Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 42: senior


Before He Zun signaled his subordinates, he and Li Yan had already been tricked, and what they saw afterwards were all illusions.

With Gu Yu's current strength, it is already the limit to drag two people in. Joy, anger, sorrow, joy, sadness, fear, and shock are essentially the same, but if you have to compare yourself, fear is undoubtedly the most powerful.

He usually teases those little animals, he doesn't intend to hurt them, and what he inflicts is joy, such as seeing a beautiful female, or dropping a bunch of delicious bugs and so on. This time, using fear as a guide, I tried it for the first time, and the effect was not bad.

It's just that the time is too short and the power is not enough, otherwise they could rush to the street on the spot.

According to the fishbone record: a person with great power can make thousands of people fall into a long dream with a single thought, and live in an illusion for a lifetime without realizing it. That is truly boundless, without beginning and without end.

But at this moment, when He and Li woke up, they seemed to still retain that great fear, and when they heard Gu Yu's call, they trembled and dared not respond.

"Mr. He!"

Gu Yu followed everyone's timeline and asked, "What do you want to come to me today?"

"I… "

He Zun really wants to ask, is your meow a human or a demon? But when he met those faint eyes, his heart trembled suddenly, and he said in a trembling voice: "No, no, I didn't think about it, it's all a misunderstanding! Misunderstanding!"


Li Yan nodded as well, and hurriedly said: "We heard that you are skilled in making incense, so we made a special trip to pay a visit. There is nothing else at all."

"Really?" Gu Yu tilted his head and asked.

"No no!"

"Absolutely not!"

The two waved their hands in panic.


Others looked at each other in blank dismay, Grandma Zeng was in a daze, and a pony boy was even better, what's going on? What about being arrogant and domineering and bullying? Why did you become a dog in the blink of an eye

Two mall tycoons in their fifties curled up on the sofa like children, looking funny and weird. The little brothers felt very ashamed and angry, but they didn't dare to say anything, only Mo Laodao twisted his beard, and seemed to know a thing or two.

And Gu Yu secretly observed that the two of them were really frightened, and said: "I am honored that you two came here specially, but I have something to do today, and I really don't have time..."

"It's okay, it's okay, there will be opportunities in the future!"

"That's right, then we won't bother you anymore, so let's take our leave."

"Old sister, I offended you today, and I will definitely come to the door to make amends some other day."

As they said that, He Zun and Li Yan stood up, uttered routines, and ran out of the courtyard without stopping. Seeing this, Mo Laodao nodded slightly at Gu Yu, and said, "The poor Taoist also bid farewell."

Well, a group of people come and go, it's hard to guard against.

"Little Gu, this..."

The old lady was sitting in the living room, her head was still a little confused, today was a day of ups and downs, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

"Don't worry, it's fine."

Gu Yu comforted him, and said with a smile: "The incense you want is almost ready, and I'll deliver it in a few days... that's fine, I have to go too."

"Hey, little Gu!"

"Little Gu!"

The old lady chased after him for two steps, but she couldn't keep up with the rhythm, so she had to watch him go out.

For some reason, at that moment just now, she always felt that the other party was a little alienated, not the cold kind, but like a layer of mist, unable to see clearly or understand.

She didn't understand why He and Li changed their attitudes, but she knew it must have something to do with him, and she just felt that this young man became more and more mysterious.

"Daoist! You must know, what's going on?"

In a luxury hotel in Baicheng, Li Yan begged repeatedly as soon as he entered the suite.

They left Zeng Zhai and did not return immediately, but went to the hotel - this is also the property of the He family. The two asked the younger brother to retreat, leaving only Mo Laodao, just to find out the truth.

The old man knelt and licked in front of Gu Yu, regained some confidence from them, and asked, "What did you see?"

"He, he just disappeared out of thin air... and then there were a lot of snakes popping up in all directions! There could be thousands of them!"

He Zun waved his hands, and his tone was fierce, with a little panic: "They are all covered with snakes, just rolling around and screaming..."

Li Yan continued: "Then Ayang's gun also turned into a snake, and we fell to the ground... They crawled on me and bit down like that, I can clearly see it now..."

Speaking of this, the two stopped at the same time, remembering the pain of being swallowed by ten thousand snakes.


Mo Laodao forced himself to be calm, but there was a storm in his heart: It really is Taoism! Really true way! I have been struggling all my life to get it, but finally got to see it. I can't help feeling mixed feelings, and I am in a trance.



He came back slowly after being called a few times, calmed down, and said: "I will not hide the matter from you until now, that senior is an expert in the world, and you fell right into the spell he cast."


The two are booming, and the three views are instantly subverted. After a long while, He Zun asked: "You mean, there are really gods in this world?"

"Heh, I dare not call you a god."

Now that it's all over, he simply revealed a little bit, explaining: "We are all cultivators, each with our own inheritance, and have always existed in the world, but the number is very small, and you can't tell the difference."

"I am far behind that person's ability. I also advise the two of you, it's best to let this matter go, and don't make troubles. You can't imagine that person's means, don't kill yourself for it."

"Also remember, don't spread it to outsiders. If it spreads out, the entire Taoist sect will be shocked and investigated, not to mention your secular power. At that time, I'm afraid you will not be able to protect yourself."


After another silence, Li Yan said: "You have troubled yourself, let us think about it."

"Alright, Pindao wants to stay for a few days, and if he doesn't come back with you, he will take his leave first."

After all, he flicked his sleeves away, leaving two hard-working middle-aged and elderly people thinking about life.

Waiting for revenge

People said it very clearly, if you really do it, you won't even know how you died. Thinking about the illness of the two sons, thinking about the black snakes, hey, I lost my mind immediately.

Disclose the news

This way they can fully understand that in Shengtian he is a big boss, and he is not even a fart in the whole country. It would take a lot of hard work to provoke those giants.

In this way, it seems that they can only admit cowardice. If the son said it would be useless, he would be slapped, and if his face was slapped, he would be slapped, and he had to bear it even if the slaps were swollen!

It looks suffocating, but well...

The two of you have struggled for so many years, and it is not a cover that you can bend and stretch. If you think about it from another angle, it is close to the water! That little fairy, can others see it

Don't ask for much, as long as you change your impression a little bit, it is a good opportunity. I dare not talk about longevity, but longevity is possible, right? Just look at Mo Laodao and you will know...

And for them, is there anything more tempting than this

Gu Yu didn't know how those people thought about it, but for a moment, he really wanted to kill the grass and root it out. It's a pity that the strength is too weak, and it is not easy to deal with the aftermath.

He and Li are both famous families in Shengtian, if they die at the same time, it will be a big trouble.

When he calmed down, he couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat. He hated this "overlooking all living beings" thinking mode, but he was moving closer in this direction.

Gu Yu doesn't want to become a pretentious animal, obsessed with, love, compassion, persistence, hatred, longing, sorrow, pain, struggle, hesitation... He doesn't want to lose these feelings, otherwise there is no point.

In the afternoon, he returned from Zeng's house and continued to concoct spices.

As dusk approached, Fang Qing's next day's exam was over, so she invited him over for dinner again. According to the little girl, today's performance is still good, and there will be one subject left tomorrow, which is all rote memorization, which can be regarded as a strong point.

The little girl is also full of confidence, Er Gao is absolutely fine.

It wasn't until six o'clock in the evening that Gu Yu came out of Fang's house. As soon as he reached the gate, he saw a dark figure poking in the courtyard. When he took a closer look, it was Mo Laodao.

"You haven't left yet?" He wondered.


The old man's expression was rather tangled, he seemed to grit his teeth, and fell to his knees with a thump: "Senior, please guide me!"