Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 382: Formation


Yan Han said that the shops in Fangshi are divided into half for the powerful and the common people.

What is the significance of that city? It is to give everyone a safe and reliable place for public transactions. Since it is a transaction, the volume of goods and the audience are the key.

Under the current environment, it is impossible for ordinary people to occupy a certain market share. Most of the resources are still in the hands of the middle and upper classes.

Just like the auction that Gu Yu participated in in Spring City, how long did it take for the information to be made public before they could get creatures like alienated peacocks and put them up for auction in a grand manner.

It is conceivable that if the country acquiesces in the legalization of Fangshi, how much energy will people from all over the place explode

As for ordinary people, it is a supplement at this stage. Phoenix Mountain will not make money from them, but evaluate the value they can generate. Dai Han, for example, brought a pair of juvenile giant-toed soft-shelled turtles and rich experience in raising soft-shelled turtles, which is called value.

Of course, Yan Han reported the situation to Patriarch Fantian.

Although the ancestor is a bit of a force, but under the supervision of someone, his IQ and logic are very online. She asked Dai Han to submit the specific requirements for the breeding pond, and communicated with the official, and in a village near Linhe on the outskirts of the city, a 300-acre turtle pond was designated.

The two parties agreed that if the soft-shelled soft-shelled turtle breeds smoothly, the Dai family can settle in Fangshi and get a shop. The condition is to provide a certain amount of soft-shelled turtles to Phoenix Mountain and the government every year.

Thanks to the presence of Phoenix Mountain, Baicheng was not included in the planning of the urban agglomeration. Seeing the surrounding villages and towns constructing large-scale construction projects, taking in the population, and rushing all the way to the small cities, Baicheng is still leisurely, creating its own ecological circle.

The official has no opinion. After all, they are all treasures. If Phoenix Mountain accepts one copy, it must also hand in one.

At noon, snow.

Unknowingly, Dai's family has moved here for three days. My mother is nagging, but she adapts to the environment very quickly and manages her daily life in an orderly manner.

Dai Han is from Hunan, a serious southern child, and spent the winter outside the pass for the first time. Wrapped in a thick down jacket, with his big face covered by a scarf, he walked out of the community on the snow, took a bus, and went straight to the mountain gate.

He didn't drive on purpose, in order to blend in with the environment. His cat was in the back row, looking out the window, but what he was thinking about yesterday was digging ponds to divert water.

Good guy, it turns out that the video is all true! If it is printed, it will be a pit, as deep as it needs to be, and as big as it needs to be!

Although this nature is a bit weird, the outstanding effect shocked everyone. The people present asked all kinds of questions, who is that girl whose skin is so white that it can reflect light, and whose small face is so beautiful that she can owe money

No one knows, only know that it is on the mountain.

In fact, they were also entangled. Originally, they wanted to be fairies, but they were all of the ancient kind with fluttering robes and swaying clouds and temples. As a result, I saw a short and medium windbreaker, casual pants, black and long straight, and then stretched out my little hand, hoo, a magic weapon the size of a small building flew out.

Tsk, aesthetic collapse!

Dai Han grinned, retracted his thoughts, sat for another ten minutes, and finally arrived at the main entrance of Phoenix Mountain.


As soon as he got out of the car, it was as if he had been soaked from top to bottom by a basin of hot water. The huge square was already completely occupied, and it was filled with black people's heads. From all over the world, with accents from all over the world, the air was so crowded that it was stuffy and airtight.

Not surprised, he went around and walked in, until he reached the area on the left side of the square.

"Come and take a look, the fire ore produced in Huozhou has the purest fire aura, you can rub it out overnight!"

"It's not easy to bring the spiritual spring water from Laoshan all the way here, so ask for some money to save up for travel expenses."

"Pine nuts in Huangshan, one thousand yuan and one tael, the price is the same!"

Although the square market has not yet been built, the people are so powerful that they simply set up a stall in front of the mountain gate. Whether it is true or not, idle is idle.

Dai Han came here once, wandering around, and was soon attracted by a stall. The stall owner wore glasses and had a relatively backward hairline. He spoke Cantonese-style Mandarin and hawked: "Authentic deep-sea big fish, nutritious and nourishing, with a conscience price, only 100 yuan a catty!"

There is only one item in front of him, which is a few strange-shaped salted fish, which he may have picked up from somewhere, and they are frozen hard.

"What kind of fish is this?" Dai Han wondered.

"One night stand!"


"One-night stand! Oh, this is a redwood fish, I insist on being so old-fashioned! If you were Hu Jianren, I would have eaten you already!" .

Hmm, I can't afford it, I can't afford it.

Dai Han hurriedly waved his hands in a daze. He casually strolled around for a while again, waiting for the sun to clear the sky, and when the temperature of the day was at its highest, he suddenly heard a noise from the crowd.

"The kid is down again, go and have a look!"

"Hey wait for me, I have to go up the mountain today!"

"Damn it, I don't believe it. I can still be stopped by a child in my thirties!"

Following the noise, people rushed towards the mountain gate in a swarm. Dai Han was caught in it, almost touching the ground with his toes.

In front of the archway, I saw a six or seven-year-old child coming down from the steps. He was dressed plainly and had an ordinary appearance. He was carrying a wooden sword behind his back, with the hilt slantingly exposed.

He stepped forward with his calf, nervous and had to pretend to be calm, and it took him a long time to get to the front.


