Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 371: Bold




Several buses stopped at the square at the gate of Phoenix Mountain. When the doors opened, Liu Ziming jumped down along with many workers. They lined up in the square, then looked up and shook their bodies in unison.

It was clearly the twelfth lunar month of winter, but there were green hills in front of us, layer upon layer, with green vegetation, exuding a wonderful atmosphere of strong vitality and comfort.

This group of people are all immigrants who have just transferred to Shengtian, and their hometown is already covered with snow, vast and dead silent. Seeing this scene, they couldn't help being stunned and unable to speak.

After waiting for a while, several carts came from a distance, loaded with workers, construction materials and transport equipment. When they joined the team, a guy who seemed to be the leader finally showed up, but it was Lao Shui.

Since he arrived at Phoenix Mountain, he has been taking spirit tea and spirit rice, and recently learned the Chiyang sword technique, his physical fitness is even more astonishing. No matter which poke it is at this moment, it actually exudes a terrifying aura.

"Okay, my name is Shui Yao, and I'm the person in charge of this project."

He didn't make a loud noise deliberately, but the voice spread clearly, and said: "Generally speaking, construction is not done in winter in the north, but you have also seen that this place is different from other places. It is a blessing that you can work here. We The project is on the mountain, with food and lodging included, and it is expected to be one month. The planning has been completed, you just work hard, move and carry, and be smarter and learn from the master. There is a project, and I will continue to consider you. Alright, let’s form a team, and when you read the name, you will automatically stand in a team... "

With that said, he began to divide, and then proceeded to the first day's work. A few master craftsmen gave pointers and taught how to carry it up and so on.

Not long after, all the large troops entered the mountain, which seemed to be a bit mighty.

Different teams have different tasks. Liu Ziming's group has been going up, watching the birds and flowers, and amazed all the way to the halfway up the mountain. The captain said: "You are mainly in charge of this place, and assign tasks below, Liu Ziming!"


He immediately raised his hand.

"Look first, there are a few signs here, and then remove those signs, and then go to Lao Zheng and replace them with new signs."

"Understood, I'll go now!"

Liu Ziming found a job with great difficulty, and was extremely motivated, so he started to check in a hurry.

He found that this was a fork in the mountainside, leading to a temple called Ziyang Temple, and there was no one in the temple. The surrounding area is quite large, with a total of twelve signs at the intersection and scenic spots.

He recorded them one by one, then went to Lao Zheng, who was in charge of the materials, and got two new signs and a brief map. It's not too difficult, just pull it out, dig a hole, and re-insert it.

Liu Ziming is a native of Heishui. He has never been to Shengtian, so he knows nothing. But he is not a fool, he guessed from this posture, this mountain is different, probably lived by the legendary ascetics.

As soon as I had an idea, I became more excited and cherished this opportunity even more.

He carefully replaced the signs, all the previous names were invalidated, and the nonsense such as Tiantai, Fangsheng Pond, and Sansheng Stone were directly obliterated. In the end, only two places were left with signs.

One is the backyard of the temple. It seems that a new building is to be built, which reads: Warehouse.

One is a fork in the road, marked with the new name of the temple: Service Hall.

Unknowingly, in the evening, dinner was served on the construction site.

Liu Ziming lined up for dinner with a disposable lunch box. The four oily and shiny barrels were fragrant. Before he could take a closer look, he pressed heavily on his wrist, but a large spoonful of braised pork was stuffed into the lunch box, followed by a vegetarian dish, a meat dish and a soup, and the rice was enough.

He was slightly surprised, sat down on a rock, and started to eat with a snort.

To be honest, although his hometown was destroyed, his deposits were still there. But the couple dare not spend it. They can't see the future at all. The money is the last support and support. Spending a little is like losing a little soul.

And he bit a few pieces of meat, paused suddenly, took out his phone, took a photo and sent it over.

"Hey, daughter-in-law, just look at it... Well, the conditions here are good, I didn't do any heavy work today... Hey daughter-in-law, I have a job now, so don't be reluctant to spend money, just buy what you want... It's okay, spend I will earn more without me, you are obedient, cook yourself something delicious, I will go back after a while... "

He chatted for a few words, hung up the phone, wiped the corners of his eyes, and ate again.

After dinner, there was a little rest time, and a group of people naturally gathered together, chatting and wrangling. Liu Ziming squatted in the corner, and the workers surrounded a local master, all gossiping.

"Master, tell me, what is the origin of this mountain?"

"Yes, you are a local, tell us about it!"

"hehe… "

The old man habitually took out the cigarette case, and suddenly remembered that smoking was prohibited in the mountain, so he stuffed it back in embarrassment, and said, "Actually, there is nothing to say. This Phoenix Mountain has been supporting the people of Baicheng for many years. There is no disaster or disaster. Probably Four years ago, a green snake appeared out of nowhere in the mountains and bit many people. There was a lot of trouble at that time, and the government even sent people to arrest it, but the policeman also died.”

