Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 312: Great little soap


Phoenix Mountains

These three characters are like three sledgehammers, hammering into the ears of Qingsongzi. His heart trembled, and he secretly said recklessly: She has profound magic power, she is still a woman, if not that one, who else

However, he did not lose his composure, but cupped his hands and said, "It turns out that Jushi Jiang is disrespectful and disrespectful. May I ask what happened here?"


Xiao Jin squinted her eyes, instinctively felt something was wrong, and asked, "Do you know who I am?"

"Layman Jiang is famous all over the world, how could I not know that Layman Gu didn't accompany him?"

"Don't interrupt, do you really know who I am?" Xiao Jin asked again.

"Well… "

On the contrary, Qingsongzi hesitated. There were Gu Jiang and two people on Phoenix Mountain, and a Miao woman... oh, there seemed to be a distant relative, four in total.

That's right!

I just heard that Layman Jiang is bold and heroic, far superior to men, but when I saw her today, she looked like a little girl, weird, weird...

Hastily hastily!

Little Soap was very upset seeing his expression, hey hey! It was very easy for me to become a hero once, from detecting the conspiracy at the entrance of the alley, to leaving hair on purpose, to trapping the lower head with thunder, casting the transformation spell as a substitute, until appearing holy in front of people, and killing evil with thunder... It can be described as a circle. Buckle, pretend like the wind.

In the end, you fucking mistook the wrong person

Just as she was about to rant, she suddenly heard her brother-in-law's voice from the roof: "Okay, stop making trouble!"

People followed, and Gu Yu, who had watched the play for a long time, landed lightly, and said with a smile, "Hi Tao Chang is well. I have admired the name of Guiguan for a long time, but unfortunately our schedule is too fast, otherwise we would have gone to pay a visit."

"Don't dare, my senior brother Shi from the Longmen sect is watching, do you want to see me?"

When Qingsongzi saw the true god descending to earth, her attitude became more and more decent. He is very smart, the other party killed people naked in the daytime, and even made such a big battle, it is definitely not something he can track down, so he simply pushed it to Shangfeng.

"Shi Yunlai is in Spring City?"

Gu Yu was slightly taken aback, then smiled and said, "Alright, I have something to ask you Guanzhu."

"Did-doo! Diddoo!"

While the two were talking, a siren sounded in the community, and a police car drove along the corridor. Gu Yu shrugged, and said to the security team who were still watching in a daze: "Tell them to look for me in Zhenqingguan!"

After saying that, he and Xiao Jin moved and disappeared immediately. Qingsongzi and his fellow disciple followed closely behind, and jumped over the high wall together.


The people eating melons were silent for a long time, before someone said quietly: "Is this not a hallucination?"

"No, I'm not dazzled either."

"Could it be that there really are gods and monsters?"

"That thunder is real, must it be real?"

"What did she just say? Feng, Feng..."

"Phoenix Mountains!"

Zhenqingguan, quiet room.

Shi Yunlai sat unnaturally in the middle, the head of the temple was Chen Qingyou, and on the other side were Gu Yu and Xiao Jin.

He was not as tolerant as Chao Kongtu, and he was always worried about the Battle of Changbai Mountain. This time too, a plan was originally made, and when Dan Tuo caused trouble, he would take action to suppress it.

In the end, that grandson was directly involved in a major event, and he was so useless!

Gu Yu didn't know these ways, so he just asked: "This time is really a coincidence, why is Daoist Shi in Chuncheng?"

"It's just following orders, not only me, everyone in the Taoist temple has gone down the mountain and scattered everywhere."

"To deal with those heads-down masters?"


"If there is a way to make a move, they must have nowhere to hide. I admire it." Gu Yu said sincerely.


Shi Yunlai couldn't take it easy, he coughed vaguely, and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Heh, I stayed on the mountain for a long time, so I came out to wander around. I heard that this place is very lively, so I chose it as the first stop. I didn't want to participate in it, but it was even more lively."

Gu Yu responded half-truth, paused, and said, "But speaking of it, I still have a small matter to ask Chen Guanzhu."

"What do you dare to ask?" Chen Qingyou was taken aback, and there was still my scene.

"This is it."

He took out the yellow talisman without concealing it, and said, "I went to an auction yesterday, does the viewer understand?"

"auctions… "

Chen Qingyou thought for a moment, and said: "About twenty days ago, a secret organization suddenly appeared in Spring City, and there were some forces behind it. They have a lot of people, and they collect relevant practice artifacts everywhere, and then take them out for auction. At the beginning, they invited me to go Abbot of the venue, but I declined."

"Oh, I just saw this talisman at the meeting, may I ask if it was made by Guiguan disciples?"

"this… "

Chen Qingyou took the talisman and looked at it carefully. The more he looked at it, the more frightened he became. It was clearly written by a certain disciple, so he asked: "Is it really from the meeting?"

"Heh, this talisman is worth eight million!" Gu Yu laughed.

Eight million!

In an instant, Shi Yunlai's expression was also very ugly. Regardless of the internal struggles of the pipe door, there is a general direction in general: never get involved with secular forces.

