Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 254: make things happen


The girl uttered an astonishing remark, and Gu Yu and Xiao Zhai frowned at the same time: Who leaked the news? But after thinking about it, I felt something was wrong. No outsiders knew about the discovery of ginseng essence, including Shui Yao and the research team.

"Where did you hear that?" Gu Yu asked.

"It's spread all over the town. I don't know who started it. Anyway, when I woke up in the morning, many people were talking about it."

The girl looked very excited, that kind of excitement of "it's rare to encounter something new happening around me, even if it has nothing to do with it, I can just worry about it".

"Are there any rumors on the Internet?" Xiao Zhai asked.

"I saw some news on Weibo, but it disappeared soon."

She seemed to be very sure, and continued: "Now we use this as evidence, think about it! If it is fake, even if the authorities can't come out to refute the rumors, they won't be able to monitor and delete posts, so it's likely that those people will go up the mountain Looking for ginseng essence! By the way, Brother Shui, isn’t Master Shui an old hand? Now it’s done, it’s time to use it.”

"What's the use of it, you are the only one who has a good mouth! Go, look at the store in front, don't follow me and talk nonsense."

Shui Yao is not a vulgar person, he was keenly aware of a little strangeness, first drove the girl away, and then asked: "Brother-in-law, what's going on?"


Gu Yu paused, but still told the story frankly: "We followed the mallet bird and indeed found the ginseng essence."


With this sentence, Shui Yao's eyebrows trembled, and the flesh on his face was twisted into a ball, showing a kind of fierce and cute daring. Just as he was about to open his mouth, he was stopped by the other party, "But this matter, only the five of us know about it. I don't quite understand, how did this news get out?"

"There's something wrong with that sable!"

Xiao Zhai interrupted suddenly and said, "Since that guy can control sables, he can control other animals, maybe we were negligent."

"It's possible, but he doesn't necessarily know the truth, and he may also be guessing out of thin air."

The two of them were very calm, skipping the cause and process, and directly pointed to the purpose. No matter what, the other party's motive is very obvious, which is to muddy the water.

After their rigorous analysis, Shui Yao became very anxious when he heard it, and asked, "I said, what is the origin of that ginseng essence? What's the use? Has it already turned into a human form?"

"It's not in human form yet, but it's very useful. Eat a little and all diseases will be cured, and life will be prolonged." Gu Yu teased.

"Fuck, don't hurry up! How the hell do you have the time to play Conan here? Let's go!"

Shui Yao was so angry that he dragged the two of them out of the hotel, got into the broken pickup, and went straight to Changqing Village.

As soon as I went out, I felt that the atmosphere on the street was very strange. It seems that everyone in the town has tacitly understood that when they meet, they don't need to speak, they wink at each other:

"Hey, do you understand?"


Well, that's it.

Along the way, they saw many idlers riding motorcycles, electric cars, bicycles and other means of transportation, wandering towards Changqing Village.

These people may not believe it, and it is more used as a kind of talk, a kind of fun to relieve boredom. The masses like to watch the excitement, anyway, they can't lose two catties of meat.

But they said that when they arrived at the village, there were already many neighbors standing in Shuirong's yard. The old man held a long tobacco pole and said helplessly: "This stick can't come out in winter, it's not the time to release the mountains. It must be spreading rumors. You can go there if you like." , don't look for me!"

"Old man, you haven't let go of the mountain for so many years, it doesn't matter if it's true or not, it's good to go up for a stroll."

"That's right, if it happens, then you can post it!"

"Yes, you eat meat, we drink soup!"

All of a sudden, there was a lot of chatter, and the old man was very annoyed.

Gu Yu and Xiao Zhai jumped out of the car and didn't enter the courtyard. They just said, "Old Shui, you'll be staying with the old man these few days, so you must be careful. Xiao Qiu and Xiao Jin are back, so you let them go up the mountain."

"Then why are you going?"

Shui Yao was quite self-aware and didn't force them to bring him.

"Of course I went to protect the food. The ginseng essence is from Phoenix Mountain."

"Old Guan! What do you mean?"

At the Weiwei branch, Wang Xuqiao pushed open the door aggressively, and questioned, "Without my approval, how could you report without my permission?"

"Hey, that's not right. Although you are the director, the regulations clearly stipulate that, as the deputy director, I have the right to directly report any emergency."

Guan Pan's body swayed left and right with the swivel chair, appearing nonchalant.

"Emergency? This trivial matter is an emergency? Do you still see me as the director?"

"Ha! I don't think it's a small thing."

Guan Pan looked at the other party with a relaxed voice: "You know ginseng, it is used to hang people. If there is real ginseng essence, have you ever thought about how useful it can be? Even if it doesn't, it doesn't matter. , we will do our best and take the initiative, right?"


