Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 352: Time and fate


In the afternoon, Yingtan.

The number of tourists in the urban area was much less than the previous few days. After the competition ended, they returned one after another. Of course, some people wanted to stay overnight. Half a day has passed, the accumulated emotions have just fermented, and the whole city is in a state of excitement after the event.

It's like you have just experienced an extremely perfect reproductive activity, lying on the bed tired and relaxed, the consciousness and the body are integrated, satisfaction and transparency are simultaneously developed, the mind wanders in the void, and you experience the great harmony of life.

Three words, happy!

Everywhere, everyone, seems to be talking about three fights. This is the first large-scale, relatively positive, presentation of Taoism in front of everyone.

In particular, Zhang Shouyang's last sword completely broke through the imagination of the masses and became the focus of discussion.

I have a sword, which can pretend to force the world!

Sword Fairy Dream, just like the magicians in the West, how many have never done it

Of course, there are also people who raged wildly, killed people in public in broad daylight, and even the government acquiesced... If this continues, the rituals will collapse, the order will be chaotic, and the country will not exist.

Correspondingly, some people refuted it. Now that the world has changed drastically, if you still hold on to the past mentality of living a stable life, you will die early and be reborn early. They call on everyone to change their mentality as soon as possible and adapt to the environment.

You are right, whether it is politics or economics, including literature, art, food, medical care, condoms, etc., whenever a period of change comes, there will be a big wave that will be slammed on the beach.


Gu Yu was walking on the long street with his sword box in hand, passing by countless people, walking alone.

In November, the climate in the south is getting colder and colder, but Yingtan is surrounded by five mountains: Longhu Mountain, Guifeng Mountain, Sanqing Mountain, Wuyi Mountain and Wufu Mountain.

There are many alienated creatures around, and because it is next to the Tianshi Mansion, the officials regard it as the top priority, deploy it early, and there is no animal trouble. Occasionally there are huge mutated beasts, and Taoists from the Tianshi Mansion go down the mountain to deal with them.

He didn't go to Bai Yu's group, it would be too embarrassing to meet him. After wandering the street for a while, he suddenly heard the phone ringing, picked it up and saw it was Long Qiu.

"Hey, brother... oh, it's nothing, just asking when you will come back..."

"Oh, don't squeeze, stay away from me..."

"Video! Video!"

There was Xiao Jin's yelling, the phone was hung up, and then another invitation for a video call was sent. Gu Yu found a safe place, clicked accept, and the screen flashed, showing the big faces of two girls.

"Brother-in-law, what's going on at the scene, tell me quickly!"

Xiao Jin was glued to the screen, her two black eyes rolled back and forth, looking like a ghost.

"Isn't there online?" He held the phone a meter away.

"That's all gossip, you're the official announcement! Hey, hey, did you cheat in that last sword? It's so embarrassing!"

"That's right, I just borrowed a sword energy from him."

"Haha, let me just say, how can those guys be so powerful!"

Little Soap raised his head and laughed, and after two seconds, pia posted it again, and then became very sad, sighing: "Oh, the scene must be fun, since 99, there has been no decent battle, Too bad I didn't watch it."

"What happened in 1999?" Long Qiu wondered.

"Don't you know?"

Xiao Jin was inexplicably surprised, gestured excitedly, opened her mouth, wanted to spit it out, but held back, "Oh, I can't say it! I can't say it!"

"You're crazy, what's wrong?" Long Qiu became more and more confused.

"Oh, I still remember that day, when I was playing kisses with my little friends in the top class of the kindergarten, suddenly the sun and the moon were dark, the sky was dark, and I went to the battlefield when I was only five years old... Woohoo, a company brother Sister, I'm the only one left! I don't know if the Pangu was killed in the end?"

That showman possessed his body, muttered pitifully to himself, even wiped his eyes, and was about to cry.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense!"

Gu Yu couldn't bear to watch it any longer, so he interrupted and asked, "How's your Heaven-shaking Seal?"

"That thing is too big, I've been working on it every day, I'm dying!" Xiao Jin raised her head, changing her style of painting in seconds.

What the hell

His ass hurts.

Long Qiu was still honest, and translated: "She doesn't have enough mana, and the stone is too big. She won't be able to refine it in seventy-seven or forty-nine days. It will take some time. Oh, by the way, Shengtian needs to re-plan, like The first river, the second river, the third river... all need to be expanded and upgraded, and roads need to be built, but there is no movement in Baicheng."

She counted on her fingers and introduced the situation to her brother.


Gu Yu frowned, this would have a big impact, he couldn't explain clearly on the phone, so he should go back and have a look. And then, he asked again: "Hey, where's your sister, why didn't you see me?"

"Oh, my sister went to Shaling today. Didn't she catch a big spider a while ago? She wanted to keep it for fun, so she went to find a male and came back to breed. My sister also said that the spider silk is very useful. It can be used for sewing clothes and making small spiders. Umbrellas or something."

Spider silk, make a small umbrella...

Gu Yu twitched the corner of his mouth, looked at Long Qiu who didn't understand, and suddenly felt that the girl was amazing. Living in such a magical family, but still maintaining a childlike innocence and normal brain circuits, it's amazing!