The child cleared his throat twice, looked at hundreds of thousands of eyes, and screamed inwardly, he forgot his lines after speaking for two days! He was a little flustered when suddenly a soft (guo) and thin (zao) voice floated into his ears:

"Today is the same as the previous two days..."

"Today is the same as the previous two days..."

He hurriedly read it, and said: "I only use three swords. Those who escape the first sword will enter the mountain gate; those who avoid the second sword will enter the inner mountain; those who escape the third sword will worship the real immortal. Get out now!"

This child is Zheng Kaixin. He said a lot, and his mood gradually stabilized. He didn't need to remind him: "Phoenix Mountain is a blessed land of true immortals. You are making a lot of noise here, and you wantonly rush into the mountain. You should drive away the peace. But there is a good life in heaven. De, I will give you a chance. If you want to climb the mountain gate, pass through me first. If you don’t follow the rules, if you find trespassers, kill them!”

The more the child spoke, the more slippery he was, until the last two words were uttered with an intriguing air.

Everyone has experienced his ability in the past two days, and they dare not underestimate him at all. There are only some newcomers who don't know anything and ask quietly.

Immediately someone explained: "We gathered here, isn't it just to learn from a teacher? But they never showed up, and some people got anxious and organized a group to rush to the mountain. Then they were thrown out by a man named Li Dong. , Ouch, that was a disaster, and it’s a good thing they didn’t do anything cruel. Then this kid came out and made this rule, hey brother, you can try it if you are tall and powerful!”

That buddy was a bit malicious, but Mengxin didn't know, he looked left and right, he was just an ordinary kid, and immediately shouted: "Does what you say count?"


"Okay, then I'll come!"


The atmosphere was instantly heated, and one after another made way for this person to pass.

This buddy stepped forward and gestured back and forth. He was 1.8 meters tall, but the other party, uh, needless to say. He suddenly felt a little ashamed, hurriedly bullied the little kid, and said: "Son, do you really want to compare?"

Zheng Kaixin quickly pulled out the wooden sword, about two feet long, like a toy, and said: "Are you ready?"

"Then come on, pay attention, I have to pay for medical expenses if I get hurt."

The opponent had also practiced before, he clenched his fists with both hands, separated his left and right feet, and performed a certain northern boxing style.


Everyone became more excited when they saw it. The people who went up before were all rookies, dozens of people, and they didn't even evade a single move. But they didn't dare to make any noise, and watched quietly with their voices held.


Zheng Kaixin held the sword in his hand and quickly calmed down, as if it was the strength he relied on most.

He has been learning swords for five months since the end of last year. Long Qiu's teaching method is very reasonable. He starts with abstract concepts, first let him have an impression of swords, and then teaches the basics.

Moreover, Xiaoqiu has a gentle temperament, mainly encourages, and the children learn with great interest.

"The first sword!"

Zheng Kaixin pursed his mouth, opened his eyes wide, and just as he finished speaking, he raised his sword horizontally and aimed at the opponent's thigh.

That buddy let out a hey, he had practiced traditional martial arts, and he knew it immediately: the child has short arms, short sword, and the speed of his moves is not fast. When he stabs his own leg, it is enough to punch three times .

So he didn't rush, and as soon as he stepped his left foot, he wanted to dodge it, but the next second.


The wooden sword, which was originally quite slow, seemed to have activated a booster, and suddenly accelerated, bringing out an afterimage and stabbing straight towards it.

Fuck! The man's heart tightened, his center of gravity quickly shifted to the left, and he rolled on the spot. The tall man rolled over twice on the ground. Although he was embarrassed, he avoided it after all.


"Wow, buddy can do it!"

"Come on, come on, fight for us!"

"There are still two swords! There are still two swords!"

The people who eat melons suddenly boiled, and it was not easy to be the first.

Zheng Kaixin was also slightly surprised, and he didn't want to think about it. Immediately, his right leg bowed forward, his left leg stretched back, and the tip of the sword slanted from high to low.

The buddy rolled twice, turned over and was about to jump up, but his legs were still squatting, and before his body straightened up, he saw the wooden sword poking out and slapping his shoulder.


There was a burst of regret among the crowd, and they hung up again!

As soon as Zheng Kaixin hit a hit, he withdrew his sword and turned around, and saluted in a dignified manner: "I have accepted it!"

"Thank you for your advice!"

The buddy had a complicated expression, opened his mouth, and finally clasped his fists together, and returned to the square sullenly.

On Phoenix Mountain.

Under the old tree, there seemed to be a breeze blowing, the branches and leaves swayed lightly, and then a person appeared out of thin air, it was Gu Yu. He stood still under the tree, looked at the undulating mountains in the distant sky, and sighed: "Finally the array is set up, I hope there are no mistakes."

He still holds the last disc in his hand, the whole body is made of a piece of sapphire ore, and there are three oval grooves on it for placing spirit stones.

Gu Yu packed the three third-grade spirit stones, and glanced at a certain place, where there was a very conspicuous long leaf with a bag of red seeds on the top, but it was the ginseng essence.

It is because of it that Lao Gu has the confidence to deploy a large formation to protect the mountain.

I saw that he performed the small transportation technique, and the disk in his hand disappeared, buried under the root of the ginseng essence. The ball of red seeds shook immediately, as if expressing dissatisfaction.

"Stay in my place, drink my wine, it's time for you to contribute."

Gu Yu passed through a divine sense, and said with a smile: "Let's start!"