Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 482: I come


The person who came was a man with a slender figure and a blurry face, as if surrounded by a layer of light smoke.

The white woman named Lilia was horrified, she was obviously not the group of idiots she had thrown off, she couldn't help trembling: "Who are you?"

She has an odd accent and rough grammar. The man tilted his head, tried to understand, but gave up immediately, and sighed: "It's difficult to communicate, you just need to know, I'll kill you!"

The last four words are spoken in English.


Lilia and the supporting companions shuddered all over, and suddenly felt a bone-chilling chill that this person could not resist from the bottom of their hearts. In an instant, the black robe moved without wind, and the hood was raised, and the companion was actually a woman.

Their almost instinctive silver pupils flickered, and two translucent humanoid spirits flew out of them. Strange energy crazily surged from all directions, and the two incorporeal bodies instantly swelled, extremely huge and full of astonishing power.

The place where the two are located has been shrouded by this force, forming a field, and advancing rapidly. It is like an invisible wild beast, devouring trees, rocks, grass, sand, and even the substances in the air.

Wherever he passed, there was a short strange zone, a blank space.



A very low voice sounded like it sounded from the deepest and most turbid underground, and a faint golden light flashed and disappeared, just like the flaming and pure red light when the scorching sun was in the sky.

And in the next second, Jian Guang suddenly flourished!

The sky and the earth were dim, as if all sounds had been sucked away, and time stopped. There was only this bright and dazzling trajectory in the endless void, illuminating the eternity of the eerie night.

Wipe away chaos, cut chaos, I have a sword in my hand!

One sword, just one sword, forcibly tore apart the strangely powerful wild beast.


Those two spiritual bodies roared, in fear and anger, they were like the Siberian snow and ice field, which was completely melted by the scorching sun.

The faces of the two women were even more contorted, their silver pupils flashed wildly, and a bloody flower burst open, flowing out strips of semi-melted silver slurry.

The slurry quickly covered the whole body, and the blood essence volatilized at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turned into two pools of silver liquid.

From the man's move to the present, it's only a moment.

When the golden light dissipated, the pine wind made a gentle noise, the sand and gravel rolled down, insects, birds and animals hummed... It seemed that nothing had happened, and the tranquility of the pine forest at dusk was restored.


He crossed the dilapidated ground, walked for a short distance, then looked around, and saw a mountain standing in the east, which was out of place with the surroundings.

The man's feet stopped, and the shooting star flew towards that side like a moon, and behind him, the crumbling blood-red setting sun finally sank down!

This larch forest is extremely vast and boundless. The terrain is generally flat, only on the east side, extending along an uplift, a hill that is neither high nor short rises from the ground.

This mountain is quite strange, the middle and lower sections are surrounded by pine forests, but only on the top of the mountain, there is a circular stone cone resembling a crater. There is no grass on the stone cone, and it is gray and silvery white.

Its outer diameter is about 200 meters, the outer ring is a ring, and there is a small semicircular dome in the middle. From a height, it looks like a mysterious lair of some kind of creature.

This place is called the most peculiar and mysterious place on earth by scientists in Mao, and the local Yakuts call it the Fire Eagle's Nest affectionately.

The cause of the Fire Eagle's Nest is unknown. Mao Guo sent scientific research teams several times, but when they got close to the Eagle's Nest, they either felt unwell and died suddenly, or lost their minds and killed each other. So we can only guess wildly, such as the remnants of the Tunguska explosion, such as meteorite impacts, such as geological changes, etc., which will become unsolved mysteries after a long time.

At this moment, in a grotto inside the Fire Eagle's Nest, five men in black robes were arguing.

"Lilia was two days late, and Angelika didn't come back either. We should transfer immediately."

"Angelica just went out, you must be a little nervous."

"I also think we need to transfer. With Lilia's strength, there are not many people who can stop her. Even if she has something to do temporarily, two days is too long."


The leader suddenly opened his mouth and said decisively: "We will leave immediately, and I will contact you again when the next operation takes place."


Immediately, the five of them left the grotto and meandered up the winding path. If anyone is here, they will be frightened. Under the fire eagle's nest, it is completely empty!

I don't know whether it was formed naturally or by manpower. The huge mountainside was completely hollowed out, but there were not many layouts. Only a narrow winding road was built against the inner wall, leading to several grottoes.

The bottom is exposed to the original rocky ground, but strangely, many potholes have been dug on the ground. The size and size are the same, and there are hundreds of thousands of them densely packed. Some potholes are still glowing with silver light, as if some kind of liquid has been poured.

This place is weird and unusual, looking from the top down, it looks like a demon lair in the abyss.

The five people walked up in silence, the stone wall was inlaid with lights, barely illuminating some light. The leader was thin and small, he walked for a while and then stopped suddenly.

