Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 340: Sword Qi




On the Mushroom Stone, Gu Yu kept absorbing the Qi of Chiyang, his whole body was like a big skin bag, the liquid filled slowly, as if the egg yolk would be scattered when shaken.

It has been more than ten days since he came here to practice every day, and he feels full today.

Unknowingly, the scorching sun was slanting down, and there was a sunset glow in the western sky, mixed with the dim skylight to reflect on the mountain top. It was cold at the high place, but he felt hot all over his body, and the liquid was getting more and more abundant, almost overflowing.

"about there!"

When the red yang is poured into the body, the sword energy is born. Gu Yu became more careful and practiced the sword art silently, only to hear the strange sound of "cuckoo cluck" coming from his body, and his body boiled like a cauldron.

The sword was also slowly turning in the sea of air, and every time it turned around, it absorbed a stream of flame liquid. The flame liquid was tempered and sublimated in the sword seed, and turned into a thin golden-red sword energy.


He saw the process clearly through the internal photo of his spiritual consciousness, and he couldn't help but marvel at the magic of the formula. And as more liquid is absorbed, the transformed sword energy becomes denser, and the sea of same energy is distinct, day by day.

Gu Yu's whole body was like a huge furnace, with heat rising from his whole body, covering several feet, and even the air was slightly distorted by the scorching.

"Crunch! Crunch!"


All of a sudden, the gravel fell, and the top of the mountain swayed, but the mushroom stone below was cracked with several fine lines, which seemed to be broken.

This sitting is three days...

At noon on the fourth day, the scorching sun was in the sky, and when the sword species had sucked the last flame liquid, it finally stopped turning.

Gu Yu felt a bang, and his whole body shook violently. The golden-red sword energy spread out in his body, traveling in all directions, traveling through the acupoints of all the meridians, and even with the strength of his meridians, he felt a dull pain.

Fortunately, after a few breaths, the sword species seemed to have turned on a switch, and flipped crazily again, and the Ling Lie sword energy was involved again.

When looking at the sword species again, it is no longer in the shape of a light ball like before, but has become crystal clear, golden red all over, like a dripping ball floating on the sea of air.


Gu Yu concentrated and meditated, slowly opened his eyes, a hint of joy emerged, and finally the effort was not in vain!

As soon as he moved, he was about to jump off the boulder, but as soon as his butt got up, he heard a loud rumbling sound, and the mushroom stone was like a smashed plaster statue, shattered to the ground.


He hurriedly jumped forward to avoid being smashed. Looking back at the wreckage, he couldn't help but feel guilty: I just ruined a good scenic spot.

He shook his head, and with a move with his right hand, he held the ancient sword stuck on the rock in his palm, followed by activating the sword seed, and input a stream of sword energy.


The roar of the sword and the dragon's chant resounded through the mountains, as if the thousand-year-old impurities had faded away, and finally revealed the true face of the magic weapon. Holding the sword, Gu Yu felt a sense of connection, and he slashed horizontally with his hand.

I saw a golden flame of red sun soaring into the sky, pointed by the sword, it was more than ten feet long and six or seven feet wide. In this narrow and long area, it seemed that the air was drained in an instant, and time paused strangely, when the golden flame fell , just heard boom!

The sky collapsed, the dust was flying, and a huge sword mark ran across the mountain.

yo yo!

Gu Yu's eyes were wide open, all kinds of surging, so thick and powerful, he finally has the ability to attack his wife in future fights!

He simply swung it vertically again, boom, another sword mark appeared, just forming a cross.

The so-called magic sword is to integrate the true meaning of the scorching sun, condense the sword energy, and generate golden light sword flames. Now that he has just glimpsed the way, he still needs to use the sword weapon to perform it, and in the future, he will use the temperature of the sword to nourish the ancient sword, and the power of the sword will be different.

If it is further improved, the body and sword will become one, and the body will transform into sword light, and escape thousands of miles away. This is the real mastery of magic sword - exorcising evil, burning demons and ghosts, illuminating all directions, and foreign demons will not invade!


Gu Yu looked at the two sword marks, stood for a moment, then suddenly turned to face the vast sea of clouds, competing to show off the thousand cliffs, bowed to the beauty of the sky and earth a few times, and then went down the mountain.

Ah, when I used to read martial arts novels or martial arts movies, I always thought the swordsman was super handsome. As a result, I learned the sword myself, only to find that it is not so beautiful.

For example, how to walk with a sword? This will be a long-term worry for him before he can't accept the sword seed.

The first one is hung on the waist. Gu Yu really tried it, walking up and down, and the experience was very uncomfortable.

The second is to hold it with one hand, but he doesn't have a scabbard, and he didn't find a suitable one on a certain treasure.

The third type is negative sword. The negative sword is not glued on for nothing, there is also a belt slanted on the back, and then the sword is inserted.

Regardless of beauty and ugliness, first of all you have to consider the issue of clothing. Bai Yunsheng is a negative sword, suave and chic, but he wears Taoist robes, and his painting style is very good.

As for this guy, since he practiced Taoism, he has deliberately blurred his clothing and hairstyle factors.

There's no way, it's too dramatic to wear modern clothes, and it's too cool to wear ancient clothes. Just like Xiao Zhai, wearing a Prada dress, CL's red-soled shoes, Guerlain's KissKiss Cold lipstick, and then he waved with a click: "Lei Lai!"

Damn it, the characters are all broken

So, he simply made a sword box by himself, which is three feet and five feet long, made of old wood from deep mountains, with rough craftsmanship, returning to basics and authenticity, with a natural wonder.

At the end, it is equipped with a handle, just like this, it is beautiful!

