Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 303: The wind is surging (middle)


"Ziwei Linglu, proclaimed by the censor. Oath to the same mountains and seas, gods and ghosts will obey. Hercules envoys, descend to the altar court quickly. Achievements and virtues, guarantee the performance of Taiqing. Urgent as a law!"

In the ward, Zhang Ziliang recited the strike mantra, and as a yellow talisman burned, white clouds rose from the ground and mist rose, instantly filling the room. And from the cloud, suddenly stretched out a big blue hand, pressing directly on the patient's head.

The proportion of the two is extremely uncoordinated, just like an adult holding a raw egg, just pinch it lightly, and his brain will burst.


A certain doctor who allowed to watch couldn't help screaming, and immediately covered his mouth. Zhang Ziliang, however, was full of confidence, waved his fly whisk, and shouted, "Go!"

I saw that big hand squeezed, as if grabbing something, and then pulled it violently, and a black rolling wandering soul was pulled out.

But the patient trembled, and immediately stood still, as if his soul had been extracted, leaving only a shriveled flesh shell.


Zhang Ziliang drank again, and the big green hand grabbed the struggling and screaming ghost, squeezed it hard, scoff! The black smoke dissipated and turned into nothingness in an instant.

And he retracted the wrestler, flicked the whisk, and slapped his left arm, his face was as pale as water, and he had the demeanor of a tall man.

"Dao, Taoist..."

The doctor who had already seen the fool stepped forward and asked stammeringly, "Then, is the patient's life not in danger?"

"It's okay, it's just that the energy is damaged, and it needs to be recuperated for several months."

"Oh, that's good, that's good!"

The doctor wiped off his sweat before he was about to speak again, when he suddenly heard a noise coming from the corridor, which became louder and louder.


Zhang Ziliang frowned, and walked out of the ward, but it was a Taoist priest from Qingyang Palace who was exorcising ghosts, perhaps he was not familiar with it and made a mistake. Not only did he fail to exorcise the ghost, but instead provoked the other party to become fierce and break free from control.

"Ah, I want to eat you! I want to eat you!"

Good guy, I saw an aunt with red eyes crazily chasing after him, while the long man was in a hurry and was in a panic.

"The Qingyang Palace has fallen so badly, it's a disgrace!"

Zhang Ziliang showed sarcasm, took out an ancient bronze seal from his sleeve, and chanted a mantra: "Heaven and earth, the first ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty. When death is born, ghosts and gods will be avoided. Suppress!"

As soon as the word "Zhen" came out, he threw the ancient seal high.

The seal is about the size of a palm, the lower end is square, engraved with dense Dao patterns, and the upper end of the seal button is a mighty male lion.

The seal flew into the air and slowly turned in a circle, with the face of the seal facing down. But this time, the light ancient seal seemed to have added a weight of tens of millions of catties, and it fell down with a strong feeling of falling to the ground.


Gu Yin was right in the middle of Big Mom's Tianling Gai, she seemed to have been touched the off button, her steps stopped, her expression was dull, and she just stuck in place. And from her celestial spirit cover, there seemed to be a faint breath overflowing and dissipating.

After a few seconds, she swayed and fell to the ground.

"It's okay, take it to rest!"

Zhang Ziliang waved his hand impatiently without waiting for the doctor to ask.


The doctor, as well as many medical staff in the corridor, looked at him in astonishment. Although he is a newcomer, he is a very aggressive boss, wading across the wards, killing those Taoist priests who have worked so hard to kill a ghost.

Thieves are awesome!


What Zhang Ziliang wanted was this kind of effect, to be the first to win the game. He forced himself to suppress the restless inner energy, and put the ancient seal into his sleeve, without showing it at all on his face.

"Papa papa!"

"Sure enough, it's an eye-opener!"

Chao Kongtu didn't know when he stood behind him, slapped his hands twice, and said with a smile: "Although you are not likable, I still thank you, you have helped us a lot."

"Hmph, relying on you bastards alone, you little brats, I'm afraid you'll be caught for dozens or hundreds of years!"

Zhang Ziliang's mouth was not weak, but he was secretly on guard. Among the group of people in the hospital, this guy is the only one who can make him feel a little bit scruples. But when it comes to fighting, I have confidence in myself.

He is thinking on his side, and Chao Kongtu is also thinking on his side, each with their own thoughts.

Let's say that as long as it is the Talisman Sect, it will know how to exorcise evil spirits and catch ghosts. However, for thousands of years in the world, most of them have been lost.

Tianshi Daogui is the leader of Zhengyi, so naturally he will, but it is a pity that the inheritance of Longhushan is incomplete, so he can't take it out.

At this moment, Chao Kongtu knew what Zhang Ziliang was doing when he saw it. In the overseas line, I don’t know how many treasures they took away, especially the copper seal.

