Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 236: altar



Agu let out a roar, and his two exposed arms suddenly swelled, like a little mouse scurrying back and forth under the skin. And this kind of swelling quickly spread to the whole body, and with the sound of cracking like firecrackers, another part of the two-meter-high body was abruptly pulled out.

His fists collided, his muscles were knotted, and his skin collapsed like a tree root, making him look extremely terrifying.

At the same time, Getu also showed his strongest posture.

He was much quieter, he just twisted his body into a weird shape, his eyes gradually turned into vertical pupils, and then he stuck out his tongue. The tip of the tongue actually split into a thin fork, and there was a slight "hissing" sound.

Compared with them, Canmel is the most normal.

She took out a domino and slapped it hard. A ferocious ghost head flew out from the dominoes, forming a small black cloud in the sky. The ghost head was astonishingly big, and it was windy. The three ghost faces I saw at Zhang Wei's villa that night were not worth mentioning.

Good guy!

The three mages were not careless, knowing that the other party was not easy to mess with, they resorted to their strongest moves as soon as they met.


Gu Yu squinted his eyes slightly, expressionless, suddenly his figure flashed, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Agu. He still had the time to throw out a sentence: "I am left and you are right!"

After all, he grabbed the five people on the left first.

"Haha, come on, come on, let me see a real master!"

Agu laughed, his fists were like cannonballs, and with a heavy and tearing sound, he slammed into the opponent's head.

"Get out of the way!"

Gu Yu stepped on the clouds and walked past him with a whoosh.

Even people with the best eyesight can barely see it. At the moment when the two of them intersect, there seems to be a flash of red light, and then disappears.

"Come on, coward, don't run away!"

Agu was still wondering why the opponent didn't fight. Just as he was about to turn around and pursue him, he suddenly felt a pain in his chest, and his strength receded like a tide.

He lowered his head subconsciously, only to see that there was no flesh and blood in his chest, and a big hole suddenly appeared, and his heart, together with a small part of his left lung, had already turned into ashes.


Agu's consciousness was blurred, he fell to the ground, and he didn't understand how he was tricked until his death.

Gu Yu skipped over this big guy without stopping, and went straight to Kanmar.

Seeing that his companion was caught in seconds, Kanmar immediately manipulated the ghost face to attack, and at the same time shouted: "Stop him! Stop him!"

Wrapped in black air, the ghost face swooped down with a scream, while the three disciples waved their spikes and rushed towards them frantically.


Gu Yu's speed suddenly increased, drawing out a phantom, surrounded by fire dragons, and divided into four strands. A wave met the ghost face in the air, and the rest only heard three popping sounds, all of which passed through the body.


Before those people could move, they turned into fireballs, burning ghosts and howling wolves, fell to the ground and rolled, losing their life in an instant.


Gu Yu took another big step, and directly poked in front of Kanmaer. Under the horrified eyes of the other party, he pinched the delicate neck, and then twisted it hard...

The two mages, together with the three main combat forces, were all wiped out in a blink of an eye!

On the other side, Long Qiu also picked up the four of them.

Getu swam over with his weird tongue out, then got short, and used his body as a weapon to wrap around the opponent like a snake.


Xiao Qiu swung his sword again and again, the sword light was cold and shrouded several feet in front of him.

Getu rolled on the spot, dodging from an absolutely impossible angle, and then took advantage of the trend to circle around and tightly coiled on her body.

The forked tongue trembled a little, and said in color, "Hiss! Although your sword is powerful, it can't hurt..."

Getu opened his mouth, but couldn't utter a word.

Because he found that his tongue was gone, and in the next second, even his head was gone. Then there are shoulders, arms, half body, waist and abdomen, lower body...

Within a few breaths, this person completely disappeared.

"Fa, Mage..."

The subordinates froze in fright, no matter how fierce they were, they had never seen anything so fierce. Xiao Qiu didn't care, she tapped the sword, and a blue flower came out, covering the three of them.

It's all wiped out again!

After a few face-to-face meetings, the Northwest Diocese suffered heavy losses. Gu Yu didn't use illusion, it was the bottom of the box, and it was very expensive. Xiaoqiu rested her mind from practicing moves, and also became aggressive.

However, as soon as she put the sword back into the sea of consciousness, the fat baby jumped out of the void, her small face was blue and purple, and then she opened her mouth: "vomit!"

The golden silkworm actually vomited.


