Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 48: hit the street


Early morning, twilight.

The mountains are empty and the beginning of all things is the most lazy time of the day. And in the silent dense forest, there was a rustling sound suddenly, and then the branches and leaves were parted, revealing a group of people and horses.

There were six people in total, and the one leading the way was Uncle Fang, with his arms and trousers tightly tied, and a pair of iron tongs in his hand. The other person was half a step away, carrying a strong searchlight. After the rest were scattered, the two carried net bags, one carried a wooden fork, and the other carried a medicine box, and sprinkled some yellow powder as they walked.

This is a snake repelling powder prepared by experts, it is said that snakes and insects will be avoided immediately. Phoenix Mountain has a vast area, so the team adopted the method of compressing the space, forcing it to show up bit by bit.

Zhuyeqing is a twilight snake, likes low light, and often comes out in the early morning and evening. Now it is July, when the temperature is the highest, and they usually move to a shady place to live.

A total of two teams were found in the scenic spot, one to investigate the main routes, and the other to investigate the deep forest trails. Uncle Fang is worthy of being an old mountain dweller. Others see the miscellaneous roads, but he is like a treasure, which really saves a lot of energy.

The man carrying the searchlight was a policeman named Song Chao. He was young, lively, and very talkative. I kept silent all the way, and after walking for a long time without seeing the shadow of the snake, I finally started to bark: "Old Fang, what is this place?"

"This is under the old cow's back. It's three or four miles away from the steps. We call it Caoweizi. You see, the grass in this area is long and dense. If the cattle and sheep can catch up, they will have to feed five catties of fat."

When everyone saw it, it was indeed full of lush weeds, and the tallest ones could lose their waists. The one carrying the medicine box was much more stable, and said, "Xiao Song, be careful, this is the best place to hide."


Song Chao responded and winked at Uncle Fang, obviously not paying attention.

The few people walked for a while, and seeing that they were about to leave the grass enclosure, Uncle Fang paused suddenly, turned his head to look in a direction, and shouted fiercely: "Over there!"


Song Chao trembled, and subconsciously turned on the searchlight, and a super-intense beam of light shot out, which was very obvious in the gloomy mountain. If you hit a snake, you will be dizzy and shrink into a ball.

Everyone reacted quickly, the one with the wooden fork was in front, the one with the net bag behind, they moved over cautiously and quickly. As a result, when I got to the front, I saw a yellow-haired mountain mouse squatting on the spot trembling.

"Emma, I'm so excited!"

Song Chao turned off the light, and complained: "Old Fang, can you see it before you call, it's a waste of electricity to turn it on and off."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I missed it." Uncle Fang was also embarrassed.

After this interruption, the atmosphere was no longer stiff and much more relaxed. The one carrying the medicine box was the leader, looked at the time, and said, "Okay, I've been busy all morning, let's find a place to eat."

"A short walk ahead is the concrete road, and there are chairs over there." Uncle Fang identified the direction.

"Okay, let's go somewhere to rest."

Immediately, the six of them walked forward to the right. After about ten minutes, the surrounding dense forest gradually thinned out, and the line of sight became wider and wider, and a road was vaguely seen.

Several people brought their own dry food, and their stomachs were growling with hunger. Song Chao took off the anti-stab gloves, and ran forward frightened: "Don't compete with me, I have to occupy a sleeper berth, my feet are fast..."


Before he finished speaking, he just watched a blue shadow strike like lightning, not to mention the nerves of his body, even his brain didn't respond. He only felt a numbness on the back of his hand, and then it was throbbing wildly in the blood with severe pain.

And the shadow landed, as if it had chosen a route, it swished into the bushes, and disappeared after a few swings.

This change happened in just a few seconds. The crowd was so startled that they lost their consciousness, they trembled when they saw Song Chao fell to the ground, and hurried over to check.

The young man who was still alive and well just now has already gone into shock, and his wound is burning like a fire, and it quickly turns black and purple.


The leader cursed, took out the first aid medicine and fed it. Another small partner contacted the department and quickly arranged to go down the mountain for treatment. Uncle Fang was also so frightened that his liver trembled. It was just the beginning, and one person was knocked off, and he couldn't help being secretly afraid.

Several people carried Song Chao to the bench, and the leader asked with hatred, "Old Fang, you are the closest, do you see clearly?"

"No, that beast is too fast, it will disappear in the blink of an eye!"

"Damn it, if I catch it, I'll definitely skin it!"

"Captain Liu..."

The man with the wooden fork suddenly called out, but stopped talking.

"Speak up if you have something to say!"

"Uh, I think, I think that bastard planned it long ago. He might have been watching us in the grass fence, and he would jump out when we were most relaxed." The man thought about it.

"Yes, it doesn't seem to be afraid of that powder." Another person continued.


The leader's whole body trembled, and he didn't dare to follow the association, but the more he dared not, the more he couldn't stop his brain hole: If this is the case, then it's too evil!

Without success, the snake hunting team naturally couldn't continue. Especially since the injured person was a policeman, a decent civil servant, this escalated into a big deal.

When Uncle Fang and the others were about to go down the mountain, on a tree hundreds of meters away, a green snake was hissing and spitting out a letter. Its body color seemed to be more refined than before, and it lay still for a moment before winding down like a beautiful ribbon.

There was a lot of snake repelling powder sprinkled on the ground, and the snake swam leisurely past it without any delay, and went straight to the depths of the mountain.

It is indeed a green bamboo leaf. Its ancestors may have migrated from Changbai Mountain. It has been doing its job and keeping a low profile as a snake. But at some point, it felt that it was surrounded by a breath, and it was slowly nourishing.

With the size of the snake's brain, it's hard to figure out what's going on, only a vague feeling: hunting is easier and swimming is faster.

There are only two instincts of living things: survival and reproduction.

Now, the green snake seems to have one more thing, that is, longing, longing for this mysterious breath. It is particularly sensitive to anything that has a similar smell, such as a flower, a fruit... These should all be its own, but there is still a damn fat squirrel fighting for it.

Originally, the green snake was fine in the mountains. But recently, it felt that the breath had become more restless, and even affected itself. Coupled with the increase in the group of noisy and annoying two-legged creatures, it really wanted to fight to relieve this anxiety.

The green snake swam slowly, suddenly stopped, and its upper body straightened up suddenly.


On a tree not far away, a big gray-haired squirrel maintained a squatting posture of a farmer, and was greeting it.



The two animals speak different accents and seem to be able to communicate.

After screaming for a while, the green snake suddenly got angry and rushed up the tree trunk. The squirrel had been on guard for a long time, jumped to another tree, and disappeared.

The green snake raised its pupils again, stared coldly in that direction, and then slowly walked away.

At the same time, at Fenghuangji's home, Gu Yu was sighing.

The fact that two tourists were bitten was considered big news in Baicheng. He naturally knew about it, including the news of the establishment of a snake hunting team. Of course, Uncle Fang didn't expect to join.

What worries him now is that he can't go up the mountain to practice, so as not to be bumped into by others and caught and sliced.

And what's even worse: Xiao Zhai is coming tomorrow Saturday.