Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 300: bedding


Liu Xiaoyong is a college student, and he's still a fat nerd—the two are not contradictory.

His hometown is in Yangcheng, and he himself is studying at a university in Yangcheng. The school is only five stops away from home, and he has never traveled more than 300 kilometers in his life.

Like many dead fat nerds, his biggest hobbies are watching anime, playing games, and porn. I learned from the teacher when I was in school, and I also learned from the teacher during the holidays. I learned Macau casino online;

Twenty years old and haven't been in a relationship yet, the only reason to buy a box of condoms is probably, um, curiosity.

"Hey, another short life is over, so boring..."

That night, Liu Xiaoyong, holding a bucket of turkey noodles, finished chasing the new animation, feeling a little lost. It's like this every time, every time I just fell in love with an anime heroine, I have to say goodbye to her.

He shook his head, stood up rarely, threw away the noodle bucket, took another dozen Vita lemon tea and sat back on the dragon chair, then clicked back to the homepage of station b, refreshed, huh

Surprisingly, the big picture on the homepage was temporarily replaced, and the five pictures became one, and there was a big line above: Congratulations on the housewarming, you don’t understand the world of the second dimension!

The picture shows a bearded man in a Taoist robe, facing the camera and clapping his hands.

What the hell

Liu Xiaoyong casually clicked in, the video was long, about half an hour, the barrage was already full, and the screen was overwhelming. He simply turned it off first, and only watched the content. It was not a joke, it was not a hype, it was really a Taoist practice.

The location seems to be at the entrance of the new office building, and there is an altar table with three animals, four fruits, and three sticks of high incense. More than a dozen people were divided into two rows, kneeling on the left and right, and the uncle stood in the middle, making gestures and rowing.

Xu Shi was wearing a microphone and could hear clearly:

"Too fine on stage, light and refreshing, guarding my body, changing constantly. Divine light is shining, the sky is profound, the earth is dark, the five elements are clear, the illusion is three clear, I bow today, the treasure Taoist scripture..."


Liu Xiaoyong was stunned for a moment, he didn't quite understand, but he could vaguely figure out that this seemed to be a spell to exorcise evil spirits in a clean room. Let's talk about seriousness, but it's funny if you look at it; talk about bullshit, but everyone looks solemn and pious.

The barrage is even more dramatic:

"It would be nice to add some Dao Talisman yellow paper to the bullet screen in the future."

"Yo-yo, I just want to kill a programmer to sacrifice to heaven!"

"Suppressing ghosts and animals, the way is natural."

"It's like hiring a b Taoist priest..."

"The last time I saw this scene was in Che Chi Country, but it was three Taoist priests..."

Hahaha! Liu Xiaoyong fell in love with these guys, pressed his hand on the keyboard for a moment, and followed one of them cracklingly: "Heavenly and earthly, SARFT let me go!"

After posting this barrage, the matter will be over for him. But he took a casual look, hey, the video lasted for more than half an hour, could it be that it was all done by a Taoist priest

Liu Xiaoyong held down the drag bar and pulled it back. About 20 minutes later, the content changed, but it was in the star reception room at station b, and the uncle was being interviewed.

"Chen Daochang, two days ago was the fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month. As the saying goes, on the Ghost Festival, the gate of ghosts opens. Then tell me, are there ghosts in this world?"

"I can't give a simple answer to this. First of all, I want to tell everyone that fear comes from the unknown. When you know something about something, your heart will be much easier..."

The Daoist has a handsome figure and a coquettish demeanor, and he has a special level when he looks at it. "According to our Taoist concept, there are ghosts in this world. But this kind of ghosts are not like those described in movies and TV dramas or novels. , do a lot of evil, come and go without a trace. Taoism believes that everything in the world is born of Tao. This Tao, you can understand it as Qi, and everything in the world is born of Qi, and ghosts are the same. When a person dies, his Qi If it cannot be condensed, it will separate and dissipate. Some qi disappears directly into the heaven and earth, some combine with other people's qi to form new vitality, and some change and become animals, or gold, stone, vegetation... "

He explained everything, which was easy to understand and innovative. The barrage became rare for a while, I don't know if the people left, or they were watching it engrossed.

Afterwards, the host asked again: "There are stories about ghosts in folklore, so how can we avoid ghosts?"

When Liu Xiaoyong heard it, he immediately focused. Because just two days ago, one of my classmates finished the first seven for grandma, and a good person suddenly went crazy.

This matter caused a lot of trouble in the class group, and it was said that he was locked up in a mental hospital. At that time, someone concluded that this must be a ghost!

"The upper body of a ghost is a folk rumor. Taoism calls it 'the decline of yang attracts damage, and the yin qi clashes'. Ghosts are yin qi formed by the separation of anger. Some people are weak in constitution and in a trance, and their own yang qi is not sufficient. Naturally, it is easy to provoke yin." Qi... Therefore, lay Buddhists with these characteristics are advised to get more exposure to the sun to strengthen their bodies and willpower. Do not go to dark places for a long time, or touch some strange objects for a long time. They are likely to be infected by Yin Qi, which is harmful to the body. "

"Oh, that's how it is! You just talked about strengthening your body. I suddenly remembered that if you have someone who knows how to exercise in primary and secondary schools, you might as well learn it. It's simple and effective. Then Daoist Chen, the last question. , can you talk about some related folk customs and some things to pay attention to?" asked the host.

