Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 31: right eye


After the agarwood exhibition was over, Li Yang went home to rest. He was too busy these days, so he took a nap when he got home. As a result, when I woke up, I found that my legs were stiff and felt, but I couldn't move.

He hurriedly called for someone and sent him to the hospital in a panic. The examination results showed that he was suffering from dampness and heat, and his meridians were stagnant. The doctor couldn't tell the exact reason, but said that he was overworked and weak in spleen and qi, which would induce the disease.

Of course the Li family didn't accept it, but there was nothing they could do. Various medical methods were used in turn, and this was the disease. There may still be salvation. Taking medicine every day, coupled with acupuncture and massage, may be able to recover slowly.

Li Yang was extremely panicked, even a little terrified. He was fine before, but he was paralyzed when he woke up. This matter will drive someone crazy. His father Li Yan also arrived at the hospital. Like He Zun, his first reaction was, who is harming my son

The sons of the He family and the Li family rushed to the street on the same day, which in itself was causing trouble. No matter how we tried to prevent it, some rumors still leaked. So the next day, the hottest topic in the local tyrant circle was that He Tian and Li Yang turned against each other because of a woman, they fought, and the last one was admitted to the hospital Barabara...

Let's ignore the gossip rumors for now, the two families just noticed something strange: one person has a problem, and he can barely explain it, and both have problems, so that's a coincidence!

night, clubhouse.

In a private room, He Zun and Li Yan sat across the table, their expressions were gloomy. The two had a very good personal relationship, so there was no nonsense, so He Zun asked, "How is Xiaoyang?"

"I still can't move my legs. The hospital has formulated a recovery plan. Alas, let's try first anyway. Is Ah Tian feeling better?"

"Wake up, wake up, but the blow is too big..."

He Zun shook his head, unwilling to talk further, and then asked: "Lao Li, what do you think of this matter?"

"It stands to reason that we should believe those test results, but this is so strange that I doubt it now."

"I'm pretty much the same. Although Ah Tian has indulged a bit, he's only in his early thirties. How can he ruin it so quickly? By the way, I asked someone to go down and look it up. This is preliminary information."

Said, Ya threw a file bag.

Li Yan took it apart and took a look, but it was He Tian's itinerary and the people he came into contact with within three days. It was done in a hurry, and the information was relatively rough, about a few dozen days, Gu Yu and Jiang Xiaozhai were impressively listed. But there is one name that is the most special, with a red line drawn under it.

"Zeng Yuewei? Oh, it's that little girl from the Zeng family." He thought for a while.

"I heard from Ah Tian's secretary that he has been very close to Zeng Yuewei recently and they often meet. But as far as I know, that girl has some suspicions about Ah Tian, and the three of them were together yesterday."

"You suspect her?"

Li Yan frowned, a little disapproving: "I can't think of any way for her to do this at once."

"I can't think of anything!"

He Zun's voice suddenly rose, he seemed quite excited, and said: "But Ah Tian is now useless, if it is really the murderer, I will definitely find that person out and cut him to pieces!"

"Old He, don't get excited, come and have some tea."

No wonder it is said that the son follows the father, and Li Yan is also the kind of deep scheming bitch. He immediately poured a cup of tea for him and asked, "Then according to your opinion, Zeng Yuewei is the biggest suspect?"

"No, there must be more. You also know that the two boys have offended many people, and we have to investigate together."



Speaking of this, the two of them were speechless for a moment, both worried about each other. After a while, Li Yan said: "Old He, you think it must be something unclean?"

He Zun was taken aback, then sneered, "You still believe this?"

"It's not a letter, but it happened too suddenly. Think about it, except for those things, any disease can be committed immediately, without even a sign."

"Then you want to..."

"I have a friend in Taiping County. He has made friends with a Buddhist priest. We can invite him to try it."

Taiping County is about 300 kilometers north of Shengtian. There is a lotus mountain there, which is majestic and has a long history. It can be called the first mountain in the province. There are countless Taoist temples on the mountain, and the incense is very prosperous. It is also the most popular place for believers and laymen.

When He Zun heard it, it didn't hurt to think about it, and said: "Then please come here, if you really have the ability, you will definitely not treat him badly."

"Okay, Zeng Yuewei's side..."

"Follow up for a few days and see what happens."

"Ding dong ding dong!"


In the office, Zeng Yuewei's train of thought was interrupted. She frantically swept away a pile of blueprints, took out her phone from underneath, and said, "Hello, Mom?"

"Where are you?" Mother Zeng's voice was slightly anxious.

"I'm working overtime, what's wrong?"

"He Tian and Li Yang are hospitalized, do you know?"

"When did it happen?" She was taken aback.

"Just yesterday, I went in one afternoon, and I heard that my legs were paralyzed. I went in one night, and I heard that, uh, it might be infertile."

Mom couldn't say something like a damaged vagina, so she put it in a euphemistic way.

"They, were they all right yesterday?" Zeng Yuewei was startled and stunned.

