Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 213: Great disaster (5)


"The biggest threat of the fire aura is to directly invade the interior and destroy the vitality. But while it is expanding, it is also consuming its own energy. As I just said, this vision is not endless, it will definitely fail. If we can provide A large amount of material, allowing it to be consumed faster than the eruption of the flaming mountain, may prevent the spread."

What Gu Yu said was relatively abstract, but the concept was very clear.

Fire aura kills a grass, a tree, and an entire forest, and consumes absolutely different energy. Using this feature, you can try "artificial feeding" to fill up its appetite in advance.


When the group of people heard this, they all fell silent. After a long while, the professor asked, "Is this your guess, or a true deduction?"

"Let's take it in half. We have a feeling of this from the grape valley to the top of the mountain. But the core area is too powerful, and a little consumption can't be seen. If it is farther away, it may be obvious."

Gu Yu paused, and then said: "I can provide some materials, you can try it as soon as possible, it should be easy."

"What material?" The professor was puzzled.

"Of course it's the fire aura."

As he spoke, he took off the gourd and shook it, and his eyes fell out of shock.

It's not that he didn't give it before, and it's not that the experts are mentally retarded, but that the fire aura before the explosion has not materialized, they can't see it, and they can't detect it, so naturally they can't study it.

Now that it has materialized, it is just a mass of crimson mist, at least by looking at it with the naked eye, you can judge its changes.

The old man was very decisive and made a decision immediately. Everyone's actions were also very fast. Hulala went downstairs and arrived at the scientific research institute in the city.

The professor asked again: "Mr. Gu, what kind of experiment do you think is better?"

"Earth and water." He thought for a while.

Ever since, the experts prepared two super-large transparent containers, one piled with a lot of soil, and the other full of clear water.

Gu Yu pulled out the plug and slapped it casually, and two thin streams of red air floated out from the mouth of the gourd, and under his guidance, they entered the container respectively.


The people present didn't even dare to blink their eyes, they just stared inside. I saw the two crimson streaks hovering in the air for a while, as if they felt some kind of vitality, they swooped down, clinging to the soil and water surface and not dispersing.

The changes brought about by visions in the natural world are so rapid that a tree becomes crispy in the blink of an eye. So it didn't take long before someone yelled, "The color has changed! It has changed!"

"There is also less water!"

Everyone looked at it in unison. First, the pile of soil changed from brown-black to brown, with some gray and white impurities. The water is even more obvious, and the scale line of the water level has dropped by one level.

And the most surprising thing is that the two streaks of crimson faded and became thinner at a speed visible to the naked eye. Under the gaze of many eyes and the beating of the heart, they were finally exhausted.

"It works! It works!"

"The response to water is stronger."

"We need a lot of water, the wider the better, the deeper the better!"

"Rivers? Rivers can't work, the width of the river is too narrow, the area is too small, it doesn't work..."

The scientific researchers talked about it in a hurry, put forward ideas one by one, and were rejected one by one.

Gu Yu also opened his mind and said: "Although the five elements are restrained, this is just ordinary water, and the effect is very small. This place is not far from Tianshan Mountain, and there should be a source of water conceived by spiritual energy. Can you bring it over, and then up into the air..."

"Mr. Gu!"

An expert shook his head and interrupted, helplessly said: "Let's not talk about how to transport it from the mountains, how to use the plane to carry it, does the plane have such a large carrying capacity, can it fly to that height, and then water it from the sky... It's too late to talk about time alone. We will reach the urban area tonight, and the entire Fire Island will be covered in five days. No matter how high and fast our technology is, we cannot create things out of thin air like gods."

"Hey, old king!"

As soon as he finished speaking, someone beside him interrupted: "I remember that there is a water conservancy project nearby?"


The scene suddenly fell silent, and two seconds later, several times more intense discussions broke out.

Gu Yu didn't understand, so he asked, "What are they talking about?"

"It's a water diversion project. In Dahe Town, the source is Bogda Peak." Someone explained.

Bogda? Tianshan

Gu Yu and Xiao Zhai's eyes lit up.

There is a lack of water in the northwest, so in the general opinion, the water resources here are very poor. But in turn, more water conservancy projects will be built because of the lack of water.

Every city in the Western Frontier Province, as long as there is a river, basically has a dam.

Huozhou is located in Dahe Town, not far from the main urban area. It was built just last year, with a storage capacity of 40.24 million cubic meters and an area of 60,200 mu for agricultural irrigation.

Projects of this level are small-scale, and cannot be compared with those large reservoirs with a storage capacity of over 100 million. But enough for the cities in the northwest, the drinking water and arable land in this area are completely provided by it.

Everyone quickly arrived at the town, and saw that the main body was a river dam, the dam was not too long, 20 meters high, and the spillway and culvert were also somewhat small.

Gu Yu came here with anticipation, and felt a little chilled when he saw it, but when he looked at the lake water again, there was a glimmer of hope in his chills. This river flows down from Bogda Peak. Although it has no special attributes, it is stronger than ordinary water.

"Mr. Gu, how are you?" the old man asked.

"I'll try first."

