Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 40: hate


When Gu Yu heard the other party's words, he thought that Zeng Yuewei had been hurt in some way, and his momentum was full for a while.

Mo Laodao was also wronged. He really didn't know the inside story. His hands that were about to make a move became stiff, and he could only lean on his side tightly, and his whole body became more and more stooped. It seemed that all flesh and bones were crunching. Dimpled.

Although the internal qi of seventy years of painstaking practice can barely circulate, when it comes into contact with the pressure covering the whole body, it disappears like a stream flowing into the sea in an instant.

Innate spirit!

Four big characters flashed in his mind unconsciously, and he was extremely sure that this was exactly the realm he could not dream of!

The old Taoist was startled and frightened. He understood the gap between the two so well that when he looked at the other party again, his liver and gallbladder were torn apart, and he said in a panic, "Layman... no, senior! Senior Gu! I really don't know. !"

"They gave me the incense. I saw that the incense was a bit strange, so I guessed whether it was someone from the same path."

"They are all investigating secretly. I really haven't heard of Zeng Yuewei you mentioned!"


Gu Yu paused, without any restraint: "You tell the truth."

"Yes Yes!"

The old Taoist only felt that the oppression was getting heavier, as if he would turn into a meat paste in the next second, he hurriedly said: "A friend of Li Yan is a pilgrim in my temple. He came to invite me out of the mountain. I heard the symptoms of He and Li. Curious, I followed him to Shengtian. I treated the two of them and asked them to follow the clues to find them. They might have a target, and they found the pill by following the vine. "

"What clue?"

"That's right, it's the method you used, senior..." The guy tried his best to hold on, his head was already sweating profusely, and his face was distorted.


He knew it in his heart, and at the same time, he was somewhat vigilant. Such things as qi damage to the meridians, I originally had the idea that no one would be able to investigate, but it turned out to be really seen.

Immediately, he asked again: "Aside from the few of you, who else is in Baicheng?"

"He Zun and Li Yan are here, but they seem to... seem to go to other places, where they say they are waiting."


Gu Yu thought about it for a while, and then waved his hand.


Lao Dao suddenly felt that the pressure disappeared, and his body relaxed, and he collapsed on the chair. After a while, he let out a long breath as if he had escaped from death.

Before, he held the posture of certification, communication and even discussion, but the result was good, and he was hanged every minute. After 70 years of cultivating Taoism, he is still no better than a young man. Although he is very ashamed and angry, when this energy is suppressed, it is a great sense of excitement.

He thought that he would never touch the Xiantian realm in his life, but at this moment, there was a living example poked in front of him. Acquired and innate are like heaven and earth, just like children and adults, virgins and old drivers, they are essentially crushing.

Well, this somewhat alleviated the embarrassment of being stunned.

After the old Taoist recognized the reality, his style of painting changed drastically, and he stopped putting on airs and pretending to be aggressive. As soon as he recovered, he asked, "Senior, dare to ask, have you practiced to the innate state?"


Gu Yu laughed, feeling that this person was also amazing, and said, "Do you still want to try?"

"No, no, I never mean to offend! It's just that I have been seeking the Tao all my life and finally met an expert. If I can't find the answer, I will die with regret." These words are sincere.

Gu Yu thought for a while, and then replied: "I don't understand your orthodoxy, but what I have learned, there is no distinction between acquired and innate."

"Oh? This..."

The old Taoist had a lot of doubts, but he also knew that it would be good if the other party answered, and said: "No matter what, the one who has achieved the highest level of cultivation is the first. Senior is a reclusive expert, and I have been disturbed by this for nothing. Please let me make up for my mistakes."

"No need!"

Gu Yu understood what this meant, and while hurting the other party's integrity, he took the phone and put it away, saying: "I just wanted to say hello, so as not to cause trouble later."

With that said, he took another bunch of keys, put on his shoes and was about to go out.

"Senior! Senior!"

The old Taoist called twice, and quickly followed.

outside the hospital.

The five people were spinning around boredly. The guy had been in for a long time, but he could only hear faint shouts from inside, but he didn't know what was going on. Wu Xiaoshan was short-tempered and couldn't help but rushed in several times, but was stopped by Sun Baosheng.

He quite trusts the old man's ability, not to mention the boss's orders, everything will follow the arrangement. After waiting for a while, finally there was movement over there, the door opened, but the two of them came out together.

"Brother Bao, what's the situation?" Yu Tao asked in a low voice.

"It may have been done, anyway, pay attention!"

While talking, the two of them approached, and the guy looked like a fairy again, and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I kept you waiting for a long time."

"Master Dao, this is..." Sun Baosheng pointed at Gu Yu.

"Oh, Mr. He wants to see this layman, and this layman also wants to see Mr. He, so we just go together."


Sun Baosheng felt a little weird, but please get in the car, after all, it is considered to have completed the task.

At the same time, in the courtyard of the Zeng family.

Grandma Zeng has been chatting with He Zun and Li Yan all the time, seemingly drinking tea and chatting, but in fact she is shooting openly and secretly. The old lady was trembling with fear, feeling like she was sitting on pins and needles.

She probably figured out the reason, the target today was Xiao Gu, and her granddaughter was just a foil. The two chose the Zeng family as their home game, which was also a warning, not to pursue Zeng Yuewei any more.

They arrived here after ten o'clock, and they were relaxed at first, but as time passed, they became a little impatient. Until noon, I finally heard a noise outside, followed by the sound of chaotic footsteps.

He Zun was slightly calm, and said with a smile: "It seems that the guests have arrived."

"I don't know what kind of person it is." Li Yan also added a sentence.

The old lady had nothing to say, only a worried wry smile on her face. With the sound of footsteps approaching, several people came in from outside the court, led by Mo Laodao, followed by Sun Baosheng, Wu Xiaoshan and Yu Tao.

On the right side of the old road, half a step later, there is a tall and thin young man.

As soon as this person appeared, two eyes immediately fixed on his face. Gu Yu's appearance was indeed alluring, He Zun and Li Yan's eyes lit up, and then they became even more vicious.

"Grandma Zeng!"

Gu Yu gestured to the old lady first, then turned to the other side, and said with a smile, "The two are Mr. He and Mr. Li, right?"


Seeing his calm attitude, He Zun felt angry, and said coldly, "You are quite courageous!"

"Heh, you two came here specially, I have to pay a visit no matter what."

He found a chair and sat down, still swaying.

"Okay! At this point, I just ask you..."

He Zun leaned forward, stared intently, and said word by word: "Did you do it?"

"Since you have already suspected, why ask again?"


This was an admission in disguise, and the expressions of the two of them changed suddenly. They were 70% sure, but hearing the other party say it, the anger value was doubled.

He Zun's reaction was even worse, wishing to tear him apart: "Ah Tian has no grievances or enmity with you, why did you strike so hard?"