Wang Xuqiao really can't blame him, because of emotion, reason, and regulations, everyone has no problem. He could only suppress this matter, and said: "Okay, let's not talk about this for now. Now that the Songjiang River has spread all over, there is ginseng essence on the mountain, who is operating this?"


A hint of surprise appeared on Guan Pan's face, and he said, "You ask me, how do I know? Could it be the guy named Shui? He seems to have a good relationship with Mr. Gu."

"Unlikely, he has no motive to do so."

Wang Xuqiao was upset and irritable, and said sadly: "No matter what, let's mobilize people immediately and go to Songjiang River first to see if there is any trouble."

"Well, let's put down the rumors first."

Guan Pan smiled and watched the other party leave.

The imperial capital, the General Bureau of Extraordinary Affairs.

Several high-level people gathered in a circle and were also holding a meeting. There is a document in front of everyone, which is the document reported by the Xidu branch.

The director looked around and asked, "What do you think?"

"There is some credibility. Now that there are more and more alienated creatures, no one dares to deny that a ginseng essence cannot come out. I personally think that we should fight for it." One person replied.

"But we didn't get the image data, so it's a bit sloppy to just infer and guess."

It was Mu Kun who opposed it. He didn't want to compete with Phoenix Mountain for the sake of ginseng essence.

"Actually, our opinion is not important, what matters is the superior."

Another high-ranking officer also spoke and asked, "Director, do you have any instructions from above?"

"After the material was received, I reported it and said it would be decided as soon as possible."

The director was also upset, and said: "Now that the goodwill faction and the suppression faction have obvious differences, it is estimated that the big bosses are arguing."

All the people here are confidantes, and he doesn't shy away from saying some transgressive words. He also has a faction, but he belongs to the neutral faction, so he can sit on the position of director general.

A few people chatted for a while, and suddenly there was a knock on the door, and the director's confidential secretary came in and said, "Report, the central government has sent instructions!"


"1. The Xidu Special Police Corps is on standby to guard the Songjiang River-Changqing Village-foot of the mountain to prevent the masses from entering the mountain blindly.

2. The General Administration immediately dispatched personnel to coordinate with the sub-bureaus.

3. If you come into contact with Phoenix Mountain, do not exchange fire unless you have to.

4. Let Qi Yun's people pass by. "

The four instructions are all colloquial, can be seen to be urgent, but also very cryptic. This is the case with the official face. If you don't say good things, you always like to make people guess. Of course, everyone here is old fried dough sticks, so you can understand it as soon as you hear it.


Mu Kun secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was only a special police force and no troops were mobilized, which shows that the general policy is still relaxed. This time it is within the scope of testing, to see if we can press the opponent's bottom line again, with Qi Yun as the main and the rest as supplementary.

However, he felt very helpless, which is expected. The temptation of ginseng essence is not given for nothing, after all, some leaders are not young.

Tianzhu Mountain, Qiyun Taoist Temple.

Lu Yuanqing was also convening everyone to discuss. He just said the transfer order, and he felt a sense of injustice.

"Is this for us to fight against Phoenix Mountain? Just for an uncertain ginseng essence?"

Zhang Shouyang frowned, and spoke first. There was no way, the official's intention to use the Taoist temple as a thug was too obvious.

"Hmph! You played a good plan, pretending to be a good person, but let us tear ourselves apart." Chao Kongtu snorted coldly.

"We enjoy the resources, and we should repay them, but we are still a little impetuous because we have nothing to fight with others." Shi Yunlai said.

For a while, every word you said and me expressed a little dissatisfaction. At the same time, I also feel that the wish of the entire Taoist Academy to break away from the government's control is more clear.

"Okay, let's not talk about fighting or not. This trip alone is a rare opportunity."

Lu Yuanqing stopped arguing, turned his head to look left and right, and said, "Senior Brother Shi, Senior Brother Zhang, please come with me, both of you."

"That's exactly what I mean." The two stood up together.

"Junior Brother Chao, Junior Brother Zhong, you two can also go together," he said again.


Although Chao Kongtu and Zhong Lingyu were surprised, they also said together: "Yes!"

"Senior Brother Mo, during this time, the Daoist Academy will trouble you to take care of it."

"You can rest assured." Mo Laodao nodded.

"During the time we are away from contemplation, you must not slack off. The journey of practice is like sailing against the current. If you do not advance, you will retreat. We should encourage you all."

Lu Yuanqing got up and saluted.

"Passengers and friends, at 16:30, the D12 bullet train from Shengtian to Bingcheng is about to leave. Now the ticket inspection is starting. Please go to the A3 ticket gate and consciously abide by the order..."

