Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 388: Hualong said


Xiao Jin looked at the crypt, jumped down without thinking.

Perhaps there are other vents, and the air inside is not corrupt, but there is no light, and it is completely dark. She can see things at night without fear, and walks along the dark passage.

The secret passage is not wide enough for a skinny man to pass through. It is built with stone bricks on all sides, roughly showing a semi-circular arc top.

To be honest, if this was the relic of Ye Fashan, An Qisheng or He Shanggong, she would definitely act cautiously, but what about a local tyrant in a remote area, hahaha!

So Xiao Jin took a step forward and walked slowly all the way. There was no mechanism ambush in the tunnel, and it was very stable. After walking for an hour, she stopped in front of a stone gate.

It is made of a whole piece of large bluestone, thick and solid, and the knocker is still a black tiger's head.

"It is said that Li Runzhi mobilized nearly ten thousand people to repair the house. This should be dug to the Black Tiger Cliff, right?"

She estimated the distance, extending from the stable to this point, just entering the mountainside. And she glanced at Shimen, pressed it up with her little hand, and pushed it lightly.


First there was a muffled sound, dust and smoke rose everywhere, and then the door slot came loose and was creaked and pushed open a gap.

Xiao Jin went in and took a look, but it was a boxy secret room, nothing else, just dozens of boxes, all of which were high-quality camphorwood boxes, with brass edges.

She stepped forward, opened it casually, and found a box of bullets inside.


She blinked her eyes, opened the box cracklingly, and then covered her face, MMP! Sure enough, there is no hope for township entrepreneurs.

No way, you have to combine the background of the times. When Li Runzhi made his fortune, it was just before Xia Guo established his dynasty, and the warlords divided the regime, and the war was raging, so for him, what was the most valuable

Of course it's gold and silver, munitions, medicinal materials, and opium!

So, out of these dozens of boxes, ten are filled with gold bars, five are filled with all kinds of jewelry, and twenty are filled with smoke paste that has deteriorated long ago and exudes the smell of stale urine. The rest are all shell guns, made in Hanyang, Zhongguan, and a few flower cards.


Xiao Jin's hair exploded in an instant, and she walked around clutching her hair, feeling ashamed. People get treasures from Sazu Daoyin, Chiyang Sword Art, and Ginseng Spirit Horse. Why is it my turn, this is it

She rolled around for a long time before she stabilized, picked up a large yellow croaker and tossed it up and down to play.

"Antiques in the prosperous age, gold in the troubled times, is it the prosperous or the troubled times now? It used to be the gold standard, but in a few years it will be the spirit stone standard. Cut it, it's boring!"

She didn't bother to take it, but after thinking about it, she pulled out the storage bag and put twenty gold bars in it - go back and try to see if it can be used in the refiner.

After finishing it, Xiao Jin was about to escape out of the secret room when she suddenly stopped.


She turned around and came to a box, inserted her hand in it, grabbed a corner and lifted it up.


A box full of jewels was scattered all over the place, but there was an old book with a yellowed cover in her hand. The standard engraving in the period of the Republic of China was turned from right to left, the characters were arranged vertically, and the title of the book was printed on the title page: "Hualong Shuo".


Xiao Jin narrowed her eyes, not knowing what to think, she just put away the book and left the secret room.


The stone door was closed again, as if it had never been opened.

Given the current harsh environment in Ailao Mountain, the Li family's mansion and the secret room may disappear in the new world for a long time.

It was getting late, the campsite was brightly lit, and everyone huddled together and shivered.

In this mutated mountain, the danger at night is several times higher than that during the day. Even though the ancestor draws a circle to protect him, but he is not around, it is inevitable to be trembling.


Suddenly, there was a crackling sound outside, and the floating thunder cloud sand began to move slowly. Everyone tensed up, thinking it was a sneak attack by a wild animal, but a little girl flew over.

"Back! Back!"

Everyone was overjoyed, and the atmosphere immediately heated up. Tao Yu leaned closer and asked, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, what are you supposed to do." Xiao Jin waved her hand.

"Uh, that..."

One buddy was so courageous that he didn't leave. He hesitated and asked, "Have you found the treasure of the Li family?"

"Of course I found it, and I went in for a walk."


This sentence nailed everyone's legs and feet in place, listening to the sound with ears pricked up. People in southern Yunnan know the legend of Li Runzhi's treasure, and they found it unexpectedly.

Tao Yu was also very surprised, and carefully said: "Then, what's in there?"

"Gold, it's all over the house."

Good guy! The camp suddenly became lively.

"Haha, let me just say, there must be a treasure! The Li family has been in Xinping for generations, so how much money do you have to search for?"

"I heard from my grandfather that at least three hundred boxes of gold are needed! What's the price of gold now?"

"Fuck, that's over 100 million!"

"Hey, little fairy, have you brought them all out?"

"What do I use it for?" Xiao Jin asked.

"That's gold! Gold!"

"That's right, you treat it like dung, we need it, why don't you do me a favor and take us to move it?"

This group of people was rushed by the treasure, and immediately screamed loudly, forgetting their previous propriety.

"Yo, gold..."

Xiao Jin had a half-smile, and glanced at everyone, "Whoever wants to dig by himself, don't bother me! Work!"


