Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 419: What should a murderer do (below)


An old acquaintance came from above, Wang Qi.

Speaking of which, this person has also participated in many major events, such as the negotiations in Wumu City, the development of Tianzhu Mountain, the trip to Bonn, etc., and is mainly responsible for communicating with the practice community.

The venue for the negotiation was the Daoist Academy, and Wang Qi brought along several experts, all of whom were experts in the field of sociology, psychology, and law. The government is on its own side, and tacitly allows the Taoist temple to participate independently, plus Phoenix Mountain, to discuss with the three parties.

At this moment in the hall, everyone was seated, and the experts were still a little nervous. Wang Qi took the initiative to take the post of host, and said: "Mr. Gu, you invited us over, we have already arrived, you mean new legislation, I think Listen to the reason."

"If you block Phoenix Mountain and only deal with Tang Bole's murder case, what will you do?" Gu Yu didn't answer, but asked instead.

"Well… "

The legal expert glanced at Wang Qi and said, "According to the information we have, he should have committed manslaughter and should be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years."

"More than three years, less than seven years..."

Gu Yu nodded and said, "Okay, you can take people away, but do you dare to put them in prison?"

"this… "

Wang Qi paused, and admitted reluctantly, "I really dare not."

Think about it, to imprison a monk in prison, what a proper prison bully! Even if he was handcuffed and tucked into a small dark room alone, there was no guarantee that he would not be able to do things.

Because the monk's methods are too secretive and diverse, maybe when he wakes up the next day, his head will fly off. If you want to say that you beat the disabled first and then put them in prison, please, isn't that a slap in the face of justice and equality

"You dare not accept it, so we can only discuss it and re-establish the rules. This is the reason." Gu Yu said.

"That's right. When the current laws cannot meet the needs of social development, new laws must be enacted."

The expert agrees, adding: "However, this requires long-term investigation and research. First understand the target group and the main contradiction, and then..."


Gu Yu interrupted with a wave of his hand, saying: "It's too complicated, it can be simplified completely. The target group is two parties, monks and ordinary people."

"No, there are monks to monks, this is also very important." The expert hurriedly said.

"It's not necessary."

Lu Yuanqing suddenly interjected, saying: "When monks compete, strength is the most important thing, regardless of life or death!"


The professor was like a duck whose neck had been pinched, his face was flushed, and he remembered the identities of these gangsters again, so he was as quiet as a chicken.

Wang Qi's expression remained unchanged, but his tone was very strange. He asked, "Daoist Lu, do you mean that we can only let the monks fight wantonly and sit idly by?"

"Hmph, it's nice to say, you can't control it at all!"

Wu Shan, who has been silent for a long time and behaved like a wine glass, also opened his mouth, "Entering my way, it is a world of difference from ordinary people. I practice all kinds of dharmas, seek longevity, my heart is full of the sun and the moon, and my mind is the universe. In your words , the level of life and the end point are different, what do you guys do???"


Wang Qi has participated in countless negotiation meetings, but the first time he was stunned, he couldn't refute it—because Wu Shan's role is too important.

"Okay, let's not mention this for now, you can continue." There was no way, he found a way for himself.

"A group is two parties, and the content is very simple. What behaviors do we want to prohibit?" Gu Yu said.

"No indiscriminate killing!" A professor said first.

"Do not practice evil skills privately, collaborating with the enemy and treason!" Another also said.

"Don't attack ordinary people!" The third followed.

Let's talk about normal laws, with specific items and a wide range. Just the bad behavior of people to people, there are insults, slander, obscenity, forced penetration, taking turns to applaud, and so on.

Even if it is a beating, it is divided into minor injuries, minor injuries, and serious injuries.

Because we are human beings, their social relationships are too complicated, and their emotions are too complicated. Cultivators are different, and they have a different perspective on ordinary people. There is basically no such thing as slander, extortion and insult.

Generally disdain to shoot, but if you shoot, you will be injured or die! So, these few people locked the scope tightly, extremely strict.


Gu Yu frowned, and said: "Simple does not mean rough, you are all experts in the industry, please trouble me to refine it."

Ever since, everyone discussed together, arranged according to the severity of the consequences, and quickly settled on the first one:

"Under any circumstances, you must not kill innocent people indiscriminately! Those who secretly practice evil skills, sacrifice blood to live their souls, and regard ordinary people's lives as child's play, are unforgivable crimes!"

"Yes!" Gu Yu said.

"Yes!" Lu Yuanqing said.

"Yes!" Wang Qi said.

"Article 2, you must not collude with foreign forces, sell information and Taoism, and harm the interests of the Xia Kingdom."

"Also!" the three said.

"Article 3, it is forbidden to fight in public places to avoid manslaughter and manslaughter."

This is related to Tang Bole's case, Gu Yu said: "Yes!"

"Article 4, do not hurt people at will, use spells to confuse, humiliate, defraud money, etc."


After talking about four items, I made detailed annotations. In fact, the scope is very small. It took more than half a day to basically finish this part.

