Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 208: Fire Island erupts


At the end of March, Huozhou.

More than 700,000 people have all been evacuated, and a large number of scientific researchers and military personnel have moved in. They are mainly used for observation data and guard work, and they have no real effect on the changes in the vision.

In fact, it's quite strange, a city is about to die out, and the original people are all over the world, never to return. On the contrary, a group of foreigners witnessed and accompanied the last journey.

At noon at this time, in the Huoyanshan Scenic Area, the originally small square looked even more desolate. The big golden hoop-shaped thermometer was stuck alone in the Bagua furnace, reaching straight into the sky.

And the russet mountain behind, the trails are deserted, and there are no traces of tourists... Oh no, there is one more.

Xiao Zhai sat on the rocks generously, surrounded by clouds of fire, like red snakes scurrying on the top of the mountain. The fire aura here is the most powerful, and ordinary people would feel very uncomfortable, but for her, it is a good place to practice Leifa.

There is a word called, sky thunder and earth fire.

Usually refers to the terrifying power of nature, but also refers to the sprouting of sexual desire between men and women. These two elements are habitually linked together, the thunder of the sky is the cause, and the fire of the earth is the earth. They hit it off, and then happily do things... Hey, what seems wrong

In short, Xiao Zhai suddenly discovered that when practicing on the mountain, as long as the golden thunder qi moves, the fire aura around tens of meters around will feel like convulsions, and he desperately wants to have sex with him.

She had to use 12% of her strength to resist, and Jin Lei was quickly exhausted. Then she meditated and adjusted her breath, teased again, emptied again, teased again, emptied out again, and so repeatedly, her endurance became much stronger.

Ever since, she came here every day, sitting for most of the day.

Wood method and Lei method are slow to practice. If Gu Yu reaches immortality in five years, she will have at least eight years. Just like the Qi of the Golden Thunder, it has been cultivated for a year before it is close to the leak-free state.


When the sun slanted, Xiao Zhai let out a long breath and finally reaped the rewards.

She didn't take the steps, and flew down the mountain in a few strides. She glanced at the thermometer as usual, and the temperature displayed on it was: 27.3°C.

Mom sells batches! It was still 23°C yesterday, and today it has risen again. Since the spring, the phenomenon of Huozhou has changed day by day, far exceeding expectations.

Xiao Zhai shook his head, got into a broken car, and drove towards Grape Valley. I don't know who threw this broken car, but the two found it by chance, and took it very rudely.

After a desolate journey, she drove back to the farmyard. There was no one in the yard, and there was a familiar aura coming from upstairs—it was her boyfriend refining a magic weapon.

She didn't bother, and went to the kitchen to prepare meals.

The food is official, not refined, but nutritious enough. Potatoes and celery, cucumbers and tomatoes, plus frangipani, and several vegetarian dishes, she called out, "Old Gu, it's time to eat!"


The superior replied, and after a while, Gu Yu went downstairs.

In fact, Xiao Zhai's cooking skills are very good, but when the two of them are together, she rarely has the opportunity to cook. In the past few months in Grape Valley, she has cooked the most times.

"I walked around when I came back, and the situation is not very good."

Xiao Zhai took a sip of the soup and said, "It seems that the beginning of summer won't be here, probably in a few days."

"Well, my fire cloud needles are almost there, exactly fifteen."

Gu Yu thought for a while, and said, "Let's stay here for a while, see what's going on, and wait until things calm down before leaving."

"Of course! How can you miss a once-in-a-lifetime event?"

In the middle of the night, everything is silent.

A small four-legged snake with a triangular head suddenly drilled out of the cave, about 15 centimeters long, with black lines on its skin. This is a kind of lizard unique to Huozhou, named sand tiger. It is extremely drought-tolerant and feeds on small insects and plant tubers.

It is a nocturnal animal, which is a good time to hunt.


It crawled slowly, swinging its head from side to side, and soon found an ant nest.

Ants are a good thing. The sand tiger was obviously a little excited, and quickly leaned over to block the hole first, and then used its two paws to scrape the sand and dig the soil.

Its belly was stuck to the ground, and it seemed that it was about to have a full meal, but it suddenly stopped.

The weird triangular head straightened up, and he stared blankly not far away. In the dark yellow pupils, there was a trace of fear that shouldn't be there.


The sand tiger suddenly turned its direction, and ran forward in a lifeless rush, moving rapidly alternately on all fours, as if something 100,000 times more terrifying than a natural enemy was chasing after it.

And there was a chaotic sound in the ant nest, and countless ants rushed out at the same time, also fleeing frantically. Immediately afterwards, more and more small animals joined in, including gerbils, sand snakes, and various unknown bugs.

They quickly formed a torrent, and behind them, in the endless night, there seemed to be a crimson sky-swallowing giant snake. Its huge body covered the entire night sky, as if it wanted to destroy everything.


