Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 316: native



A grey-brown viper meanders on the rotting and damp leaves. The purple circular spots on its back blend with the surrounding purple weeds, becoming the most natural umbrella.

Vipers are well-known venomous snakes all over the world. September is the breeding season, when foraging is vigorous, and it is also the time when it hurts the most.

At this moment, it was secretly lurking in the grass, with two cold vertical pupils, staring at the human being not far away in disgust, its body bowed slightly, and planned to give the opponent a fatal blow.


As a result, before it was ejected, it heard a strange noise. It's hard to understand this thing with the viper's brain capacity, it only feels a sudden heat all over its body, and the sudden high temperature envelopes itself in an instant, and then... it becomes a skewer.

"Hey, it's a viper again, the meat doesn't taste good!"

Xiao Jin picked up her tail in distaste, flicked it casually, and the black charcoal-like corpse hung danglingly on the branch. She curled her lips and said, "Didn't you say that there are Burmese rock pythons in the mountains? Why didn't you touch any of them? I heard there are." Seven or eight meters long, wow, it can last for a long time."

"Hey, don't put a flag on it, you might bump into it in a while." Gu Yu said.

"If you see it, you will see it, anyway, it's your job."

Xiao Jin took it for granted, and said: "What do you think I am doing, I don't have a magic weapon, how can I hate it?"

"Well… "

Well, it's true. After all, Little Soap is a master of Jinlei, but he doesn't even have a serious magic weapon, which is really a bit embarrassing.

"How about this, if we find a vein of Kongkongshi, you first refine one yourself."

"Fantianyin? It feels a bit vulgar, but the bricks are fresher." Xiao Jin said.

"Fresh hammer! Refining is not done casually, there must be a kind of, uh, your own understanding in it. This is too complicated to explain, and I will explain it to you when I go back."

Gu Yu sighed, most of the time he could bear his sister-in-law's nonsense, but when it comes to practice, it's better to be careful.

This was the third day the two of them entered the mountain, and their footsteps were not fast, and they had just walked halfway.

Because along the way, you can see the bones of soldiers left behind from time to time, good people will go to the end, and they will be superseded to the end, which naturally delays a lot of time.

The environment of Savage Mountain is really harsh. Not to mention all kinds of miasma and poisonous insects, the weird climate in the mountain alone is difficult for ordinary people to resist.

Tide, hot, stuffy, sticky... It's like you are locked in a sauna room with thick clothes on, and you pour more than a dozen ladles of water on the charcoal box. Well, you feel it.

If it weren't for the prohibition protection, the bodies of the two of them would have been soaked in sweat and moisture, and even festered and peeled off.

Marching long distances in this environment, you can see towering giant trees, no sky, no signs and intersections, and it is very easy to lose your way.

The two walked for a while, Gu Yu felt a little wrong, and said, "I'll go up and have a look, you wait first."

After all, he found a big tree more than 30 meters high, raised his breath, and jumped up to about ten meters in one go. If it is at the beginning of the year, he usually kicks on the tree trunk and then uses his strength to jump up.

But after jumping up this time, I feel that I have more strength and my body is still light, so I can't help but want to try.

Ever since, he didn't use any attachments, and didn't use any Taoism, just relying on his own body and aura, he forced himself to go up another seven or eight meters.

When it was higher than the waist of the tree, I felt my breath weaken, and I stepped on the trunk quickly, stepping on the crown of the tree. The sky is high and the clouds are calm, with a thousand miles in sight, but Gu Yu has no intention of admiring it, only reminiscing about the fun just now.

After taking the elixir for nearly half a year, the gain is really significant. He has now reached the threshold of immortality, one more step will be a new realm.

Tao, or Qi, is the source of everything in the universe. The practice of a monk is actually a process of returning to the original source: qi turns into a human being, and the person cultivates into qi and turns into a Tao.

Although the congenital is a cow, he is also a human being after all; the human being is immortal, but it takes up the word "immortal".

So Gu Yu has a vague feeling: when he arrives in the fairyland, the aura will undergo essential changes, and his body, flesh, meridians, acupoints, etc. will also be different from what he is now.

Taking the experience just now as an example, he really thinks: Immortals can fly.

Press down these words first, but say that he is standing on the canopy of the tree, looking up into the distance, he can only see the sound of blue sea waves, rolling pine waves, and it seems that there are only two colors left in the world.

In the northwest direction, about an hour's journey, the terrain is flat and open, with houses and people, it should be the Pagan Jade Field.