The person behind asked, "High Priest, what's wrong?"

"My spiritual servant was killed."


The four were shocked, and the spirit servant stood guard at the entrance. Didn't it mean that someone trespassed


"Da da da… "

At this moment, there was a slight but clear sound of footsteps above his head, the high priest stopped his subordinates and waited for the man to come down instead.

After a while, against the dim light, a person slowly revealed his figure. The high priest looked at it for a moment, and then spit out a sentence of Xia Guoyu: "Are you Gu Yu?"

"How did you guess that?" The visitor asked curiously.

"My spiritual servant has your residual aura. I have already felt this aura in Bonn."

"Oh? You were there at that time..."

Gu Yu became more and more surprised. Let alone Bonn, just looking at the strength of the five opponents was unexpected. Four of them surpassed the two women outside, comparable to Na Kunta, and the leader was even more profound and strange, only a step behind himself.

In other words, it is a half-step human immortal peak second-level third-level Dzogchen, plus four innate masters!

"It really is you, haha!"

Seeing that the other party did not deny it, the high priest laughed suddenly, then lifted his hand and took off his hood. Seeing this, the other four people also uncovered it one after another, and they were all women.

Especially for the person at the head, the two silver pupils of light flowed, false and real, like two translucent gems embedded in the eye sockets.

"Lilia's skills are inferior to others. I have nothing to say when you found the Eagle's Nest. But since we met, why not have a good chat, maybe we can't turn enemies into friends."

She seemed to understand Xia Guo culture very well, and she was very proficient in using language without any panic or strong support. This can only show two things:

She has the confidence to convince him!

She has the confidence to kill him!

"Alright, what do you want to talk about?"

Gu Yu's whole body was relaxed, and he was in an extremely natural state. This was not laxity, but instead, he was concentrating on it, ready to fight at any time.

"You should know that although the schools of thought in the world are different, they have many similarities in essence. Whether it is cultivation, magic, or witchcraft, they all go from matter to soul, and then from soul to eternity. Taoism doesn’t understand much, but I can see that you have almost reached the apex of the material world, and the next step must be to explore the mysteries of the soul. And I dare to say that our research on the soul must be the most profound. Why don’t we cooperate, this dirty The dirty world is too boring, human beings have been greedy and fighting for thousands of years, everywhere is full of blood and desire, it is not the place where you and I should exist."

"So you want to purify the world and return to the pure land?" Gu Yu smiled.

"No, that's just the teaching of the doctrine..."

The high priest also laughed, and said: "The real purpose is that we have a way to open up a higher world!"


Rao Gu Yu couldn't help being shocked, and asked, "I'm familiar with the theory of the noble school, what you call a higher world, but the world of seven planets?"

"It can be said to be, but a more accurate description is the soul world."


Gu Yu was silent for a long while, and said: "I can't believe that there is no evidence for empty words."

"Hehe, you may have seen the appearance of the soul after death, but have you ever seen the soul of the living?"

The high priest didn't wait for him to answer, two silver pupils flickered suddenly, and a phantom disappeared in a flash.

Although the time is short, Gu Yu has already seen clearly: Different from the wandering ghosts formed by the dead, the soul body of the living has a complete human form, without a trace of black death, full of great vitality and strange power.

"Everyone in the world says that Gnosticism was established in the Middle Ages, but it is not. The first pope, Daniel, had already received the favor of the spirit before the disappearance of the spirit (this spirit is not the other spirit). When he was young, he He was approached by a mysterious power, which called itself Sophia Achamoth. It is eternal androgynous, genderless, male or female, that is to say, it comes from the upper world! We do not know how it appeared in the physical From then on, Daniel devoted himself to practice and founded a sect, but unfortunately, after the spiritual energy died, we were suppressed and killed by the Holy See."

The high priest briefly introduced some background, and said: "We have the most complete method of spiritual cultivation, which can completely separate from the mortal body and integrate into the upper world. If you want to pry into the mysteries of the soul, there will definitely be your wish."

"What about the conditions?" Gu Yu's expression was unclear and unpredictable.

"It's simple, we work together. Or you don't have to, as long as you don't get in our way, you will get what you deserve."


He fell silent again.

The lights were dim and flickering, and the empty mountainside was filled with darkness, and only the side of the passage was lit with dots of light. The space also seemed to be getting smaller and smaller, squeezed from all sides, the air became thinner, making it hard to breathe.

"If you turn a blind eye to you, you can get something in return. It's really a good exchange."

After a long time, he finally opened his mouth and sighed: "Unfortunately, I am a troublesome guy. No matter how nice your words are, it can't cover up the fact that you are a bunch of lunatics. I practice my way, and anyone I can’t be bound. I understand my way; I seek my longevity; I protect my Utopia! You, I’ll kill you!”