Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 216: before the revolution


"A total of five people were arrested in this operation, and they worked for seven countries at the same time. Two of them were double agents. Hugh Gloria, a native of Sam, has been engaged in trading in Ebony City and has been lurking for many years. If it hadn't been revealed this time, We will not follow the clues to find his identity evidence. Margaret, a researcher of an international environmental research institute, came to Ebony City with the team to conduct research on environmental protection. She appears to work for the intelligence agency of Gaul, but His actual identity is a secret agent of the United Empire of Bretonnia. Nicholas, an Italian native, works as a foreign teacher at Ebony University and has lived there for five years... "

In the spacious meeting room in Ebony City, a person from the Ministry of Homeland Security is introducing the situation.

This is an important town in the northwest, and it has always been a place where spies gather. They would not take the risk of attacking if the incident on Huozhou hadn't become too big.

As soon as this person sat down, the other stood up and said: "So far, three countries have lodged protests, asking us to provide details of the case and allow their embassy personnel to communicate with them fully and without interference. "


The old man snorted coldly, quite disdainfully, and said, "I just want to know, what kind of information did they steal?"

"According to our interrogation, they still don't know the truth about the Fire Island. It was only our early news release and large-scale immigration that caused the other party's suspicion. During the outbreak of the anomaly, our blockade was extremely strict, and the possibility of outsiders sneaking in was also ruled out." .”

"How can this be ruled out?"

A person blurted out, and immediately knew that he had committed a crime, so he shut up in embarrassment. There are no living beings in Huozhou, and if you go in, you can't get out. How do you rule it out


The old man also glanced at him, feeling tired.

He is the commander-in-chief of the vision incident, and he has no decision-making power over spies. He only came to this meeting because he has the most authority in the Northwest Region.

In other words, the country notified the secret agents lurking in various countries as soon as it obtained the recovery of spiritual energy, and wanted to focus on this direction.

From the perspective of the whole world, Xia is the most important in the East, with a population of nearly 2 billion and a land area of more than 10 million square kilometers, it will crush all countries in any field.

Especially in terms of culture, the dozen or so countries bordering it have more or less inherited the culture of the Central Plains, and then developed variants to form their own characteristics.

And for more than a year, although our own spies have made mistakes from time to time, judging from the information they sent back:

The countries seem to be calm, and there are no major incidents. There are no major disasters such as peach blossom miasma and flaming mountains.

Of course, there are also exceptions. The countries with the longest history in the West suddenly and strangely announced the construction of projects and land enclosures, which are very similar to their own countries.

There are also small neighboring countries such as Japan, Siam, and Laos, all of which are also mysterious.

In any case, the government dare not be careless.

In common sense, Reiki recovery should be global. Who knows if there are mages, wizards, alchemists, or even legendary werewolves, vampires, etc. in the West

Both are exploring each other, but neither can penetrate. In order not to be lucky, and in order not to be pushed to the ground and rubbed against the ground in the future, we must first develop our own things.

It is not something that can be resolved here. Report the truth and wait for the decision from above.

After the meeting.

The top leader of the Western Frontier Province stayed and chatted with the old man.

"Thanks to you this time, otherwise I don't know what Huozhou will be like."

"Hey, we two are old friends, so don't compliment me."

The old man shook his head and sighed: "It feels like more than ten years have passed in the past ten days, and my hair has turned white. But fortunately, I will do my best, and I can return to Beijing frankly to return to life... Oh, yes."

He suddenly remembered, and revealed something in advance: "I wrote a report and sent it up. After a while, there may be changes. There are two major regions in the western border, Tianshan and Huozhou, which are the most important. This is a long-term project, and before you retire, you must lay the foundation."

"Uh, what is it about?" He was a little uncertain.

"Education, awareness, literature and art, living habits, etc., all-round reform..."

The old man suddenly stopped, his eyes seemed to be very empty and far away, he leaned back, his voice was low and hoarse: "Okay, you go, I want to stay by myself for a while."

Gu Yu and Xiao Zhai were a little panicked.

There are not many things in the world that can make them panic, and this one definitely counts.

They returned to Baicheng, sat in the manor for a while, and then walked up the mountain along the repaired stone steps. Halfway up the mountain, I saw a row of pavilions.

Oh, to be precise, it is a row of pavilion-like houses.

