Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 26: Agarwood Exhibition (Middle)


As the incense market has become more and more prosperous in recent years, all kinds of raw spices have been harvested and flooded. It is difficult to find 20-year-old huanghuali, let alone old-fashioned ingredients.

It took Li Yang a lot of effort to get a batch of raw materials, such as agarwood, thuja, red sandalwood, rosewood, etc. There are many types, and it also means that they need to be supplemented by quantity.

This is considered a private event and is not open to the public. Most of the people invited are relatives, friends and potential customers. Now some small bosses are keen to have fun, and they can’t afford the expensive ones, but it’s okay to play around for hundreds of thousands.

So after a round of the scene, there were only a hundred or so people.

Jiang Xiaozhai took Panpan to the fourth floor, but was stopped at the door. She took out her business card and flicked it, and the security guard let it go immediately. There is also a difference between a business card and a business card. The rich gold in her hand is Li Yang's proof of friendship.

The two girls entered the room, and when they looked up, there was a hall, where the wood was piled up by category, and there was a workbench next to it, where materials could be cut on the spot. The next room is a tea room, where you can rest and talk privately.

Li Yang saw her, but did not greet her, but walked to the front, pressed his hands together and said: "Okay, please be quiet. First of all, thank you for your kindness, and for being able to come to praise my younger brother. My younger brother also reciprocated, and the preparation was painstaking. It doesn’t matter if you know fragrance, or don’t understand, or are interested in getting started. Let’s make a rule, once you cut it down, you will never regret it. If you make a good material, it’s your hand; Don't be discouraged, Pi. You are all famous people, so it's not worth being serious about these playthings. Well, I won't talk nonsense, everyone have fun."

After all, he came over and said with a smile, "Miss Jiang, I thought you weren't coming."

"Oh, it's a little late, this is my good friend, Xiao Pan."

Li Yang shook hands with Pan Pan, and then asked: "I don't know what kind of incense Miss Jiang is interested in, I can introduce one or two."

"Uh, I don't quite understand, let's see for ourselves first."

"Well, please feel free to come to me if you need anything."

He still had a kind face, and he didn't pester her facelessly, then turned and left. Pan Pan was very strange, and asked: "Hey, don't you understand it quite well?"

"Understanding is understanding, and people are people." Jiang Xiaozhai responded casually.


Pan Pan pouted, and asked again: "Then what if he insists on pestering us?"

"Of course I took you to block the gun."

Xiao Zhai held her in his arms and said with a smile, "I just said that your aunt is here and needs to be rescued."

"Hey, you're so disgusting!"

The two girls laughed and went to the small-leaf red sandalwood area, where they saw logs neatly arranged, some long and some short, some thick and some thin, some with black skin, and some with taupe trunks.

Most of the guests were watching from Chen Xiang's side, but there were very few people here, only a bald middle-aged man was picking. But judging by his appearance, he is also half-knowledgeable, with black question marks all over his face.

Pan Pan didn't understand at all, so he watched Xiao Zhai go by, circling around the pile of wood. After a long time, she picked up a one-meter-long one, tapped it carefully, stroked the outer skin, and asked, "Can you cut a piece?"

"If you buy it, you can cut it open." The service staff said.

"Oh, forget it."

She didn't miss it, she got up and dodged, Pan Pan chased a few steps, and asked: "How is it? How is it?"

"That's not bad." She pointed back.

"How good is it?"

"Enough for you to eat several meals of spicy crab."

"Then why don't you buy it? You don't have enough money, but I have it." Panpan said anxiously.

"That piece of material is at least 20 catties, five hundred per catty, so it costs more than ten thousand. One catty of material can produce at most one string of beads, and one string of beads sells for one thousand, and the cost of workmanship has to be cut, so there is not much left. .Besides, I don't like red sandalwood."

"Tsk, you are self-willed, let me tell you!"

Pan Pan was speechless, so he nodded her head, but she was not tall enough, so she jumped a little.

Their conversation did not avoid people, and the bald man heard it clearly. He struggled for two seconds, then pointed to the piece of material and said, "This, I want this!"


The waiter quickly measured and weighed, the bald man swiped his card, and took it to the workbench in a hurry. Coincidentally, he was the first one to open it. When others saw it, they cheered and gathered around to join in the fun, discussing in a hurry.

"It's said that it's ten sands and nine empty. This looks inconspicuous, so it's probably bad material."

"It's hard to say, maybe it's a fish scale full of gold stars!"

"Ha, if you are lucky enough to buy stocks directly."

Humming, the old master remained unmoved, looked at the wood, and first took a blade to cut off a layer carefully, exposing the red meat inside. Then pour on the special "rejuvenating water", and the lines on the surface will immediately come alive.


Everyone was amazed at the moment, seeing that the material was pure in color, with flame patterns, and what was even more rare was that it was 80% full of gold stars.

The so-called Venus is that the minerals are precipitated in the duct fibers of the trunk, forming a point-like solid crystal with a golden luster. With or without gold stars, the value of the material is completely different. Now when it is opened, someone immediately shouts: "Old Zhang, give me this material, I will double what you spent!"

"You really think I'm stupid!"

The bald man wiped his sweat, turned his head and choked, looking quite nervous. He didn't care about the money, it was just the first time he played, and it felt very exciting, so he urged: "Master, keep going!"


The old master glanced at him, set up the machine tool, and only heard a harsh cutting sound, and the material was cut into a section. Everyone hurriedly took a look, ouch, it's a great pity.

The Venus actually only had a thin layer, and the inside was gone, and black veins appeared.


The bald man was also unlucky, so he forced himself to say: "Master, cut again!"