One unlucky gerbil ended up at the end, with bristles all over its body standing up, its face completely distorted, weird and terrifying. It desperately wanted to escape, but as it ran, its body froze suddenly.

As if swallowed by a giant snake, this little thing began to drain the essence at a speed visible to the naked eye, and its life withered, almost turning into a hard mummy in an instant.


The giant snake became more and more excited after swallowing the blood. Originally invisible to ordinary people, the red mist that has materialized now covers the sky and covers the sky, killing all around unscrupulously.



Inside the Huoyanshan No. 2 observation station, Zhang Hao suddenly opened his eyes.

He was awakened by the alarm. There is an automatic observation system in the station. Once the temperature rises sharply and exceeds the safe value, this device will vibrate violently.

"Well… "

Zhang Hao woke up from his sleep, his head was still a little groggy, but after a few seconds, he scrambled and rushed to the instrument. On the huge display screen, a string of bright red data only made his scalp explode!

"Report report! This is station 2, station 2!"

He picked up the phone and called, shouting: "The observation data exceeds the warning value... It's not any one item, it's all of them! All of them!"


Zhang Hao threw away the phone, put on some clothes casually, and stumbled out of the bedroom.

"hurry up!"

"Fuck me, what's going on?"

Several colleagues also heard the alarm and assembled in the lobby. The station master's face was extremely solemn, he just waved his hand at them without saying a word.

Everyone went out, stood in the open space outside, and looked towards the north in unison. Everyone's expressions froze in an instant, and under the mixed light of red and black, they seemed to be cast into statues.

To the north is the Flame Mountain!

The sky over there has turned crimson, heat waves are rolling, and red clouds are rising. And under this sky, there is a huge mountain that is desolate and savage, exuding mania and blazing heat.

This mountain is no longer as peaceful as it used to be, like a waking devil roaring in the distance, spitting out flames, trying to burn the world to ashes.

What's even more frightening is that the tumbling heat wave formed by the pure high temperature distorting the air, as well as the terrifying red cloud, are slowly moving this way.

"Stand, stationmaster!"

After standing there for a while, Zhang Hao swallowed and tried to listen to the other party's opinion.

The station master is an experienced scientific researcher who has led many expeditions. After the initial panic, he calmly said: "We are still some distance away, don't worry, go and have a look first!"

"Oh, good!"

Zhang Hao tremblingly went to prepare the car, a total of four people took the monitoring equipment and went straight to the north. The car was driving in the night, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, actively sent into the mouth of the devil.

About 20 kilometers away, after a short drive, there is only one word, hot! In the dog days, under the sun, it is so hot that you can't drink a sip of water!

Several people were sweating profusely, their breathing was a little short, and they tried their best to walk for a while, when a buddy suddenly shouted: "Look at the ground!"

Everyone turned their heads one after another, only to see that the ground was densely packed in black, full of specimen-like corpses of small animals. The essence of life was drained and quietly piled up around, forming an open-air cemetery.


The buddy suddenly covered his mouth, not knowing whether it was nausea or physical discomfort, he was about to vomit. Zhang Hao hurriedly laid him down, turned on the water and drank a few mouthfuls, and then applied a wet towel.

The station master drove the car and saw that the other party was getting better, so he asked, "How much is it?"

"38°C!" replied another.

"It's not very high, why such a big reaction?"

He frowned and encouraged: "Hold on, let's go a little further."

With that said, he stepped on the accelerator and ran another few hundred meters. The buddy's face became paler, his lips trembled slightly, and his consciousness gradually became blurred. Zhang Hao was busy taking care of the other party, and kept replenishing himself with water.

Finally, about ten kilometers away from the Flame Mountain, all four of them felt strong discomfort.


After barely recording the data, the station master turned around resolutely and returned as if fleeing for his life.

As a result, I walked two-thirds of the way, and I heard the car's engine start to tremble violently, making various abnormal noises, and then a bang. A puff of white smoke spewed out from the front cover of the car, and the four wheels stopped, but the engine was completely scrapped.


The station master hammered the steering wheel and said, "I'll help him, let's go back! Hurry up!"

Immediately, the four of them got out of the car and staggered through the last section. Their clothes were completely soaked, and even their breath was scorching hot.



When the observation station appeared in the field of vision, the pressure all over his body also eased, as if he had escaped from the devil's territory, and the heat dropped suddenly. The four couldn't hold on any longer and fell to the ground one after another.


Zhang Hao poured another bottle of water, panting heavily, and when he looked back, it was even more shocking.

The wilderness, which was still alive, turned into a dead place overnight. Those weeds, shrubs, and tall trees, right in front of my eyes, changed from vivid green to cold gray.

This kind of shock that violated the laws of nature and the intense fear brought about caused Zhang Hao to collapse instantly.

His expression was in a trance, his eyes were blurred, and he just murmured repeatedly: "What should I do? What should I do?"