As soon as the last two words came out, everyone covered their ears and felt their eardrums bulge and hurt, and then they felt dizzy and convulsed again. It took a long time to recover, and there was no sound in the field, and there were waves of fear.

Night, accommodation area.

On the other side of the drilling well, work continued to confirm the precise distribution of the ore seam. The sound of mechanical operation came, and the trembling barracks trembled slightly. They all eat this bowl of rice, and they have long been used to it. Those who are on shifts fall asleep without being affected at all.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Come in!"

Tao Yu pushed the door open and entered. Xiao Jin sat at the table with an old book spread out, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Uh, let me accompany you."

Tao Yu put his head down very low, and said, "They didn't do it on purpose. They used to be workers. When they hear about treasures, it's inevitable, it's inevitable that they get carried away."

"That's all? Then you can go, I don't care about it."

"Then you, you..."

"It's okay if I say it's okay, let's go out!"

"Okay, you go to bed early."

Tao Yu had no choice but to sneak out the door.

Xiao Jin curled her lips, picked up the book and continued to flip through it. The book was written in traditional characters and arranged vertically, so it was difficult to read. She has just read two pages, which is the preface at the front.

The author's name is Yuan Songzi, a wandering Taoist priest in the late Qing Dynasty, who lived for a long time and lived in Xinping for a while, and was honored by Li Runzhi as a guest of honor.

He has no great skills, but he likes to study ancient books, travel around the world, and is very interested in some weird things. And this "Theory of Transforming Dragons" belongs to the category of miscellaneous talks, which is to test whether the creature "dragon" exists or not.

Long, maybe you haven't seen it.

Regarding its origin, the early saying is: After the Yellow Emperor defeated Emperor Yan and Chi You, he toured the Quartet, which is in line with Busan. They took parts from the totems of each tribe and combined them to form a dragon.

But as more and more dragons are discovered in prehistoric cultural sites, this rhetoric is hardly mentioned.

After that, they began to discuss from the perspective of biology, saying that dragons have prototypes, but the ancients exaggerated them.

The most influential one is the snake theory. For example, Wen Yiduo has verified that the prototype of the dragon totem is the snake totem. Others think that the prototype is a crocodile, a lizard, a horse, or even a thunderbolt.

The reason is this variant character: Long.

The angle of this book "Hualong Shuo" is relatively new. It is explained from ancient books and Taoist theories, which is a bit random, but Xiao Jin read it with great interest.

Yuan Songzi first mentioned the Dragon Book. According to legend, when the Fuxi family, there was a picture of a dragon coming out of the river. Fuxi used the dragon to record events and created a text, which is called the Dragon Book.

Later, in the period of Emperor Shun, there was a behavior of raising dragons. "When Shun was in power, people came to imitate and offer dragons, hoping to eat them."

Then there were records of seeing dragons in all dynasties, and it was more detailed in the Tang Dynasty: "People in Tongcheng County, Shuzhou Huju, a green dragon died in the court. Every one is more than ten feet long, and the scales are all fish. The beard is two feet long and has two horns. Each is two feet long."

Then there is the Qing Dynasty, which is accurate to a certain year and a certain month, "In June of the fifty-sixth year, the red dragon in Juzhou was seen in Longwangyu. It was big first and then small. It was several feet long.

The most recent one was in the Republic of China, and it was the very famous "Dragon Falling Incident at Meigouying".

Some of these contents are close to myths and legends, and some are indeed recorded in classics. Yuan Songzi expounded his views in a state of letting himself go.

He said that in the pre-Qin period, when human nature flourished, those real people, perfect people, gods, etc., often traveled around the world on dragons, and traveled proudly in the void. At that time, the dragon was used as three sedan chairs: one was the dragon sedan chair, the other was the tiger sedan chair, and the third was the deer sedan chair, which belonged to powerful riding tools.

Later, with the decline of humanity and the rise of immortality, the role of dragons also began to change. Especially in the folk, dragons began to be deified gradually, and the belief of five dragons - gold, wood, water, fire, and earth - gradually emerged.

Then it was used by the emperor for marketing, what kind of people and dragons are one, and he claims to be the real dragon emperor Barabara.

In fact, in the mainland of Xia Kingdom, they were all called Dragon God at first, and there was no such thing as Dragon King. This is after the introduction of Buddhism, combined with the native land, it became the Dragon King.

Yuan Songzi believes that from ancient times to the present, as monks become less and less capable, dragons' grades and virtues have also become worse and worse. Because no one regarded it as a god before, it was all mounts and food...

In the end, he subdivided dragons into more than a dozen types, including 虺, Qiu, Jiao, Chi, Jiao, etc., which all resembled each other.

In short, Yuan Songzi came to his own conclusion after a lot of discussion: Dragons, the essence of heaven and earth, must exist by responding to them.


When Xiao Jin put down her book, before she knew it, the sky was bright and it was already the morning of the next day.

She leaned back with a snap, her two long legs were placed on the table, the legs of the stool were tilted up, and she closed her eyes and thought. If I had read this book five years ago, it would have been nonsense.

But now, if you use the theory of aura to explain it, well, it seems to make sense.