Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 364: start playing


"Forgive me! Forgive me!"

"We are willing to join, willing to join!"

"I will persuade the leader when I go back, please let me go!"

"Hmph, I wish I had done this earlier, it's a waste of my time! Don't think that you have no choice. With your strength, you can't develop mysterious power at all. You might as well rely on us. At least we will give you the assistance you deserve."

In a small village, a senior magician from the AA Association faced the teamwork of wizards from three small countries and easily crushed them.

In fact, it can't be called a country. With a population of tens of millions, it is considered lucky to have a mage. If there is not a mutated forest in the territory, Britain would not want to bother.

"alright… "

The mage waved at two of them, rubbed out two fireballs, burned them to ashes, and said to the remaining one: "From now on, you will be the person in charge, and we will contact you."

After finishing speaking, he put on his hat, picked up his cane, clicked his big shiny leather shoes, and quickly disappeared at the end of the small street.

Before the meeting started, the old man said: the off-court decides the on-court, and the on-court affects the off-court.

With so many countries, the comparison is the mysterious power, followed by the traditional military economy. Even if you are a big country, if you don't have enough mages and wizards, then it is not in line with the development direction of the world, and you will be eliminated.

Therefore, the current situation is: big countries with tradition and lack of extraordinary power are all looking for partners; small countries that are weak but have a certain inheritance are all up for sale, or they are huddling together for warmth.

And those who are very strong on both sides, such as Britain, ouch, it is extremely inflated! It once again embodies the demeanor of European shit stirrers, and even world shit stirrers.

The meeting lasted for seven days, and Ya kept shouting for the establishment of the European Mysterious Alliance, and all the domestic magic associations were also dispatched, coercing and luring, and doing various things offline.

Except for the old monsters sitting in Germanic, Gaul and Viking who dare not act recklessly, even Sicily, the stronghold of the Holy See, Britain wants to attack it twice.

crazy! crazy!

The temperament presented by this country makes everyone sick, surprised and inexplicable. The cards in their hands are very strong, but they haven't reached the level of seeing all the mountains and small mountains. So where is the real confidence

As for the Xia Kingdom, the general policy is very clear: cooperate with strong countries and make friends with weak countries.

With more than 90 years of international influence and trust, it has become one of the dominant voices. Connecting with Europa in the west and the country of Sam in the east, it means kicking Britain away and forming an alliance.

Of course, under the peaceful wait and see of Germany and other countries, these two countries stood on opposite sides.

Wooden house, secret room.

Gu Yu, Enes and four people, including Andrea, were invited again to come to witness the birth or destruction of Homon Cruz.

At this moment, six people were gathered around the table. Erhard carefully took out the flask and injected the last bag of fresh blood into it. Then, it is time to wait for the miracle to be born.

Gu Yu was very interested in this thing, so he exchanged some oriental secret techniques to obtain its composition.

First put the man's tadpoles and various herbs in the flask, put horse manure in the outer layer, and keep warm through the fermentation of horse manure. During forty weeks, the temperature inside the womb was guaranteed, and fresh blood was continuously added. When thirty days have elapsed, a transparent, human-shaped object will emerge from the flask—essentially resembling a human child in appearance, but much smaller in body.

The key to these materials is herbs, especially something called Mandrake.

It grew from the tadpoles of the hanged man that fell to the ground, and was dug up by the black dogs before dawn on Friday, washed and fed with milk and honey and blood.

This little tadpole, Gu Yu can understand, because it is used in many Western systems, but the little tadpole of the hanged man is amazing.

According to Erhard's explanation, it is produced in the last trembling before death.

Hey, this operating coefficient is awesome!

Before death, the last trembling... It is very tragic to think about it, it seems that countless singles have seen the truth and the end of the universe.

Just at this moment, after Erhard injected the blood, the villain was still spinning with the flask. The old man prepared a lot of alchemy powder, sprinkled it one by one, and chanted spells.

Finally, when he had cut off all the glass tubes and only the spherical flask remained, the little man stopped turning. In the next second, the index finger of its right hand moved twice, then its body trembled slightly, and then, it opened its eyes abruptly.


Andrea couldn't help but let out an exclamation, her pretty green eyes were fixed on the villain, as if she was completely sucked in by it.

Gu Yu also felt it carefully, there was no power fluctuation in it, but it felt very dangerous to him.

Its eyes have no pupils, they are pitch black, as quiet as a dead night, and like a waveless sea in the darkness, covered with endless desires and struggles.

Innocence, wisdom, compassion, indifference, evil, ridicule, temptation... It seems that all human emotions are concentrated together.

"It is simply the most perfect creation!".

"God, it seems to see everything, I have nothing to hide in front of it!"

The old guys were all gasping in amazement, and Erhard was even more trembling, too excited to be himself, and asked in ancient Germanic: "You, you are... oh no, what did you see? Tell me, you What did you see?"


