Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 218: Change the gate


Sand is different from sand. The former is fine and soft, while the latter is full and hard, with obvious graininess.

The Kumtag Desert was eroded by the phenomenon, and one-third of the area turned into black sand, one side was yellow and the other was black. It happened to be bounded by an oasis that survived the disaster, and it will also be an important place in the future.

Simply speaking, the black sand is hollow inside and has a round outer shell, which can withstand considerable force and is very conductive to lightning.

Xiao Zhai knew what Gu Yu wanted, so he first refined a handful and put it into a small gourd.

As for this gourd, if it is purely used as a container and its body is small, it can be pinned around the waist. If it is a big gourd, it has to be refined into a useless magic weapon in order to be collected into the sea of consciousness.

She sat on the practice field, unplugged, and patted lightly. A jet of sand like black cloud and thick ink sprayed out, with a crackling sound, forming a small cloud of sand mist.

The shape is not very compact, and there is a certain distance between each grain of sand. It looks messy, but it is arranged very regularly. They are not floating in the air, but close to the ground, covering the entire area in all directions.

And at the bottom, where only a gap is exposed, there is no light at all, and there is a thick shadow against it.


She called out, and the green snake came out wagging its head and wagging its tail, spitting out a letter in a fawning manner.

"Go in and try."


Well, the green snake was dumbfounded, showing a humane dazed face, turned around and wanted to run away. As soon as it jumped out for a while, it was grabbed back by a hand and threw it in.


The green snake struggled to get up and wanted to continue running away, but unfortunately it was too late. The sand mist that was originally still was rolled around by it, as if a red switch was pressed, and it began to float slowly.



With the continuous collision of sand and gravel, the thunder energy contained in it was also stimulated, and purple light flickered, tearing the inner air, like black clouds pressing down on the city, and a heavy rain was approaching.

Follow closely, just listen to boom! boom! boom!

Rays of thunder emerged from the black clouds, striking the green snake with much weakened destructive power.


Xiaoqing was so frightened that she rubbed the ground desperately, just wanting to escape quickly. But even if it could fly, it couldn't match the speed of Lei Guang, and it was about to turn into a skewer when a long, white hand stretched in and lifted it out.

But when the lightning struck the ground, shallow pits were blasted out, the gravel burst, and dust and sand flew up.


After observing for a long while, Xiao Zhai had a good idea, and then waved: "Take it!"



The cloud shrank immediately, became thin and long again, and flew back to the gourd. As if being pardoned, the green snake quickly rolled out of the venue and disappeared without a trace.

Tut tut!

Xiao Zhai was very pleasantly surprised. Although the power has been weakened, it can win by numbers and cannot take the initiative to attack. It can be used for defense and imprisonment, which is quite practical.

They brought back two bags, and they really wanted to refine them all. When they sprinkled them in the air, it was like the God of Thunder descended into the world.

Generally speaking, magic tools can be divided into two types: one is the general-purpose type, which can be used by anyone without the need for divine refining methods, but only by spiritual energy. One is the exclusive type, which uses the divine refining method and has its own imprint of divine consciousness, which can be collected into the sea of consciousness.

It takes a lot of time for her to pack it in a gourd and refine it together with the gourd.

Think about it, such a wonderful person, holding a big gourd more than one meter high, and shooting wildly out - it's too horrible to look at!

Tianzhu Mountain, a Taoist temple.

Today's Taoist monastery is not as deserted as it was at the beginning. Thirty-six sects, each sending two people, a total of seventy-two people, plus the original ones, the number is exactly one hundred and eight.

These seventy-two people are actually handymen, responsible for the work of the back kitchen, sweeping, housekeeping, and customer service. No one complained, and they all knew in their hearts what this place was.

At six o'clock in the evening, it was time for evening classes. The morning and evening classes of Taoism are not fixed, and the sects are different. Here, the morning class is 5-7 o'clock, and the evening class is 5-7 o'clock.

"Lingmi is here!"

With a cry, the two Taoists entered the kitchen. Each person carried two bags of rice, each bag weighed one hundred catties, effortlessly. As soon as it was put away, someone opened the bag to wash the rice, and quickly cooked it in the pot.

On the other side of the stove, there were three other Taoists cooking delicacies.

There are six people in the back kitchen, who have been working for several months and are familiar with each other. Seeing that Dianzao Wang Yuanji is not around, they start chatting quietly.

"I heard that Mount Emei is going to be developed. Brother Lu will definitely go, but I don't know who will accompany him."

"How did I hear that it's too early? The country needs to recuperate for a while because of the huge expenditure on the Fire Island."

"The background of the country is not that simple. Besides, even if you sell everything, you have to develop Emei. Just wait and see."



While chatting happily, I suddenly heard the bell ringing outside, echoing in the mountains. This means that evening class is over and dinner is ready.

The six of them shut up immediately, filled the food quickly and without mess, passed through a small door, and sent it to the dining hall in front. After a while, Taoists came here to eat one after another. The relationship between the two factions is much easier than before. They used to sit separately, but now they also sit together, and they can talk and laugh on weekdays.

After such a long time, especially after the impact of the Huozhou incident, most people agree with the saying that "if you are in Qiyun, there is no faction".