Next, is the most core punishment. Several professors were self-aware, but they didn't know the way of practice, so they just sat on the sidelines.

Gu Yu first said: "First and second, first look at the sect. If something happens to the disciples of each sect, each sect is responsible for cleaning up the sect. If the sect covers up, it is tantamount to a crime, and any other party signed today can be killed! If there is no sect No faction, monks in the world, you can kill them!"


It felt so powerful, Lu Yuanqing and Wang Qi were a little surprised, after careful consideration, "Yes!"

"Articles 3 and 4 are more complex in content, and I suggest revising them with reference to the current law."

"How to change the law?" Wang Qi asked.

The show meat finally came, Tang Bole committed the third, manslaughter. In an instant, everyone's eyes were focused on Gu Yu, to see whether he would intentionally cover up the righteousness in front of him, and it was his disciple's turn.

"Tang Bole killed someone by mistake, everyone should judge on the spot, how should he be punished?" Gu Yu said.

"this… "

Several experts were taken aback for a moment, then reacted and discussed on the spot.

"If there is no objection to the facts, Tang Bole has foreseen that his actions may cause the death of the victim, but he credulously believes that it can be avoided, which is an overconfident manslaughter. And his original motive was to see injustice and save others. Later, he voluntarily cooperated, and the circumstances were relatively minor, so he should be sentenced to three years in prison."

"Three years..."

Gu Yu nodded, and said: "My suggestion is, let him choose two ways. One is to abolish his cultivation and go to prison for three years. Two, he will be exiled to the Jedi, and his life and death will be determined by God within three years."


Everyone was surprised, this person was really thinking something different, Wang Qi unconsciously used the honorific: "Sir, what do you mean by exile?"

"The snow field outside the pass is extremely cold and vast for thousands of miles. The fire island in the northwest is barren and full of fierce wind and fire. The Dead Sea in the southeast and the restricted area near the sea are rampant with water monsters. The wasteland in the southwest is full of poisonous miasmas and countless insects. objection?"

"No objection!" Everyone said in unison.

"These four places have harsh environments and difficult exploration, but don't forget that only extreme environments can create high-quality resources. If they are exiled voluntarily, go in to explore the terrain, search for materials, and make meritorious deeds depending on the situation. Even if there is no merit, as long as they are alive Get out of jail and be free."


The audience fell into silence, always feeling a little whimsical, but inexplicably appropriate. Only Wu Shan muttered a few words, as if complaining about the squeamishness of modern people, which is also considered punishment.

"Sir, what if they take the opportunity to escape?" Wang Qi asked again.

"You can check regularly and contact them. If they can't even bear this bit of suffering, and still want to escape... then they will be regarded as repeat offenders, or their cultivation bases will be abolished, or they will be killed!"

After a whole day like this, Wang Qi took the people away at night the next day. Along with it, there are four general rules, twenty-eight detailed rules, and twenty punishment measures.

Signed by three parties: Phoenix Mountain, Qiyun Taoist Temple, and the official.

Not surprisingly, this new regulation will be promulgated and implemented soon, and Tang Bole will also become the first accurate user. Of course, these are temporary considerations, and will continue to be improved and supplemented as the situation becomes more complicated in the future.

After Wang Qi left, Gu Yu also wanted to go back to the mountain.

Lu Yuanqing led the crowd to see them off at the foot of Zhuling. He didn't say anything, but Chao Kongtu was very emotional, and kept saying: "Oh, you are really kind to those people. You are not just punishment, I'm afraid it's not Are you training your disciples? I hope that Tang Bole will be promising and come out alive. Don't let your painstaking efforts down..."

"You talk too much!"

Gu Yu rolled his eyes at him, turned into a golden flame, and left through the air.

Ten days later, Ice City.

Bingcheng is the capital of Heishui Province, more than 500 kilometers away from Xidu and more than 1,000 kilometers away from Shengtian. It is these thousands of miles apart, but the three places have three completely different scenery.

The ice city has already gained its reputation, completely covered by heavy snow, and it looks like a vast expanse. Xixi is neither cold nor hot, but warm as spring; Shengtian is still in the end of summer, still like a stove.

But at this moment, a few figures actually appeared on the outskirts of the ice city that had long been deserted.

There were seven people in total, starting with Xiao Jin and Tang Bole, followed by the government personnel in charge of supervision and liaison. The seven people got out of the car, walked forward for a while, and arrived at the area of exile.

"Miss Jin, you can't go anymore." Someone reminded.

"OK, got it!"

Xiao Jin waved her hand, stopped, and said to Tang Bole: "There are meat and grass in it, you will never starve to death, you already feel angry in your body, you can meditate when you are cold, and you will not freeze hard at all."

Her way of comforting people was still fresh and refined, and she took out a standard dagger and handed it over, saying: "You are not stupid, you should understand what brother-in-law means, and work hard to live!"


Tang Bole took over the dagger, and tightly pursed his lips. He seemed to have changed in a few days, and he was no longer as casual as before. He said, "I will survive. Will the mountain gate still want me?"


"Then I'm going!"