The villain's head turned slightly, obviously understanding, but there was a creepy smile on the corner of his mouth, and he didn't speak.

Immediately afterwards, it closed its eyes again, its skin withered rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and its body kept shrinking, shrinking... until it dried up, and finally turned into a gray ball of flesh.

"No, you can't disappear! You told me the way of eternal life, the end of truth! No no!"

Erhard rushed over and grabbed the flask, causing the table to rattle.

"Hey, calm down!"

Seeing this, Gu Yu stretched out his hand to slap, and the dual application of spiritual energy and illusion made the old man startled, and stood there for a while, before the nearly distorted muscles on his face slowly relaxed.

"Old friend, you should have imagined that it wouldn't really be born." Enes also sighed.

"Yes, it will not be born in the world, it does not belong to the world at all." Marianne said.

"It may be the closest creation to eternal life, the truth, and the origin of the universe. It is precisely because of this that it chooses to destroy itself." Cohen said.


Andrea didn't quite understand, and was as quiet as Ji again.

After a while, several people returned to the fireplace. Erhard lay on the chair and drank a large cup of hot drink before regaining his emotional stability.

He let out a long breath, as if driving away all the irritability just now, then turned his head to look at Gu Yu, and asked, "By the way, since I saw you just now, I feel that you are very different today. Your body seems to be Something is throbbing, what happened to you?"

"It's nothing. I'm stuck in a bottleneck and can't break through. Thanks to Cohen, he gave me a hint of enlightenment. My current state, uh, I can't tell..."

Gu Yu's whole body was restrained before, but now he is about to come out, his whole body is like a ball of light, exuding a strong, complex and weird aura.

It seems to be still and moving, to be and not to be, to be in and out, to be happy and sad, all the positive and negative dualities are concentrated on oneself.

And these powers are still improving, and they seem to be looking for a breakthrough, like a powder keg that ignites the fuse, and it will explode at any time.

He is very clear that Kabbalah's world view has touched him so much that it has made up for the promotion conditions.

So I was very entangled, should I go back to China early? Or just find a place in Bonn and retreat for a few days

It was another night of chatting around the fire.

In the blink of an eye, it was the early morning of the eighth day, and Gu Yu and Andrea walked back to the city together. He didn't ask in detail, but judging by her appearance, Xia Guo should have contacted the Wicca Sect and is making preliminary contacts.

"It is said that Master Erhard has incorporated half of the city into the magic circle. His attainments are so high that I may not be able to catch up in my life."

Andrea stepped on her high-heeled shoes and clicked them on the road. The sound was crisp and connected to the perfect ankle and calf line. This section alone is enough to drive many men crazy.

"I think these magic points are very good. They belong to the foundation of the extraordinary world. With these, a social system can be formed."

Gu Yu turned a blind eye, and casually knocked on a utility pole by the side of the road, making a popping sound.

The so-called magic point is similar to the nine and three-quarters platform in Haribobo. They have touch devices between them, which can cover an area.

For example, the carriage, if you summon it at this magic point, you can drive to other magic points. Mages can also communicate with each other, communicate, pass items, and so on.

This is also something he considers, it is very convenient, it would be great if it can be applied in China.

"Okay, you're here, go up."

Soon, the two arrived at the woman's residence first. Andrea was not afraid of the cold, wearing a tight and thin little black dress, skillfully bent into an S shape, and said with a smile: "You really don't want to go up and do it, this is the last chance."

"Don't seduce me again, I have a girlfriend." Gu Yu had a headache.

"What's wrong with having a girlfriend? I don't mind if she's not here."

Those green eyes blinked and blinked. If it was an ordinary person, he might lose his soul.

"Anyway, you don't understand, go up!" Gu Yu waved his hand.

"Hey, that's fine. I'm going back to China tomorrow, see you when I have a chance."

With that said, Andrea went upstairs with twists and turns, Gu Yu shook his head, and walked back along a side street.

It was early in the morning, there were very few pedestrians and vehicles, and the streets were a little empty. The winter in Bonn is quite cold, and the street trees on both sides are covered with a layer of white, with drooping branches, revealing a different kind of deserted beauty.

As he walked, he paused suddenly and frowned slightly.

The feeling in the body is getting stronger and stronger, and it is almost uncontrollable... Damn it, there are no immortals for hundreds of years, and the experience is all on your own. This kind of experience is really bad!

He subconsciously looked to the south, beyond the city line, there was a faint gray-white mountain mixed with a little green. It was on the outskirts of Bonn, a place called Siebengebirge (Seven Peaks Mountain), which is currently the most suitable retreat.


Just as he was about to inform the old man, his movements paused again, rarely revealing a hint of ostentatious, evil, and maddened rush.

"I wanted to hide away, but you still took the initiative to come to the door, so don't blame me!"