Not surprisingly, it should be an old object from the Ming Dynasty, the famous Zhenshan Zhuxie Seal in the classics!

Tsk tsk, he compared the other party with Zhang Shouyang. Zhang Shouyang has profound skills and strict rules. Zhang Ziliang's skill is slightly weaker, but he can't stand the baby.

If it's a frontal hard anus, my good friend will be slightly disadvantaged.

Tangshan Hospital, meeting room.

Chao Kongtu, Taoist priests of various temples, Zhang Ziliang and several overseas disciples of Tianshi Taoism, a total of more than a dozen people sat in it. Obviously divided into two factions, do not communicate with each other, quietly.

After waiting for a few minutes, footsteps were heard outside.


Three government personnel pushed the door open and went straight to the front desk. After being seated one by one, a person who looked like a leader said, "I'm sorry, I have something to do at the last moment, and I was delayed for a few minutes. I apologize to everyone."


If it is in an agency, the leader should applaud when he says this. But what he was facing was a bunch of Taoist priests. Taoist priests didn't have this habit, and he knew it well, so he continued:

"Today is not a meeting, nor are you reporting the situation to me, but I am reporting some results to you. Before starting, please allow me to represent the government and the general public, and thank you for your hard work and dedication during this period, thank you! "

With that said, the three stood up and bowed in unison.


Everyone present was shocked, with honor on their faces.

Although cultivators despise fame and wealth, but the long-term official standard thinking and certain consciousness have caused no one to be exempt. Such a big leader, bowing to himself seriously, is so sour!

"Okay, let me tell you about the latest data."

The leader sat down again, did not take the manuscript, and said directly: "As of yesterday, 1,126 patients were admitted in 36 provinces, 578 died of accidents, 469 cases were cured, and only 79 cases remained in the hospital. Due to the accident Suddenly, our domestic strength was seriously insufficient. After organizing discussions, we specially invited forty-two overseas masters to help. Among them are Taoists from Hong Kong Island, masters from Myanmar, Laos, Phuket and Malaysia, and Daoist Zhang Ziliang, who has a deep relationship with the Tianshi Mansion. If you didn't disperse to the provinces to help us, we would be in great trouble, thank you again... "

"Patient? Ha!"

Hearing this, Zhang Ziliang couldn't help ridiculing secretly. Because Xia Guo will never admit that there are ghosts, this is the foundation of governance, so no matter how well he knows it, he is collectively referred to as "patients."

And the leader talked in vernacular for a while, mostly to thank everyone for their efforts, the government will definitely pay back, and so on in the future for friendly exchanges.


Chao Kongtu felt drowsy after hearing this, he would rather rub ten basins of soap bubbles than lie here and listen to the officials talking nonsense for a minute.

Fortunately, not long after, that person announced the end of the meeting.

Chao Kongtu led the others to get up first, and walked out slowly. Halfway through the walk, he suddenly turned his head and saw that Zhang Ziliang and the few disciples didn't move at all, they were steady.


He had a hunch that something was wrong, it must be some PY deal! So when he passed the door, he dropped a small seed-like object while no one was paying attention, and then left the conference room.

After they left, only the officials and Zhang Ziliang were left in the house.

The two groups of people looked at each other for a while, and the atmosphere suddenly became subtle. Zhang Ziliang sat casually and asked, "My promise will be fulfilled soon, what about your promise?"

"Hehe, don't worry, as long as we catch all the ghosts, we will definitely not break our promise." The leader laughed.

"Hmph, even if you have a huge government, you won't deceive us."

Zhang Ziliang looked directly at the other party, and said word by word: "When this matter is over, I will make an appointment to fight the Heavenly Master's Mansion. If I win, Longhu Mountain will be mine!"

"Naturally, if you compete, we will never intervene!"


Zhang Ziliang stopped talking nonsense, got up and left.

When he reached the door, he paused slightly, flicked his long sleeves, rolled something into the sleeves, and went out.

After walking about a dozen steps, he brought his cuff to his mouth and said in a low voice: "Chao Kongtu, it's okay for you to hear me. I said that I will return to Longhu Mountain sooner or later to take charge of Zhengyi!"



In another room, Chao Kongtu crushed a water bowl, and there were still unburned talismans in the bowl, sticking black to the ground.

"Oh, what a Zhang Ziliang! What a grand-sounding man!"

He laughed angrily and just kept talking to himself.

From the very beginning, he was very strange. Overseas celestial masters and the Central Plains have nothing to do with each other. Why should they help you catch ghosts? What good are you giving

Today I finally found out, it turned out to be such a generous gift: In order to expel ghosts as soon as possible and maintain the foundation, I did not hesitate to use the entire Tao of Heavenly Masters as a bargaining chip to lure wolves into the house!