After that, they chatted for a while, then hung up the phone.

As a result, before his mobile phone left his hand, the ding dong dong rang again, but it was Tan Chongdai.

Street corner, park.

The trees are lush, the lawn is emerald green, the sun is warm, and the green space is half-caged and half-covered, with light colors. There is also a rockery with strange rocks, and a pond at the foot, where koi swim freely.

A few tourists are leisurely in the corridor, or walking across the wooden bridge and stone road, presenting a quiet and beautiful picture.

Gu Yu and Tan Chongdai walked side by side, the old man was dressed in Taoist robes, attracting passers-by to look at him from time to time. He had no choice but to wave his sleeves as a signal, and walked further into the park.

The two chatted a lot before, Gu Yu could see that the other party's body was exhausted, but it was not easy to mention that kind of environment, and thought that there would be a chance to help a group, but the other party came to him on his own initiative.

"Old Taoist priest, I see that your breath is withered and your hair is drifting away. Here are a few pills, you take half a pill every day, once every three days, maybe you will get better."

He took out the gourd, poured seven or eight pills, put it back after a pause, and passed the gourd directly.

"No need, my own body knows it, it's already exhausted, I'm afraid I won't be able to survive this year."

Tan Chongdai pushed his hand, with a sense of sadness in his calmness, he said: "Cultivators have an intuition about their own lifespan. I have felt it half a month ago. It is destiny, and there is no way."

"Don't be so pessimistic, now Taoism and all kinds of flowers are blooming, and if you live a long time, there will always be a chance to come." He persuaded.

"Opportunity... huh... chance..."

Tan Chongdai smiled hoarsely, and sighed: "Layman, I practiced Taoism with my master when I was three years old, and I didn't achieve anything until I was in my thirties. The master said that I am stupid, but it doesn't matter, as long as I work hard, I will eventually attain the Tao one day." For more than seventy years, I have never dared to slack off and worked diligently, but in the end, I can’t compare with the abbot, I can’t compare with the achievements of Shouyang for more than 20 years, let alone you, a layman.”

"Old Taoist..."

"Hey, let me finish."

He waved his hand and continued: "Then I knew that Master's words were nothing more than comfort. Thinking about it, it is true. If you can achieve enlightenment just by working hard, there are so many people who work hard in the world, wouldn't they all become enlightened

I stayed in Qionglong Mountain all my life, guarding my meager foundation, and I thought I would just die in such a mediocre way... Who would have thought that you would come to the door, and then the Taoist door would shake and the ancient method would be revived. I know that I am too old, but I also thought that this is my chance.

I braved my skin and joined the Taoist school as the head of a school, and I was in the same school as a group of juniors. I even turned my back on my teacher, abandoned the root of Qionglong Mountain, and changed to the Quanzhen Alchemy... But what happened

Oh, born at the wrong time, the age is different from me!

Longevity is a struggle with the sky, qualifications, opportunities, and hard work are indispensable. I don't have the first two, and this may be my fate. "

He looked at the other party again, and said with a smile: "Your elixir is precious, don't waste it on me, it's pure death, I won't beg for mercy to this extent."


Gu Yu is silent, just like the old man said, the vitality is exhausted, if it is not solved fundamentally, no matter how many methods are used, it will be nothing more than hanging his life.

Even if he taught the method of feeding qi and immediately promoted to Xiantian, it would only add a few years to his lifespan. What about in the future? Unless you can cultivate to a human immortal, you can prolong your life by hundreds of years.

With his and Xiao Zhai's aptitude and savvy, and the help of the divine pill, they haven't made a breakthrough yet. Can you wait for Tan Chongdai

Cultivating the Tao is to break the shackles of life. It is the same with the inborn, the immortal, and the immortal... This proposition is too difficult.

What's more, Tan Chongdai's Taoism has been confused, and he has worked hard all his life, but he can't match the words "blunt talent" and "born at the wrong time."

If the blow is too great and the heart energy decays, this is the intention of dying.

"Well, although I'm not reconciled, I'm also very fortunate that I can still catch up with such an encounter. I can meet lay monks, meet friends in the Taoist academy, and know that the heaven, earth, and Taoism are immortal. This life is enough."

Unknowingly, the two of them walked to a secluded part of the park, where the breeze was blowing, and a few clumps of green bamboos were swaying and rustling.

Tan Chongdai stopped suddenly, and said: "The situation in the daytime is complicated, and I can't explain it clearly. I came here specially to find a layman, one is to say goodbye to you formally, and the other is to ask for something."

"Please speak!"

Gu Yu hurriedly bowed to receive the instruction, with a solemn face, and performed the junior salute.

Tan Chongdai looked at each other, his body trembled slightly, and his voice became hoarse: "After my death, my soul was scattered in the world. I don't know if it was combined with pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep, or plants, trees, gold and stones. I dare not expect extravagantly. I saw pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep, or plants, trees, gold and stones in the future, and I felt that there was a trace of fate that would allow me to rebuild in the next life... Please save me once... save me once... save me once!"

After saying that, weeping and tearing up, unable to make a sound.