Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 373: Mysterious Ice Mine and Fantian Patriarch


Northwest frontier, Tianshan.

The endless white, with no end above and no abyss below, seems to be the only color left in the world. The snow-capped mountains are connected one by one, majestic and magnificent, and there are huge ice waterfalls that drop hundreds of feet down everywhere.

It used to be windy in the Tianshan Mountains, but now the aura has changed from explosive to stable, and it has brought the same benefit: the wind is calm, at least there is no need to worry about snowstorms.

After about four years of changes, the ice fault zone of the Tianshan Mountains has become very stable, thick and solid, like a large hard and compact snow world. Thanks to this, the casualty rate of the team was directly reduced.

Bai Yunsheng was dressed in a thin Taoist robe, carrying a long sword, and walked at the forefront of the team. He looks handsome, tall and tall, which will make people feel full of trust, but there is a coldness in his brows, and he doesn't dare to get close.


As the team was walking, they suddenly heard a sharp cry. Before they could react, a shadow descended from the sky at an extremely fast speed. Its claws were like hooks, and it grabbed a person's shoulders. He mentioned five or six meters high.

"Help! Help!"

The man was frightened out of his wits and struggled desperately.


The sword screamed and the dragon groaned, a silver light slashed like a meteor chasing the moon, and with a snort, the thing split into two halves instantly.

puff! The internal organs and blood of the stomach were spilled all over the ground, the blood was extremely hot, and white smoke was sizzling on the snow.

Until now, everyone looked at it in shock, but it was a giant bird with a wingspan nearly eight meters long. The whole body is white, only a pair of sharp claws are golden, and the bird's head is as big as a bucket, and it is domineering and mighty.

"New species! New species!"

An expert stumbled over, looked it over carefully, and said, "Take it away together and transport it to the base!"


Several soldiers responded accordingly.

"Thank you, Daoist Bai, thanks to you, this place is not easy to shoot, and it will be destroyed if it causes an avalanche." A person in charge also sincerely thanked.

"A matter of duty."

Bai Yunsheng was also curious, and asked, "Have you not noticed it before?"

"No, the environment of the Tianshan Mountains is too harsh, we can't go deep, and only survey the periphery. There are some alienated snow rats, snow leopards, cedars and other creatures. This is the first time I have seen such a big raptor."

"The natural world is more reasonable than human society. Since the top food chain appears, it means that the Tianshan Mountains have formed their own biosphere." Another expert sighed.

After this small accident, the team moved faster and faster, and finally reached the valley where Gu Yu and Xiao Zhai had gone before dark.

In the past, the cold current here was blocked, and it was as warm as spring. It was a green valley. However, Gu Yu pulled out the Dao Seal of Sazu, which caused a riot of spiritual energy, and the valley was washed away by heavy snow.

After four years of restoration, the place has become green again. This gave the scientific research team a great surprise, after all, no one wants to work in a harsh environment.

Everyone simply spent the night, and started busy the next day. Bai Yunsheng, like Lu Yuanqing, had nothing to do as usual, and only acted as a human figure detector.

This morning.

He sat on a rock on the mountain ridge, stroked his long sword, and couldn't help sighing softly: "Oh, I'm still not used to it."

The ancient sword from before has disappeared, and this one was temporarily refined with materials from the Taoist monastery. He had fused the sword seed not long ago, and he hadn't put the sword in his body yet. When he really got to that point, he didn't want to get a piece of junk to put in the sword seed.

"Taoist, Taoist!"

At this moment, suddenly a person ran up in a hurry, holding a stone in his hand, and said, "Look at this ore."


Bai Yunsheng took it, and saw that his whole body was blue, crystal clear, without any impurities. Then he probed into a trace of spiritual energy, walked around the interior, nodded and said: "Excellent hardness, is this sapphire stone?"

"That's right, Mr. Gu's set of fire cloud needles is made with this. We went to the lake to survey it, and the reserves are not bad, so I will show you first."

"The characteristics of this ore are very obvious. You can use this piece as the standard, and there will be almost no mistakes. If you are really not sure, ask me again."

"Okay, then I'll go back first!"

After this person left, less than two hours later, someone greeted him again, but it was the main person in charge of the scientific research team. Bai Yunsheng didn't dare to be negligent, and went down to the laboratory, where several experts were poked inside, discussing with several stones.