And those masters in Phuket and Myanmar, I am afraid it is also a virtue, and promised some kind of benefits of preaching and opening churches-they are not short of money, and they are all worshiped as gods in their own countries.


Chao Kongtu let out a long breath, stepped on the room twice, his expression uncertain.

Taoism has been looking forward to it for hundreds of years, and Maoshan has been looking forward to it for hundreds of years. It is so easy to wait until the great world comes. What is the result? All the elites of the Taoist sect were raised in Qiyun Daoyuan like pigs.

Who is willing

No one is reconciled!

Lu Yuanqing could bear it because he had his own considerations; Zhang Shouyang could bear it because of his status as Longhushan. The reason why he endured was also for Maoshan.

But after all, he has a very different temperament from others, this matter is like a seed that fell into the heart, and it took root and sprouted unconsciously, nourishing some of Chao Kongtu's eagerness to move.

It is often said that the world is wonderful, and cause and effect are always on the line.

This was the case with Chao Kongtu. He heard the previous conversation and Zhang Ziliang's flag, but he didn't know what happened next.

"Chief, isn't it good for us to do this?"

When everyone went out, an official suddenly asked.

"Oh? Why do you think it's not good?" the leader asked back.

"Uh, I just, I just don't quite understand. Why do we invite a bunch of outsiders to come over and promise usury, isn't this inviting wolves into the house?"

"Hehe, I just said it."

Seeing that there was no one in the room, the leader explained a few words: "This ghost appeared too suddenly. We are indeed short of manpower. In just a few days, more than a thousand people were sent to the hospital. If the situation cannot be stabilized quickly, it will easily cause mass panic. Panic. Do you remember F Code?"

"Remember, how could you forget?"

Mentioning this, the buddy couldn't help but shudder. The major infectious disease more than ten years ago still has lingering fears.

"So we can only ask for foreign aid. This is the truth, there is no way. And those people have a high status in their own country, and ordinary money and interests are hard to impress. My Xia country has a vast land and abundant resources, and I have a lot of cultivation resources. I am not afraid of them if I trade an admission card. Not coming."

The leader paused, and then said: "Actually, you don't have to worry. Our promise to them is to develop on their own, and the government will not intervene."

"Oh I see!"

That buddy is not stupid, and suddenly became very excited, "Our Taoism is so powerful, it is by no means comparable to a small country. If they want to develop here, I am afraid they will not be able to pass the first test. Moreover, we can use the topic to publicize it to the people and show ourselves. Prestige..."

As he talked, his voice gradually lowered again, and he said suspiciously: "Chief, that Zhang Ziliang, I think he is very capable, if we really want to fight, the Tianshi Mansion may not be the opponent!"

"Tianshi Mansion has a good relationship with Phoenix Mountain." The leader said lightly.

"Well… "

Well, the buddy has nothing to say, and he is cast down.

"Well, in fact, these are all superficial reasons, and the real important thing is external. In the global meeting in December, countries first contacted each other directly, and those countries in the West are the giants. Before we deal with them, we must take care of our backyard."

The leader leaned back and said slowly: "The ancient sages have taught that the so-called barbarians inside and outside, whoever jumps on the beam, will be killed!"

Yangcheng, hospital.

Accompanied by a doctor, a girl slowly walked out of the building of the "abnormal disease control center".

"Thank you so much! You are my reincarnated parents, the reincarnated Mengchang. If it weren't for you, I really thought I was going to throw myself!"

The girl is more lively, and her mouth is full of teasing.

"Everything should be done, you're welcome."



The two sides chatted for a few words, and the atmosphere was inexplicably awkward, so they had to walk. When approaching the gate of the courtyard, the girl finally couldn't hold back and asked, "Doctor, do you have nothing to say to me?"

"What?" The doctor was taken aback.

"That, that Taoist priest!"

She was very excited at once, and gestured: "I was conscious at the time. I saw him doing it with my own eyes, and the ball of fire flew over. I couldn't move, or I would have run away early! Damn, can you tell me?" Me, am I sleepwalking or a nocturnal emission?"


He was amused and said with a smile: "Since you have seen it, it is true. We have no restrictions."

"You mean, if I want to post on Weibo, I can post on Weibo, and if I want to post on Moments, I can post on Moments?"

"Well, that's right."

Hey I'm stupid!

The girl had an expression of "There is still such an operation" on her face, and she was sent out of the hospital half confused and half weird. But as soon as she came out of the gate, she saw a long and hard thing stabbing her mouth before she crossed the road.

"Hello, my name is Cui Zhanbo, and I am the author of the official account. I am very concerned about this multi-person illness incident. Can I delay your time?"

"Okay, I have too much time!"

The girl blinked her eyes, revealing a flash of excitement, this feeling is so comfortable! It's like being constipated for several days, huddled tight and tight, ah, suddenly got dysentery again!