Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 38: The visitor is not good


This year, Baicheng's senior high school entrance examination was held a little later at the end of June. There were seven subjects in total, and the examination took two and a half days. Two of them were comprehensive papers. Since last night, Baicheng has entered a state of preparation. The high school entrance examination is not as sick as the college entrance examination, but it cannot be ignored.

In addition to local students, there are also students from the townships under its jurisdiction, plus parents, the number of people who influx in an instant is not a small number.

Fang Qing's examination room was in another junior high school, not far from home. After they finished packing, they went out together. The old couple walked in front with serious faces, and Gu Yu and the little girl followed behind.

"How's it going?" he asked quietly.

"It feels so good. I remember better than before. Anyway, I can memorize a lot of questions." The little girl didn't speak clearly.

"That's all right... Hey, have you picked up your sachet?"

"I picked it up, I'm at home."

Gu Yu nodded, it would be best to leave home, otherwise it would be a pain in the ass to be treated as a cheat sheet.

Those two kinds of incense are not panaceas, they can enlighten the mind, but they can only focus the other party's attention without feeling too much burden. And look at this, the little girl's confidence has improved a lot.

Soon, the four of them arrived outside the school gate. Before the gate was opened, all kinds of candidates and parents were standing on the street. There are only two high schools in Baicheng, and the rest are privately run schools. You can either go to the first high school or the second high school. In the hearts of the locals, there is no other choice.

Aunt Fang Shufang was so nervous that she wanted to say something comforting, but she didn’t know what to say, so she repeated over and over again, “Don’t be nervous when the time comes”, “Just perform normally”, “Don’t be stressed”…

Fang Qing hummed and laughed, feeling helpless, because she was really not nervous.

After waiting for about ten minutes, the loudspeaker started broadcasting. The little girl waved her hand and said, "Mom and Dad, I'm going in. Brother, I'm leaving!"

"Well, I'll wait for your call." Gu Yu also waved his hand.

Until the little girl went in and disappeared through the building door, the old couple were still looking in by their necks. He said a few more words of relief, and then went back first—it is right for parents to wait, it would be too awkward to accompany them by themselves.

Ya didn't go to set up a stall today, just went home, locked myself in the Westinghouse, and started processing raw materials.

It is said that Zeng Yuewei is very good, and on the day of receiving the item, Amway has a customer, and she is also a little girl. The two became friends, and the other party was very lively. Balabala asked all kinds of inquiries, and finally ordered a box of incense pills and a box of incense sticks, which cost 1,600 yuan, but Bel didn't make any.

This guy is quite emotional. The people in the city are really rough, and they pay attention to the quality of life and spiritual relaxation. However, my mentality is also very low, and I still have the usual concept of being poor.

Unknowingly, a morning passed, and Gu Yu had already prepared five materials, and the phone rang on time.

"elder brother!"

As soon as the connection was made, Fang Qing's energetic shout came from over there.

"Hey, I heard that your momentum is good." He laughed.

"It must be, otherwise how can I be sorry for you?"

"You just need to be worthy of your parents."

"Oh, I know, I know! Let me tell you, I think reading comprehension is too reliable, and composition, haha, do you know what Wensi Quanyong is?"

"You are quite literary..."

The two chatted for a while before the girl hung up. She should have dinner with her parents.

Chinese in the morning and comprehensive in the afternoon. If the language is still based on feeling, the comprehensive in theory is very conclusive. Everyone who knows the answer has answered, and the answer is basically correct. If you don't know how to do it, you have ideas. At least write some steps to solve the problem, and you can get a score or two.

Don't underestimate this one or two points, when the list is released, you can count on it to kill the blood.

That night, the Fang family invited Gu Yu over, and my aunt made a few small dishes, which were not hearty, and it was a celebration of my daughter's good start. The old couple hoped that their children would be admitted to university and would go to work and settle in the city in the future, instead of digging in the dirt like them.

