Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 232: Alien creature


The law of spiritual recovery is that the concentration in cities is less than that in towns, and the concentration in towns is less than that in mountains and rivers. Gu Yu made a rough analysis, and it should be related to the natural environment and population density.

The fewer people there are, the stronger the natural atmosphere and the higher the concentration.

During these few trips, he has paid attention to the changes in aura in various places. From eating the red fruit in May of the previous year to November of this year, it can be basically concluded that the entire Xia Kingdom is almost covered by aura.

And the direct impact caused by this coverage is bio-alteration. If it is expanded to include a certain area, it is a vision.

Tsingh Ninh Province has few settlements and is full of large tracts of desolate areas, which provides the best conditions for biological alienation.

It is said that Gu Yu rescued the soldiers, and within two minutes, the support troops also rushed over. A group of people gathered in one place and rushed to Huagou Town together.

The atmosphere in the town is very strange, tense and relaxed, busy and idle, soldiers and civilians blend together incongruously.

These people are on the front line, and they have learned some truths from what they have heard and heard on a daily basis. But it is amazing that there are still more than 10,000 people left behind.

Gu Yu didn't go to the town government, but went to the command post of the army.

Most of Huozhou's garrison troops have carried out missions here since they immigrated. Gu Yu and Xiao Zhai wandered around for half a year, and usually had a lot of contact. When they lived in Grape Valley, they still gave them fresh water and vegetables.

So regardless of the position, the impression of both sides is very good.

The person guarding this place is a senior military officer, so it was inevitable that he would have to receive him. Gu Yu declined, and only asked about the situation of the strange bird.

"You mean, there was another attack before?"

"Yes, just half a month ago. There were three birds that all escaped and did not cause any damage, so I didn't take it to heart."

The officer sighed, and said, "However, judging by the situation, normalized defense will be carried out in the future."

"What is that protected area like? Can it be cleared?" Gu Yu asked.

"A large area of wetland, clearing is impossible."

The officer shook his head and said again: "Huagou Town is the only remaining supply point. Without this town, it would take nearly a thousand miles to reach other cities. The logistics support is too difficult. We can only send more firepower and prepare more anti-aircraft weapons , has guarded here for a long time.”


Gu Yu thought about it for a moment, and then provided some information: "That kind of bird likes to eat human flesh, and has a cunning temperament. It is not ruled out that they will directly attack residential areas. Their meat is edible, with a small amount of spiritual energy, their feathers are protective, and their blood is poisonous." , the fishy smell is extremely strong."


The officer was taken aback, and said, "Mr. Gu, you are..."

"I think we need to build an information sharing platform. There will be more and more strange creatures. It is good for everyone to formulate entries as soon as possible." He suddenly suggested.

The officer also understood, and immediately said: "Okay, I will report it as soon as possible!"

The so-called entry, to put it bluntly, is the database.

For example, the strange bird, what is its name, what are its habits, body shape characteristics, use value, how to catch, hazard level, etc., must be completed one by one.

Xia Guo is so big, it is unrealistic to rely on government personnel or Gu Yu to find out. We can only let the masses become the main force and provide information, which will be sorted and stored in a standardized manner, and finally form a set of alienated biological encyclopedias.

Of course, the specific method of operation has to be considered by the official.

The three rested overnight in Huagou Town, and the next day, Gu Yu took Xiaoqiu and set off. Yang Di has been completely convinced by this guy, and he yearns for it, so he takes the initiative to stay in the town and wait.

Speaking of which, it was his first time to investigate the vision, and then he got the fire spiritual energy, and he came again twice, which counted as entering the island of fire four times.

If he went around the barracks and sneaked in, that was fine too. But it's not necessary, it's better to be generous, after all, the government also needs the information inside.

"Mr. Gu, I can only send it here."

At the border of Huozhou, at a depth of 30 kilometers, a jeep stopped in front of the cordon. The soldier who drove was a little regretful. He also wanted to go in to see and see, but unfortunately his body couldn't bear it.

"Well, thank you."

"Do I need to wait for you here?" the soldier asked again.

"No, I don't know how many days it will come out."

"Well, be careful."

After the soldiers left, Long Qiu jumped up and down a few steps and exclaimed, "Wow, this is Huozhou, it's amazing!"

"Is this dead sand? It's whiter than I thought."

"Hey, there is still an ash tree over there, it must have been very lush when he was alive, what a pity."

She was like a picnic, looking around, looking happy like a little girl who is 1.74 meters. And around her, they were all shrouded in fire-colored mist, slowly floating in the air.

Looking up, it is also hazy, as if the dome has been lost. Looking down, there are white dead sand, ocher red crushed stone powder, and gray shriveled vegetation.

It seems that there are only these four monotonous colors left in the world here.

It's no wonder that only those who have experienced the catastrophe can experience the shock of the loss of life and the fear of the sky falling apart.


Gu Yu's feeling is a little different, the fire aura here is more stable, and a stable natural environment has been formed.

Don't be disgusted, a beautiful environment is called an environment, and a bad environment is also called an environment. It destroys some things, and naturally some things are born. As long as the breath and the material form are balanced, there will be life recovery.

At this moment, the two of them hadn't walked far before they found a cluster of dark brown grass.

It is about five centimeters high, with seven leaves, and there are stripes on the leaves. They are squeezed into a small group, and they stand firm in a panic and tenaciously.

"It's amazing that new life is born so quickly."

He squatted down, picked a few plants and put them into gourds.

Continue to move forward, and after walking for more than ten miles, I suddenly saw a short tree with a crooked neck. There was also a hole under the tree. A red-skinned and black-tailed mouse had just popped its head, its long tentacles trembling. When it saw the two of them, it slid back in again.


Gu Yu and Xiao Qiu looked at each other, then retreated a few steps with a tacit understanding, and observed quietly.

After a while, the mouse reappeared, quickly ran to a small hill not far away, picked up a small red stone, and stuffed it into its mouth.

"Yeah, it eats rocks?"

Xiao Qiu blinked, very surprised, but Gu Yu said: "It's not a stone, it should be the essence of the fire spirit inside."

Sure enough, the mouse chewed and spit out something like a ball of mud, but the essence of the fire spirit inside was absorbed.


Gu Yu found it interesting and didn't think it was dirty, so he picked up the mud ball and put it in the wooden box.

In this way, the two of them walked and collected all the way, and found many short and small vegetation and animals, which actually belonged to the category of alienated creatures.

At the same time, in Yiwu, Yangji, Bayin, Longxi and other places, several groups of people sneaked into Huozhou under the secret communication of some soldiers.