Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 336: The southern wilderness first appeared


The so-called strong wind sweeps the fallen leaves, and the rain smashes the plantains.

After a night, the three of them got up early. The hotel's original breakfast did not appear. According to the waiter, the tap water was still good a few days ago. Since yesterday, the pollution has become more and more serious, and unknown disgusting bugs are often sprayed out.

It is said that all the running water in this area has been stopped, and only the south and west of the city have not been affected.

The three of them didn't care, they just walked to the street and saw that the whole city of Anshun was in a state of turmoil, filled with great panic. From time to time, there were police patrolling the streets, and there were vehicles queuing up to leave the city.

"What a beautiful city, it's coming to an end." Long Qiu looked very sad.

"Not only this city, but those places downstream of the water source are all finished."

Gu Yu looked at the gloomy sky and sighed: "In ancient times, there was a land in the south of the Miao border, a wild mountain with bad water, a village in a hundred miles, and a village in a thousand miles. Who would have thought that the revival of spiritual energy would degrade the good modern urban agglomeration , is it possible to really create a Southern Wilderness?"

"Basically, unless they can solve the pollution problem in a short period of time, they will have to give up."

Xiao Zhai also shook his head, and said: "I was proud of the beautiful mountains and rivers in the past, but now I am miserable...Let's go!"

The destination of the three was Huangguoshu Scenic Area, which had been sealed off for a long time, and it took a lot of money to find a car. After traveling southwest for about 45 kilometers, we stopped before the cordon.

They crossed the sentry post and sneaked into the scenic spot.

Huangguoshu is actually a group of waterfalls with a wide area. Within 18 kilometers around, there are more than 10 above-ground waterfalls, 4 underground waterfalls, and countless caves and underground rivers.

This place is divided into several scenic spots, and there are several Miao villages, which are full of tourists all year round. But what they saw in front of them was empty, like a realm of death.

The three of them walked along the wooden bridge plank road for a while, and they met a wide river first, the water was gentle and there was no wave. The river water seems to be very heavy, instead of flowing in the river channel, it sinks on the river bed with a weight.

Gu Yu threw a stone casually, only to hear a muffled bang, and the stone was instantly swallowed up. And at the place where it sank, the ripples became bigger and bigger, and soon spread to the entire river surface, followed by a flash of water.

It was as if the huge blinds were drawn, and the sun covered it, and the bright white water turned black.


Long Qiu screamed, and felt goosebumps crawling all over his body. The surface of the river was densely packed, one sticking to another, such as water centipedes, dragon lice, water axes, scorpion bugs, water striders, etc., all of which were swarms of aquatic insects.

They were alarmed by the stones and immediately clamored. The water strider was the most excited when he smelled the smell of strangers, and moved towards the shore in waves at an extremely fast speed.

When they were still half a meter away from the shore, when the first batch jumped up together, wow, it was like a wriggling black worm rushing ashore.

Gu Yu laid down a layer of restraint, bang bang bang, the swarm of insects hit the invisible film. They have extremely low IQs, still shaking their slender mouthparts, stabbing at the membrane frantically.

He frowned slightly, released ten fire cloud needles, and formed a fire dragon across the water.



Immediately, the river surface was extremely scorched and stinky, one level of death was turned up, and another level was turned up, and another level of death went down, there was no end to the killing.

"Forget it, it's too disgusting, go look elsewhere!"

Gu Yu had a stomachache, endured the discomfort and quickly left.

The three of them continued to go deeper, and after a while, they arrived at the main scenic spot, which is the famous waterfall.

It is more than seventy meters high and over a hundred meters wide. It falls straight down from the cliff.

What's even more amazing is that there is also a 134-meter-long water curtain cave, which runs across the back of the waterfall.

The waterfall is still clear, perhaps because the impact force is too strong, and the insects have nowhere to survive. The three of them took a brief look, then went straight up the steps and went around to the water curtain hole behind.

The cave consists of six windows, five halls, three springs and six passages. When they stepped into the first passage, they were shocked by the sight in front of them.


Long Qiu immediately wanted to vomit, and put his sister's shoulders on his shoulders and kept retching. Xiao Zhai and Gu Yu were also extremely disgusted, there were seven or eight human corpses lying in the cave, probably tourists who came to visit, and they died in the midst of the insect outbreak.

Not only that, but there is also a dark red water beetle, piled up with corpses, climbing up and down.

The three of them had excellent eyesight, and they could clearly see the two long spikes on the beetle's mouthparts, which easily pierced into the flesh, as if it had sown something. And at the place where it was pierced, a small sarcoma instantly popped up.

Seven or eight of them are all the same, as if the whole body is covered with pustules, and the facial features are crowded out.


Suddenly, a sarcoma broke open, and a small beetle got out of it, touching the spikes of a big beetle, quite intimately.


Xiaoqiu finally vomited it out, and these bugs actually used human corpses as a culture medium to hatch their offspring.

Xiao Zhai hurriedly patted her on the back, while Gu Yu was secretly startled: Because there are still bugs crawling out of the rock cracks in this cave, more than a million

It doesn't matter who it is, no matter how powerful the gun is, it doesn't matter if it encounters a group of small creatures. Even if you flatten this mountain, there is no guarantee that it will be wiped out completely.

Zerg, this is the overlord of the earth!

The three of them hid their breath and stood there for a while, finally feeling sick and wanting to turn around and leave. As a result, after walking a few steps, he heard the splash of gravel over there, but a creature like a salamander crawled out.

