Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 361: Evening Chat Around the Fireplace (Part 1)


"Good evening, young man!"

The shadow in the corner fluctuated for a while, like a layer of water ripples, followed by a white old man with a full beard, who was the one I met during the day.

He spoke pure Gaul, first greeted Gu Yu, and then smiled at Andrea: "You are too, beautiful little girl."

"Hello, Master Master!"

Andrea can speak Gaul fluently, and even waved with others.

"Excuse me, can you think about this?" Gu Yu said helplessly.

"hehe… "

The bearded man smiled, conjured up a staff, chanted a spell, and pointed at him.


Gu Yu felt a strange and harmless wave coming, his thoughts changed slightly, but he didn't move. And with a touch of the magic staff, the effect is sudden, and I immediately feel that I have a subtle connection with the other party.

"I want to say sorry first, yes, I was indeed following you, and you also brought me a big surprise."


Old Gu became interested, the other party was still speaking Gaul, but he could understand the meaning, as if the language was automatically switched, he couldn't help asking: "What kind of spell is this?"

"A little communication skill is not worth mentioning."

The old man stroked his beard and said with a smile, "Let me introduce myself, my name is Enes Maximilian."

He spit out a long list of names, of course Lao Gu had never heard of them, but Andrea showed surprise on her face and said excitedly: "My God, you are Master Enes? I can't believe it, oh, my name is Andrea Ya, belongs to the wizarding group of Wicca."

"Wiccanism? Well, it's not bad."

The old man nodded politely, obviously not paying attention to her, and said, "Young man, to be honest, I have a private party tonight, and I was considering whether to invite you... But after watching the battle just now, hehe, You pass."

whispering sound!

Gu Yu curled his lips secretly, this kind of condescending sense of charity is too funny. Now he is infinitely close to a human immortal, and he can freely retract and release his breath. If he is not in the same realm, he will not be able to see his own details at all.

He intentionally concealed his clumsiness and wanted to inquire, so he said, "May I ask what kind of gathering it is?"

"Don't worry, it's just a few of us old guys, purely academic exchanges."

"Oh, that's good, respect is worse than obedience."

Seeing Andrea eager to try, he smiled and said, "I am friends with this young lady, since we met, can we go there together?"

"Hehe, whatever, you guys come together." Enes glanced at the little girl, counting it as a favor to him.

Ever since, the old man led the way, and the three of them left the alley, walked a short distance, and stopped at a street corner. Holding his staff, he knocked on the lamppost three times and read a string of strange phrases.

Not long after, I heard the sound of "da da da" horseshoes, and a very retro medieval carriage ran out of the night. Pulling the cart are two black horses, tall and strong, with extremely beautiful lines, but their eyes are dull and dull, not like living things.

"Magic puppet, please get in the car."

Enes explained briefly, and the three of them got into the car, the horseshoes sounded again, and they went straight to a village in the outskirts.

After Gu Yu came out of the hotel, within two hours, he saw many strange and mysterious powers. He became more and more curious. The western world is more complex, more scattered, and has more factions than the eastern world, but the overall inheritance system seems to be more complete than that of the Xia Kingdom.

Since there was a distance to go, the three chatted casually, and he also found out their approximate identities.

Let me talk about Andrea first.

Wicca Sect was founded three hundred years ago. Based on the "Qi" of ancient Tianzhu and primitive witchcraft, it produced a unique practice method to expand the physical body and the realm of consciousness.

It is more popular in the country of Sam and is an officially recognized legal sect. The organizational structure is that the highest leader is a priestess, and then there are senior, third-level, second-level, and first-level wizards.

Once you reach the level of a senior wizard, you can go out independently and create your own wizard organization. The proper term for this organization is Coven, and in popular translation, it is called a group.

The teachings of Wicca are very positive, with the eight virtues of cheerfulness, respect, honor, humility, strength, beauty, power and enthusiasm as the core, as long as they do not hurt others, do whatever you want.

So they're also very inclusive, like, very pro-gay.

The wizarding group Andrea belongs to is called Liming Lakeside. There are 13 people, and the leader is a senior witch. She was sent by him to come to Bourne to inquire about news and develop believers by the way.

