Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 369: The magic of immortals


People all over the world finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It is not ruled out that there are many extremists who like to create panic, but most people yearn for peace.

When the "Joint Convention for the Joint Development of Global Extraordinary Powers" was announced, almost every country, people of different races and backgrounds felt a surge of enthusiasm, as well as longing and anxiety for the official beginning of a new era.

And the countries that were flirting with each other at the meeting couldn't wait to start cooperation in all aspects of political, economic and people's livelihood construction. The world has never been so closely connected, and never before has it been so intriguing.

Take Xia Country and Sam Country as an example. In terms of agriculture alone, there are more than 20 mutual aid projects.

Most of Xiaguo's wheat and corn are on the street, and the potato technology is not good, but the rice is invincible, and giant mushrooms and yellow-haired rat meat have also been discovered.

Sam doesn't like to eat rice, but he has also cultivated a new type of beans and beets, which can produce a lot of oil and sugar, and potatoes are very powerful.

So let's help each other!

For another example, a small country near the Arctic Circle has a very severe climate and is not suitable for living, requiring large-scale relocation. With its strength, if it really wants to do it, it will be enough to drag down the finances. Then other countries have to lend a helping hand, and there are countless PY transactions.

As for Britain, it once again carried out the fine tradition of stirring up shit and eating it with a big face. It seemed that it forgot what it was doing, and asked to join the organization, looking up at the sky in various ways.

Generally speaking, the most direct results of this meeting are two:

The first is that it contributed to the birth of the Extraordinary Association. The headquarters is in Switzerland, and there is no forced branch, and each country handles it by itself. Xia Guo naturally reported the Special Bureau as a domestic branch, and will be responsible for global communication, alienated biological big data networking, and even sending and receiving tasks.

There is no mercenary union!

The second one is even simpler: Lao Gu became famous all over the world in one battle, and the great power of Tianwei cannot be violated!

In a blink of an eye, it has been several days since the conference ended.

The fourth year finally passed, and the first day of the fifth year came.

It was snowing again in Shengtian, and the weather was extremely cold. According to observations, the average temperature was about 4 degrees lower than the average temperature in previous years. The entire outside of the customs has paid more attention to the heating system than ever before, and the leaders of all cities have issued military orders.

Little friends in the north know the virtues of heating things: open the plug and start repairing, he doesn't burn it when it's not cold, he occasionally burns it when it's half cold, and he makes do with it when it's too cold, just like fighting a guerrilla.

In the past, the minimum room temperature was guaranteed to be 18 degrees, but this year it was raised again, and it became 20 degrees. In the modern Taiping period, it would be a joke if the common people were to freeze to death because of the cold weather.

But in this way, resource consumption is greatly increased. In order to save energy and enhance the utilization rate, Shengtian has planned to lay a central heating pipe network in the area under its jurisdiction, which also lays a solid foundation for the construction of urban agglomerations in the future.

As mentioned earlier, Shengtian mainly receives the migrant population from Heishui Province and Ula Province. Ula Province is okay, but Heishui Province is imminent. It has been snowing since November, and it only stopped for a few days during the period. Half of the province and the two states of Maoguo in the north are completely covered by ice and snow.

Those who had the conditions ran out early, and those who had no conditions could only stay at home and wait for the government to rescue them. Similarly, there are Mobei and Monan, the corners of southwest, northwest, and southeast, which have moved inland one after another.

Countless people are in a state of confusion and fear, as well as distrust of future life. Many people chose to escape, not cooperate or even violent confrontation, and some extreme guys refused to move away, and the family committed suicide by taking poison.

As a netizen said: In this process, many people will die...

Phoenix Mountain, Qingxin Cottage.

The green hills are charming and beautiful, the rolling hills are lush and lush, the flowers are fragrant and the birds are singing, it is completely two worlds with the outside world.

Xiao Zhai finished his training and went back to the valley along the practice field. As soon as he arrived outside the hut, he saw two little girls stalking in front of Gu Yu's quiet room. It was indescribable.

"What are you doing?"

"elder sister!"

The two of them were startled, and ran over, you poked me and you poked yours, and it was still Long Qiu who said: "Brother will retreat as soon as he comes back, we want to see how it is."

"Then watch." Xiao Zhai was surprised.

"We're a little, a little scared." Long Qiu pursed his lips.


She subconsciously glanced at her younger sister, and the guy who always hated the world didn't even refute, and responded: "Yeah, yeah, you don't know, when he just came back, I went to talk to him, and he looked at my one." Eyes, damn it, the magic eye is dead! I'm afraid he will eat me!"

What the hell

Xiao Zhai became more and more confused, and shouted to the quiet room: "Old Gu, are you done?"

"What is it?"

There was a clear and distant sound from inside, an ethereal response that seemed to be absent from the world.

"I'm hungry, let's cook." Xiao Zhai said.


With a creak, the wooden door was pushed open, and Gu Yu came out.

