Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 210: Great disaster (2)


"We can only send it here."

The soldier stopped and said with a serious face: "It will advance 0.7 meters per second, and we will retreat accordingly. Don't worry, although we retreat, we will never leave until you come out!"


Looking at that dark and resolute face, Lu Yuanqing suddenly had a very special feeling. It is difficult for a cultivator to have the blood and pride of a soldier who sacrificed his life for the country and his son, but it does not prevent him from understanding the other party's firmness and determination.


He also said solemnly, opened the door and got out of the car. After taking two steps, I heard a sound behind me, but it was a red cloud approaching, and the vehicle backed up.

Lu Yuan paused for a moment, without looking back, he strode across the cordon. At this moment, I felt a scorching fiery aura attacking frantically.

He immediately adjusted his breath, and the oppressive feeling was relieved. If you look around, you can see a red and misty world, chaotic and crazy, unable to distinguish the past and future, just like an ancient wilderness.

Looking at this scene, my heart beats inexplicably.

In the past, I practiced in meditation in order to attain Taoism and become immortal. But now, I find that the world is so wonderful and changing, and I have a yearning to travel all over the rivers and mountains and appreciate the world.

Cultivating oneself and knowing everything is the concept of a monk. Only when one is born innate can one finally have a chance.


Lu Yuanqing controlled his breathing, evenly and rhythmically, saving energy with the lowest consumption.

Don't look at him not long after stepping into Xiantian, due to the acquired return to Xiantian, he has been practicing inner qi since he was a child, accumulating little by little, and laying a very solid foundation. In particular, the agility and proficiency in turning luck is far beyond others.

He didn't dare to delay, he ran forward quickly, and plunged into the red mist.

The area around the Huoyan Mountain has already become a dead place. Along the way, there are shriveled animal carcasses, like complete and cruel specimens.

The flowers, plants and trees stood upright, their skins were black and gray, and there was no vitality. Curious, he walked to a poplar tree and reached out to touch it.


No heart, no substance of any kind, just a thin crispy skin covering the outside. Just like the soot left on a cigarette, with a light flick, it turned into countless fragments, and the dust fell to the ground.


Lu Yuanqing stood in a daze for a moment, finally sighed, put away some fragments and the corpses of small animals, put them into a cloth bag, and wiped himself forward.

Red clouds rise, red mist fills the air.

In this world, there seems to be no concept of time and space. After walking for an unknown amount of time, his steps gradually slowed down, and he finally felt uncomfortable. He was also prepared, and immediately took out a black pill and put it in his mouth.

This is a secret pill, one pill can replenish a lot of energy in the body, and the origin is also a bit mysterious—it was given by Zhang Shouyang on his own initiative.

The talisman is the first priority of the celestial master, but the external alchemy is also very powerful. It is recorded in "Longhu Mountain Chronicle" that Zhang Daoling lived in Lutang Mountain, where he practiced Nine Turns Divine Pill.

The pill of the first turn, after taking it for three years, will become immortal; the pill of second turn, after taking it for two years, you will get immortal; Pills, one hundred days to take to get immortals... and nine-turn pills, three days to take to get immortals!

Of course, not to mention nine ranks now, even one rank is gone, and there is only a kind of life-saving pill left. Zhang Shouyang only had eight in total, and he gave half of them directly. It seems that after the conversation that day, the direct successor of the Heavenly Master also had some ideas.

Lu Yuanqing had to borrow the power of the elixir to support his progress.

"Huchi... Huchi..."

After walking with difficulty for a while, he stopped, feeling overwhelmed. There is no way, I have to save the strength to go back, and I can't go anymore.

He raised his head, and through layers of red mist, a huge and violent mountain side appeared in his field of vision.

The dense fire aura on the top of the mountain actually formed a swirling air mass, rolling and boiling in the air. And those red clouds and dense fog, like a volcanic eruption, rose continuously from the top of the mountain.

He visually measured the distance, and there was still a long way to go. Although not reconciled, but also powerless.


Lu Yuanqing pursed his lips, and was about to turn around when he stopped suddenly, as if he caught a glimpse of a black spot moving in the distance.


He opened his eyes wide, convinced that he saw it right, it was one, oh no, two figures!

someone! it's here

His pupils shrank suddenly, firmly fixed in that direction.

On the steep and steep rock, there are two small figures, like two flying birds playing, chasing each other under the sky full of fire clouds.

The majestic pressure on the top of the mountain didn't seem to exist to them.


Lu Yuanqing stood still, and saw the two flying for a while, got up and jumped a few times, and disappeared behind the mountain in an instant, as if everything just now was an illusion.

"Gu Yu!"

"Jiang Xiaozhai!"

Two names immediately appeared in his mind, and at this moment, like two gods descended from the sky, with a bang, all thoughts were suppressed below!

What Taoism, what forbearance, what planning, all disappeared in smoke.

Lu Yuanqing stood for a long time, until the surrounding fire aura scorched his skin, and the confusion and fear on his face were swept away, but he became more determined.

Those who set up major events in ancient times not only had talents beyond the world, but also had perseverance.

He waved his long sleeves and walked back quickly.


"I seemed to be looking at someone just now."

Gu Yu didn't stop on his feet, and suddenly muttered.

"Where is anyone?"

"It's quite far away, just a black dot stuck there, motionless..."

When he said this, he was not sure, and said: "Forget it, love whoever you want. Can you still hold on?"

"It can last a while."

Xiao Zhai wiped his sweat, and his condition was much worse than him.

The advantage of Qi Qi method is that it can be practiced quickly and accumulated profoundly. Lei Fa belongs to the elite type, focusing on quality rather than quantity. It is inevitable that she will be overwhelmed by running wildly on the top of the mountain.

As soon as Gu Yu saw it, he took his girlfriend's little hand so that he could calm down at any time.

Speaking of the outbreak, they felt it. The grape valley has been completely finished, the river is slowly drying up right under our noses, and there are still hundreds of acres of grape trellises and poplar forests, all of which have turned into gray crispy rolls that shatter when touched.

Those houses are relatively intact, but it's also a matter of time.

They checked at the foot of the mountain first, then went up the mountain, intending to walk inside. There is no purpose, but to witness a catastrophe with my own eyes, and I have an inexplicable sense of historical participation.

"It should be the thickest here."

After running for a while in the mountains, the two stopped, each took out green leather gourds, and collected a few bursts of fire spirit energy.

Gu Yu squatted down again, knocked a piece of rock in his hands, weighed it in his hand, frowned and said, "It's very different from the previous feeling, it might turn into a real fire ore, but I don't know how long it will take."

"Sure enough, it is a catastrophe for ordinary people, but it is a paradise for monks in the future."

Xiao Zhai also looked around and sighed: "Let's go out first, and then go to that cave to have a look. I always think it's weird that they set the location in the Flame Mountain."