Seeing the puddle of black blood it vomited, Xiaoqiu fanned the wind, and said without feeling sorry for it: "It said it smells too bad, it doesn't taste good."

"It doesn't need to say..."

Gu Yu covered his mouth and nose, squatted down and began to touch the corpse.

Not counting the ashes and the eaten ones, there are still five relatively complete ones. The two groped for a while, found some strange scrolls and bone products, carefully put them into wooden boxes, and ran towards the entrance of the cave.

Xiao Qiu headed back out of the mountain and encountered such a big event, she seemed nervous and excited: "Brother, what are they going to do?"

"Summon the big monster, you'll know when you go."

"It should be here!"

The archmage led the crowd around the entrance of the cave, walked eastward for about two miles, and stopped in front of a smooth and straight rock wall.

He touched the ochre-red rock, and a black light shot out from his palm, penetrating the rock wall like a ghost. He felt the message sent back, and said firmly again: "That's right, it's here!"

"Finally found!"

"Ancestors have spirits, ancestors have spirits!"

When everyone heard this, their faces were full of excitement, and two of them stepped forward, bowed and said: "Great Master, please move forward and watch us break through this door."


The old man took a few steps back, stretched out his hand casually, and grabbed a female ghost. His rough fingers lightly slid across the plump skin, and the cool feeling he touched made his heart feel a little relaxed.

This group of people has dealt with witchcraft since childhood, and their spirit and aesthetics are no longer normal. They think ghosts are extremely beautiful, and if they are not used for other purposes, they would have taken them for themselves for daily play.


The ghost let him rub it obediently, with great fear in its eyes. It was Wu Yang who came to Cuowenbu to ride and was captured.

Speaking of which, the difference between a ghost man and a low-level zombie is that it retains considerable sanity and absolutely obeys commands.

This feeling is like one's own consciousness is locked in a dark cage, and one can only look out through a window. You know where you are and what you're doing, but you're like an outsider with nothing in your control.

"Your aptitude is not bad. If there is no task, I really want to refine you again... It's a pity, a pity."

The archmage saw the pain in its eyes, but he was very happy, feeling a perverted sense of satisfaction.


At this moment, I saw those two people standing in front of the rock wall, shouting violently, their bodies suddenly swelled, similar to the two brothers Bahu, but in a larger shape.

The two raised their arms, like swinging a heavy hammer of tens of thousands of catties, chiseling the stone wall with a bang. Soon, a hole the size of a basin appeared, and it was indeed empty.

The fire island cannot carry explosives, it is easy to be eroded, or explode directly. Fortunately, they are powerful, and they dug a hole as high as one person in a short time.

"You two, stay here."


The two are separated left and right, just like the two door gods. The archmage didn't dare to neglect, and led the rest into the cave.

There is no such filthy air in the cave, but the fire aura is poured in, and there are only a few puffs, and the light is bright. But the ghost head lamps inlaid on both sides ignited by themselves, glowing with a faint green light.


The passage inside is not wide enough for two people to walk side by side.

The archmage walked in the front and looked around. The passage was quite primitive, without too many artificial traces, and the red rock on the top was exposed, without any support. But the miracle is that it is extremely stable here, and no gravel falls.

After walking for a while, two forked roads diverged in front of us. The archmage paused and said, "There is an insect breeding cave on the left and right, so don't worry about it."

As he spoke, he continued to move forward, followed by the rest of them.

But there was an exception. A congregation walking at the end couldn't help being curious, and sneaked a peek to the right. He got off the marble road of the passage and took a step towards it.

With this kick, countless red pupils appeared in the dark cave. Then there was the sound of fluttering wings, and black shadows flew out of the cave, densely covering the entire team.


"Bats! Bats!"


Caught off guard, two congregants were bitten. Within a few breaths, the expressions of these two people were a little bit wrong, their eyes were cloudy, and there was a hint of madness.

"Bang! Bang!"

The two mages were very decisive and killed their subordinates without hesitation. The guy who caused the trouble was sweating coldly, and he was afraid to go forward.

The archmage snorted coldly, took out a bone staff from his bosom, and shouted: "Go!"


Black smoke rose from the bone stick, forming a ghost face that was almost condensed.


Thousands of bats staggered to and fro, unable to resist at all, like a poor colony of ants being swallowed into the stomach of an anteater.

When the cave was quiet again, the ghost face showed a humane sense of fullness, and the black cloud shrank continuously, returning to the bone stick.