"Daoist Bai is here... Daoist, do you think these ores are different from the Lingshi mines in Tianzhu Mountain?" An old man asked anxiously.

Bai Yunsheng took a look, there were eight pieces in total, and their shape was almost the same as that of Lingshi Mine, so he immediately screened them one by one. He first removed the five stones that had no aura fluctuations, and then took three stones and looked at them carefully.

After a while, he finally said: "That's right, it can be called a Lingshi mine, and the spirit energy inside is even higher."

"How high is it?" the old man hurriedly asked.

"Well… "

He weighed it again, picked out a piece, and said, "This is 1."

Then he picked out another piece and said, "This one has 2."

Finally, he picked out a piece and said, "This one has 3."

"3? 1 times more?" The audience was surprised.

Due to previous development experience, the government has perfected the construction of the database. The spirit stone of Tianzhu Mountain is set at 1 as a benchmark, but the spirit stone of Tianshan Mountain can reach 2 and 3, which is so powerful.

"I think the division should not be too fine, the simpler and more popular the better." An expert said.

"How general? 1 is grade 1, and 2 is grade 2?"

The other immediately retorted, saying: "There may be more advanced ones in the future. If there are 10 or 20, how will they be divided? Is it 10 or 20?"

"Then how do you divide it? You make it so complicated, can ordinary people understand it?"

Several old men actually started arguing, completely ignoring Bai Yunsheng.

But Bai Yunsheng blinked, and exited the laboratory automatically. Don't look at him as a monk, he really can't make up his mind when facing scientists.

After a few days like this, the approximate data of the vein has been determined.

The first is sapphire, which has a relatively small reserve of about 5,400 tons. Then there is the Lingshi Mine. The reserves of Tianzhu Mountain are 25,400 tons, and there are about 23,700 tons here.

They took a large number of samples, and finally got the ratio: those with aura activity of 1 accounted for about 40%; those with an activity of 2 accounted for about 40%, and a small amount of 3 accounted for 20%. Lingshi.

As for the classification criteria, the complicated ones never compete with the simple ones, which are extremely rough and easy to understand, namely first-rank, second-rank, and third-rank.

Because according to Bai Yunsheng's estimate, it takes so much effort to conceive a third-rank spirit stone, but it will take at least one hundred and eighty years to conceive a ninth-rank spirit stone, which is another matter.

The scientific research team was very excited. The last development did not disappoint everyone! Fenghuang Mountain farms, Tianzhu Mountain mines, Emei Mountain continues to farm, and Tianshan Mountain continues to mine.

Sapphire is characterized by extremely high hardness and is a good material for refining equipment. Spirit stones do not have any attributes, they are used for consumption and replenishment, and are a necessity.

I thought there were only these two types, but on the ninth day, a group of survey teams accidentally discovered a third type of ore somewhere far away from the valley.

"this… "

Even with Bai Yunsheng's temperament, he couldn't help being amazed again and again. What he held in his hand was not so much an ore, but a wonderful natural ice crystal.

The whole is in the shape of petals, centered on a point of origin, shooting out twelve ice flowers, half silver and translucent, showing an extremely brilliant color under the sunlight.

The hardness of this thing is no less than that of sapphire. What's more, it feels cold in his hand, obviously with the cold attribute.

"How many reserves are there?"

"We made a preliminary survey, and the distribution is scattered, and the reserves are extremely scarce, about a ton."

"A ton?"

Bai Yunsheng was startled at first, but then relieved. Rare things are more expensive, and in turn, the more precious things are, the rarer they are.

And then, with a thought, he realized that this ore has the attribute of ice cold, and his "Cold Moon Splitting the Light Sword Art" also meant the cold moon, so if it was used to make a sword, it would be just right.


People have hobbies, and hobbies have weaknesses. Bai Yunsheng is obsessed with swords. Swords are his strengths and also his emotional flaws. This thing is so rare that the whole team can't make the decision. If I really want to get it, I have to ask the Taoist Academy to come forward.


For a while, his emotions were complicated, he deeply felt that the interests of the monastery and the government were inseparable, and he was ashamed of his desire.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly heard an expert say: "Master Taoist, since you are here, how about naming the ore?"

"Name it..."

He was startled, but didn't shirk, and said: "Easy to understand but not difficult, let's call it Xuanbing Mine."

In a blink of an eye, a month passed, and it was early spring in February.

