications of the temple masters, and they can only do chores and sweep the floor.

As a result, a large number of Taoist priests returned to the vulgar one after another. Originally more than 50,000 registered personnel, after the first wave of cleansing, thousands of people ran away.

Small temples all over the country closed their doors one after another, and the local people found out inexplicably: "Oh my god, why is there no one in this temple?" They don't know how to explore, and they don't have any impact on life.

Purging is to prepare for accepting disciples. The purpose of accepting apprentices is to get rid of the dross and inject new blood.

The time is still short, and the effect of rectifying the atmosphere cannot be seen yet. However, the framework has been set up, with the Qiyun Taoist Academy as the core, the provincial road associations as the foundation, and the Qiyun Thirty-Six Friends sect as the stronghold, an elite network has truly been formed.

This news also spread to the Taoist temple, but Lu Yuanqing ignored it and refused to express his opinion. Zhang Shouyang has been restless since that conversation, so he also skipped it.

Others think it's great, Qi Yun Qi Yun, as if it really stands above the sky.

Generally speaking, the rectification process is effective and quick, and a bunch of corrupt officials and dirty enterprises have also been cleaned up by the way. Of course, there is a special one, and we haven't discussed how to deal with it - Ziyang Temple on Phoenix Mountain.