Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 226: A dungeon of Hell Difficulty


One is a big gourd, and the other is also a big gourd.

At the beginning, two kinds of koji were made, medicine koji and normal little koji. Gao Mingde fermented and distilled separately, and finally produced two kinds of wine, which were stored in these two gourds.

Gu Yu has already tasted it. The wine brewed by Yaoqu is hot and flamboyant, its color is like amber, and its aura is extremely high;

Of course, in the eyes of ordinary people, there is only a difference between strong and stronger.

This is a newly built house, which is equivalent to the living room. I saw Gu Yu arrange the gourds, and took out a wooden box, which was full of sun-dried peach blossoms and a small amount of Angelica dahurica.

What he has to do is to further process the Xiaoqu wine into a peach blossom wine with a softer taste.

The method is very simple, first take a few medium-sized gourds with a height of 30 cm, and then take a shot of luck. The sake in the large gourd is sprayed out, forming a white line, and then divided into medium-sized gourds.

Slightly crush the dried peach blossoms and Angelica dahurica, sprinkle them in, seal the plug, and cellar for about a month, then the peach blossom wine is ready.

These wines are good stuff!

It can pretend to be cool, can quench the thirst of girls, and can replenish spiritual power during battles. It can be called a must-have product for home travel.

After Gu Yu was done, he put away his share of medicinal wine, blinked suddenly, and said with a smile: "Little soap?"

"Don't call me Soap!"

There was a furious fury at the door of the house, followed by another cosmic super invincible brat.

"What are you sneaking around for?" he asked, turning around.

"Hee hee, brother-in-law..."

Xiao Jin's expression suddenly changed when she heard the question, and she leaned forward with a doglike face, and said with a smile, "Can you take me with you when you go to Huozhou this time?"


"Why not? If you take Xiaoqiu and not me, won't your conscience hurt?" She started to explode again.

"She is stronger than you." He directly slapped him to death.

"Strengthen the wool, my Lei Fa can practice well! Besides, the broken place has been burned up, so what's the danger?"


Gu Yu looked at his sister-in-law and said earnestly: "Your sister is preparing to go into seclusion and attack Jin Lei Wu Leu. There must be a master in charge at home. Who will be in charge when you leave?"

The girl didn't listen to people's reasoning, she grabbed her hair and shouted: "Ah, I don't care, I just want to go! Otherwise, I'll be suffocated to death!"


He watched the other party run out, feeling helpless. After all, she is Xiao Zhai's younger sister, so she can't take care of her too much, so she has to be taught by her older sister.

This trip to Huozhou, one is to collect fire aura and black sand, the other is to see the changes in the environment there, and the third is to take Longqiu for a stroll. Xiaoqiu is also pitiful, she always looks like a left-behind child's doormat style, and she is not very patient.

In fact, sometimes when I think about it, that girl should have a tendency to shake M, not to everyone, but to her sister.

Obviously, her current daily activities are to provoke, kill, be trained, provoke again, kill again, be trained again... It's like deliberately hitting the muzzle of a gun, she just can't stop.

It's the same this time, I don't know what method Xiao Zhai used, anyway, she just stays at home and takes care of (gao) things.

It was early winter in a blink of an eye.

The first snow of this year fell in Baicheng. The snow was not too thick, so it was coated on the road surface, and it was crunchy when stepped on. It would not be difficult to walk, let alone dirty shoes.


On a quiet urban road, a white jeep drove slowly by, the wheels pressed over the snow, and then went down a layer deeply.

The splashed snow was blown away by the wind, revealing the domineering rear wheel hub and the shining Shengtian license plate. The car drove through the urban area, drove to the suburbs in a short while, and finally stopped at the main entrance square of Phoenix Mountain.

In winter, there are few tourists and it is quite desolate, and even the conductors seem listless.

As soon as the car door opened, three young guys came down, all in their twenties, wrapped in tight mountaineering clothes and carrying big bags.

One of them bought a ticket, entered the mountain gate with his friends, and quickly disappeared on the mountain road.

These are Li Dong, Zhang Qianqiu and Yan Han. Li Dong has already resigned and is about to embark on a long journey that even he feels crazy about.

Starting from Shengtian, it spread to the whole province, followed by the four provinces outside the customs, and then the Central Plains, Jiangnan, Northwest, Lingnan and so on. The three young men conceived a beautiful blueprint, and with enthusiasm and a sincere heart, they searched for immortals and asked, and stepped through the world.

Ouch, I'm so excited just thinking about it!

"There is a Ziyang Temple on this mountain. The owner of the temple is called Chen Qiulin, and he is a disciple of Quanzhen's branch."

While climbing the mountain, Zhang Qianqiu introduced: "This person likes to pray the most, and he has to hold seven or eight performances every year. He has been on the mountain for twenty years, but he has not felt that he has any skills. He is just an ordinary Taoist."

"Then, why are we still going to Ziyang Temple?"

Li Dong was fatter, he was not exercising, and was already panting from exhaustion.

"Hey, it's strange here!"

Yan Han leaned on his trekking pole and said, "Have you ever been to the Taiqing Palace? The previous temple owner was a fool. I asked him to tell my fortune, and he was full of nonsense. But a few months ago, the temple owner suddenly changed. Immortal style. I have chatted with him a few times, and it is really a great achievement."