"Yes, folk customs are different, but the more common one is the first seven, which has a very strict set of procedures..."


As Liu Xiaoyong listened, he felt a chill down his back. Something seemed to emerge from the corner of the wall, window base, and under the bed at any moment. Even his legs under the table were shivering from the cold.

He slammed the video off, and hurried to the living room.

Mom and Dad are watching TV. It is a news program. Coincidentally, the host is also interviewing a ministerial official, talking about funeral traditions.

"Xia Kingdom has a history of 5,000 years, and has left behind many folk traditions. For example, the common people always talk about weddings and funerals, weddings and funerals. There are many, many rules, and they have been passed down to the present.

Two days ago was the Ghost Festival, and I happened to have a holiday, so I took my family to visit the grave. What I have seen and heard along the way, uh, is actually quite heartbreaking... The government has advocated the matter of burning paper for many years. It requires civilized sacrifices. Some places even proposed the method of exchanging flowers for paper money, but the actual effect is not optimistic.

It's not bad in the city, but in the vast rural areas, burning paper is quite common. Our experts conducted a survey. During this year's Ghost Festival, the PM2.5 in Beijing soared 15 times in just one day.

You may not know that after a bundle of paper money is burned, it can produce about 3 catties of carbon dioxide! At the same time, there are sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, etc., which are particularly serious for air pollution.

So we are currently considering, focusing on rural areas, gradually and reasonably reducing the behavior of burning paper, advocating civilized sacrifices and funerals, including Qingming, Zhongyuan, Hanyi Festival, and even the first seven days... "

"First seven?" the host interrupted.

"Yes, many people know this, and it is also necessary to burn paper. Leaving aside the feudal superstition, we respect these traditions, but we must also know that the control of environmental pollution is imminent! It is impossible to get rid of thousands of years of things in one generation, but People's concepts are slowly changing. Maybe after a few generations, we can all give up burning money and choose to express our grief with flowers... "


With the sensitivity and sharpness of a dead fat house, Liu Xiaoyong instantly sensed something was wrong. He took out his mobile phone, swiped Weibo, and sure enough, it ranked the third most searched, with two large characters, top seven!

Click in and have a look, some introduce the local customs of the first seven, some denounce feudal superstition, and some swear by ghosts... There are all kinds of things, and it is very lively.


He blinked his eyes. Website, Weibo, and TV, the three major platforms, covered almost all classes of audiences. Qiqi showing off their power, just for a funeral, a first seven

He always felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

"Hey, we haven't burned paper here for a long time, right? I haven't done much for the first seven days. I remember doing it for my grandma more than ten years ago, and I haven't seen it since."

At this time, my mother suddenly spoke.

"Well, four or five years ago, I didn't see burning paper in the city, but I still have it when I go back to my hometown." Dad said.

"It's no wonder people banned it. Now that the smog is so heavy, how much PM2.5 must be increased." Mom said.

"Fart! I don't care about the pollution in the factory, but I'm in charge of the trivial matters of the people. Driving, cooking, and turning on the air conditioner all affect the environment. Now they even control the burning of paper. If there are ghosts, they will be the first to catch them!"


Liu Xiaoyong almost screamed, his father's words pierced the window paper, and he tried his best to figure it out: If there is a ghost!

"Tsk tsk, I admire those who plan, their brain circuits are always different from ordinary people."

On Phoenix Mountain, Gu Yu couldn't help sighing after finishing a few dials of news.

"It's simple and rude. The government clearly refuses to recognize it, but secretly allows the private opinions of the people to control public opinion and guide the direction. It's an old routine." Xiao Zhai shook his head.

"Even if it's an old routine, people use it well. The folks have this foundation. Naturally, we need to expand our imagination..."

Gu Yu smiled and said: "No matter how technology develops, there are still people who believe in ghosts. Let the masses make up their own brains. This is the most powerful thing. I guess this is just the first step, and there will be follow-up actions."

"Follow-up actions?"

Chao Kongtu, who had been drinking tea in silence, suddenly interjected, "I have some clues."

"Where did you get the material?" Xiao Jin was curious.

"Master just sent a message, saying that there are too many ghosts and there is a serious shortage of manpower. He asked me to help. And there are a group of people under my management. It is best to quickly develop some ghost-catching techniques."

Chao Kongtu was quite helpless, and continued: "What's more, the officials invited several descendants of Zhengyi from Hong Kong Island and Nanyang, as well as the direct descendant of the Tianshi Mansion who was exiled overseas."


Hearing this, Gu Yu and Xiao Zhai were startled, what does this mean? The government wants to do something!

Xiao Jin was more upright, and wondered, "What do you invite those bastards to do? Are you paying for a slap in the face?"

"Help catch ghosts on the surface, but in fact... hehe, it's just to create momentum, let everyone watch a monkey show, and facilitate their publicity."

Chao Kongtu put down his cup, and smiled coldly.