Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 219: Innovation is coming


"Ah... no way..."

"Well… "

Following a man's hoarse cry, the woman also stopped moving, and a few drops of sweat slid down the satin-like skin, and then dripped onto his chest.

"Hong Hong, you are such a little fairy, your soul is almost sucked away by you."

The man's face was sallow, his eyes were swollen, and he was panting violently.

"Every time you want it, but you blame me again."

Du Hong climbed down from his body, and cleaned and dealt with the aftermath delicately. Her rosy white body was twisted on the bed, like a ripe peach.

"Who told you to be so seductive? Alas, I really can't come any more. If I come, I will die."

The man rested for a long time before sitting up reluctantly, sighing while putting on his clothes.

"Yo, I still want to make soup for you at night. Since you are restrained, I have to drink it myself." Du Hong pursed her lips, pretending to be angry. A woman in her thirties does not appear tender at all, but has a strange feeling fusion.

"Look, just kidding, I like you even if you boil a pot of swill."

The man fastened the buttons, hugged her in his arms, and said, "But to be honest, I may be very busy recently, so I can't come here too much. If you are bored, go to the store, after all, you are the boss."

"Oh, I'm not the material for doing business. I'm quite relieved to have Xiao Wu watching over me."

"Don't worry, don't worry, you have to look at the financial bills or something."

"Okay, okay, I know!"

The two chatted tirelessly, Du Hong glanced at the alarm clock on the table, and said with a smile, "Hey, don't you have a meeting in the morning, don't delay."

"Oh yes, you almost forgot if you didn't tell me."

The man got up quickly, went to the living room to take a jar of medicinal wine, poured a small cup and drank it, and then hurriedly washed his face and brushed his teeth.

This medicinal wine is a secret recipe for invigorating the kidney. Curculigo, honeycomb, Cistanche, Eucommia, Achyranthes bidentata, Dipsacus, Cynomorium and more than a dozen kinds of medicinal materials are first soaked in boiling water, then poured into a container after cooling, soaked in a large amount of white wine, and cooked for two weeks. Ready to use.

There is no way, since he met this woman, he has lost thirty years of life, so he can't help it!

About eight o'clock, the man is fully dressed and ready to go out. Du Hong kept sending it to the door of the villa, then suddenly remembered it, and said with a smile: "By the way, that rice is almost finished, can you bring some more?"

"Uh, my ration is also very small... I'll think of a way."

The man was a little embarrassed, but he didn't reject her outright. He kissed her on the cheek and pushed the door away. There was a car waiting outside, but the driver turned a blind eye to Du Hong, stepped on the gas pedal, and left the community in a blink of an eye.


Du Hong watched the car go away, smiled inexplicably, and stepped upstairs leisurely.

It is said that after she left the clubhouse, she followed Cheng Gang, and Cheng Gang introduced Director Zhao to her. Director Zhao was hilarious for a while, and then gave her to Director Li, and not long after, he met Director Zhang again...

It's just like this, you can't resist.

Of course, she also thought about it, she had this capital, why didn't Mao make good use of it? Ever since, relying on the skills she learned from that little book, this woman has made it all the way to the top. In less than two years, she has killed Lezhou's core leadership team.

As for that man, named Tang Yu, he has a profound background and is the youngest in the team. About a few months ago, the two hooked up.

Du Hong knew the other party's potential, and tried her best, but the buddy fell as expected, and almost obeyed.

And it was from his mouth that Du Hong first learned about Taoism, Fenghuang Mountain, and Lingmi... and was lucky enough to eat a little.

She was brave and smart, and quickly thought of that broken book, especially the picture on the last page, and practiced accordingly. She could vaguely guess the nature of this thing, and did not dare to act recklessly.

When I met Tang Yu Guanbao, I would use it once out of ten times. Even so, the effect is very obvious: I am getting more and more beautiful, and the man is getting more and more haggard.

Even, if she hadn't been concerned about the opponent's strength, she would have gone out to roam. That taste is so wonderful that I wish I could eat meat every day.

Lezhou, municipal government.

Before you know it, the first half of the year has passed. It took about 15 months for the officials to discover the recovery of spiritual energy and now, from careful exploration, to letting go, and then to formulating a comprehensive strategy.

Today is the first day of July, which also happens to be Monday.

The City Hall has been buzzing since morning, preparing for an important meeting. Just after nine o'clock, the door of the meeting room was closed, and all the leadership team was in place, including Tang Yu.

It's a fancy word, and it's hard to sort out the internal membership if you're not in it.

As far as Lezhou is concerned, it includes the first and second leaders in the city, several deputies, and the bosses in charge of OR in charge of organization, publicity, agriculture, culture and education, police affairs, etc. Oh, and this year, a new one has been added, the director of the Lezhou Operations Division of the Special Branch of Ba Province.

"Okay, everyone is here, let me talk."

The big leader glanced around, cleared his throat, and said: "The day after tomorrow afternoon, the central scientific research and development team will be stationed in Mount Emei. The related logistics support and auxiliary work have been mentioned many times before, and I will emphasize it again today. A large team of more than 1,000 people has a complex personnel structure. The supply capacity of Emeishan City can only guarantee the most basic basic necessities of life, such as machinery, construction, and materials. We must prepare in advance to avoid being blinded in time. Comrade Tang Yu, You just follow into the mountain, and you will be responsible for the frontline work, and communicate at any time."

"Okay." Tang Yu nodded.

The leader said again: "There is also the aspect of publicity, which is very important. Mount Emei has been closed, and the control of public opinion is also different from before. Comrade Wang Bin has rich experience and established a, uh, what is it called..."

"Internet Special Public Opinion Steering Group." An official at the bottom responded.

"Oh yes, that's a great idea!"

He knocked on the table and said: "There is a very interesting word among netizens, it is called rhythm. Don't think it is a derogatory term. Who will bring it and how will it be brought? This is our job. Direction guidance, especially for those middle-aged and elderly people with fixed concepts, allows them to have a peaceful transition period to accept these new things... Well, I won’t talk about these, let’s mainly look at the second item.”

He briefly talked for a while, then stopped, and continued: "The document has been issued, and everyone must have read it by heart. Today we will focus on discussing how to carry out our new work reasonably and effectively."


As the voice fell to the ground, a picture flashed on the big screen in front of it, with a white background and a line of bright red characters printed on it:

"Three-Year Plan for Practitioners and Social Development of Xia Kingdom".