"There are also Taoist friends in the group. It was also a few months ago that they suddenly discovered that the personnel of the local temples had changed, and the atmosphere was cleared up. This is obviously a rectification from above, and those who are not qualified will have to go down."

Zhang Qianqiu held his backpack, and said: "But there is only one exception, which is Ziyang Temple, and Chen Qiulin is still doing well."

"You mean, someone is covering his back?" Li Dong asked.

"I'm not sure. Anyway, it's not normal. If it's not normal, there's something wrong. We have to go and have a look."

The three chatted while walking, and soon reached the middle of the mountain. There is not even a shadow of a ghost here, the empty mountain is quiet, with a bit of cold and desolate.

They didn't care, they went directly to Ziyang Temple and met Chen Qiulin.

The small temple is not so particular, Zhang Qianqiu counted out ten big tickets, and stuffed them into the merit box without opening his mouth, the Taoist priest started pimping and invited the temple master to come out.

After exchanging pleasantries, everyone entered the inner room again, and sat down and sipped tea pretendingly.

"Master Taoist, how long have you been practicing Taoism?" Yan Han asked.

"I became a teacher at the age of twelve, and it has been thirty-six years." Chen Qiulin stroked his long beard.

"Oh, then you are really profound in Taoism and law, I am sorry and disrespectful."

"Hehe, I don't dare to take it seriously, I know a little bit..."

After chatting for a while, Zhang Qianqiu rolled his eyes and asked suddenly: "Master Daoist, I heard that the inside of the mountain is closed, do you know what's going on?"

"Oh, it's about building a research institute to protect the natural ecology. That's good. It's right, right, to protect the environment."

"Have you ever gone in?"

"That's not true. I seldom go to the mountains. Hey, let's not talk about this. You are here today because of destiny. Why don't you invite a lotus lantern and put it in front of the old gentleman's statue, so as to bless you and be safe."

A hammer please! Does your old gentleman care about lotus lanterns

The three of them lost their mood immediately, and after talking for a long time, they were a little disappointed to see this man's mouth full of copper, so they left immediately.

Coming out of Ziyang Temple, Zhang Qianqiu was still encouraging his companions: "Don't be discouraged, I already knew that he is an old liar, the truth must be inside!"

"Yes, it must be inside!"

Saying that, the three of them continued to walk for about forty minutes before finally stopping.

I saw a long barbed wire fence in front, more than two meters high, with spikes on it, winding around from the depths of the mountain, and then pulled to the other side, without seeing the end.

"Wow, this is amazing!"

Yan Han grinned, and opened the backpack to take out something. Li Dong quickly patted him, and said in a low voice: "Hey, there's a camera... Don't look, don't look, just pretend you didn't find it, let's go over there!"


Pretending to be nonchalant, he moved more than ten meters to the side, and finally found a blind spot. After Yan Han confirmed that nothing happened, he took out a super powerful bolt cutter from his bag.

He squatted down, clamped a piece of wire, and struggled with his hands, when he heard a bang, it broke into two pieces in an instant.

"Look out, don't get caught."

"Look at it, your speed!"

Yan Han is skilled in craftsmanship, and quickly cut a gap, barely able to pass.


The three of them didn't dare to neglect, they passed through secretly one by one, got some weeds to cover up the gap, and then ducked into the woods.

They thought they were hiding, but they didn't know that, on a tall tree not far away, someone had two long legs drooping, dangling around with a playful expression on his face.

"Huchi... Huchi..."

Li Dong was panting heavily, his physical exertion was too great, and he was already exhausted.

Leaning on Yan Han's trekking pole, he stopped and walked, slowing down his speed a lot. In fact, it was very strange. Ever since he entered the barbed wire fence, he had a very uneasy feeling, as if something terrible was spying in the dark.

Zhang Qianqiu and Yan Han were in great interest, discussing various possibilities of Phoenix Mountain along the way. This is their first copy, what will it look like

The three of them walked for a while. Li Dong looked at the sky, only to feel that the black clouds were overwhelming and the light was getting dimmer.

"Why… "

He suddenly stamped his feet, seemed a little uncomfortable, and asked, "Do you feel chilly?"


"You're sweating, you don't feel cold until the wind blows."

"But what's wrong with my back, why..."

Li Dong twisted his body, and touched his back with his backhand. Where his fingertips reached, instead of the wet and cold clothes as imagined, he touched a sticky, slippery and soft object.


As soon as he was shocked, he pulled it hard without thinking about it, and then threw it to the ground. As a result, as soon as the hand was thrown out, the thing suddenly moved, wrapped around his arm, and sprinted again.


Li Dong was out of his wits, only to see a pair of dark yellow cruel vertical pupils staring at him coldly just a few centimeters away. There is also a blood-red long letter, licking the right cheek.

"Dongzi, you should go, why..."


Zhang Qianqiu was still urging, suddenly raised his eyes, and immediately froze in place.

Yan Han was also terrified, staring at the green snake, stammering: "You, don't move, I'll find a branch, don't move..."

He withdrew a few steps with his hands and feet, fumbling around for weapons.



Just at this time, a gust of wind suddenly blows, it seems to directly penetrate the body, a trace of chill grows from the five internal organs, and quickly spreads to the whole body.

He instinctively felt something was wrong, and tried his best to keep calm, but he couldn't suppress it no matter what.

one inch, two inches...

He raised his head with difficulty, looked straight at him, and was facing a pale woman's face with huge black pupils occupying the entire eye sockets and no white in the eyes.