This thing was built on a small stream, with a stone base and a wooden bridge. The bridge was fan-shaped and just crossed the stream. There is a pavilion at the first and last ends, with four corner eaves, and the space inside is quite large, which can be used for living and receiving guests.

Between the two pavilions, there is a bamboo-roofed corridor connecting them. On the side of the house facing the mountain road, there is a plaque hanging on it, which reads: Banshan Pavilion.


The corners of the mouths of the couple twitched, and there was a moment of courageous feet like a local turtle emperor Gai Jinluan. What the hell is this? Taking advantage of his master's absence, that kid from the Yuan family fiddled around on his own, relying more and more on image engineering.

They shook their heads and continued to go up the mountain, only to see the green and green all the way, which was very gratifying. The medicinal herbs planted a few months ago had already grown vigorously and luxuriantly. There are also a few peach trees among them, the flowers are blooming brightly, and they exude a particularly sweet aroma.

Perhaps the number is too small, and it did not give birth to peach blossom miasma, but it is full of vitality, and the fluctuation of aura is obvious, and it is not ordinary at first glance.

Not only that, but they also found a lot of new cuttings, which were carefully cultivated and protected, and there were hundreds of them. Obviously, it was all done by that kid Long Qiu.


The more this happened, the more flustered the two of them became, and they hurried to the outside of the black thorn forest. Xiao Zhai paused, and suddenly said: "You can coax me later!"

"Why do you want me to coax you? What are you doing?" Gu Yu resolutely objected.

"I'm playing the side drum!"

"I can also play the side drum, I don't need you."

"You are a father after all, so you can be a little bit responsible?"

"Dad a hammer, you will die together."

The two yelled anxiously for a while, then walked slowly through the black thorn forest, and at the same time, they were thinking about how to coax (hu) persuade (you) Xiaoqiu.

No way, it's too much!

It's like Papa Mamadian went out for a few months, was so high every day, and then left you at home to fend for yourself, lonely, and you would be crazy if you were left alone.

Not long after, the two of them came out of the forest, and their eyes suddenly opened up.

I didn't care about other things, so I went to look at the old tree first, because under the tree, there were two girls playing and laughing happily.


Xiao Zhai was even moved, he had never been so thankful that he still has a younger sister like this moment. It was none other than Jiang Xiaojin who graduated this year and couldn't wait to come back to do things.

Gu Yu was also very happy, with her present, the child would not be blackened.

"Sister, brother-in-law!"

Xiao Jin spotted them all at once, immediately let go of Long Qiu, got up from the turf, bouncing and waving her hands and shouting.

Long Qiu's smile faded away, and he didn't want to talk to him at first, but after a pause, he still pouted and ran over.

"Oh, Xiaoqiu has worked hard, keeping the house in order."

"That's right, the land over there has been planted, it's amazing."

"That land is well planted, rice is rice, grass is grass..."

The two scumbags piled up a look of unsatisfactory care and enthusiasm, and all kinds of compliments came out of their mouths as if they didn't want money.


Long Qiu rolled his eyes, didn't bother to answer, and said directly: "The things were delivered yesterday, a lot, and you said you came back today, but I didn't open them."

"Xiao Jin came here in the morning, she won't go back to school, she will stay here first."

"The rice is in the pot, I'll heat it up for you."

Saying that, the girl twisted and flashed away. At this point, Xiao Jin clumsily rushed forward and shouted: "Sister, I heard that you are going to make a big scene again, tell me quickly, tell me quickly, what is the matter... ah, why are you beating me again?" ?”

"Let me ask you, how is your Qingxin Jue practice?" Xiao Zhai withdrew his hand.

"Tsk, do I dare to come back without two brushes, let's go and show you!"


As Xiao Jin's chest rose and fell slightly, a breathing sound with a special rhythm came from her nose.

Deep, long, even, slow and soft, these are the main points of meditation breathing. Don't be short, keep it continuous, and slowly lengthen the time of exhaling and inhaling, you will feel the breath penetrate into the body, so that distracting thoughts will be quiet.

In this quiet room, Xiaozhai uses single-cross sitting. The left leg is coiled on top of the right leg, the back is open, and the face is facing the light.

At the same time, the head is straight and the neck is straight, the lower jaw is slightly retracted, and the waist and spine are straightened out. The lumbar spine is very important, if you bend it a little, you will not be able to breathe freely, and those who are new to the practice often feel sore and unbearable, and it cannot last long, but Xiao Jin does it well.