As for voodoo, also known as voodoo, originated in West Africa, is a primitive religion that combines ancestor worship, animism, spiritism, etc., similar to shamanism.

In the 16th century, a large number of African black slaves were trafficked to Haiti, and brought the primitive religion with them. Later, it took root and mutated in Haiti, forming the current voodoo religion.

The most famous of them is the reanimated corpse, which refers to a kind of living dead who is in a critical state of life and death. The dwarf was one of them, fighting against the Wicca in America.

Then there's Enes.

This old man looks kind, but in fact he is as smart as a monkey. He revealed very little, only that he was one of the leaders of a magic association in Gaul, with a high status, and was in charge of security during this meeting.

And tonight's party was also organized by a few of their friends. There were not many people, just four old guys.

"Da da da!"

After walking for about half an hour, the carriage turned into a small village and stopped in front of a wooden house. The three got out of the car, Enes patted the horse's head, the puppet turned around, and disappeared into the night rhythmically.

"It won't get lost, right?" Andrea said.

"Hehe, young man, do you know why you chose Bonn as the location? It's because there is an old guy living here. He has set up a lot of magic points in the city, and the effect is beyond your imagination... Let's go, I will take you Go meet him."

As he spoke, Enes knocked on the door with his staff, and with a creak, the door opened by itself.

Gu Yu entered the room and saw that the interior was plainly furnished with various things, very similar to the kind of salon gathering that was popular in Europe more than a hundred years ago, with a warm fireplace and a few soft reclining chairs.

Two men and one woman were already sitting on the chairs. They were all very old, headed faintly by the white-bearded old man on the left. With a blanket over his lap, he greeted, "Enes, you're late!"

"Sorry, I'm just going to pick up two kids."

Enes took off his coat, introduced to both parties, and said, "This is Erhard, this is Marian, and this is Cohen."


The eyes of the three people directly skipped Andrea, and stayed on Gu Yu. They were inexplicably quiet for a moment. It will spoil your fun."

"I'm also very lucky. It's a pleasure to meet you." Gu Yu cupped his hands.

In fact, he recognized it as soon as he entered the door. Erhard was the guardian of the host Germanic dignitaries, and the lady Marian was the guardian of the Nordic Viking country. He didn't expect them to be friends—that Cohen didn't see it. Pass.

But the conversation between the two of them surprised others.

Especially Enes, he can only feel that the other party is extraordinary, but he has no more impressions. Erhard's strength is recognized as strong in Europe. With such an attitude of respecting equality, doesn't it mean...


His heart trembled.

After a while, six people sat down, each holding a cup of delicious hot drink made of unknown ingredients.

Erhard said: "I have a new friend here today, and I will reiterate that although we belong to different countries, here we have no political stance, only academic exchanges. In the past, we have been discussing, and it is inevitable that it will be boring. You Coming from the East, I would love to hear from you."


Gu Yu finally figured it out. These people knew each other before the spiritual energy recovered, and after the recovery, they have not changed, and they often meet.

Of course, this time is definitely different, more or less representing the attitude of the country, except for Cohen, at least the three countries of Germany, Gaul, and Viking have reached a friendly agreement in advance.

And Enes's sudden invitation to himself is probably also the initial test of the Three Kingdoms to the Xia government/practice circle.

Just right, he was holding back his doubts, thought for a while, and said: "I'm new here, so I dare not speak nonsense, we may not know each other well between the East and the West, I am a Taoist, so I will start from this word .

We Xia people often say that Tao begets one, one begets two, two begets three, and three begets all things.

So what exactly is it? According to our understanding, it is the existence and running track of everything. Simply put, natural word.

Just like the sun and the moon rise in the east and set in the west, wild animals reproduce by themselves, the wind moves automatically without fanning, water flows without pushing, vegetation grows without planting, breathing without breathing, heartbeat without heartbeat, etc.

All of these are following their own trajectory, neither birth nor death, formless, formless, without beginning and end, all-encompassing... This is the Tao.