Then the third cut was even worse. It was hollow, taking up half of the section. Following the fourth and fifth knives, it was still hollow. The sixth knife is better, the oil color is mellow... In the end, a total of more than a dozen sections were cut, and one-third of them were hollow.

In fact, it is very good, ten sandalwood nine empty is not a joke. The old master also comforted: "It's okay, if you can produce more than a dozen strings of beads, it's not a loss."

"Oh, bad luck!" The bald man kept moaning.

It didn't take long to grind the beads, so he just did it together. The first time I was so nervous, the stimulation was accompanied by a great sense of excitement, but when the mood calmed down, this buddy suddenly remembered:

Damn, that little girl is awesome!

Ya instantly made up her mind to hug her thigh, hurriedly searched around, and then stalked past.

"Vivi, how is this?"

At the same time, in the Chenxiang area on the other side, He Tian pointed to a piece of old water and asked.


Zeng Yuewei frowned, ignored his friendly address, and carefully identified him. The material is very large, like a broken tree trunk lying on the display stand, the skin is brown and black, the black is oil, and the brown is a new form of fragrant wood poured into the swamp to undergo a chemical reaction.

Agarwood is a whole piece of material, without a section, and the internal quality can only be judged according to the skin, oil color and center of gravity.

Her understanding of fragrances is that one bottle is less than half a bottle away, and now she refuses to show weakness, and reluctantly said: "This should be the sinking material of Kalimantan. It is full of oil and good in appearance."

"Miss Zeng really lives up to her reputation!"

As soon as the words fell, Li Yang came over from the side and praised: "This is indeed Kalimantan's material. It's 700,000 yuan. It's the highlight of the day. I don't know who has the courage."


He Tian glanced at the scene, sneered and said, "Are you just counting on these turkeys? No one will buy it at that time, so it's because I will help you out. Otherwise, where will you put your face?"

"It's ugly, we call it affection, and my face is also your face."

"Fuck! The only thing I've lost to you since I was a child is this face, it's just... What do you think?" He Tian was spitting on Balabala, but he didn't care, and his eyes were looking elsewhere.

He looked along and saw two girls dangling not far away, one tall and the other short and round. Ah Miao understood, and said, "What's the matter, new stuff?"

"I can't talk about it, I haven't contacted yet." Li Yang said.

"Hurry up before you get it, how much effort do you want to spend?"


Zeng Yuewei also saw it, a juicy little girl. She knew in her heart that this must be Li Yang's prey, and with the other party's powerful background, she probably couldn't escape.

She thought about herself again, suddenly felt sad and powerless, and said with an excuse: "You talk, I'll go to the bathroom."

After she left, Li Yang smiled and said, "Don't talk about me, have you bought it yet?"

"If it weren't for the thin face of their old lady, I would have put her in bed a long time ago! But this kind of woman is much stronger than the outside, so interesting!"

He Tian snorted, and asked again: "What does that woman do?"

"Tianbao staff."

"Then you still need to wait and see? Let me tell you, all women love money, the difference is that some pretend and some don't. Why, don't tell me this is true love?"

"Women love money, but the scoring method, what you lack the most is technical content..."

Li Yang withdrew his gaze, stretched out his hand to call the staff, gave some instructions in a low voice, and the man stepped back to prepare. He Tian couldn't help being contemptuous when he heard this, but he didn't bother to talk nonsense.

The gamble went on for more than an hour, and at first they were a little bit hesitant, but as each piece of good material was cut, the atmosphere gradually became warmer.

The two workbenches are constantly busy, chirping, chirping, and cutting, accompanied by surprises and curses at the same time. Gambling is an instinct, no matter what you bet on, as long as you have that kind of unpredictable pleasure, addiction is a matter of minutes.

In the restless crowd, Xiao Zhai and Pan Pan are two special cases, wandering around carelessly... Oh, and there is a wretched bald man hanging behind him.

He walked around with the two of them for a long time without seeing any movement, and when he was about to give up, he finally stopped in Huanghuali District.

After picking and choosing, Xiao Zhai first picked up a big one and looked at it, then put it down. Then he picked up another small one, seemed very satisfied, and greeted directly: "Weigh this."

The waiter hurriedly weighed it, and said: "Qiongzhou's bran pear material is 53cm long, the diameter of the big head is 10cm, the small head is 4cm, and it weighs 7 catties."

She readily paid for it, it was not too expensive, more than 4,000 yuan.

It is said that any object in Wenwan has changed from collection to investment, from investment to speculation, to crazy hype, and finally the bubble burst. The year before last was the peak period of huanghuali, and it cost 9,000 per kilogram. There was a sharp decline last year, and no one wanted 900 per kilogram. This year it has picked up again, and it has risen to more than 600 per catty.

The Qiongzhou huanghuali is mainly divided into avocado and bran pear. Bran pears grow in the southeast, less oily and beautiful in texture. Avocados grow in the west, with high density and high oil content.

To put it simply, one texture looks good, and the other has a better material, depending on your preference.

Xiao Zhai kept staggering, like visiting a vegetable market, but finally bought it with a click. Both Panpan and the bald man were taken aback, and the former persuaded: "You can take care of it, don't be impulsive, what about half a month's salary..."

"Okay, let's go!"

She hugged the girl with a smile, and glanced back intentionally or unintentionally, which made the bald man very embarrassed.

The two girls were going to the workbench when they suddenly saw a big girl walking up to the stage, holding a microphone and saying:

"Everyone be quiet. In order to thank you for your participation and enthusiasm, we, Mr. Li, decided to temporarily add a lottery session. We will issue a number plate to each guest, and then Mr. Li will draw a lottery. In addition to today's Chongbao, this is the A piece of Kalimantan worth 700,000 yuan has sunk, and the lucky person can pick a piece of spice at will, and we will give it away for free!"