In the northeast, there is a barren area, which is the only place not covered by forests, and there are huge rock masses mixed with yellowish brown and gray and white.

And his position is right in the middle of the entire mountain range, and the line connecting the two points happens to be an equilateral triangle.


He confirmed his position, landed lightly, and said, "There is a jade field in the northwest, and there seems to be a rocky mountain in the northeast. Let's go and have a look."

All the way without words.

About two hours later, the two arrived near the rock mountain.

This mountain is 100 meters high, and the head and tail can barely be seen across it. The yellow is gray, and the gray is yellow.


Gu Yu casually broke off a piece, looked at it for a moment, and said: "This is an ordinary sedimentary rock, there is nothing unusual, and the aura is also very stagnant."

"I'll go and see... Ah, this side too!"

"This is the same! This is the same!"

Xiao Jin was rather noisy, running left and right, crashing and breaking a lot of rock masses, but found nothing.

No way, the two could only jump to the top of the mountain. The top of this mountain is stronger than the Flame Mountain, at least there are a lot of short vegetation, so it won't be so dead.

Gu Yu searched for a place, waved his hand, and only heard the sound of "chi chi chi chi" bursting into the air one after another, and all the more than sixty fire cloud needles that had been refined were released.

The fire cloud needles turned into dots of red light, shining in the air, and many strong lights gathered together to form a dense halo, just like the red sun descending into the world.


With a clear shout, the red awns swam together, and then connected end to end, turning into a red dragon again. The beard rose up, the head straightened, and the rocks splashed with a bang, and the red dragon went straight into the mountain.


Xiao Jin blinked closer and squatted down to look at the hole. It was the size of a cup, and it was dark. You couldn't see the bottom at a glance.

She also stretched out her hand to pick it, and praised: "Brother-in-law, you can do it. It is so deep that my sister can't reach it! Hey? Since the power of the fire cloud needle is so powerful, why don't you practice it more? It has been practiced hundreds of thousands of times. It’s just, it’s just a shot into the soul.”

"Then I don't have to do anything else. I just embroider and play all day long. Besides, I can't support my mana."

Gu Yu rolled her eyes and waved her hand: "Take it!"


Debris flew around again, and the red dragon drilled out of the mountain, bringing along a lot of sample stones inside. He checked them one by one, frowned and said, "There are no empty stones, let's go over there and try."

Saying that, the two of them moved the location, re-drilled, and re-surveyed. Gouging out five holes in a row, he was exhausted, and he didn't find any trace of Kongkongshi.

"Could it be that there is only one piece, and the real vein has not yet formed?"

Gu Yu sat on the ground, drank the spirit wine to restore his strength, frowned and said, "It shouldn't be, the chance of only one piece appearing is too small. But apart from here, it doesn't look like there are mines anywhere else."

"Then what shall we do?"

"Look again, if it doesn't work, I have to go back."

"Then, aren't we here for nothing?"

Xiao Jin was very upset, and pouted, "If I knew it, I wouldn't bother, I've been wandering around this shitty place for three days!"

"Hey, that's not right. If you do many things, there may not be results, but if you don't do them, there will be no results." He took the opportunity to teach.

"Tch! Don't feed me this poisonous chicken soup. Whoever tells you will definitely fail? If you don't have sex with your daughter-in-law, your daughter-in-law will get pregnant more."

"You are changing the concept secretly, don't raise the bar."

"What's wrong with my backlash? I'm just not happy!"

Little Soap is super cute sometimes, and sometimes I can't wait to slap him to death. At the current stall, she was obviously ill, and she became more and more angry as she talked, and she wiped herself and left.

"Hey, why are you going?" The brother-in-law was worried, and wanted to chase after him when he got up.


"Well… "

Well, he is still not interested in Xiang.

In fact, Gu Yu is also quite disappointed, but his personality is different, not as outgoing as his sister-in-law. He retreated a little, leaned against a big rock and continued to drink, thinking about his next move.


At this moment, he heard a scream of tearing (xing) heart (gao) cracking (cai) lung (lie) from over there, he was so frightened that he trembled all over, and ran a few steps in a hurry.

But he stopped immediately.

According to the routine, no matter what happened, I would see something I shouldn't see, and then the girl shyly threw herself into her arms and began to interact.


So he turned around very calmly, and returned to the original place silently.

"Hahaha! If you say you come, you will come, wow, you are so meaty!"

Sure enough, after that scream, there was another burst of trepidation. It was as if there was an explosion over there, with the sound of various punches punching sandbags, and a huge black figure was beaten into the sky and hit the ground hard.


