Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 363: What's wrong


The entire meeting will last ten days. Although it is in the name of the climate conference, it is impossible to really discuss the climate. Politicians are responsible for the competition and cooperation in the grand strategy, and practitioners are responsible for specific contacts and battles.

So in the next few days, Gu Yu went to Erhard's party every night, and got to know a few people better.

Erhard is more than eighty years old, and in terms of seniority, he is probably the longest one in Europe. He inherited the mantle of Paracelsus, and he is proficient in magic and alchemy. It is subdivided into artificial humans, puppet stone statues, magic circles, pharmacy and so on.

Marianne is a Norse witch who is good at divination and cursing. During the witch hunts in the Middle Ages, the ancestors fled to that cold place, survived by chance, and have developed in concealment to this day.

Enes is a pure magician, proficient in elemental magic, and has a high combat effectiveness.

As for Cohen, it is a little surprising that he is of Jewish descent, does not serve any country, and believes in Kabbalah. Hey, this is exactly what Gu Yu likes. One of the purposes of his coming to the west is to study the so-called tree of life.

"Different schools have different worldviews. Taoism believes that qi is the origin of the world, Enes thinks it is an element, Marianne thinks it is a spirit, and I think it is a variety of interesting substances that can be used by human beings."

Beside the warm fireplace, the five people were having today's conversation, only to hear Erhard say: "So, it doesn't matter what it's called, what matters is which school can be better applied and form a strict cultivation system. "

"That's right. After I came to the West, I found that there is still aura, and it can still be absorbed. The world itself is one, and there are thousands of practices, but in the end they all lead to the same goal."

After a few days of contact, Gu Yu fell in love with this kind of night talk around the stove, and said: "Actually, I have always wanted to ask a question. In Xia Kingdom, the place where the aura is the most intense and erupts in a radial shape, we call it a node. I don't know. Do you have any in your country?"


Erhard narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "Of course, it's just that we call it the origin, the origin of the new world."

"Origin... Well, a good title."

Gu Yu nodded, and did not continue to ask, such as how many nodes there are—that must be top-secret information.

And then, he looked at the sky, and there was a tinge of red in the east again, and said: "It's dawn, I should go too. By the way, I brought you a little gift, I hope you like it."

As he spoke, he took out a stack of talismans, and each gave two pieces: one was a blank talisman paper, and the other was a very common healing talisman.

"Oh, thanks, what a surprise!"

Marianne was most interested in the talisman, and happily accepted it. After thinking about it, she also took out a small pocket and handed it over. She said with a smile, "This is a gift in return. It's not a good thing. A little plant seed is very beautiful."

"Hehe, this is a tail feather from a descendant of the phoenix, it can be used as a decoration."

Enes was not stingy either, and took out a long golden and red feather, which felt extremely gorgeous.

There are two phoenixes in the east, which are ancient mythical beasts; in the west, there are phoenixes, shaped like vultures or giant eagles, with beautiful singing voices.

Gu Yu liked it very much. The other party said it was a descendant, but it was obviously not the Phoenix itself, so the fluctuations on the feathers were relatively weak.

Seeing this, Erhard smiled and said, "I don't have anything to give away. Here is a little puppet that can accurately tell the time, and it can last for three to five years."

After finishing the words, he handed over a magic puppet of an owl. The shape was lifelike, even the hair was lifelike, and the round head was swinging back and forth, which looked weird and cute.

"Well… "

Everyone returned the gift, but Cohen was very embarrassed because there was nothing suitable.

"It's okay, it's okay, the future will last forever!"

Gu Yu quickly waved his hand and said, "Okay, then I'll go first, see you tomorrow."

"I have something to deal with, and it's time to say goodbye." Cohen also stood up.

After a while, the two left the cabin together.

Gu Yu looked around, and suddenly said: "Mr. Cohen, I don't know if you are in a hurry to go back, I have something to ask."

"Okay, but I can't wait too long."

"Then let's walk and talk."

With that said, the two of them walked out of the village without calling for the carriage, and headed for the city of Bonn.

"You practice Kabbalah. To be honest, I am very interested in this. So can you explain it a little bit, oh, if it involves your secrets, you can avoid it." Gu Yu said.

"The Kabbalah system is very complicated. I don't know how to start if you ask me that." Cohen frowned.

"In our Taoist theory, the description of the universe is often too nihilistic. The universe is born of Tao and made of Qi. I want to know Kabbalah's understanding of the universe."

"this… "

Cohen pondered for a while, apparently interested in talking about it, and said: "Actually, I think Kabbalah's theory is somewhat similar to Taoism. What we believe in is a god, but it is not a god that exists, but the sum of all contradictory thoughts, such as goodness. and evil, fairness and partiality, benevolence and indifference, knowable and unknowable, etc., all of these make up God, which is very similar to your way. In our practice, we pursue one goal throughout our lives, that is, man and God combine."