In the waiting hall, as the announcement sounded, the passengers on both sides of the seats took action one after another. Crowded and crowded to the ticket gate, like a long worm shedding its skin, they rushed back a little bit, and finally lined up in two lines.

Ice City is in Heishui Province, more than 300 kilometers north from Xidu, close to the border, and the climate is extremely cold.

It is the largest city among the four provinces outside the Guan. This high-speed train passes through the Songjiang River, and it takes about four or five hours from Shengtian.

Long Qiu and Xiao Jin stood at the end of the line, the former was carrying a big bag with a wooden box inside.

It is said that they found ginseng essence, but they didn't have the tools at hand. I wanted Li Dong to send it over. After all, the one-way trip is faster, but I thought it was wrong. Li Dong's ability is not enough to make and preserve it.

So, Xiao Jin volunteered to go back and take care of it by herself. Gu Yu was worried, and asked Long Qiu to accompany him again.

They were in carriage No. 7. There were a lot of passengers, and 90% of them were seated. The box was too big, the luggage rack couldn't fit it in, and I was worried about checking it in, so Xiaoqiu carried it by herself.



Not long after, the train started and left the station. After about twenty minutes, the buildings on both sides gradually became scarce, and it was full of desolate wasteland in winter.

Long Qiu didn't know what to do, so he just sat there holding the box in a daze.

Xiao Jin, however, lowered her head and played the mobile game vigorously, muttering: "Banban is here to get the red... where have you been, Banban... Banban, him... Banban, have you been drinking too much?" ...Banban, you robbed me of blue...Banban, you turn on the voice, so that I can scold you... "

Xiaoqiu was very curious and asked, "What are you playing?"

"Garbage game, don't learn it, it has no future." She said without raising her head.


Long Qiu took a peek, only to see a little short-legged bouncing up and down from time to time, it really is rubbish!

While Xiao Jin was playing, she suddenly called out: "Grass, there is no net!"

However, the train drove into a no-signal area, and the network connection could not be reached. Her interest was greatly reduced, so she simply threw the phone away, stretched her waist and said, "Forty minutes have passed in such a long time, ah, I hate taking the train the most... Hey, Qiuqiu, what do you think my sister wants with that thing?"

Long Qiu was very cautious, casually placed a layer of restraint, and put it close to her ear again. In this way, in the eyes of outsiders, the two girls are just talking in a whisper, and they will ignore the problem of not being able to hear the voice.

"Fenghuang Mountain has wood-type aura, and so does ginseng essence. If transplanted, it will be icing on the cake and has many benefits. Moreover, Fenghuang Mountain is a node, with strong aura. It is in Changbai Mountain, and sooner or later it will absorb all the surrounding plants. It can also create a confusing field. , it can be used as a large formation to protect the mountain... "

"Yo yo yo!"

Seeing her proud look, Xiao Jin was very upset, and said, "You know a lot, you deserve to be the third in Phoenix Mountain."

"Hee hee, if you study hard, you will also... Ouch!"

Just as Long Qiu was talking, suddenly a small head came over, hit his forehead hard, and said in pain, "Why did you hit me?"

"Just say it, what's so cute?"

Xiao Jin was also in pain, but she tried her best to pretend that she didn't feel any pain.

The two girls were noisy, and before they knew it, the train had left the territory of Liaodong Province and entered Wula Province.

The economic strength of Ula Province is relatively backward, and there are many mountainous areas. On both sides, there are big mountains with white awns, mixed with small houses like building blocks.

Long Qiu looked outside, vaguely impressed. There seems to be a non-stop small station ahead, called Huangzhuang, and then there is a big station, which will stay for three minutes.

Then it doesn't stop all the way, and after another big stop, it is Songjiang River.



The train was moving forward smoothly, and suddenly, a sharp alarm sounded from inside the carriage, which directly overwhelmed all kinds of noises.

Everyone was startled, not knowing what was going on. The flight attendant came in time and said comfortingly: "Everyone, don't panic. This is a smoke alarm. There may be passengers smoking. We will make an emergency stop. Please wait patiently."

"Grass, which idiot is it?"

"The last time I sat down, I ran into a dick, what the hell is there this time!"

"Some people just commit crimes. If they find out later, they will be detained for ten days and fined 10,000. Do you think they dare?"

Well! This kind of guy who secretly smokes on the train and causes it to stop is the most annoying. There is nothing pitiful about attacking them in groups.

The train stopped slowly, just not far from Huangzhuang Station. At the same time, the conductor began to check the carriages one by one. Sure enough, in the toilet of No. 12 carriage, a half-sized man was found with a cigarette butt in his hand.

And no one noticed, no one would notice, a figure sneaked up to the train, made a fuss about it, and then sneaked away.