The reason why the Taoist sect has a high political level is that it maintains relative independence and neutrality, and only obeys the highest instructions and does not involve local factions.

If there are disciples who can't help their selfish desires and link up with local forces to obtain money, the impact will not be so great.

First of all, the Taoist sect was cleared after a lot of pain and bone, extracting the essence and removing the bad. Once this start is made, the seriousness is gone, and it returns to the old path of corruption.

Secondly, the status of Daoism is bound to decline, and that kind of independence is gone.

And most importantly, this is purely for death! A local wealthy family, an innate master, join forces, what the hell do you want to do? Rebellion

How can you feel at ease

As for Gu Yu, although he doesn't belong to the Daoist sect, he is also a practitioner, and he doesn't want the other party to fall apart because of this crap, so I remind you one or two.


Chen Qingyou's face was gloomy, and he spoke suddenly.


Someone outside answered.

"Call Yiming!"


Not long after the man left, the door of the quiet room was pushed open, and a young Taoist in his twenties walked into the room and saluted, "Master!"

"Uncle Shi!"

"Two laymen!"

"Yiming, did you draw this talisman?" Chen Qingyou handed over the talisman.

The Taoist looked at it and wondered, "I drew it, what's the problem?"

"Hmph, you are so talented. Not only did a talisman appear at the auction, but it was also sold for eight million!"

"Master, I, I don't know either!"

Yiming suddenly became anxious, and explained: "A few days ago, a layman came to invite incense. He only said that there were a lot of snakes and insects in the house, which could not be exhausted, and disturbed his wife and children all night. Give it to him... Master, I don't have the slightest desire for greed!"

"What is the identity of that person?" Chen Qingyou said in a deep voice.

"He's been here a few times before, and he's very polite every time. We don't know each other very well. We only know his surname Duan."


Chen Qingyou took a look at Shi Yunlai, he knew it, but he still wanted to beat him, so he said, "You really don't know his identity?"

"I don't know, I don't know!"

"You really didn't benefit from it?"


Yiming was an honest boy, he fell to his knees and said: "Since I was a disciple, I have devoted myself to the Tao, and I dare not be greedy in the world. If Master doesn't believe me, I, I can only..."


Chen Qingyou flicked his sleeves, lifted his apprentice up, and said: "I believe in you as a teacher, but after all, the mistakes were made by you, so you should go to retreat for a month and reflect on yourself."


Yiming turned from worry to joy, bowed and retreated.


Sitting beside him, Gu Yu was a little dumbfounded.

Sure enough, there is a reason why I don't like Quanquan. This group of people practiced the precepts and got sick. It's so rigid! It's better for Chao Kongtu to be more free and easy.

Not long after Yiming left, someone came to report: "Abbot, people from the Special Bureau are outside, saying they are visiting Layman Gu."

"Special Bureau?"

Chen Qingyou looked at the person concerned, the guy looked indifferent, and felt helpless, so he could only say: "Please come in!"

Myanmar, Savage Mountain.

This mountain is located in the north of Myitkyina (a city), and it is an extremely vast virgin forest. It means "the place where the devil lives" in Burmese.

It was originally the territory of the Xia State, but due to historical issues, it became the territory of the Myanmar State after the demarcation.

Savage Mountain overlaps with mountains, the forest is as vast as the sea, the swamps are endless, wolves and beasts are rampant, and there are countless mosquitoes, poisonous snakes and miasma.

During the war, Xia Guo troops entered Burma to fight, and the entire expeditionary force had a total strength of about 100,000. More than 10,000 people died in battle, but more than 50,000 died in Savage Mountain.

Of course, in modern times, a part of Savage Mountain has also been developed, and roads have been built. Every year, donkey friends come here for hiking, and there is also the most famous jade field in the world - the Hpakant Jade Field.

The jadeite produced by it has a very high appearance and is of great value. Myanmar has been quite uneasy recently, and various forces are at war, so this treasure mountain has naturally become a place of contention.

The strange thing is that no matter how hard they fight, they will never step over a certain ravine, as if there is a man-eating devil hidden in that ditch.



A black bubble emerged from the pool, and it burst in an instant, followed by another bubble, which had an extremely stench.

This pool is deep in the mountains, where there is no sunlight all year round, and it is filled with poisonous miasma. It is a real no-man's land. But beside the stagnant water, there stood a dilapidated wooden house with strange shapes.

Inside the wooden house, sat an old woman as thin as a skeleton.

She sat cross-legged among a circle of white candles, chanting words, and the room was full of messy and strange objects. There are also a few bugs that look like they have been dismembered and put together indiscriminately, crawling around on the floor.


All of a sudden, the circle of white candles extinguished without wind, half of them extinguished in unison, and the light dimmed instantly.

The old woman opened her eyes, her pupils were like snakes, she was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly took out a black soul card from her waist. There is a small figure engraved on that card, originally there was a black light floating, but now it is completely silent.

"Dantuo is dead?"

She whispered to herself, her face full of disbelief.

After a while, the murmur gradually amplified, and finally turned into a scream like a ghost: "Woo... Dan Tuo is dead... who dares to kill Dan Tuo... woo woo... I must pay for his life!"