He took out the green leather gourd, and inspired another burst of fire aura. The crimson color circled around the lake, not as fierce as before, but disappeared very quickly.


"Useful and useful!"

The audience cheered, and some people even shouted. There is no way, after suppressing for so long, I finally have something to release.

"Water is fine, but compared with the vision, the amount is still too small. You decide how to operate it."

Gu Yu said, and gave up the place, he was benevolent and righteous, and he couldn't help much.

The old man also understood that without forcing, he immediately called a meeting of experts. The meeting was tense and fast, and there was no long text. Everyone expressed their views in the most concise language:

"The area of the reservoir is too small. I suggest opening the gates immediately to allow the water to spread to the downstream area and merge with the river, so that more places can be protected."

"We can't be 100% sure of the outcome, and opening the gates hastily could have been worse."

"Then shall we guard this reservoir and wait to die?"


The old man listened without saying a word. This is the time to test his determination and take responsibility.

He lowered his head and looked at the map of the river basin. From Dahe Township, to Aidinghu Township, and then to Erya Township, Qiagele Township, Kandi Township and other 16 towns, the river runs from west to east, just at Huozhou The periphery of the city circled around.

If the gates are opened, there is no guarantee that all 16 towns will be among them, but half of them will be fine.


But he still hesitated, after all, it was a big event. But at this time, someone who didn't know said something, and it was heard in my ears suddenly.

"There's nothing worse anyway, so why not try?"

worse, worse...


He closed his eyes tightly, then opened them again, and said, "Get ready to open the gate to release the water!"

Now that dusk is approaching, according to the time estimate, the downstream has risen to a certain area, which is similar to the time when the red mist arrived.

Everyone gathered in the control room, and the old man personally ordered, "Open the gate!"


One person responded with awe, and then flipped the switch, and then pressed a row of buttons.



As the gates opened, a huge flow of water rushed down the spillway at a speed of 4,000 cubic meters per second. A few yellow dragons spouted out. The river water was mixed with silt and sand, roaring and churning, which was extremely spectacular.

The water flowed and fell, and then hit the rocks at the bottom of the valley. In an instant, the huge waves rose again, turning into a white mist in the air. The roar was deafening, like ten thousand horses galloping and golden dragons dancing wildly.

The upstream fish were also washed down, and the impact caused by the 20-meter drop caused the heads of the fish to disappear, leaving only blue fish bodies floating on the river.

Gu Yu and Xiao Zhai stood in a safe place, only to hear the sound of the waves like thunder, the river water in the ditch seemed to be boiling, and the waves were overflowing, rushing downstream one after another.

The upstream and downstream merge together, and the upstream river continuously provides energy, and it spreads in a blink of an eye. The water level rose sharply and soon flooded the river and rushed into the village houses.

Not far away, I saw the sky was fiery red, it was disaster.

"Chief, quickly evacuate!"


"Chief! This is a mountain road, it's inconvenient to get away, and it will be dangerous if you don't go!"


After the assistant persuaded him in every possible way, the old man took a deep look at Tian Shui, wiped himself and left.

He is in his sixties, not too old, and this encounter has already blocked his entire political life. Of course, he doesn't regret it either. As long as a decision is made for such a character, he has recognized his value.

Everyone slipped into the car and walked away a little bit around the mountain road, and finally stopped to watch when they reached the open ground.



The water level had already exceeded the warning line, and a large amount flowed into the residential area. All the houses along the river were flooded to the second floor, and abandoned farmland, dilapidated fence yards, old village roads and livestock pens were all soaked in the water, and it was getting deeper and deeper.


A small courtyard was washed by the flood, and houses collapsed from time to time. The blue-gray brick wall was wiped away, revealing the bedroom inside, and the bedroom was empty, making it even more desolate.

Unknowingly, the flood covered many villages and towns, and the ocean was vast.

In terms of time, it is now night. The sky did not appear dark, because the devil in the distance finally came close.

The red mist was like dye, slowly covering the sky and swallowing everything. The mountains on both sides of the dam were tender and green, but the fog overcame them, turning them into dead gray and lifeless.


The river below was still flowing, and the voice seemed to be provoking the other party. So in the next second, a large amount of mist turned into red snakes, overwhelming the sky.

The small river in Grape Hook is very shallow, and the water volume is not much, and it evaporates in the blink of an eye. But this time it didn't work. The huge wave roared and roared, and it actually resisted the attack.

In an instant, the red sky and the black water meet at one place, biting and fighting each other, and the reflected world is not like the world, and hell is really like hell.


Gu Yu and Xiao Zhai looked into the distance, from the mountains to the water, from the sky to the earth.

I saw that the red mist is slowly decreasing, the water is evaporating rapidly, and large groups of steam are dispersing into the air. They should have condensed into cumulonimbus clouds, but the air is completely covered by mist, and the steam is halfway up and down, just circling in the middle .

As more and more people gather, this area has become a big steamer, and the red mist and sultry humidity are mixed together, as if a hearty red rain is falling.

They are in the mood to watch the scenery, but others are out of their wits. The scientific research team was still observing the data, and after a full hour, they shouted loudly:

"No advance!"

"No advance!"