Gu Yu took a look, and it turned out to be one of the tyrants of Savage Mountain, the Burmese rock python!

This kind of python is the second largest python in Asia, with a body length of 7-8 meters, fierce temperament and amazing force value. This rocky mountain is probably its territory, but it is a pity that when it encounters a small soap, the snake spirit becomes a long worm in an instant.


The boa constrictor shook his head, his pupils were dilated, and he was beaten to the point of doubting his life. It was also a bachelor, and ran for more than ten meters, then fled down the mountain.

"Where are you running?"

Xiao Jin was still holding her trousers in one hand, and ran after her.


The big python crawled and rolled, and reached the forest in the blink of an eye. With the cover of the environment, it clicked and clicked all the way, destroying countless trees. Little Soap was in a fit of anger, and a sandbag happened to come, how could he let it go

After chasing for a while, she saw that the front was densely covered with thorns and vines, and she couldn't help being overjoyed: "I see where you are going!"

After saying that, she raised her breath and jumped up, flying up a branch like a nimble baby swallow, her feet were light and did not shake at all. Then clapped both hands, took out the big green-skinned gourd, pointed the mouth of the gourd at the big python, and said:

"Star-absorbing Dafa!"

In an instant, there seemed to be the sound of blood flowing in the void.

The boa constrictor suddenly froze, and it shriveled up little by little, its vital functions quickly disappeared, and finally its skin loosened, and it collapsed to death on the ground.

"Hey, this scoop of blood can make a lot of medicine."

She weighed the big gourd, nodded in satisfaction, and grabbed it with her small hand, pulling out a huge snake gall and two long teeth. After touching the corpse, she glanced at the bushes and said, "Come out, don't hide!"


No response.

"Come out, know that you are a human being, or you would have died long ago."

Xiao Jin put away the gourd, took two steps forward, and there was rustling in the bushes, and after a while, a person really walked out.

This person was wearing a white short jacket, no trousers on his lower body, but covered his ugliness with a cloth apron about one foot wide and three feet long. In fact, it can't be covered at all, and a long, black mallet can be clearly seen clanging there.

What's even more amazing is that the head of the mallet is still wrapped in circles with white thread. I don't know what the custom is, but it looks quite evil anyway.

In addition, he had a scimitar and a scythe hanging from his waist, and he was carrying a coarse cloth bag, poking there in panic and shock.

Paga is a decent Moinba guy.

He has a stout figure, dark skin, deep facial features, and thick lips. This is the standard image of a handsome man in the tribe.

Of course, his name is not very pleasant, Paga, which translates to pig manure. Confucius said that life is full of ups and downs, and a humble name is easy to support.

The Monba people have a long history, and they also exist in the Xia Kingdom, but they are very different. Most of the domestic ones are integrated with the Tibetans, while those in Myanmar are more original and still retain ancient living habits.

This antiquity is also relative. There are hundreds of people in Paga, who live in the deep place of Savage Mountain. The productivity is worse, but it is not like slash-and-burn farming as rumored by the outside world. After all, modern society is not far from the jade field, and there are occasional contacts with the outside world.

Today, he carried a bag of local products to the jade field to exchange for salt. On the way back, he took a shortcut and passed through the territory of the rock python. They are in the mountains, they are familiar with everything, and they are confident to avoid danger.

As a result, just after walking for a while, he saw that big python that terrified the people rolled down the rocky mountain, and was sucked into a snake by an ugly woman in front of him again.

Well, the legs are so long, the waist is not thick, and the chest is not fat, so ugly!

"Hey, still a savage? Can you understand me?"

Xiao Jin was very surprised, and tried to communicate several times, but seeing the blank face of the other party, she couldn't help but disgusted and said: "Cut, it's a wise saying."

The others were so unreliable, she could only shout at the top of her voice, "Brother-in-law! Brother-in-law!"

"I'm coming!"

Nanny Gu came rushing over, and she was also surprised: "There really is a Moinba tribe, I thought it was just a legend."

He took two steps closer, stretched out his fingers and pointed at the other person's forehead, sending a divine thought like communicating with ginseng spirit.

"Who are you?"

"Ah! Uh... chattering!"

Paga almost died of fright, a consciousness suddenly appeared in his mind, and he actually understood it!

"Don't be afraid, we are not villains, what's your name?"


The Moinba tribe is a primitive belief. Pajia looked at the man in front of him, fell to his knees, threw himself on the ground, and spit out a few dialect syllables: "God...ghost..."