Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 228: When the opportunity comes


Young people, they always have such beautiful fantasies of coquettishness and lowliness.

These fantasies come in various forms, but in general, they cannot escape the routine that if you survive a catastrophe, you must have a fairy, and if you don't have a fairy, you can have magical skills.

They usually have a very unified title, called the male lead.

Yan Han was hunted down by ghosts and fled here with his old life. When he saw Xiao Zhai, he really had the feeling of being possessed by the soul of the male protagonist from all over the world.

Awesome! Don't persuade me, I know what I know! To paralyze me is to pull!

But unfortunately, after just two seconds, he began to tremble all over, and he didn't even dare to lift his head. Because he saw the other person's eyes, naked, with a cold killing intent undisguised.



At this moment, Xiao Jin rushed over hurriedly, seeing this scene, she was also terrified. Xiao Zhai ignored Yan Han, and said to his sister, "What's going on?"

"Someone broke into the mountain and ran over without paying attention."

"Not paying attention?"

Xiao Zhai knew her virtues, she must have played too much, so she was negligent, and asked: "How many in total?"


"What about those two?"

"Qianshan is dizzy."

"Take it to Luli."

"oh… "

Xiao Jin didn't even dare to fart, she carried Yan Han back, knocked Zhang Qianqiu and Li Dong awake, took off her make-up, washed her face, changed her clothes, and finally arrived at the Meditation House in desperation.

Silence, an awkward silence.

The three friends squatted in a row in the corner, as quiet as chickens.

Sitting opposite, Xiao Zhai didn't say a word, he was actually adjusting the spiritual power that was about to riot just now. The girl was next to her, and she glanced at her sister for a while, and made faces at them for a while, it was super fierce.

After a long while, Zhang Qianqiu pursed his lips, and couldn't help but said: "Immortal Chief, we have explained everything we should explain. We made mistakes when we went to the mountain first, but they were both inspired by me. If you want to punish, punish me." one person."

"Yo, you are quite responsible."

Xiao Jin blinked her eyes, and deliberately threatened, "It's a pity that you are a little naive. You guys discovered the secret in the mountain, and you still want to go back alive?"

"Immortal, please forgive me!"

When Yan Han heard this, he couldn't hold on anymore and begged for mercy repeatedly. Li Dong, on the other hand, was paralyzed on the spot motionless, as if he had been frightened into a fool.

"You, you kill innocent people indiscriminately, are you not afraid of government sanctions?"

Zhang Qianqiu was also very scared, but he couldn't show it, he stared and asked loudly.


Xiao Zhai was slightly surprised, and said: "You can try it, I will kill them first, and you will watch from the mountain, who dares to come?"


Zhang Qianqiu's heart twitched, but he didn't dare to argue. Although he didn't know much about the world of practice, he knew from what Yan Han said that the golden and purple divine thunder was not something ordinary people could do.

How sad!

Just out of Novice Village, oh no, before I left Novice Village, I ran into a dungeon of hell difficulty, and the group was wiped out immediately.

"Okay, I'll give you two choices."

Xiao Zhai was too lazy to talk nonsense, and said: "One is to stay and do things, tending the fruit and tea crops. The other is to go out to do things and act as a peripheral eyeliner. Of course, in order to prevent you from leaking information, restrictions will be planted."


The three of them looked at each other, and their thoughts were instantly different. Yan Han was really frightened, and rushed to say: "I, I'm going out!"

"Yes." She nodded.

Zhang Qianqiu paused for a moment, gritted his teeth and said, "I'll stay!"


Xiao Zhai turned to Li Dong and asked, "What about you?"

"I, I want to stay too." Li Dong stammered.

Huh? What he said was beyond Zhang Qianqiu's expectations. Yan Han always yelled and asked about immortals, but he was afraid when he made a real move; .

Immediately, Xiao Zhai popped up three lightning bolts, buried them in their bodies, and said: "It will happen in a month, and you can come to me at that time, and you can relieve it. You go to the back mountain and stay for one night first, go down."

After the three left, she asked again, "How do you feel?"

"Li Dong's perception is very keen. Although he has a dull temper, he has some decisiveness. Zhang Qianqiu is tenacious and very responsible. Yan Han is just so-so!" Xiao Jin analyzed objectively.

"We lack real cronies. Let's wait and see for a while."

Xiao Zhai was noncommittal, and waved: "Come here!"

"sister… "

Xiao Jin's face was bitter for a moment, but she couldn't escape after all, so she could only move over slowly.

Thanh Ninh Province.

The province is vast and sparsely populated, with an area of more than 700,000 square kilometers and a population of less than 6 million. Generally, there are many original scenic spots in such places, and the most famous one in Qingning Province is the holy lake Tsowenbu.

The road around the lake in Tsowenbu is probably the most suitable place for cycling in Xiaguo, where people release their youth all year round. The whole journey is about 360 kilometers, and you can cycle around in 4 days. The alpine pastures, thousands of acres of rapeseed fields, and countless fat cattle and sheep are simply too beautiful.

Winter will be more simple, but there is also a static beauty that has been washed away.

"Hoo... hoo..."

Wu Yang's buttocks were lifted slightly, and as the car moved forward, it kept swinging rhythmically, looking quite professional.

She is a girl from the south of the Yangtze River. She just lost her love, so she took a long vacation to go out alone to relax. Starting from Heima River, she will walk 70 kilometers in the first stage and arrive at a famous scenic spot called Bird Island.

This section of the road was hailed as the most beautiful section, but she was not in the mood to appreciate it, and pedaled the car desperately just to vent.

I didn't know how long I had been walking, when I heard a bang, the wheels suddenly got stuck, the center of gravity was unstable during the sudden stop, and people and the car fell to the ground.


Wu Yang didn't get up right away, but was in a rush of emotion, hitting the car hard and shouting loudly. After a while, she regained her composure and found that a part was broken and she couldn't move forward.

Fortunately, there are many vehicles on this section of the road. She picked up the car and poked it against the side of the road, and raised a thumb.

The sport of cycling has become very popular in China, and everyone is not surprised. After waiting for twenty minutes, a jeep stopped, and a buddy poked his head out and asked, "Where are you going?"

"In the town ahead, I have to fix the car."

"Come up."


After tying the bicycle to the roof, Wu Yang got into the co-pilot, and found that there was another person in the back seat, with deep eye sockets and a straight nose, but with ethnic characteristics on his face.

He looked him up and down, with a strange satisfaction in his eyes.


Wu Yang felt something was wrong, and was just about to find an excuse to get out of the car, when suddenly the driver came over and pressed something hard on his nose and mouth.

"Um... um..."

The girl struggled desperately, but unfortunately she couldn't break free, and soon fell into a coma.

When she woke up, she suddenly found herself lying in a huge stone room with dim light and a strange atmosphere. Several masked men in black robes stood beside them, but in front of them was a naturally formed rock pool.

Something seemed to be cooking inside, reflecting a green light.

Her hands and feet were tied, her mouth was blocked, and she was powerless to resist. She could only watch a bald head come in, chanting a mantra, and then waved her hand.

The man in black lifted Wu Yang and threw it in with a plop.


With the sound of strong airflow, a plane landed in the airport of Xiping City. Xiping is the capital of Qingning Province. After Huozhou is completely destroyed, the previous transportation hub will be abolished, and it can only be entered from neighboring cities.

Gu Yu quickly walked off the plane with Long Qiu.