Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 500: The 2.0 era begins (Part 2)


"what happened?"

Lu Yuanqing and others outside the door rushed in, obviously feeling the fluctuation. Xiao Zhai shook his head, expressing his ignorance, and asked, "Senior Wu, how do you feel?"

"very bad."

The red phantom hid in the wine cup, not even daring to raise its head, only a faint voice came out: "The shock just now almost knocked my soul away, what do you think?"

"It's an indescribable feeling, it's hard to describe. I can be sure that my body is fine, but my soul seems to be lifted suddenly, and then fell from a high altitude." Shi Yunlai said.

"Me too." Mo Haofeng said.

"Me too." Wang Ruoxu said.

Speaking of this, everyone looked over there in unison, shocked again. The high priest lay limp in the prison, as if he had been summoned by something, and died without a sound.

In fact, it is not right to say that he is dead. His physical body is still intact, but his soul has left and drifted to an unknown place.

"It seems that the altar has been activated." Lu Yuanqing sighed.

"Unfortunately, I haven't had time to find out the position." Wu Shan also sighed.

"You just said that one is in the extreme north of Europe, that is, the Nordic sea, and the other..."



Before Xiao Zhai finished speaking, the third wave of shock came. The power of this wave is even stronger, and Wu Shan's influence is the most obvious. He even flashed twice hidden in the wine cup, and quickly used the exercises to stabilize his soul.

Mo Haofeng, Wang Ruoxu and others who were weaker frequently frowned, and simply sat cross-legged on the ground, calming their minds.

Xiao Zhai and Lu Yuanqing flashed out of the door, looking around, those disciples with lower strength were already sitting paralyzed everywhere, wailing.

This feeling is not pain, just like encountering a strong earthquake, it is not the body that trembles, but the soul - crumbling, as if there is no place to return.

They have cultivation bases, and they have vigorous physical bodies as barriers, yet they are in such a mess. Think about those ordinary people at the bottom of the mountain, those who are weak-willed and have no energy and blood, maybe they won't be able to survive this catastrophe.

Xiao Zhai has the highest cultivation base, he doesn't care about other things, and flies to the highest peak of Tianzhu Mountain. She sat cross-legged on the peak, quickly entered a state of looking at me alone, and worked hard to use her consciousness to sense the source of the fluctuation.

boom! boom!

The consciousness protruded out, and it went straight into the vast ocean, and a lonely boat was torn by wind and rain. She resisted the extremely uncomfortable feeling of weightlessness in her soul, and determined her position bit by bit like adjusting a compass.

After a while, she opened her eyes suddenly, left through the air, and left a sentence for Lu Yuanqing:


the capital.

This wave came from far away, and it became stronger and stronger, and it has spread to all parts of the north.

Hundreds of millions of people panicked, some poured feces and urine, and cried out inexplicably;

If I had to describe it, it would be like having a high fever, lying on the bed by myself, with no place to feel comfortable from head to toe. Sometimes awake, sometimes drowsy, and even feel like dying.

"What's going on? What's going on?"

In the office, the old man had just taken a pill and braced himself to preside over the work. He was startled and angry, this was a disaster for the whole country, and it was rare for him to lose his composure: "Have you contacted the Taoist Academy, have you figured out the situation?"

"The other side said that the altar should be activated, and one is in the southwest."

"Southwest? Inside or outside?"

"Not sure yet, Jiang Xiaozhai has already passed."

"Go to support immediately, hurry, hurry!"

Germanic, Bonn.

A few hours after the turmoil occurred in Xia Kingdom, half of Europe also encountered the same situation. This side is also in a state of desperation, and all parties communicate frantically, hoping to find the reason and solution.

Erhard didn't have time to talk to those politicians. He knew the Gnostics best, so he immediately guessed that it was the altar. The old man didn't dare to neglect, and immediately contacted Fiona.

The picture in the magic mirror is not optimistic. There are a lot of dead animals lying in a forest. Fiona's face was heavy, and she asked, "What the hell did the Gnostics do?"

"Not bad. Your strength is higher than mine, can you sense the direction?"

"Let me try."

With a swipe of Fiona's hand, a turquoise force of nature glowed from her fingertips. She closed her eyes, the green light kept beating on her fingertips, flickering like a flame.

After a while, the green light went out.

"North, far away."

"So vague?"

"I can't sense much."

"But… "

Just as he was talking, Enes rushed over, "Xia Kingdom has news that there is an altar in the Nordic Sea."


Fiona obviously had a trace of real anger, and said, "I'll go there right away!"

brush! The mirror image disappears.

As mentioned earlier, most schools of thought have similarities, and so do science.

For example, in the Taoist worldview, after death, the soul is scattered and re-integrated into a new soul. So there is a soul in this world, but people cannot see it.

Here comes the question, where do these invisible souls usually exist

In science there are concepts of three-dimensional space and four-dimensional space. Humans live in three-dimensional space, but in terms of two-dimensional space, human beings are gods; and in terms of four-dimensional space, human beings are ants.

When you understand and control the higher level, you will have an overwhelming advantage over the next level.

Therefore, in a superficial description, the so-called soul world, qi world, and the origin of Taoism in Taoism are no different from the four-dimensional space, the five-dimensional space, and the origin of the universe.

Gu Yu dissected the strange energy, and got a glimpse of information about the soul world.

It is really like a high-dimensional space, which exists around us but does not exist. There is misty, there is no substance, it is all in the state of spirit body, as if it is endless.

Most of them are unconscious remnant souls, which will be randomly fused every once in a while and transferred to the material world automatically. Very few have self-awareness, as long as they exist in the soul world, they will have eternal life. There is also a part in the middle state, powerful, but confused, and has not yet produced a clear and complete thinking.

Regardless of gender, they are all in the most primitive state of mind and soul.

And the operation of the entire soul world is following the laws of nature. For example: every seven days there is a new lower realm of the soul; there are many space barriers in the soul realm, which are separated from each other; "Creator", either.

In the path of oriental monks, human beings are the pinnacle of the material world, and after that, mastering the mysteries of the soul and cultivating supernatural powers can become immortals.

To put it simply, when you cultivate the primordial spirit, you can enter the soul world and comprehend the origin. And the power mastered by the primordial spirit is supernatural powers.

Gu Yu was fortunate enough to absorb the energy from the soul world, and had a glimpse of a mystery, which made him far ahead of others. What's more, he also got a blessing in disguise, the spirit of Xuanzhao increased a lot, it was no longer a mass, but had a faint shape.


After these many days, he had almost digested the newly added power. At this moment, he suddenly felt a wave coming from a very far away.

He immediately sensed that something was wrong, and immediately got up, with a single step, he jumped out of the fire eagle's nest hundreds of meters high. The prohibition left by the high priest was like paper, and it didn't work at all.

Gu Yu stood at the entrance of the Fire Eagle's nest, made a little identification, and quickly locked the position: southwest!