Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 36: Outcrop


Zeng Yuewei's mood has been very ups and downs recently, but overall she is happier.

There was one less annoying fly that I had to send up from time to time, and it became much quieter all of a sudden. Although the young master of the He family did not propose, the commercial plaza project still needs to be done. The Zeng family is afraid that she will be implicated, so they have forbidden her to take over.

It's a pity that she can't reflect the value, but it also helped her make a decision, at least it's not so entangled.

Early this morning, she came to the company and entered her office as usual. This room is a bit small, and it is just a space separated by glass in the office area, which is not very formal.

Zeng Yuewei put down her bag and started cleaning. She has a serious obsession with privacy, and never lets the cleaning aunt come in, and she doesn't like to let anyone invade her domain.

After a while, after she finished packing her things, people from the company arrived one after another. She twirled some tea and was going out to get a cup of hot water when she suddenly heard the security guard shout, "Sister Wei, I have a courier for you!"


She was a little surprised because she hadn't bought anything recently. When she took a closer look, she saw that it was a very small package. He glanced at the receipt again, and there was the sender's phone number on it, but it belonged to Gu Yu.

She took the things back to the house, opened it and saw that there was a small box inside, with nine fragrant pills neatly stacked.

Zeng Yuewei didn't know why, so she picked up the phone and called. The other party connected quickly and asked, "Hello, have you received the item?"

"Got it, what do you mean?"

"I want to ask you a favor." There was some embarrassment over there.

"What's the matter?" She suddenly became more interested.

"Uh, among your colleagues and friends, do you have a lot of mental stress? My fragrance is very good for promoting sleep and maintaining energy..."

"Ha, would you like to give me Amway?" she interrupted.

"Uh... yes, I'm a little tight this time." The other side became more and more embarrassed, but told the truth.

Zeng Yuewei picked up a fragrant pill, looked at it and asked, "Then this is your main product?"

"There are two types, one is incense pills, and the other is incense sticks. The incense sticks have to be stored for a few days, and I'll post them to you when it's done," he explained.

It is said that after the exhibition of Chen Xiang, the relationship between the two became closer, and they could be called friends. Zeng Yuewei was always afraid that he would be punished by He Tian, and when she heard that the grandson would not move, she was glad that he escaped.

Since she met Gu Yu, her attitude has been changing, from questioning to giving up provocation, to a little understanding, and found that Ya is a very ordinary guy, and has no other skill points except making incense.

"Amway is fine, you can give me a reserve price." Zeng Yuewei smiled.

"Uh, a box of six incense pills, I want to sell them for two hundred. Sixty sticks of incense sticks, I want to sell them for five hundred... If you buy more, there are also premium..."

"Stop, stop!"

She had a headache and said directly: "Four hundred incense pills, one thousand and two incense sticks!"

"Ah? It's a bit expensive, right?" The guy was surprised.

"Hey! Do you know how much they cost for a box of anti-stress medicine? Still care about your little money?"

Zeng Yuewei sneered to her heart's content, and then laughed again: "By the way, how much benefit are you going to give me?"

"Well… "

Choking over there, it really doesn't have any commercial cells.

Generally, for this kind of thing, the seller will give a reserve price, and the agent will fool around, and then make a profit from the difference. But Zeng Yuewei didn't care about her family background at all.

Hearing the stuttering over there, she didn't joke, and said, "Okay, it's ok to treat me to a meal someday."

"Oh, thank you then."

"It's okay, hang up first."

After Zeng Yuewei hung up, she couldn't help curling her lips. There were incense sets in this room, so she picked up one and wanted to try it out.

The utensils are a complete set, including incense clips, incense spoons, incense shovels, feather dust, incense burners, silver leaf jars and more than a dozen. She took a palm-sized copper stove, filled it with special incense ash calcined with diatomaceous earth, and then burned a small piece of charcoal red, and buried it in the ash.

Then use fine chopsticks to pierce the hole, put a mica sheet on the hole, and the top of the mica sheet is the fragrant pill. This method is called incense through fire, using charcoal and ash, it will not produce smoke.

Zeng Yuewei deliberately learned from her master, not to mention, it really bluffed many people.

After waiting for a few minutes, she held the stove in her left hand and held the stove in her right hand, and felt a peaceful and comfortable atmosphere. With a leisurely rush into the nose, it was as if a breeze was blowing, and the clouds opened to see the moon.


Zeng Yuewei took a deep breath, and closed her eyes in satisfaction. The fragrance was so extraordinary that she felt that the price she had set was still too low.

After taking three full breaths, she put the stove by her hand and started today's work. Maybe it's because of the fragrance, or maybe it's a psychological effect. In short, he is in excellent condition, quick thinking, and efficient.

Unknowingly, she had been busy for almost a whole morning before she stretched her arms and looked at the fragrant pill, which shrunk by a third.

Zeng Yuewei sorted out a document, dialed a number on the landline, and said, "Le Qi, come here."

Not long after the words were finished, someone knocked on the door, and a girl with bangs came in and said, "Sister Wei, are you looking for me?"

"You take this document back and look at it, make a PPT, and use it for the meeting in the afternoon."

"Okay." The girl said with a smile.