Xiang, Yueyang Tower.

Needless to say, the reputation of this building stands on top of the ancient city, overlooking Dongting, facing Junshan Mountain in the distance, adjacent to the Yangtze River in the north, and connected to the Xiangjiang River in the south.

It was already November at this time, and the weather in the south was gradually getting cooler. It was unavoidably cold to stand upstairs. There are a lot of tourists today, and the accents come from all over the world, men, women, old and young, but none of them are here for tourism.

"Today is the 7th, and there are only 6 days left for the competition, and I don't know whether to let the crowd watch... Sigh, I hope the trip was not in vain." A middle-aged man sighed.

"It's normal not to let the onlookers watch. After all, it's our own business. It doesn't matter who wins or loses." The companion said.

"I'm more concerned about Dongting Lake. This year's water level has skyrocketed, and it's probably about to die. This area is not bad. Other lake areas have already had a lot of trouble. Many farmers have died, and all the bastards and crayfish have come ashore. , I won’t have a chance to see it in the future.” Another companion said.

"Don't be so pessimistic, there may be treasures at the bottom of the lake, just like a mountain of fish." A tourist next to him couldn't help interjecting after hearing this.

"Yo, you also know Yushan?"

"It's so fresh, such a big news, it has already been spread! I have a relative in a neighboring county, and I just watched a few lights fly out, oh, which grandson is so lucky!"

"Heh, isn't such a sentence popular on the Internet? I used to read YY novels, but when the novels became reality, I realized that I am not Long Aotian."

"I don't want to be Long Aotian, as long as the whole family is neat and happy... Hey, you say, if Dongting Lake is really lively, what treasures can there be?"

"Junshan Island, hehe, Ehuang Nvying is amazing when she comes out!"

The crowd was chattering, fully demonstrating the enthusiasm and fearlessness of the people who eat melons. But on the periphery of them, there was a silent lone tourist, dressed plainly and holding a wooden box in his hand, looking quite strange.

He stood for a while, listening to the group of people's topic gradually speeding up, turning to vehicle maintenance, then wandered to the other side without interest.

Here is a wall full of the history, culture and attractions of Yueyang Tower. He glanced at ten lines, and quickly scanned to the end, and suddenly his eyes focused.

The last paragraph of that text reads:

"On the beach below Yueyang Tower, there are three iron objects in the shape of shackles, weighing ten thousand catties. Their purpose has not yet been determined. According to "Yueyang Fengtuji", there are several pieces of iron smelting in the sand moraine on the river bank, commonly known as Iron flails weigh ten thousand catties. The ancients cast iron, facing each other like the tails of swallows. There is a big hole in the middle, with a diameter of about a foot. I don’t know what to do with it. Some people think it’s too heavy for a boatman to lift, or they think it’s a log. Within it, weaving it as a fence and protecting it from the wind and waves is unknown."

Other scenic spots, such as the tomb of the second concubine, the temple of the concubine Xiang, Liu Yijing, etc., are introduced in detail. Only this, just a short paragraph.

He thought for a moment, then quickly left with the wooden box - this was none other than Lao Gu.

It is said that he bid farewell to Fanjing Mountain and arrived in Hunan Province without stopping all the way, passing through Huaihua, passing through Loudi, and directly arrived at Yueyang City. Beyond Yueyang City is Jiangxi Province, and you can go to Longhu Mountain in one day.

During the Spring Festival in Dongting Lake, there are aquariums causing troubles, and they have long wanted to come and visit, so they just took advantage of this opportunity.

He instinctively felt that these three things were weird, so he went downstairs to Dianjiang Terrace. This is the place where Lu Su commanded generals in Eastern Wu. It is made of granite, with steps going down to the lake in the north and south, with high eaves and teeth, dragon heads carved at both ends, and glazed tiles on the top.

And 30 meters to the left of the high platform, there is a huge iron flail on display.

It is about 5 meters long, very thick, both ends are swallowtail-shaped, the whole body is blue-black, the four legs are round and turned outwards, and there are two parallel protrusions in the middle, and the surface is covered with many rust spots.

He looked at the introduction on the sign. This iron shackle weighs ten thousand catties and has a history of at least a thousand years. During the war, Dongying and the country of Sam still wanted to pull it away, but no matter how they pulled it, they couldn't move at all, so they had to give up.

Then in May 1980, due to the drying up of the lake, the management staff of Yueyang Tower discovered it again on the lake beach under the stage of Dianjiang.

At that time, a total of three were found, and three winches were used to work at the same time before they were moved to the platform. In order to facilitate tourists to visit, special attractions have been added.

However, the other two disappeared inexplicably later, leaving only one.

As for its use, experts have different opinions. Some say it is the "ingot stone" for mooring and mooring ships, and some say it was used by Soochow to lock the river to intercept the warships of the Jin people...

Gu Yu jumped directly into the guardrail and checked carefully.

This thing is very similar to the shackles used to detain prisoners in ancient times, and it is also a bit like a long weapon, a halberd. Seeing no one around, he simply reached out and wiped it.


As the rust fell off, the pig iron material that had been corroded for thousands of years was exposed, and some unusual lines appeared on the pig iron.

He stretched out his fingers, wrote down strokes, and finally formed a strange character.

The upper part is the beginning of the word rain, and the lower part is two parts. The left side is three dots of water plus a Xin (the word is pronounced shen, but it is not typed out), and the right side is three dots.

Gu Yu was surprised when he saw it. This is clearly a taboo word in Taoism, which means water officer, the god who manages the waters.


He blinked, and sincerely admired the courage of the people at that time: they dared to dig out this thing, and they lost it!