"Hey, that's right, I read it on Weibo, and I even commented on it!" A young man hurriedly said.

"But then it was even more surprising. The snake disappeared again for no reason. Then the new year, ouch, Phoenix Mountain is different."

The old man smashed his mouth, and said: "First, a garden was inexplicably built on the north side of the mountain. It was several million, and I ran to Beishan if I had nothing to do. I didn’t feel anything at the time, but now that I think about it, people might live there... "

"And then?"

"Old man, don't smash it, hurry up and talk!"

A group of people listened to the fire and urged them repeatedly.

"Then, the mountain began to change, neither drought nor flood, neither hot nor cold. Remember last summer, how high the temperature was, hey, it was like turning on the air conditioner in the mountain, how many people came here to escape the heat. Now, it's so cold outside, what's going on in the mountains, I'm sweating even in a sweater." The old man laughed.

"Is that the fairy who cast the spell?"

"Where does the fairy live? Have you seen it?"

"What's inside the iron net, can I get in?"

There was a lot of chatter for a while, but the old man suddenly changed his face and said: "I can remind you that you can go anywhere, just don't touch the iron net, there is Mada Mountain inside."

Mada Mountain!

Everyone stood in awe. They were all outsiders, so they naturally knew what Mount Mada was. If it was before, I'm afraid it was a joke, but now, I dare not believe it.

"Don't be too smart. There were so many people who broke in before, and they were all thrown out. When they came out, they were like lunatics. That's because they were kind. They didn't do anything cruel. If they really wanted to kill a few people, you thought the government Will you take care of it? So, you come all the way, eat and drink, and get paid for your work, that's all!"


The scene of what was said became more and more silent, the home was destroyed, and people left their hometowns, cautious and cautious, not knowing where tomorrow would be. The sharp contrast between the past and the present is like two huge stone millstones, squeezed tightly in the middle, bleeding and crying little by little.

Even the simplest imagination and dreaming seem so short-lived.

And the old man looked at the crowd, the unfamiliar faces were dirty and tired, like dry grass in the wilderness being blown by the wind, with nowhere to hide.

He is someone who has experienced it, and he can understand the mood, and said slowly:

"I know, you used to have families and businesses, and some of you were bosses, much better than me. But there is no way, the world is like this, we can still live, it is the blessing of our ancestors, it is our own blessing. Since you Once you’re here, put your heart at ease, you’ll live a long life, and you’ll just get there, and start all over again!”

Five kilometers northeast of Fenghuang Mountain, it is an ancient mountain city.

This is a mountain city built by Goguryeo during the Northern Wei Dynasty, named Black Bone City. It is located near the remaining veins of Fenghuang Mountain, with cliffs as the wall on the north side, and is located on the valley. , the south gate is just at the mouth of the valley.

The terrain of the mountain city is quite high, and the city walls are still intact. There are also relics such as sentry towers, flagpole seats, Dianjiangtai, dry wells, etc. There is a river winding under the port.

It is also a scenic spot, but it is purely cheating, there is really nothing to see, and there are very few tourists. The ancient city is affected by the main mountain, and the climate is warm. The yellow and bald land is mixed with many weeds, which isolates the heavy snow.

But at this moment, on the screen wall of Cuanyun Peak at the highest point, a figure floated down, brushed hundreds of meters in height, and landed firmly on the top of the city. It was Xiaozhai.

She raised her eyes and saw the mountain city in her eyes, she couldn't help but nodded: "The location is good, and the area is enough, it just happens to be used as a square city."

Immediately, she took out the phone and told Lao Shui, "If you have time, go to the city, just say the ancient city, I want it!"

"OK, got it."

Lao Shui pouted over there, who dare not give it if you want it

With the strength of Phoenix Mountain and the achievements made by Lao Gu, as long as there is no open revolution in the future, it is enough to live forever and have a green light all the way. Not to mention, Xiao Zhai's parents are now Sheng Tian's core leaders, so they are even more accommodating.

Just look at her, she is born with the best beauty, the best strength, the parents are both high-ranking officials, she is decisive, has a resolute personality, she also has the attribute of sister control, she likes girls... Hey, she is the main character!

It is said that after Lao Gu retreated, Xiao Zhai began to act boldly. First, the front mountain was built to erase all the traces of those tourist areas. The Taoist priest of Ziyang Temple ate and drank for several years, and was finally kicked out.

Since you want to open the mountain gate, you have to close the mountain gate first. So she decided that when the construction was completed, she would take back the right to use the former mountain and completely close the mountain.

Then, there is this square city.

Now that the information is public, there is no need to hide it anymore, and simply open up. Her purpose is to turn Baicheng into a paradise for practice, to prepare for the future lectures and accepting disciples.

Phoenix Mountain is the only one in the world, so it should come to court with ten thousand immortals.