She maintained a standard posture. After about five minutes, her demeanor suddenly changed, and she seemed to have a very quiet and distant feeling.

It's nothing else, but when these words appeared on her, it became a supernatural event.


The three of them looked at each other and were a little surprised. I really didn't expect that this girl could do it!

Long Qiu was so miserable in the Miao Village, he adjusted in a few months, and he could officially take his breath away. Xiao Jin lives unrestrained, flamboyant and unrestrained, and it took nearly a year to calm down.

The former is not short, the latter is not long, this is their own nature.


She sat for a long time before withdrawing from the state of being dependent on each other, slowly opened her eyes, and then changed the style of painting in a second, and asked nervously: "How is it, how is it, isn't it awesome?"

"Uh, okay..."

Gu Yu was very curious and asked, "How did you practice? It was completely beyond our expectations."

"I couldn't help it at first, and I couldn't calm down at all. Later, I forcibly set a goal and hypnotized myself every day. Slowly it will be fine, and I don’t know for sure.”

"What goal did you set?" Long Qiu also asked.

"Hey, secret!"

Xiao Jin pinched her face, then turned her head to look at her sister, like a dog waiting for its owner to pet its head.

"If you pass, follow me in the future and formally practice!"

Xiao Zhai was very stingy and didn't praise him at all.

In fact, it was the best choice for Xiao Jin to learn Qi method, but for some reason, maybe she wanted to catch up with her sister, so she chose Lei method. Lei Fa's progress was slow, and her aptitude was comparable to Long Qiu's, so the road ahead was difficult.

So it’s not okay to be strict, you have to be correct all the time, and supervise all day long.

That girl is graduating this year, she won't go home, she won't be in school, she just talks about hanging out with her sister. Dad Jiang communicated at home, anyway, he pushed six, two, five, and he was free.

After the inspection, the two of them had nothing else to do, so they recounted their experiences in Huozhou and moved those big boxes over.

Xiao Jin and Long Qiu hurriedly approached him, ready to sit on the ground and share the spoils. Open the first one first, only to see a large stone lying in it, the whole body is blue and crystal clear, it is the sapphire stone of Tianshan Mountain.

"This is the amount for two people. Have you thought about what to do?" Gu Yu asked.

"I want to refine a sword, the kind that can fight the enemy at close quarters."

Long Qiu had planned for a long time, and said again: "Sister, what about you?"

"I don't like the shape of those weapons, I'll think about it again." Xiao Zhai said.

"Hey hey..."

Xiao Jin was anxious at the side, pulling her arm and shaking: "What's my part? What's my part?"

"When you can refine the weapon, at least you will have it in the next year or two. By then, there must be better materials, and I will definitely find them for you."

"Oh, okay… "

Xiao Jin didn't mess around, since her sister said it, she would definitely do it.

Immediately after, is the second box.

Inside are two bags of black sand, larger than ordinary gravel, round like small marbles. Curious, Long Qiu stretched out his hand and squeezed it hard, but it didn't move.

He simply exerted 80% of his strength and grasped it again, only then did he hear the crunching sound.

"It's so hard, what are you going to do with this?" she asked.

"I don't have an idea yet, let's do some research first."

Then, there is the third box.

This one is very complicated, a lot of things in a mess, there are stones, dust, remnants of certain plants, and corpses that resemble aquatic creatures...

"Hey, how come it's the same as the trash collector?" Little Jinte disliked it.

"Be content, we dug this out from the ground." Gu Yu said.

It is said that after the Huozhou catastrophe, there is basically nothing left, and it will take a few years to re-breed, or even reorganize the ecological circle.

In short, they pick and choose, and categorize the income warehouse. After finishing all this work, it was already very late, and the four of them washed up and prepared to go to bed.

Gu Yu habitually walked towards his girlfriend's room, but when he entered the door, he found that Xiao Zhai was writing something at his desk.

As soon as she raised her head, she said ruthlessly: "From now on, you sleep by yourself, and I will teach her how to practice."

"Then you don't need to practice in the middle of the night?" He grinned.

"Can hard work make up for one's weakness?"

Xiao Zhai didn't explain much, just smiled: "Why, you can't help it?"

"I'm afraid you can't bear it!"

Gu Yu replied, made a very tough expression, turned around and left. As soon as he entered his room, his expression turned into a kind of joy in an instant.

"Damn it, I can finally rest!"