It is more obvious in our crowd and society. For example, the way of being a human being, the way of doing business, the way of a monarch and ministers, the way of learning, the way of harmony between husband and wife, etc., these are also called Tao.

According to Western religions, it is God who created the world; scientists also say that it was the Big Bang that formed the universe. I'm not knowledgeable about this, so I'm not talking nonsense.

We believe that Tao created the universe, and the composition of the universe is Qi.

Qi is the origin of the world, each of which is different, there is the mysterious and yellow Qi of heaven and earth, the Qi of Yin and Yang, the Qi of the Five Elements, the evil Qi of the Earth, and the Qi of the dry sky... These Qi constitute everything in the world, and what we need for cultivation is also It is these gas. "

"Like what?" Marianne asked suddenly.

"Like... like this."

Gu Yu spread out his palm, released a stream of spiritual energy, and stood vertically in his palm. The aura is invisible, and he controls it to vibrate continuously at a high-speed frequency.

As a result, the air on his palm began to distort, the space deformed, and circles of energy induction radiated.

"Oh, there is no element composition! Such clear fluctuations!" Marianne whispered.

"It's similar to some cultivation methods of ancient Tianzhu, but it's more pure." Enes took out a pipe and sucked it.

"I've read an ancient book before, which recorded a meditation method that absorbs this kind of qi, but it's very, very difficult, and it doesn't seem to be suitable for Westerners." Cohen also said.

"Oh, I really want to experiment with it, maybe it can be transformed into something more interesting!"

Just like Gu Yu saw magic for the first time, everyone present was also quite novel, talking about this strange energy.

After talking for a while, Erhard said, "Okay, please continue."


Gu Yu withdrew his hand with a smile, and said again: "The heaven and the earth are transformed by qi, including human beings. When we cultivate, we return to the original and the original. In layman's terms, if people become qi again, they can become immortal like the sky and last forever. Survival. This is the belief of our monks in the Xia Kingdom, and it is also the path we have taken. From ancient times to the present, for thousands of years, countless people have stepped forward, overcoming thorns and thorns, just for the chance of survival."

He paused for a moment, and then said: "So, I dare to ask, our practice is detached and free, coexisting with the Tao, and sit and watch the universe come and go. Then what is the purpose of your practice? Is it also for longevity?"


As soon as this remark came out, everyone present fell into silence.

Because of his language communication skills, although what he said was a little bit polite, everyone could understand him. Andrea was the busiest in the audience, knowing that she was being given away as a phone bill, it was rare for her to restrain her temper and be as quiet as a chicken.

After a while, Enes suddenly tapped on the pipe and said, "If you asked me ten years ago, I would have told you that I longed for the knowledge and power of magic. But now, I found that in order to pursue these, I The most precious thing has been given.”

"Time?" Gu Yu asked.

"That's right! Looking at the whole of Europe, I think I'm at the forefront in terms of magic theory. But the more knowledge I accumulate, the more frightened I feel." Enes sighed.

"Hehe, me too. Do you know what my first reaction was when I learned that the elements had reappeared?"

Marianne interjected, and then replied by herself: "I went to Flamel's cemetery first to find the Philosopher's Stone."

"Hahaha, I really can't imagine that you, a guy as calm as an iceberg, would do such a thing!" Cohen couldn't help laughing.

"I looked up the information left by the teacher a few days ago. The Philosopher's Stone should have been refined, but there is no medicine for aging. And for some reason, Flamel lost the stone and its whereabouts are unknown."

Erhard's inheritance seems to be very powerful. When mentioning the teacher, the other three people all showed respect.

Then, he smiled again: "The new kid asked a very simple question, but we all avoided it on purpose. At the beginning of our practice, maybe it was for wisdom, strength, wealth or power, but in the end it all became One, you call longevity, we call eternal life."

Gu Yu also laughed, as expected, monks all over the world are afraid of death!

"Since I'm talking about this, it just so happens that I'll show you something."

"Your research has achieved results?" Enes asked curiously.

"It's not about the results, it's just a preliminary recovery."

Erhard looked very generous, stood up slowly, and led the five of them into the back room.