"Heaven and man are one?" Gu Yu wondered.

"It can be said that we believe that at the beginning of the universe, humans and gods were one. This state is called the original human. And our cultivation is to return to the original human state through the tree of life."

Hey, fuck me!

Gu Yu is really complicated. I didn't understand it before, but now that I hear it, isn't this the return to simplicity of Taoism

What is it? The original and most original appearance, that is the real person in ancient times! How similar to the original person.

For a while, he was a little confused. He has studied many western sects. Most of them are Gods who created the world and created human beings. After that, God’s power is supreme. People have to experience suffering, redemption, and benevolence, and finally they can get God’s gift. blah blah.

Karaba is the first one he has heard, without these nonsense, but to combine with God's theory.

"We have a good metaphor for God, it's like a ray of light in a mirror, and this ray is reflected to a second mirror, to a third, to a fourth...and so on and on, in constant reflections , part of these lights gradually lost, and part of them was gradually born. And God is the first light, which developed from the origin and formed nine lights, and these ten lights are called the source body."

Cohen spits out a very obscure word: Sephiroth. Gu Yu pondered for a long time before he could understand it, and this kind of statement is exactly the Taoist saying "When things are formed, their shapes are born together."

Then, Cohen took out a card with a strange pattern composed of three pillars, ten source bodies, four worlds and twenty-two paths, arranged vertically and horizontally. It was the Kabbalah tree of life.

"This tree is the cultivation path for human beings to return to God. Our main method is meditation, so I won't talk about it much."

Cohen pointed to the card and gave a simple explanation to the other party: "The top is the crown, which is God. The other nine sources are wisdom, understanding, compassion, sternness, beauty, glory, victory, foundation, and kingdom. The three pillars are the foundation of compassion. Pillar, Pillar of Mildness and Pillar of Severity..."

Gu Yu listened very carefully, but his explanation was too routine, it was obviously an advertisement for investment promotion, no different from the eight virtues taught by Wicca.

There may be a lot of secrets involved here, Cohen is unwilling to disclose, and continued: "The four worlds, the first divine world, means fire and energy. The second creation world means wind and time. The third formation world means water. , space. The fourth material realm, meaning earth, matter.”

"Feng Shui Earth Fire? Energy, time, space, matter..."

Gu Yu muttered to himself, thoughtfully, and asked, "What is your personal understanding of these things?"

"What is my personal understanding... The first is the original world, which is the origin of the universe, and other worlds are born from it. The second is the creation world, where light evolves and develops, and there are various magical elements. The third is the formation world, In the realm of the soul, there are thoughts and concepts, and there is a difference between men and women. The fourth is the material world, where light disintegrates and becomes crystallized to form nature and human beings. Abstract consciousness has also become concrete things. This is the human world… Um?"

Before he finished speaking, Gu Yu suddenly stood still, Cohen was taken aback, and quickly asked, "What's wrong with you?"


The other party was still silent, his eyes were empty, as if thinking, blank, and wandering away.

Cohen doesn't know that Dongfang has a kind of experience called Wu, but he also understands that he can't be disturbed. He looked around and kindly guarded him.

So what was Gu Yu thinking

He was thinking about the Taoist worldview.

Regarding the final conclusions of the universe and the world, Taoism has never had a clear and systematic description.

For example, Tao produces all things, Tao is in all things, and all things are a part of the great cycle of the universe, with existence and non-existence reincarnating each other.

Then, the systematic discussion below is gone.

Many people believe that Taoism has a clear division of the world, such as "jumping out of the three realms", such as "thirty-six heavens".

Let’s talk about the thirty-six heavens first. This is just something that Maoshan sect conceived by borrowing Buddhist theories, such as twenty-eight heavens, four Brahma heavens, and four holy heavens... Please, does Taoism use the word "Brahma"

Let’s talk about the Three Realms. There are several versions of the Three Realms:

Some are divided into heaven (the heaven where the gods and saints live), earth (a place full of fear like hell), and people (the world); some divide heaven, earth, and water into three elements; When things are used, they are actually divided into the three realms of desire, color, and colorlessness!

It's funny, Taoism still has the sayings of lust, desire, and colorlessness!

Therefore, the division of Taoism is too confusing, because the mythology system is constantly changing, and every time it changes, new things will be produced. In the end, it will be self-contradictory.

In contrast, Kabbalah's discussion is very interesting. At least there is a relatively vivid and clear concept of the composition of the universe.

"Well… "

As if after a moment, and as if hundreds of years had passed, Gu Yu suddenly opened his eyes, only to feel that his consciousness had never been clearer, and an impulse was about to come out in his body, which could hardly be suppressed.

He knew what was the difference between being promoted to Immortal!