"I don't have time to take care of you, let's finish it myself!"

The archmage glanced at the guy, turned his head and walked away.


The person who caused the trouble watched the team go away, gritted his teeth hard, and finally did not dare to defy. With a flick of his left hand on his right hand, a piece of nail fell off and turned into a small insect.

He picked up the worm and chewed it into his mouth, not long after, the seven orifices were already bleeding.

Having learned the lesson, the group became more cautious and did not dare to mess around.

This passage seems to be infinitely long, and it has not come to an end after walking for a long time. The breath inside also became more and more strange. They only felt that their bodies were getting colder and hotter, and finally they couldn't tell the difference between hot and cold.

After another long journey, it was almost to the mountainside, and a cave appeared in front of it. There are twelve stone pillars standing on all sides, forming a circle of stone corridors, but there is a round platform in the middle, and there are several corpses nearby.

"Go and search!"

Seeing that there was no way ahead, the great mage ordered to go down, and he also went to a corpse to examine it carefully.

I don't know how many years have passed since the skeleton, and there is only a skeleton frame covered with tattered clothes. Its posture is very strange, similar to meditation in Buddhism, and some of its bones are also crystal white.

He stretched out his finger and poked lightly on the severed bone, only to hear a "chi la", the fingertip seemed to be melted, and a small part disappeared in an instant.

"Jie Jie..."

The archmage smiled instead of anger, and said hoarsely: "It really is a Buddhist thief who is bald, and he is still an old guy who has cultivated Buddha nature. Okay, okay, let you be beautiful in life, and it will fall into my hands after death. A half-relic frame is enough for me to refine a few top-quality ghost heads."

He smiled slyly for a while, then opened the rotten clothes and began to search around. But it's a pity that the starting point was bare, and nothing was found.


He snorted coldly, and came to a lying corpse again. This one is the complete opposite, with pitch-black bones and multiple deformations, it looks like a monster corpse that looks like a man and a wolf.

However, his expression turned serious, and he bowed solemnly a few times.

Then there is the third one. There is no clue, but a jade pendant is found. The front side is engraved with yin and yang fish, and the back side is engraved with cloud patterns, with an elegant shape.


The archmage was taken aback, it seemed that Taoist sects also participated in the battle for the right to preach in the Western Regions. It's just that he quit for some reason, and let Buddhism take advantage of it.

He rummaged through several skeletons and found only two things.

"We've searched carefully, but we didn't find any hidden passages!"

At this time, the subordinates reported one after another that there was indeed no way around.


The archmage's eyes flickered, and he swept along the terrain of the cave, and finally stopped on the round platform.

He stepped on the platform and saw that it was carved out of a large stone, with a ghost face totem of his own lineage on it. According to the orientation of the five elements, there is a sunken square hole at each edge, and there are thin grooves connecting the holes.


He thought for a moment, then suddenly said: "You, you, and the few of you, stand there."

The five people who were named didn't know why, so they got on the stage honestly, and then stood separately. The archmage stood firmly in the center, took out a bone cup, and stretched out his hand to pat it.

Five real little ghosts flew out of the cup, caught one person each, threw themselves on their heads and began to gnaw wildly.


The five people struggled desperately, but unfortunately it was of no avail, the blood flowed down the head and was flowing into the square hole.

"Ah... help! Help!"

They screamed and screamed in pain, it was horrible, and the rest of them looked at it coldly, and they couldn't bear it at all. As the blood flowed more and more, it quickly filled the square hole, and then poured into the thin groove, slowly connecting.


When the blood tanks were connected as one, the round platform trembled suddenly, and then slowly sank.

"Not yet!" the Archmage shouted.

Those people woke up like a dream, jumped onto the round platform with the ghosts, and fell to the ground little by little.

They are all shaman survivors, and they also learned incomplete secret arts, and they have never experienced the glory of their ancestors in their heyday. But at this moment, everyone, including the archmage, has added a sense of honor and excitement.

Hundreds of years ago, maybe even longer, such a world could be opened up in the Flame Mountain, it is simply amazing.

The round platform sank about ten meters, and finally stopped moving. Below is a larger cave, which is extremely rich in aura, and is clearly divided into two parts.

A cloud of black air and a cloud of red air are clearly distinct.

But at the place where they meet, a pool of mixed-color liquid is sunken, and an altar is built beside the pool, and the surrounding is also full of bones.