It rushed directly into the swarm of insects, and when it licked with its long tongue, more than a hundred beetles were involved. Its thick lips chewed for a while, and then licked again. Those water beetles had no power to resist, they just waited for the monster to eat and drink enough, then scurried into the crevices of the stone and disappeared.


The goods came and went like the wind, and the three of them were a little confused.

The natural world is indeed the fairest, no matter how weak a creature is, it has self-protection means, and no matter how powerful it is, it also has its fatal weakness. Just like Huangguoshu, the pests have just been born, and natural enemies have been bred to restrain them.

The three of them had come here to investigate, and they could see the whole leopard at a glance, and walking two places was enough.

The current general environment is like this. Remote areas and natural landforms are becoming less and less suitable for living, especially in the corners of Xia Kingdom: Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, and Southeast, a large no-man's land has been born.

On the contrary, in those dilapidated cities dominated by industrialization, the food is delicious, and there is nothing wrong with it!

The future trend of change is already clear, and it depends on how the plan is planned.

Tongren, Fanjing Mountain.

The so-called Fanjing Mountain was previously called the Three Valleys. Later, when Buddhism flourished, it was changed to the meaning of "Brahma Pure Land". It is said that it is the ashram of Maitreya Buddha.

If in the past, the incense was at its peak and the wealthy customers were rich, now, the monk's life is not easy!

Just like Tianzhu Mountain, there used to be a Sanzu Temple, which was the place where Sengcan, the third ancestor of Zen Buddhism, taught the Dharma. How lofty is his status? As a result, the country wants to build a base, the Taoist school wants to set up a Taoist temple, and the monks are thrown out as soon as they say it.

The same is true for Mount Fanjing. Now that Taoism is becoming more and more popular, the common people have converted to Sanqing and understand that Taoism is useful, so they don't come here at all. The monks had no incense, their lives were miserable, and they returned to the vulgar one after another. The rest were harassed by alienated creatures and applied to change temples.

Simply put, an empty mountain.

As for those three people, after returning from Huangguoshu, they went straight to Lincheng, stayed for a day, and then arrived in Tongren. Seeing the beautiful scenery here, he found an abandoned hotel to stay and planned to merge the sword species.

Early morning, mist.

The three climbed up the stairs, following the stream in a gentle manner, only to see towering peaks surrounded by trees and stones, up or down, giant or slender, passing by their clothes, every step is strange.

They took the western route, and there is a famous place called Guanyin Cave. It is a stone cave on the cliff, and a stone house is built by hanging on the mountain, in which Guanyin Bodhisattva is enshrined.

Every year, infertile devout men and women come here to kowtow and throw a small stone into the cave. It is said that they will have children in the coming year.

When passing by here, Gu Yu and Xiao Zhai didn't take it seriously, but Long Qiu stopped suddenly, clasped his hands together, and bowed earnestly for a few times.

"What are you doing?" Gu Yu wondered.

"Bye bye, I wish you a baby soon."

"What's the matter, I haven't thought about it yet!" He was in pain.

"Why don't you want to? The little doll is so cute, and it's the child of the two of you, so it's a gift from birth."

Long Qiu blinked his eyes, serious, this girl is not learning well now, she looks pink and black when cut.

Xiao Zhai was quite interested when he heard this, and said, "I haven't considered this yet... Hey, Lao Gu, do you think the higher the level of cultivation, the more difficult it is to have children?"

"It's not difficult to have a baby, but it's difficult to get pregnant?"

Gu Yu thought for a while, and said: "Our life level is constantly improving, and maybe our genes are also mutating. Isn't there a word called reproductive isolation? Maybe the sperm and eggs can kill each other, and they can't fuse. Anyway, I don't know much about it."

"oh… "

Xiao Zhai nodded, walked for a while, and said: "I'm very strange, it's okay now, wouldn't it be awkward if I cultivated the soul and gave birth to a child?"

"Why are you so awkward?"

"A baby has a soul, right? He sleeps in his stomach, and his soul grows out of nothing, so my soul is also in his body, won't they affect each other? The fetus absorbs my energy, so my soul is already conscious , if it affects the fetus, who will be born? Is it my child, or myself?"

"Wait a minute, it's a little messy!"

Gu Yu waved his hand, frowned for a long time, but didn't let it go, "Is it sick, why do you have nothing to say? It makes my hair stand on end."

"Ha ha!"

Xiao Zhai hugged him and said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, someday you will be interested, and you will know when you give birth!"

In this way, while they were having a friendly exchange of knowledge about physiology and hygiene, they reached the top of the mountain unknowingly.

Gu Yu glanced at the small peaks and the vast sea of clouds, so he simply sat on the ground and said, "This place is nice, the mountains are high and the air is refreshing, let me try it first."

With that said, he took out the sword seed. In the past two days, I have been using spiritual energy to infect with me, and I am already quite close, and I am no longer so contradictory. And he looked at it for a moment, then aimed at his chest and pressed hard.


The sword species was impacted by an external force and struggled violently in an instant. Gu Yu ignored it, pierced through the chest abruptly, and then wrapped it tightly with spiritual energy, letting it struggle desperately.

The ball of light tossed and tossed for a long time, Xu Shi knew that he was powerless, and finally slowly became docile.


Gu Yu was overjoyed, and loosened the restraint, only to feel the ball of light tremble slightly, sinking slowly, until it sank into the sea of Qi in Dantian. It hovered above the sea of air for a while, seemed to find its direction, and then fell suddenly.


He only felt his whole body tremble, as if something had been planted in his spirit, and at the same time, a huge flow of information poured into his mind densely and orderly.

A name emerged out of thin air, it was the skill contained in the sword, "Sword of Chiyang Swaying Demon"!