Nowadays, many people say that reading is useless. In fact, reading is useful no matter the time, but what makes the difference is not your knowledge reserve, but your wisdom reserve.

The emotions of the Fang family are very contagious, and Gu Yu is also very happy to be able to help a little.

Of course, a few people didn't exaggerate too much, just eat a little, after all, there is still a day and a half.

The next day, morning.

Several jeeps were driving on a highway, with large bodies and full power, and they looked very powerful when they lined up in a row. And there were three people sitting in the first car, dressed in ordinary clothes, but with a fierce look in their eyes, it seemed that they were not easy to be with.

"Brother Bao, what do you mean by boss?"

A young man with a cropped head and a square face suddenly asked, "Are we going to negotiate this time, or fuck it?"

"I'm not too sure, just follow the orders." A middle-aged man in the back seat replied.

"Then bring an old-fashioned hammer, I think it's just pretending to be a ghost." The driver also said.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

The middle-aged man shouted, and scolded: "The head of the Taoist priest is a tall man, and the boss respects him three points. I saw it with my own eyes in the villa. When such a big flower pot was dropped, he flicked his sleeves and snapped. I put it in the pocket, can you do it?"


When the two heard this, they curled their lips and said nothing, obviously not paying attention.

This middle-aged man is called Sun Baosheng, the head of the He family's bodyguards, he has practiced martial arts for several years, and his calm temperament is quite appreciated by He Zun. The young one is Yu Tao and the other is Wu Xiaoshan, both of whom are low-level young men.

They opened the way ahead, and in the second car were He Zun, Li Yan and Mo Laodao.

He Zun found out about Gu Yu's clue through Le Qi, and contacted his friends at the police station to get the specific address. The two came here in person, just to see what kind of person it is: if it is not a murderer, they can make friends; if it is a murderer, they will take revenge on the spot.

After ten o'clock in the morning, everyone entered the urban area of Baicheng City.

After stopping at the side of the street, Mo Laodao got into another car and led several people straight to Phoenix Collection. He Zun and Li Yan turned to the new district, but their target was Grandma Zeng's house.

The old lady had breakfast and was playing incense at home when she suddenly heard the sound of an engine roaring outside. Before she could react, she saw two people entering the yard.

She was shocked immediately, one was their sudden appearance, and the other was their purpose. Both of them are bigwigs in Shengtian's business world, what can they do at the same time

"Old sister, have you always been in good health?"

He Zun laughed and greeted her as soon as they met each other. Grandma Zeng was ten years older, so she maintained superficial respect.

The old lady is not an ordinary person, she calmed down instantly, and said with a smile: "Oh, rare customers, please come inside!"

With that said, the three of them entered the room, and the nanny served refreshments. Li Yan glanced around and praised: "You still enjoy it, unlike the two of us, who are still exhausted every day."

"Your family has a great career, so naturally you can't just leave it behind."

The old lady responded and asked: "You two are here today, what is the matter?"

"Oh, I heard that you have a master incense maker with extremely high craftsmanship. I came here to pay a special visit today, and I will also take a look at you." Li Yan said casually.


Grandma Zeng became more and more uneasy, her attitude was not like visiting, but more like asking a teacher for a crime.

Her heart trembled suddenly, and she suddenly thought of what happened to He Tian and Li Yang a while ago, as well as her own granddaughter... The more she thought about it, the more afraid she became. Could it really have something to do with Wei Wei, so why did Xiao Gu get involved

When he was thinking about it, he heard He Zun say: "You are a local, and you are very fond of Taoism. You should have heard of that master, right?"

"Yes, we have met a few times."

"That's great, I've already sent someone to invite you. If you don't mind, let's take advantage of the precious place to get together today. What do you think?"

"Okay, I'll order the meal to be prepared. Today is really going to be a fun time." The old lady could only see the tricks.

"Hehe... come, drink tea."

He Zun smiled, refilled two cups of tea instead of the customer, pushed one to the other party, and took a sip of the other, saying: "It's still early, let's wait slowly."