The snow in Heishui Province is still falling, and the streets and houses there are all submerged, and even the tall buildings are poked in the snowdrifts. At the beginning, the government predicted that after the snow melted, the fields would completely lose their fertility and would not be able to be cultivated in the future.

Now it seems that I am thinking too much, and there is no meaning of melting at all. Therefore, the expert group predicted that Heishui Province and the two continents of Mao, the large northern region, will remain in the low temperature zone all year round. Even if the summer is scorching, there is no snow at most.

For Phoenix Mountain, this world has been developing for five years, but for most people, this world has just begun.

It seems that after waking up, everything becomes unfamiliar. The old master said to start all over again, yes, life can start all over again, but what about the past years

At the foot of Phoenix Mountain, the square.

The project on the mountain was completed on schedule, but in fact, nothing was done. The scenic spot is well developed and there are many buildings. It's just a modification, a little tidying up.

But at this moment, the workers stood in line in the square, waiting for Lao Shui to give a lecture, just like they did a month ago.

"I'm not talking nonsense, you don't like to listen to nonsense, the first thing today is to send money!"

With a wave of Lao Shui's hand, two boys came over carrying four boxes, and opened them with a snap. Ho, stacks of banknotes were so red that they dazzled.

"When I read the name, come up, Huangfa!"


A man in his forties ran out of the queue and took a stack of banknotes, his hands trembling.

"Liu Li!"

"This is it!"

"Zhang Guang!"


After going out more than a dozen in a row, it was finally Liu Ziming's turn.

He accepted the reward with the same complicated mood, and returned to the team with a blank head and excitement. These years, as the environment has become worse and the tide of immigration has emerged, more and more people are unwilling to deposit money in the bank.

In their hearts, maybe one day they open their eyes, and the bank will go bankrupt! So cash is more important than bank cards, and every household keeps some.

Lao Shui has a good understanding of people's hearts, and what seems like a local tyrant's behavior to show off his wealth just caters to everyone's psychology.

After receiving money one by one, Lao Shui said again: "The second thing, I said at the beginning, besides this project, there is another one. You all performed well, we will give priority to it, of course , whether to volunteer or not. Sign up now, and those who want to continue to follow, stand to the right... "

"big big big… "


Lao Shui was stunned for a moment, and turned his neck to look up the mountain. There was a strange cry suddenly, and the content was also very strange.

"Big big... big big... don't stop, don't stop, make it bigger, make it bigger!"

"Hahahaha! I finally got it!"


Good guy, the sky and the earth shook in an instant, and the square trembled twice. A certain place in the mountain was filled with dust and smoke, as if it had been dropped from a high altitude by something, and a large blank space was suddenly sunken.

The shock waves rippling away layer by layer, destroying everything they went, and it was about to harm the mountains and forests, but another light wind blew from the depths, quietly offsetting it.


"Wow, amazing! Awesome!"

There was another smirk, and everyone watched a figure running down the mountain, yes, it was running!

The foot does not touch the ground, just like flying in the air, floating like a fairy. She arrived at the foot of the mountain in an instant, turned around, and landed on the field with a beautiful posture, but she was an extremely pretty young woman.


She was originally going down the mountain to play (pao) and play (lu), and she was quite surprised when she was in time for a meeting, but it flashed in her eyes, with a frigid face that she learned from somewhere.


Lao Shui pia covered his face, not wanting to speak.

But those people were different, they were all dumbfounded, and after a long silence, a young man said in a trembling voice: "God, god!"

"God, what a god!"

"The fairy has descended to earth... woo woo..."

The scene suddenly got out of control, some were crying, some were laughing, some were yelling, the legendary ascetic appeared in front of his eyes, and the emotions that had been suppressed for a long time seemed to find a vent and burst out.

Liu Ziming's eyes widened even more, as if a flame erupted from the bottom of his heart, rushing to his throat, his mouth was burning dry, but he was about to move.

There really are real immortals in Phoenix Mountain!


The woman stood with her hands behind her back, her voice covering the audience, and her majestic eyes swept over everyone. And everyone who was passed by her trembled, feeling the momentum was as big as the sky, and their hearts became more and more awed.

"I came here on a tour and saw the beautiful treasure mountain, so I temporarily lived in the mountain to study the mysterious method."

Lao Shui had already hid aside, covered his ears and could not bear to listen, as expected, he heard the serious person say: "It is also a chance to meet you. From today onwards, you remember this name, this seat will turn the world upside down." Patriarch!"