"That's the trouble! Were you with them yesterday?"

"I just went to the Agarwood Exhibition, drank tea at noon, had dinner with He Tian at night, and then I came back... No, what did the hospital say? Didn't they suspect me?"

"Don't worry about what you say. With the style of the two of them, they will definitely vent their anger on innocent people. I'll ask your father to communicate."

"Hey, don't!"

Although Zeng Yuewei was dumbfounded, she still had some IQ, and said, "I didn't do anything at first, so what you said doesn't make me feel guilty?"

"Oh yes, I'm confused. Then you, you..."

"Oh, can they still kill and set fire? What year is this? Don't worry, I'll just pay attention."

After chatting for a long time, she hung up the phone, feeling confused and excited at the same time. Seeing that grandson is upset a long time ago, unable to have children


Baicheng, Xiaoyu.

It started to fall in the early morning, and it kept pattering non-stop. The raindrops knocked on the glass windows, lingering and drifting in the courtyard, with a bit of natural delicacy.

Gu Yu has no time to appreciate it, the old house is most prone to damp, not to mention there are so many spices. He got up early, ran to the west room to take measures against moisture, and checked the tiles on the house to ensure safety.

It has been two days since he came back, and he has never been free. It happened to be raining today, so he was lazy and didn't go up to the mountain to practice.

As for what happened to Shengtian, Gu Yu didn't know anything about it. After listening to the conversation that day, when he passed the box, he popped out two streams of spiritual energy, eroding the other party's meridians unconsciously.

Because the body and spiritual energy of ordinary people are incompatible, if someone guides them, it will nourish them; if no one guides them, it will damage them. Gu Yu took advantage of this feature and came up with a trick, so when the meridians of Dang He and Li were damaged, they would naturally develop symptoms.

To be honest, he felt that those two people were very bad and violated the interests of himself and his friends. Especially Zeng Yuewei, since the girl reminded him to leave quickly, he has already regarded her as a friend.

Still the same sentence, if you set foot on the road of cultivation, no matter how peaceful you are, you will know that you are different from others.

So he didn't slap in the face, but directly killed him.

When the wall clock struck eight o'clock, Gu Yu had eaten breakfast, wrapped the huanghuali tightly, and went out immediately. Just after pushing the cart out, he saw Uncle Fang approaching from not far away, and said, "Uncle, do you have work?"

"There is a job as a laborer. I'll go here. What are you doing?"

"Oh, my friend gave me a piece of wood, I'll go to the factory."


Uncle Fang glanced at the stick, and didn't ask carefully, but said: "Xiao Yu, I don't think you seem to be interested in setting up a stall recently. Why, is there any difficulty? Just tell uncle if you have any difficulties."

"No, I just took a few orders and I'm busy making incense."

"That's good… "

The two of them went out together, Uncle Fang said again: "You boy, you were the golden egg of the Phoenix Collection back then, it's a pity that you can't go to school. Don't go that crooked way, just say something when you have something, young and old are all there .”

"Oh, uncle, don't worry, I have a plan in my heart."

Saying that, the two went to the side of the street and separated.

Gu Yu rode his bicycle to the north, and soon reached the outskirts of the city. There is a wood processing factory there, which is extremely small and struggling to make ends meet. When he entered the factory area, he saw that it was quite empty inside, with waste materials piled up in the corner, letting the wind and rain drench.

He searched and found an old craftsman in a warehouse, and asked, "Master, can you cut the material?"

The old man's mirror drooped, and he asked, "What material?"


He tore the cloth aside, revealing a sliver of yellowish wood.

"Hey! This is huanghuali, right? Yes, yes!"

The old man's demeanor changed drastically, he came up and looked left and right, quite excited. Immediately, the two negotiated the price, and as soon as the workbench was set up, they were ready to cut the materials.

The one Xiaozhai chose is bran pear, which has less oily color and focuses on texture.

The old master lived in Baicheng all his life and had no chance to see precious wood, so he looked very solemn, started the jigsaw, pushed it carefully, and cut a piece with only a chirp.

Gu Yu picked it up and looked at it, and couldn't help being startled. He didn't have any hope, but the first cut exploded.

I saw the palm-sized round surface with pure oily luster, clear texture, and evenly circled black lines, with a black spot in the middle, resembling a human eye.

Followed by the second knife, still the same.


Gu Yu was really shocked, this is the right eye! The so-called cross-eye is to make this material into wooden beads, every two are a pair, and the black spots are like cross-eyes.

The old man also trembled, raised his head and asked, "Return, do you still want to cut it?"


So the third cut, the fourth cut... After all the cuts, a rough look, just enough to make two strings of eyeballs, one string of 1.8cm, and one string of 1.2cm. If it is thrown on the market, at least 100,000.

"Young man, today is really thanks to you!"

The master craftsman was rejuvenated for a second time, without any explanation, Kaka began to polish.

And Gu Yu leaned against the door of the factory building, looking at the soft rain, his heart was quite complicated: did she recognize it, or was it luck