Le Qi is in her twenties, a newcomer not long ago, smart, sensible and sweet-mouthed, she gets along well with Zeng Yuewei. She took the document, did not move, but looked at the incense burner, and asked, "Sister Wei, do you want to burn incense?"

"Yeah, you understand this too?"

"I don't understand it, I'm just playing around, can you let me hear it?"

"Oh, here you are."

Zeng Yuewei picked up the incense burner, and the girl lowered her head and sniffed it twice, looking very excited: "Wow, I've never smelled this kind of smell, sister, where did you buy it?"

"I didn't buy it, it was a gift from a friend."

"oh… "

Le Qi was obviously disappointed, she turned around and looked at pitifully. Seeing this, Zeng Yuewei picked up two incense pills casually, and said, "Okay, don't be cute. This is for you. Come here after it's smoked. My friend just wants to sell it."

"Thank you, sister Wei, I know you are the best!"

The girl turned around and walked away, returned to her seat, carefully packed the fragrant pills in the box, and continued to work.

Not long after, it was twelve o'clock sharp. The office area gradually became agitated, each stood up, and a girl next to her called out, "Qiqi, are you going to eat?"

"I'm not going to the cafeteria anymore, I have an appointment with a friend." She smiled.

"Okay, then let's go first."

After the colleagues in the department were gone, Le Qi stood up, took the elevator downstairs, and ran to a coffee shop across the street.

The environment is elegant and the light is slightly dim. Two couples are kissing each other. She searched around, found the innermost seat, and greeted, "Uncle Han!"


Opposite him sat a middle-aged man with an ordinary face. He said he was middle-aged, but it was actually very vague, between 40 and 50 years old. He looked indifferent, and stopped talking after uttering a word, but Le Qi was very used to it, ordered some food by herself, and then said:

"She had nothing to do yesterday. She was at the company during the day, and we went to KTV together at night. She went home after singing, and she didn't feel anything unusual."

"I was also in the office this morning. It seems that there is a new project that I plan to display. Oh, yes, she received a courier this morning. It may be incense. I saw her incense just now."

"Incense?" The other party frowned.

"This is it."

Le Qi took out the incense pill, pushed it over and said, "I usually play it too, the quality is really super high, she said it was a gift from a friend."


The middle-aged man picked it up and sniffed it, nodded and said, "Yes, it's worth it."

Seeing the usefulness, the girl couldn't help being overjoyed, and all kinds of cute flattery slipped out.

She was just a new employee, and she had no sense of belonging to the company. The He family promised a lot of benefits, so she became an undercover agent as a matter of course.

After that, the middle-aged man gave a few more instructions and left alone.

That night, in the villa.

Holding the censer, Li Yan took a deep breath and exhaled another breath of foul air. He tilted his head and said reluctantly, "It's not ordinary, it's really not ordinary! It's not an exaggeration to say that it is a master who can make this kind of incense."

"True, I've never been interested in this stuff, but this is so, so unexpected..."

He Zun beside him expressed his agreement, even feeling a little short of words. These two are big bosses, and they have received all kinds of gifts, including a large amount of agarwood, sandalwood and various incense products.

They were well-informed, but when faced with this fragrant pill, they were shocked.

At this time, Uncle Han who was waiting on the side added: "Zeng Yuewei received a total of nine, and that friend intends to do long-term business."

"Is the person you are looking for trustworthy?" He Zun asked suddenly.

"That person is easy to control and has a superficial mind. He should be very credible."

"That's good… "

He nodded and asked again: "Old Li, what do you think?"

"We've been following for several days, and everyone else is normal. Only the girl from the Zeng family showed some clues. Even if it's not a clue, we still have to investigate it as a clue, or we'll lose it." Li Yan sighed.


He Zun also remained silent, just stared at the censer and thought for a while, then said: "Prepare the car, go to Taiqing Palace!"


"Right now!"


Uncle Han hurriedly prepared, and a few minutes later, the three of them were already driving on the road.

It was very late, and there were few cars and people on the street. All the way to Taiqing Palace, I saw red walls and green tiles, the gates were closed, and a large building group was hidden in the darkness.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Uncle Han knocked first, and then clapped the door knocker vigorously. After a while, the Taoist priest who was on duty rushed over angrily and shouted, "Who is so f*cking at night... Oh, Mr. He! Mr. Li!"

The two of them turned a blind eye to his quick change of painting style and his vulgarity, and said directly: "We are looking for Daoist Mo."

"Well… "

The Taoist was taken aback for a moment, but he was also clever, and hurriedly said: "Master Mo should not be asleep yet, please hurry up!"

As they said that, several people entered the temple, and the Taoist priest led the way, babbling non-stop: "The old god is amazing, our temple master is three points shorter when we see it, and he likes to ignore him."

"Sit in the quiet room for a whole day, it's really skillful."

"There will be a ceremony in Guanli next month. If you two are free, please come and visit me."

Soon, several people arrived at the backyard and stopped in front of a quiet room. The Taoist went up to knock on the door and said, "Old Taoist priest, Mr. He and Mr. Li are here to visit."

Just as the voice fell, a deep and powerful voice came from inside: "Come in!"