Long Qiu: emmmmm! ! !

Xiao Jin: emmmmm! ! !

About half an hour later, the family of four gathered at the dinner table and began to have a breakfast at three o'clock in the afternoon.

The dishes are very rich, and the techniques are very familiar. They are all favorites of several people. Gu Yu took the chopsticks, ordered at random, and then put them down.

"No appetite?" Xiao Zhai asked.

"No, the demand and desire for food suddenly dropped a lot."

"Oh? Then are you completely inediad?"


Gu Yu's face was calm and unwavering, he paused for a while, and said: "It's about the same. I was born without food for more than ten days, but now I feel that I can go without food for half a year."

"Oh, then you missed a great joy!" Xiao Zhai took a bite of his food and shook his head regretfully.

Long Qiu sipped the rice, looked left and right, and finally mustered up the courage to say: "Brother, do you still like me now?"

As soon as the words came out, he felt wrong again, and quickly said: "Ah, no, I mean you still have it now, and..."

The more anxious she became, the less she could speak, her little face flushed from holding back, Jin Jin couldn't stand it any longer, she helped and said, "We just want to ask, do you still have feelings now?"

"Emotions? Huh..."

Gu Yu suddenly showed a smile, regained some of his old style of painting, and said, "Do you think that you will forget your love when you reach the Immortal?"

"No, then why do you have such a cold face?" Xiao Jin wondered.

"I'll give you a chestnut."

He explained the problem quite seriously, saying: "When you are a commoner, you see things from this perspective; when you are a mayor, a high-ranking official, or even the head of a country, you see things from another perspective. People are different. The state of the world, the perspective and mentality of looking at things are also different. Now I understand better what I want, what I have given up, what I want, and nothing else matters. Because it doesn’t matter, I don’t care, because I don’t care, so I don’t care. It seems indifferent. But in fact, there is love, but this love is not in the mortal world."

"Ah? Doesn't that matter to us?" Long Qiu's eyes widened, blinking pitifully.

"You and Jinjin are my family, so naturally it doesn't count. Your sister is what I want, so naturally it doesn't count."


Xiaoqiu was caught off guard by dog food being sprinkled all over her face, so she could only hug Xiao Jin and tremble, both of them exuded the fragrance of a bachelorette.

Gu Yu held Xiao Zhai's hand and said with a smile: "So, there is no such thing as being too forgetful. It's just that when you reach that realm, eternal immortality, what else can you be interested in?"

After finishing the words, he continued: "My breakthrough was too risky this time, so I had to retreat to stabilize my realm. I sorted out my experience in the past few days and just told you."

"Okay, okay, let's get started!"

As soon as this was mentioned, they stopped eating, and they ran under the old tree. The two young ones held their chins, ready to listen to the lecture like elementary school students.

Gu Yu organized a bit, and said: "Let me talk about my experience first. When you reach innate perfection and face a breakthrough, a kind of energy will accumulate in your body. What you have to do is wait for it to rise to the extreme. That is, the degree to which the overflow is not overflowing. There should be two methods: one is to retreat and clean up, slowly figure it out, and break through naturally. This is safer. The other is to fight against powerful enemies like me to force it to overflow the bottle .Although I succeeded by luck, I don’t recommend you to try it. The risk is too high. If you fail, you will have to wait for the next opportunity to come. One condition: to see the world and see the world. This is very subjective, and I can only tell you the result."

"Oh, I understand!"

Long Qiu raised his hand suddenly, and said excitedly: "Learning the fate of the world is my fate, and seeing the world is also my world. What you are talking about is your experience, which may not be suitable for us. Just like 1+1=2, we know the standard answer, but The process has to be verified by oneself.”

Her face was full of pride, "Praise me, praise me!"

"Oh, that's right, that's what it means."

Gu Yute praised in cooperation, and continued: "Then there are changes brought about by human beings, the most obvious one is qi. When we are born innate, our cultivation and consumption need to be replenished from the outside. When we become human beings, our cultivation remains the same, but If there is a loss, you can make up for it yourself, because the body generates aura and circulates continuously. I guess, this is also the reason why no one has been immortal for hundreds of years. The loss does not need aura, but it is needed for cultivation, and the aura is exhausted, unable to communicate with heaven and earth. There is no way to practice, and you can only waste your lifespan. Immortals should be different. They have mastered the magic of the soul, and they may have a way to escape the bondage. So I think that immortals must still exist, let alone earth immortals. As for heavenly immortals... I don’t know Those ancestors, have they achieved it?"

"Wow! That is to say, you don't have to worry about loss at all when you fight against others, and you can output all the time?" Xiao Jin asked.

"Exactly, if a human immortal fights with a human immortal, there is basically no need to consider the amount of spiritual power. The comparison is the Taoism. All Taoism is composed of Qi. The more you understand Qi, the more wonderful it is to use. Your spells will also be more powerful."

After all, Gu Yu didn't make any movement, and disappeared out of thin air on the chair.