At the same time, in the scripture hall on the west side of the main hall, there were still two people who did not leave, one was Tan Chongdai and the other was Shi Yunlai.

"Junior brother, yesterday you said that ten years of damage can be repaired with one year's hard work."

Tan Chongdai seemed to have lost some weight, and with a sad face, he asked, "I am seventy-one years old, is there still time?"

"Based on senior brother's situation, the foundation can be completed in five years." Shi Yunlai didn't hide anything.

"Five years, seventy-six years old..."

The old man was in a trance for a while, and then he murmured: "It's not too late, it's not too late, it's not too late!"

It is said that in the practice of inner alchemy, the first step is to build a foundation. The foundation is the root of cultivating the Yangshen, and it is also the place to calm the nerves and rest. The one who builds the foundation first is called Yangshen, which is what the primordial spirit is made of.

To put it simply, building a foundation is to restore the body and nourish the spirit, energy and spirit.

There is a saying in the inner alchemy school, which is called building a foundation in a hundred days. But the real time required increases with age and depends on aptitude and understanding. Counting from the age of 16 for men, every ten years older, it takes an extra year to build the foundation.

The sign of its completion varies from perspective to perspective. Some refer to returning to the physiological state before the age of sixteen, men do not leak sperm, and women do not have aunts. Some refer to the fullness of energy and spirit inside, and eyes (both eyes are bright and bright), teeth (tooth fall and revival), and voice (loud and clear voice) are the standard.

Shi Yun came to see him with a gloomy expression, he couldn't help persuading him: "Senior brother has decided to take this road, he knows that the road ahead will be bumpy, so don't be discouraged."

"I know I know… "

Tan Chongdai nodded repeatedly.

The two talked for a long time, the old Taoist asked, Shi Yun came to answer. If an outsider sees it, he will be shocked, because all he asked is the essentials of inner alchemy.

It wasn't until late at night that the old Taoist bid farewell to Shi Yunlai and wandered back to his residence. As soon as he entered the door, he found that there was a person sitting inside, but it was Zhang Shouyang.

Although everyone's positions have been fixed, after all, the Liyuan is too short to form a tradition, so the title remains unchanged.

"Junior Brother Zhang, what do you need from me?"

"Brother Tan, did you come back from the scripture hall?" Zhang Shouyang asked directly.


Tan Chongdai was silent for a moment, and said, "Exactly."

Zhang Shouyang saw that he admitted that it was inconvenient to say what he had prepared for a while, so he just sighed: "Brother, you have practiced Taoism for decades, and you have been passed down in the same vein as me. You also have enlightened virtues, and you are admired by all the younger generations. Paul?"

"Is there no guarantee for the evening festival?"

Tan Chongdai smiled, and said calmly: "I am different from you. I am old, and I have been seeking Taoism all my life. I don't want to die without even touching the threshold. Now the situation is about to rise, and my aptitude and ability are limited. I am afraid that I will wait for you." I don't have that opportunity anymore... Junior brother, what do you say, what should I do?"


Zhang Shouyang looked at the other party, also speechless.

In the monastery, Mo Haofeng was the oldest, followed by him. But Mo Laodao has alchemy, Tan Chongdai does not have it, and his combat effectiveness is not good. Everyone agrees that if you pick the one who has the least hope of cultivating the Tao, it must be him.

Now that people have abandoned the sect and turned to inner alchemy, no one has the right to criticize it.

"Junior brother, before I came here, I had realized it in my heart, but I really came here. I am unwilling to see you young heroes."

Tan Chongdai showed a bit of bitterness, and his voice was hoarse: "You don't have to worry about me, I make my own decision, no matter what happens in the future, I will bear it myself."

"If you have any difficulties, just come to me."

What else could Zhang Shouyang say, he could only say one sentence, and walked out the door with difficulty.

He walked out of the yard, stood on the small stone road that had just been repaired, looked at the bright moon in the sky, and felt depressed. He agrees with Lu Yuanqing's idea of abandoning internal strife and developing Daoism, but the integration of Zhengyi and Quanzhen is absolutely unacceptable.

In history, many Taoists changed their sects. For example, the fourth patriarch Chen Nan and the fifth patriarch Bai Yuchan of the Quanzhen Southern Sect had learned the thunder technique of the Shenxiao sect, and they had profound attainments, but of course they were lost.

But he can't, he is the direct descendant of the Tianshi Mansion, even the Tianshi Mansion has gone to cultivate the inner alchemy, how can he face the ancestors

On the second day, after Tan Chongdai finished talking with him, he simply stopped avoiding the taboo, and went to Shi Yun for advice in full view of everyone.

Seeing it in the eyes of others, they also have thoughts sprouting.

When the scripture hall was first established, there were no special regulations. For example, Shi Yunlai could only teach Quanzhen, and Chao Kongtu could only teach Zhengyi. Everyone is a smart person, and soon understood what Lu Yuanqing was thinking.

Some people agree, some people don't agree, but the tone is the same, they all want to reproduce the glory of Taoism. This is where Lu Yuanqing's cleverness lies, giving them the opportunity to choose freely, rather than forcing them.

Now that Tan Chongdai is the leader, some people can't bear it anymore.

After all, they are very young. Whether they are new to learning alchemy or talismans, they have a lot of time.